path: root/src/code-buffer-vixl.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-09Small optimisation for Assembler::Emit (#71)mmc28a
2020-11-10Remove use of "dummy"Martyn Capewell
2019-05-03Allow throwing exceptions from destructors for testing.Pierre Langlois
2019-03-18Silence -Wmissing-noreturn.Jacob Bramley
2018-08-30Fix a CodeBuffer API bug.Jacob Bramley
2017-10-05Add assembler/disassembler benchmark.Vincent Belliard
2017-06-01[pool-manager] Integration with aarch32.Georgia Kouveli
2017-01-03Use UNIMPLEMENTED instead of UNREACHABLE in CodeBuffer.Jacob Bramley
2016-12-20Move some NO_RETURN attributes.Jacob Bramley
2016-12-20Add a missing no-return attribute.Jacob Bramley
2016-10-24Unify the `Assembler` helpers related to the code buffer.Alexandre Rames
2016-10-24Create a base class for assemblers.Alexandre Rames
2016-09-27Correctly allocate executable memory in CodeBufferAlex Gilday
2016-08-23AArch64: Introduce a templated version of `Assembler::dc`.Alexandre Rames
2016-08-15AArch32: allow literals' updateVincent Belliard
2016-08-12Correctly include C headersPierre Langlois
2016-08-08Add GetStartAddress helper function.Artem Serov
2016-07-04Add an `AUTHORS` file and update copyright notices.Alexandre Rames
2016-07-01Use the default `vixl::aarch64::MacroAssembler` constructor where sensible.Alexandre Rames
2016-06-03Add assembler, macro-assembler and disassembler support for AArch32Pierre Langlois
2016-05-25Sort and fix `#include` directives.Alexandre Rames
2016-05-25Suffix source files in `src/` with `-vixl`.Alexandre Rames