path: root/Vagrantfile
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-07-03vagrantfile: update to use official ubuntu 18.04 boxKelley Spoon
2018-02-12Gerrit: Bugfix to re-enable ssl in apache configKelley Spoon
2018-02-09Gerrit: Enable comments by email.Kelley Spoon
2018-02-06Gerrit: Refactor Gerrit playbooks for promotion to top-level role.Kelley Spoon
2018-01-17Vagrant: Setup Vagrantfile to provision images using ansibleKelley Spoon
2015-06-18Vagrantfile: Switch from localhost port forwarding to virtual network.Paul Sokolovsky
2015-06-18Vagrantfile: Set config.vm.box_url to latest trusty image.Paul Sokolovsky
2015-06-17Promote Vagrantfile for a "generic sandbox" setup, move to top-level.Paul Sokolovsky