path: root/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/Checker.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-01-19Update the file headers across all of the LLVM projects in the monorepoChandler Carruth
2018-10-20[analyzer] Be more plugin-friendly by moving static locals into .cpp files.Artem Dergachev
2015-09-08[analyzer] Apply whitespace cleanups by Honggyu Kim.Ted Kremenek
2015-02-15Analyzer: Replace a set of particularly ugly faux variadics.Benjamin Kramer
2014-02-17[analyzer] Improved checker naming in CFG dump.Anton Yartsev
2014-02-11Expose the name of the checker producing each diagnostic message.Alexander Kornienko
2012-01-31Reapply r149311 which I reverted by mistake.Argyrios Kyrtzidis
2012-01-31Revert r149311 which failed to compile.Argyrios Kyrtzidis
2012-01-31Convert ProgramStateRef to a smart pointer for managing the reference counts ...Ted Kremenek
2011-12-20Unweaken vtables as per http://llvm.org/docs/CodingStandards.html#ll_virtual_...David Blaikie
2011-08-12[analyzer] change "tag" in ProgramPoint from "void*" to a ProgramPointTag*.Ted Kremenek
2011-03-01[analyzer] Remove Checker V1.Argyrios Kyrtzidis
2011-02-10Split 'include/clang/StaticAnalyzer' into 'include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core'...Ted Kremenek
2011-02-08[analyzer] Move the files in lib/StaticAnalyzer to lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core.Argyrios Kyrtzidis