path: root/ldcg-python-manylinux-tensorflow/ansible/roles/tensorflow/tasks/manylinux-build.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ldcg-python-manylinux-tensorflow/ansible/roles/tensorflow/tasks/manylinux-build.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/ldcg-python-manylinux-tensorflow/ansible/roles/tensorflow/tasks/manylinux-build.yml b/ldcg-python-manylinux-tensorflow/ansible/roles/tensorflow/tasks/manylinux-build.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e03d2a4fae..0000000000
--- a/ldcg-python-manylinux-tensorflow/ansible/roles/tensorflow/tasks/manylinux-build.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-- name: copy upper constraints
- template:
- src: "files/upper-constraints.txt"
- dest: "{{ wheels_dir }}/upper-constraints.txt"
- mode: 0400
- force: true
-- name: create {{ py_ver }} virtualenv
- include_role:
- name: python
- tasks_from: virtualenv.yml
-- name: build and install wheels of binary Python packages
- include_role:
- name: python
- tasks_from: wheel.yml
- loop:
- - grpcio
- - "numpy{{ numpy_version }}"
- - "h5py{{ h5py_version }}"
- - Keras_Applications
- - Keras_Preprocessing
- loop_control:
- loop_var: wheel_name
-- name: remove TensorFlow {{ tensorflow_version }} sources from previous build
- file:
- path: "{{ build_dir }}/tensorflow-{{ tensorflow_version }}/"
- state: absent
-- include: fetch.yml
-- name: build TensorFlow {{ tensorflow_version }} for {{ py_ver }} # noqa no-changed-when
- shell:
- cmd: |
- set -xe
- source {{ virtualenv_path }}/bin/activate
- expect configure_tensorflow
- bazel clean --expunge
- export BAZEL_LINKLIBS=-l%:libstdc++.a
- bazel build --config=noaws --config=nogcp --config=nonccl \
- //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package --verbose_failures
- mkdir tensorflow-pkg
- bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package --cpu ./tensorflow-pkg
- chdir: "{{ build_dir }}/tensorflow-{{ tensorflow_version }}/"
- executable: /bin/bash
-- name: stop bazel server
- include_role:
- name: bazel
- tasks_from: stop.yml
-- name: get list of wheel files
- find:
- path: "{{ build_dir }}/tensorflow-{{ tensorflow_version }}/tensorflow-pkg/"
- patterns: "tensorflow_*.whl"
- file_type: file
- register: wheel_files
-- name: get filename of latest wheel
- set_fact:
- wheel_file: "{{ wheel_files.files | sort(attribute='mtime') | last }}"
-- name: install Python package
- pip:
- name: "{{ wheel_file.path }}"
- virtualenv: "{{ virtualenv_path }}"
- virtualenv_python: "/opt/python/{{ py_ver }}/bin/python3"
- extra_args: "--extra-index-url {{ pip_extra_index_url }} -c '{{ wheels_dir }}/upper-constraints.txt'"
-- name: copy resulting wheel
- copy:
- src: "{{ wheel_file.path }}"
- dest: "{{ wheels_dir }}"
- mode: 0666