Configure the test using ./configure before building.  For help with options
use "-?"

    $ ./configure -?

As a short-cut it is only necessary to set the --arch and configure will
assume the rest.

    $ ./configure --arch=arm      ==> ASSUMES: --plat=virt --cpu=cortex-a15
    $ ./configure --arch=aaarch64 ==> ASSUMES: --plat=virt --cpu=cortex-a57

Finer options can be provided by manually setting the other options such
as follows:

    $ ./configure --plat=virt --cpu=cortex-a15

Once configured, the test can be built my simply using make.  This will produce
an output test image that can be used with QEMU.

    $ make

The test image can also be built with debug verbosity for extended runtime
messages by building as follows.

    $ CFLAGS=-DDEBUG make

To perform a full clean, the following command can be used.  It performs a
standard clean along with clearing any generated build files and cscope files.

    $ make distclean

Using compatible machine and cpu properties, the output test image can be run
using the following QEMU command line:

    For example on AArch32:

    $ ./arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm -bios <TEST_ROOT>/tztest.img
        -serial stdio -display none -m 1024 -machine type=virt -cpu cortex-a15

    For example on AArch64:

    $ aarch64-softmmu/qemu-system-aarch64 -bios <TEST_ROOT>/tztest.img
        -serial stdio -display none -m 1024 -machine type=virt -cpu cortex-a57

A number of facilities are provided for assiting in debugging.

    1) As mentioned above, adding CFLAGS=-DDEBUG enables verbose message
    2) Corresponding ELF files are produced for each of the EL images packaged
       in the test binary.
    3) A gdbinit script is provided that includes custom commands for loading
       and debugging at certain ELs and secure state.

       Start QEMU with GDB enabled and waiting.

            $ ./arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm ... -s -S

       Open the multi architecture version of GDB for debugging.  The standard
       versions of GDB won't allow debugging of ARM, so this version must be

            $ gdb-multiarch

       Next, the architecture of the EL to be debugged must be set...

            (gdb) set arch aarch64
            The target architecture is assumed to be aarch64

       Then the custom commands can be used.  The options are:

            load_el3   - loads the flash and RAM images for EL3
            load_el1s  - loads the flash and RAM images for secure EL1
            load_el1ns - loads the flash and RAM images for non-secure EL1
            load_el0s  - loads the RAM image for secure EL0
            load_el0ns - loads the RAM image for non-secure EL0

       The command is simply issued at the GDB command line when needing to
       debug a given EL.  For instance, to debug secure EL1 the following
       command would be issued and the shown output should be seen:

            (gdb) load_el1s
            add symbol table from file "el1/secure/el1_sec.elf" at
                .text_addr = 0xc000000000

       Note: Symbols for multiple ELs can be loaded, but this can result in
       occasional issues or errors due to each EL having its own distinct
       address space.

When run, the test produces out put in the format:
    "Test Heading:"
        "Test case..." "RESULT"
    "Validation complete.  Passed 'N' of 'M' tests."

The test will automatically shutdown the QEMU machine if supported otherwise it
will hang after the validation message.  It is not possible to run a subset of the tests at this time.