path: root/lib/AST/DeclOpenMP.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-03-12[OPENMP 5.0]Initial support for 'allocator' clause.Alexey Bataev
2019-03-07[OPENMP 5.0]Add initial support for 'allocate' directive.Alexey Bataev
2019-02-01Don't use ASTContext in DeclOpenMP.h because it's still incomplete.Eric Fiselier
2019-02-01[OpenMP 5.0] Parsing/sema support for "omp declare mapper" directive.Michael Kruse
2019-01-19Update the file headers across all of the LLVM projects in the monorepoChandler Carruth
2018-09-26[OPENMP] Add support for OMP5 requires directive + unified_address clauseKelvin Li
2018-08-09Port getLocEnd -> getEndLocStephen Kelly
2018-08-09Port getLocStart -> getBeginLocStephen Kelly
2018-08-01[AST][3/4] Move the bit-fields from BlockDecl, LinkageSpecDecl and OMPDeclare...Erich Keane
2018-06-01[OpenCL, OpenMP] Fix crash when OpenMP used in OpenCL fileErich Keane
2018-05-09Remove \brief commands from doxygen comments.Adrian Prantl
2016-12-20[OPENMP] Fix for PR31416: Clang crashes on OMPCapturedExpr during sourceAlexey Bataev
2016-03-03[OPENMP 4.0] Initial support for 'omp declare reduction' construct.Alexey Bataev
2016-02-11[OPENMP] Rename OMPCapturedFieldDecl to OMPCapturedExprDecl, NFC.Alexey Bataev
2016-02-08[OPENMP 4.5] Ccapture/codegen of private non-static data members.Alexey Bataev
2015-12-29[TrailingObjects] Convert Decl* classes.James Y Knight
2014-05-12[C++11] Use 'nullptr'. AST edition.Craig Topper
2014-01-07Sort all the #include lines with LLVM's utils/sort_includes.py whichChandler Carruth
2013-11-22Add class-specific operator new to Decl hierarchy. This guarantees that DeclsRichard Smith
2013-07-19OpenMP: basic support for #pragma omp parallelAlexey Bataev
2013-05-13OpenMP threadprivate with qualified names.Alexey Bataev
2013-03-22OpenMP threadprivate directive parsing and semantic analysisAlexey Bataev