path: root/robher-aosp.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'robher-aosp.yaml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/robher-aosp.yaml b/robher-aosp.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a44e3780a..0000000000
--- a/robher-aosp.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-- job:
- name: robher-aosp
- project-type: freestyle
- defaults: global
- logrotate:
- daysToKeep: 60
- numToKeep: 60
- properties:
- - authorization:
- anonymous:
- - job-read
- vishal.bhoj@linaro.org:
- - job-build
- - job-read
- - job-extended-read
- - job-configure
- - job-cancel
- rob.herring@linaro.org:
- - job-build
- - job-read
- - job-extended-read
- - job-configure
- - job-cancel
- scm:
- - git:
- url: git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa
- branches:
- - origin/master
- - origin/android/*
- skip-tag: true
- shallow-clone: true
- wipe-workspace: false
- basedir: /home/buildslave/srv/${JOB_NAME}/external/mesa3d
- parameters:
- - string:
- default:
- - string:
- default:
- disabled: true
- node: docker-xenial-aosp
- display-name: 'DELETE ME'
- concurrent: true
- wrappers:
- - timestamps
- - timeout:
- timeout: 500
- builders:
- - linaro-publish-token:
- host: snapshots.linaro.org
- - shell:
- !include-raw: android-lcr/common/builders.sh
- - shell: |
- cd /home/buildslave/srv/${JOB_NAME}/external/mesa3d
- echo "CI_MAIL_RECIPIENTS=$(git --no-pager log -1 --pretty='%cE,%aE')" > ${WORKSPACE}/env_var_parameters
- - inject:
- properties-file: env_var_parameters
- - shell: |
- #!/bin/bash
- set -ex
- if [ ! -d "/home/buildslave/srv/${JOB_NAME}" ]; then
- sudo mkdir -p /home/buildslave/srv/${JOB_NAME}
- sudo chmod 777 /home/buildslave/srv/${JOB_NAME}
- fi
- cd /home/buildslave/srv/${JOB_NAME}
- # Clean any artifacts related to previous build
- rm -rf out/target/product/*/system/ out/target/product/*/data/ out/target/product/*/*.xml out/target/product/*/obj/kernel/
- rm -rf out/target/product/*/*.zip out/target/product/*/*.img out/target/product/*/*.xz
- # Runs as ubuntu
- repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b master
- cd .repo
- rm -rf local_manifests
- git clone https://github.com/robherring/android_manifest -b mesa-master-test local_manifests
- cd ..
- repo sync -q -f --force-sync -j"$(nproc)"
- mkdir -p out
- cp .repo/manifest.xml out/source-manifest.xml
- repo manifest -r -o out/pinned-manifest.xml
- cd external/mesa3d
- if [ -n "${MESA_GIT_TREE}" ]; then
- git fetch ${MESA_GIT_TREE}
- git checkout FETCH_HEAD
- fi
- # Enable gpu drivers
- echo 'BOARD_GPU_DRIVERS := "i915 i965 i915g r300g r600g nouveau swrast vc4 virgl"' > Android.mk.new
- cat Android.mk >> Android.mk.new
- mv Android.mk.new Android.mk
- # Commit it so repo will throw it away
- git commit -m "Android: enable GPU drivers" -a -s
- cd ../..
- source build/envsetup.sh
- lunch linaro_arm64-userdebug
- make -k -j"$(nproc)" gallium_dri libGLES_mesa || { true; failed=1; }
- lunch linaro_x86_64-userdebug
- make -k -j"$(nproc)" gallium_dri i915_dri i965_dri libGLES_mesa || { true; failed=1; }
- # Delete sources after build to save space
- rm -rf art/ dalvik/ kernel/ bionic/ developers/ libcore/ sdk/ bootable/ development/ libnativehelper/ system/ build/ device/ test/ build-info/ docs/ packages/ toolchain/ .ccache/ external/ pdk/ tools/ compatibility/ frameworks/ platform_testing/ vendor/ cts/ hardware/ prebuilts/ linaro*
- ###### Don't care about artifacts for now ######
- echo "Build for mesa rev ${rev} finished - ret ${failed}"
- exit ${failed}
- publishers:
- - logparser:
- parse-rules: '/var/jenkins_home/userContent/android.parse'
- unstable-on-warning: false
- fail-on-error: false
- - email:
- recipients: 'rob.herring@linaro.org vishal.bhoj@linaro.org'
- - email-ext:
- recipients: 'rob.herring@linaro.org, ${CI_MAIL_RECIPIENTS}, ${MESA_EMAIL_RECIPIENTS}'
- content-type: text
- subject: 'errors for mesa master Android build ${BUILD_NUMBER}'
- body: |
- Full log: ${PROJECT_URL}${BUILD_NUMBER}/consoleText
- Parsed warnings/errors: ${PROJECT_URL}${BUILD_NUMBER}/parsed_console
- branch: ${GIT_BRANCH}
- commit: ${GIT_COMMIT}
- ${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex="^.*? error: .*?$", linesBefore=0, linesAfter=2, showTruncatedLines=false}
- first-failure: true
- failure: false