path: root/LNTBased/speccpu2006
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-03-28Fix one more diff-line I missed in the previous commit.Michael Zolotukhin
2016-03-28Use fpcmp instead of plain diff for checking results in SPECs.Michael Zolotukhin
2016-03-12[LNTBased/SPEC] Fix 403.gcc and 471.omnetpp checkingAdam Nemet
2016-02-13Add a missing input file to 483.xalancbmk's TestModule.Michael Zolotukhin
2015-12-04[test-suite/LNTBased/SPEC] Support multiple training runsAdam Nemet
2015-11-20[test-suite/LNTBased/SPEC] Support remote and timeit (i.e. RunSafely)Adam Nemet
2015-11-17[test-suite] PGO and reference input support for SPECAdam Nemet