diff options
authorMike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org>2017-06-06 08:00:15 -0400
committerMike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org>2017-06-06 08:00:15 -0400
commit2fbf4670f918f421886bfe20963f8e57bd3c1d53 (patch)
parent4b1bf3b3096bbe54bbbc99f48cac756a0986fdb7 (diff)
add team mbr contributions
Signed-off-by: Mike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org>
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/Signed_off_heatmaps.R b/Signed_off_heatmaps.R
index b960769..ac0d235 100644
--- a/Signed_off_heatmaps.R
+++ b/Signed_off_heatmaps.R
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ get_tags <- function (id) {
#get data it into R
jira_tags_raw <- fromJSON(webpage,simplifyMatrix = TRUE, simplifyVector =TRUE, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE, flatten = TRUE)
m <- data.frame(tag=jira_tags_raw$tag, person=jira_tags_raw$person)
get_signed <- function (df){
- return (length(grep("Signed-off", df$contribution$tag)))
- }
+ return (length(grep("Signed-off", df$contribution$tag)))
get_acked <- function (df){
return (length(grep("Acked", df$contribution$tag)))
@@ -49,10 +49,8 @@ get_reported <- function (df){
get_team_size <- function (df){
- str(df)
unique_people <- unique(df$contributions$person)
number_of_people <- length(unique_people)
- print (number_of_people)
return (number_of_people)
@@ -60,7 +58,6 @@ get_projects <- function (df){
return (df$contributions)
#from the website get the initiatives list for the four teams
id <- Sys.getenv(c("JIRA_USERNAME", "JIRA_PASSWORD"))
@@ -83,8 +80,6 @@ handle_setopt(h, httpauth = 1)
report_name <- c("signed_off")
baseurl <- "http://patches.linaro.org/api/1.0/"
type <- "teams/?format=json&per_page=5000"
@@ -99,18 +94,14 @@ jira_raw <- fromJSON(webpage,simplifyMatrix = TRUE, simplifyVector =TRUE, simpl
df <- data.frame(id=jira_raw$id, url=jira_raw$url, active=jira_raw$active)
-row.names(df) <- jira_raw$display_name
+row.names(df) <- as.character (jira_raw$display_name)
n <- sapply(df$id,get_tags)
df$contributions <- n
#remove inactive
df <- df[df$active == TRUE,]
#I am here getting bits out
@@ -119,7 +110,7 @@ list.contributions <- do.call("rbind",df$contributions)
unique.tags <- (unique(list.contributions$tag))
unique.persons <- (unique(list.contributions$person))
-unique.projects <- (unique(list.contributions))
+unique.projects <- (unique(row.names(df)))
df$signed <- apply(df,1, get_signed)
df$acked <- apply(df,1, get_acked)
@@ -128,7 +119,6 @@ df$tested <- apply(df,1, get_tested)
df$reported<- apply(df,1, get_reported)
df$team_size<- apply(df,1, get_team_size)
-print (df$team_size)
#normalise by the number of contributors
df$signed <- df$signed / df$team_size
df$acked <- df$acked / df$team_size
@@ -170,7 +160,6 @@ barplot(inverse.m, las=2,
pdf(file="Linaro_team_vs_git.pdf", title = "team vs. git stats")
op <- par(mar=c(15,4,4,2))
colours <- c("lightblue", "mistyrose", "lightcyan","lavender", "cornsilk")
@@ -188,23 +177,48 @@ barplot(df$reported, las=2, main="reported", ylab = "number of patches",
cat ("-----------------------\n")
-pdf(file="Linaro_team_vs_project.pdf", title = "team vs. git stats")
-nm <- data.frame(ncol=length(unique.projects), nrow=length(rownames(df)))
-#colnames(nm) <- list.contributions
-#rownames(nm) <- rownames(df)
-cat ("-------nm----------------\n")
-cat ("-----------------------\n")
+pdf(file="Linaro_team_members_contributions.pdf", title = "team vs. git stats")
+op <- par(mfrow=c(1, 1), mar =c(15,4,4,10))
-for ( p in rownames(nm))
- print(p)
+for (team in row.names(df)) {
+ contributions <- data.frame (df[team, ]$contribution)
+ unique.tags <- (unique(contributions$tag))
+ unique.persons <- (unique(contributions$person))
+ all_people <- matrix(nrow=length(unique.persons), ncol=length(unique.tags))
+ rownames(all_people) <- unique.persons
+ colnames(all_people) <- unique.tags
+ all_people[] <- 0L
+ print ("-----team---------")
+ print(team)
+ print ("--------------")
+ tab <- as.data.frame( table(contributions))
+ for (r in 1:nrow(tab)) {
+ tag <- as.character(tab[r,"tag"])
+ person <- as.character(tab[r,"person"])
+ Freq <- (tab[r,"Freq"])
+ all_people[person,tag] <- all_people[person,tag] + Freq
+ }
+ barplot(
+ main = paste("Maintainers", team, sep = " "),
+ t(all_people),
+ las = 2,
+ bty='L',
+ col = colours,
+ legend.text = TRUE,
+ args.legend = list(
+ x='right',
+ bty='n',
+ inset=c(-0.45,0,
+ xpd=TRUE)
+ )
+ )