path: root/test/Transforms/CallSiteSplitting/callsite-split.ll
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/Transforms/CallSiteSplitting/callsite-split.ll')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Transforms/CallSiteSplitting/callsite-split.ll b/test/Transforms/CallSiteSplitting/callsite-split.ll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..419fa738563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/CallSiteSplitting/callsite-split.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+; RUN: opt < %s -callsite-splitting -inline -instcombine -jump-threading -S | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt < %s -passes='function(callsite-splitting),cgscc(inline),function(instcombine,jump-threading)' -S | FileCheck %s
+target datalayout = "e-m:e-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i64:64-i128:128-n32:64-S128"
+target triple = "aarch64-linaro-linux-gnueabi"
+%struct.bitmap = type { i32, %struct.bitmap* }
+;CHECK-LABEL: @caller
+;CHECK-LABEL: NextCond:
+;CHECK: br {{.*}} label %callee.exit
+;CHECK-LABEL: CallSiteBB.predBB1.split:
+;CHECK: call void @callee(%struct.bitmap* null, %struct.bitmap* null, %struct.bitmap* %b_elt, i1 false)
+;CHECK-LABEL: callee.exit:
+;CHECK: call void @dummy2(%struct.bitmap* %a_elt)
+define void @caller(i1 %c, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %b_elt) {
+ br label %Top
+ %tobool1 = icmp eq %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, null
+ br i1 %tobool1, label %CallSiteBB, label %NextCond
+ %cmp = icmp ne %struct.bitmap* %b_elt, null
+ br i1 %cmp, label %CallSiteBB, label %End
+ %p = phi i1 [0, %Top], [%c, %NextCond]
+ call void @callee(%struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %b_elt, i1 %p)
+ br label %End
+ ret void
+define void @callee(%struct.bitmap* %dst_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %b_elt, i1 %c) {
+ %tobool = icmp ne %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, null
+ %tobool1 = icmp ne %struct.bitmap* %b_elt, null
+ %or.cond = and i1 %tobool, %tobool1
+ br i1 %or.cond, label %Cond, label %Big
+ %cmp = icmp eq %struct.bitmap* %dst_elt, %a_elt
+ br i1 %cmp, label %Small, label %Big
+ call void @dummy2(%struct.bitmap* %a_elt)
+ br label %End
+ call void @dummy1(%struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt)
+ call void @dummy1(%struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt)
+ call void @dummy1(%struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt)
+ call void @dummy1(%struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt)
+ call void @dummy1(%struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt)
+ call void @dummy1(%struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt)
+ call void @dummy1(%struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt)
+ br label %End
+ ret void
+declare void @dummy2(%struct.bitmap*)
+declare void @dummy1(%struct.bitmap*, %struct.bitmap*, %struct.bitmap*, %struct.bitmap*, %struct.bitmap*, %struct.bitmap*)
+;CHECK-LABEL: @caller2
+;CHECK-LABEL: CallSiteBB.predBB1.split:
+;CHECK: call void @dummy4()
+;CHECK-LABEL: CallSiteBB.predBB2.split:
+;CHECK: call void @dummy3()
+;CheCK-LABEL: CallSiteBB:
+;CHECK: %phi.call = phi i1 [ false, %CallSiteBB.predBB1.split ], [ true, %CallSiteBB.predBB2.split ]
+;CHECK: call void @foo(i1 %phi.call)
+define void @caller2(i1 %c, %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %struct.bitmap* %b_elt, %struct.bitmap* %c_elt) {
+ br label %Top
+ %tobool1 = icmp eq %struct.bitmap* %a_elt, %b_elt
+ br i1 %tobool1, label %CallSiteBB, label %NextCond
+ %cmp = icmp ne %struct.bitmap* %b_elt, %c_elt
+ br i1 %cmp, label %CallSiteBB, label %End
+ %phi = phi i1 [0, %Top],[1, %NextCond]
+ %u = call i1 @callee2(i1 %phi)
+ call void @foo(i1 %u)
+ br label %End
+ ret void
+define i1 @callee2(i1 %b) {
+ br i1 %b, label %BB1, label %BB2
+ call void @dummy3()
+ br label %End
+ call void @dummy4()
+ br label %End
+ ret i1 %b
+declare void @dummy3()
+declare void @dummy4()
+declare void @foo(i1)