path: root/ldcg-python-manylinux-tensorflow/ansible/roles/tensorflow/tasks/fetch.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ldcg-python-manylinux-tensorflow/ansible/roles/tensorflow/tasks/fetch.yml')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/ldcg-python-manylinux-tensorflow/ansible/roles/tensorflow/tasks/fetch.yml b/ldcg-python-manylinux-tensorflow/ansible/roles/tensorflow/tasks/fetch.yml
index 8c93955b3c..6ea0e8bf76 100644
--- a/ldcg-python-manylinux-tensorflow/ansible/roles/tensorflow/tasks/fetch.yml
+++ b/ldcg-python-manylinux-tensorflow/ansible/roles/tensorflow/tasks/fetch.yml
@@ -1,45 +1,74 @@
-- block:
- - name: fetch tensorflow {{ tensorflow_version }} source
- get_url:
+- name: Fetch TensorFlow source archive
+ when: tensorflow_version != 'git' and not prebuild_release
+ block:
+ - name: Fetch TensorFlow{{ variant_name }} {{ tensorflow_version }} source
+ ansible.builtin.get_url:
url: "https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/archive/v{{ tensorflow_version }}.tar.gz"
dest: "{{ build_dir }}/tensorflow-{{ tensorflow_version }}.tar.gz"
mode: 0600
- - name: unpack tensorflow {{ tensorflow_version }} source
- unarchive:
+ - name: Unpack TensorFlow{{ variant_name }} {{ tensorflow_version }} source
+ ansible.builtin.unarchive:
src: "{{ build_dir }}/tensorflow-{{ tensorflow_version }}.tar.gz"
dest: "{{ build_dir }}/"
remote_src: true
- - name: copy configure script
- copy:
- src: "files/configure_tensorflow"
- dest: "{{ build_dir }}/tensorflow-{{ tensorflow_version }}/configure_tensorflow"
- mode: 0400
- - name: drop Python 2.7 deps
- lineinfile:
- regexp: "^.*'{{ item }} >=.*$"
- state: absent
- path: "{{ build_dir }}/tensorflow-{{ tensorflow_version }}/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/setup.py"
- loop:
- - "functools32"
- - "enum34"
- - "backports.weakref"
- when: tensorflow_version != 'git'
-- block:
- - name: fetch tensorflow from git
- git:
- repo: "https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git" # noqa 401
- dest: "{{ build_dir }}/tensorflow-{{ tensorflow_version }}/"
- depth: 1
- recursive: true
- force: true
+ - name: Rename source dir for oneDNN build
+ ansible.builtin.command: "mv {{ build_dir }}/tensorflow-{{ tensorflow_version }} {{ tensorflow_build_dir }}"
+ args:
+ creates: "{{ tensorflow_build_dir }}"
+ removes: "{{ build_dir }}/tensorflow-{{ tensorflow_version }}"
+ when: onednn_build
- - name: copy configure script
- copy:
- src: "files/configure_tensorflow-git"
- dest: "{{ build_dir }}/tensorflow-{{ tensorflow_version }}/configure_tensorflow"
- mode: 0400
+- name: Fetch TensorFlow{{ variant_name }} from git
when: tensorflow_version == 'git'
+ ansible.builtin.git:
+ repo: "https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git" # noqa latest[git]
+ dest: "{{ tensorflow_build_dir }}/"
+ depth: 1
+ recursive: true
+ force: true
+- name: Fetch TensorFlow{{ variant_name }} from git at commit {{ prebuild_hash }}
+ when: prebuild_release
+ ansible.builtin.git:
+ repo: "https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git"
+ dest: "{{ tensorflow_build_dir }}/"
+ version: "{{ prebuild_hash }}"
+ depth: 1
+ recursive: true
+ force: true
+- name: Prepare TensorFlow source from git
+ when: tensorflow_version == 'git' or prebuild_release
+ block:
+ - name: Set world write access to source
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: "{{ tensorflow_build_dir }}/"
+ state: directory
+ mode: 0777
+ - name: Get oneline version of git log for this checkout # noqa no-changed-when
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ cmd: "git log --pretty=oneline -1"
+ chdir: "{{ tensorflow_build_dir }}/"
+ register: git_log
+ - name: Show git log
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ var: git_log.stdout
+ - name: Record git commit hash to variable
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ git_commit: "{{ git_log.stdout | regex_search('^[0-9a-f]+') }}"
+ - name: Save git commit hash to file
+ ansible.builtin.template:
+ src: "git_commit_hash.j2"
+ dest: "{{ wheels_dir }}/git_commit_hash"
+ owner: buildslave
+ group: buildslave
+ mode: 0444
+ force: true