path: root/ports
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2 daysqemu-arm: Clean up header file includes.HEADmasterDamien George
2 daysqemu-arm: Add license and copyright to files missing them.Damien George
6 daysrp2/cyw43_configport: Make cyw43_delay_ms() a busy loop.Damien George
9 daysshared/tinyusb: Buffer startup CDC data to send to host on connection.Andrew Leech
10 dayscc3200/mods: Implement network.ipconfig and network.WLAN.ipconfig.robert-hh
10 daysesp8266/network_wlan: Implement network.ipconfig and WLAN.ipconfig.Felix Dörre
10 daysesp32/network_ppp: Implement network.PPP.ipconfig method.Felix Dörre
10 daysesp32,mimxrt,stm32: Implement ipconfig() for more network interfaces.Felix Dörre
10 daysrp2/CMakeLists: Use MICROPY_BOARD_DIR to find pins.csv.Phil Howard
10 daysrp2/modmachine: Selectively leave the USB clocks enabled in lightsleep.Angus Gratton
10 daysrp2/modmachine: Use atomic section macros in lightsleep code.Matthias Blankertz
11 daysshared/tinyusb: Allow ports to use 1200bps-touch without other CDC code.Damien George
13 dayssamd/mphalport: Refactor to use shared TinyUSB CDC functions.Andrew Leech
13 daysrenesas-ra/mphalport: Refactor to use shared TinyUSB CDC functions.Andrew Leech
13 daysmimxrt/mphalport: Refactor to use shared TinyUSB CDC functions.Andrew Leech
13 daysrp2/mphalport: Refactor to use shared TinyUSB CDC functions.Andrew Leech
13 daysshared/tinyusb: Add common CDC TX/RX functions.Andrew Leech
13 daysrp2: Support calling pendsv_suspend/resume from core 1.Angus Gratton
13 daysrp2: Refactor to not use pico-sdk alarm pool functions for sleeping.Angus Gratton
13 daysrp2: Refactor soft timer to use hardware timer alarm.Angus Gratton
2024-05-27rp2/boards/W5500_EVB_PICO: Update incorrect url in board.json.Matt Trentini
2024-05-23esp32: Add support for TCP_NODELAY.Jared Hancock
2024-05-22webassembly/modjsffi: Add mem_info function to get detailed stats.Damien George
2024-05-22webassembly: Register PyProxy objects for JS-side finalisation.Damien George
2024-05-22webassembly: Add C-level finaliser to JsProxy object.Damien George
2024-05-22webassembly: Set GC threshold and do top-level GC collect when possible.Damien George
2024-05-22webassembly: Track the current depth of calls to external C functions.Damien George
2024-05-21webassembly/proxy_c: Don't return value of a void function.Damien George
2024-05-21webassembly/objjsproxy: Make jsproxy_it keep ref to jsproxy.Damien George
2024-05-16webassembly/proxy_c: Return undefined if dict lookup failed on JS side.Damien George
2024-05-16webassembly/proxy_js: Create a special "undefined" type for Python.Damien George
2024-05-16webassembly/proxy_js: Revert back to converting Py None to JS null.Damien George
2024-05-16esp32/panichandler: Print support information on panic.Daniël van de Giessen
2024-05-15stm32/pyb_can: Fix STM32G4 FDCAN source clock frequency.Angus Gratton
2024-05-14webassembly/mpconfigport: Enable importing of .mpy files.Damien George
2024-05-13webassembly/proxy_js: Convert JS undefined and JS null to Py None.Damien George
2024-05-13webassembly/proxy_c: Ensure objs thrown into generators are exceptions.Damien George
2024-05-13webassembly/asyncio: Fix case where a Promise is resolved with no arg.Damien George
2024-05-13webassembly/proxy_c: Support more than 4 args when JS calls Py func.Damien George
2024-05-07esp32/modesp32: Add mcu_temperature() function for C3/S2/S3 devices.Rick Sorensen
2024-05-07webassembly/api: Resolve thenables returned from runPythonAsync.Damien George
2024-05-07webassembly/objpyproxy: Implement JS iterator protocol for Py iterables.Damien George
2024-05-06webassembly/objjsproxy: Fix proxying in arguments to JS new function.Damien George
2024-05-06webassembly/proxy_c: Only proxy across resolve/reject funs when needed.Damien George
2024-05-06webassembly/proxy_c: Reject promises with a PythonError instance.Damien George
2024-05-06webassembly/api: Fix importing micropython.mjs module from node REPL.Damien George
2024-05-03stm32/i2c: Fix clock enable for I2C4 on STM32F7 MCUs.Damien George
2024-05-01stm32/mboot: Buffer the correct amount of bytes for a flash write.Damien George
2024-05-01stm32/flash: Fix writing final words to flash on H5 and H7 MCUs.Damien George
2024-05-01stm32/boards/LEGO_HUB_NO7: Add robust update logic to mboot.Damien George