diff options
authorFathi Boudra <>2012-10-10 11:23:01 +0300
committerFathi Boudra <>2012-10-10 11:23:01 +0300
commit778e0fe74a8d7aa36b73bb903ad678a716257612 (patch)
parent0f942421b67c205d44375286b2c6d1068cb48cbd (diff)
Keep only.HEADmaster
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 261 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6ab275b..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-import json
-import xmlrpclib
-import urllib2
-import re
-tests_nano = [
- 'device-tree',
- 'gatortests',
- 'perf',
- 'pwrmgmt',
- ]
-def obfuscate_credentials(s):
- return re.sub(r"([^ ]:).+?(@)", r"\1xxx\2", s)
-def main():
- """Script entry point: return some JSON based on calling args.
- We should be called from Jenkins and expect the following to be defined:
- """
- # CI base URL
- ci_base_url = ""
- # Snapshots base URL
- snapshots_url = ""
- # Name of the hardware pack project
- hwpack_job_name = os.environ.get("HWPACK_JOB_NAME")
- # The hardware pack build number
- hwpack_build_number = os.environ.get("HWPACK_BUILD_NUMBER")
- # Hardware pack file name
- hwpack_file_name = os.environ.get("HWPACK_FILE_NAME", "Undefined")
- if hwpack_file_name == "Undefined":
- sys.exit("Hardware pack is not defined.")
- # Device type
- device_type = os.environ.get("DEVICE_TYPE", "Undefined")
- if device_type == "Undefined":
- sys.exit("Device type is not defined.")
- # Distribution, architecture and hardware pack type
- if hwpack_job_name.startswith('package-and-publish'):
- ret_split = hwpack_job_name.split("-", 3)
- distribution = 'precise'
- architecture = 'armhf'
- hwpack_type = ret_split[3]
- else:
- ret_split = hwpack_job_name.split("-", 2)
- (distribution, architecture, hwpack_type) = \
- ret_split[0], ret_split[1], ret_split[2]
- # Rootfs type, default is nano-lava
- rootfs_type = os.getenv("ROOTFS_TYPE", "nano-lava")
- # Bundle stream name
- bundle_stream_name = os.environ.get("BUNDLE_STREAM_NAME", \
- "/private/team/linaro/developers-and-community-builds/")
- # LAVA user
- lava_user = os.environ.get("LAVA_USER")
- if lava_user == None:
- f = open('/var/run/lava/lava-user')
- lava_user =
- f.close()
- # LAVA token
- lava_token = os.environ.get("LAVA_TOKEN")
- if lava_token == None:
- f = open('/var/run/lava/lava-token')
- lava_token =
- f.close()
- # LAVA server URL
- lava_server = os.environ.get("LAVA_SERVER", \
- "")
- # LAVA server base URL
- lava_server_root = lava_server.rstrip("/")
- if lava_server_root.endswith("/RPC2"):
- lava_server_root = lava_server_root[:-len("/RPC2")]
- # Rootfs last successful build number
- ci_url = "%s%s-%s-%s%s" % \
- (ci_base_url, \
- distribution, \
- architecture, \
- rootfs_type, \
- "/lastSuccessfulBuild/buildNumber")
- request = urllib2.Request(ci_url)
- try:
- response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
- except urllib2.URLError, e:
- if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
- print 'Failed to reach %s.' % ci_url
- print 'Reason: ', e.reason
- elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
- print ' could not fulfill the request.'
- print 'Error code: ', e.code
- sys.exit("Failed to get last successful rootfs build number.")
- rootfs_build_number = eval(
- # Rootfs last successful build timestamp
- ci_url = "%s%s-%s-%s%s" % \
- (ci_base_url, \
- distribution, \
- architecture, \
- rootfs_type, \
- "/lastSuccessfulBuild/buildTimestamp?format=yyyyMMdd")
- request = urllib2.Request(ci_url)
- try:
- response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
- except urllib2.URLError, e:
- if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
- print 'Failed to reach %s.' % ci_url
- print 'Reason: ', e.reason
- elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
- print ' could not fulfill the request.'
- print 'Error code: ', e.code
- sys.exit("Failed to get last successful rootfs build timestamp.")
- rootfs_build_timestamp = eval(
- rootfs_file_name = "linaro-%s-%s-%s-%s.tar.gz" % \
- (distribution, \
- rootfs_type, \
- rootfs_build_timestamp, \
- rootfs_build_number)
- # Convert CI URLs to snapshots URLs
- if hwpack_job_name.startswith('package-and-publish'):
- hwpack_job_name_fixup = hwpack_job_name.replace('.', '_')
- hwpack_url = "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s" % \
- (snapshots_url, \
- "kernel-hwpack",\
- hwpack_job_name_fixup, \
- hwpack_job_name, \
- hwpack_build_number, \
- hwpack_file_name)
- else:
- hwpack_url = "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s" % \
- (snapshots_url, \
- distribution, \
- "hwpacks", \
- hwpack_type, \
- hwpack_build_number, \
- hwpack_file_name)
- rootfs_url = "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s" % \
- (snapshots_url, \
- distribution, \
- "images", \
- rootfs_type, \
- rootfs_build_number, \
- rootfs_file_name)
- # tests set specific to an image
- tests = tests_nano
- # vexpress doesn't support PM, so disable pwrmgmt
- if device_type in ['vexpress-a9']:
- try:
- tests.remove('pwrmgmt')
- except ValueError:
- pass
- actions = [{
- "command": "deploy_linaro_image",
- "parameters": {
- "hwpack": "%s" % hwpack_url,
- "rootfs": "%s" % rootfs_url
- },
- "metadata": {
- "hwpack.type": "%s" % hwpack_type,
- "": "%s" % hwpack_build_number,
- "rootfs.type": "%s" % rootfs_type,
- "": "%s" % rootfs_build_number,
- "distribution": "%s" % distribution
- }
- },
- {
- "command": "boot_linaro_image"
- }]
- for test in tests:
- actions.append({
- "command": "lava_test_run",
- "parameters": {
- "test_name": test
- }
- })
- actions.append({
- "command": "submit_results",
- "parameters": {
- "stream": bundle_stream_name,
- "server": "%s%s" % ("http://", lava_server)
- }
- })
- config = json.dumps({"timeout": 18000,
- "actions": actions,
- "job_name": "%s%s/%s/" % (ci_base_url, \
- hwpack_job_name, \
- hwpack_build_number),
- "device_type": device_type,
- }, indent=2)
- print config
- skip_lava = os.environ.get("SKIP_LAVA")
- if skip_lava == None:
- try:
- server_url = \
- "https://{lava_user:>s}:{lava_token:>s}@{lava_server:>s}"
- server = \
- xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(server_url.format(\
- lava_user=lava_user, \
- lava_token=lava_token, \
- lava_server=lava_server))
- lava_job_id = server.scheduler.submit_job(config)
- except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:
- print "Error making a LAVA request:", obfuscate_credentials(str(e))
- sys.exit(1)
- print "LAVA Job Id: %s, URL: http://%s/scheduler/job/%s" % \
- (lava_job_id, lava_server_root, lava_job_id)
- json.dump({'lava_url': "http://" + lava_server_root,
- 'job_id': lava_job_id},
- open('lava-job-info', 'w'))
- else:
- print "LAVA job submission skipped."
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8b37517..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-def main():
- ppa = os.environ.get("PPA", "Undefined")
- if ppa == "Undefined":
- sys.exit("PPA is not defined.")
- else:
- ppa_file = os.path.join('/var/run/linaro-ppa', ppa)
- f = open(ppa_file)
- sources_entry =
- f.close()
- hwpack = os.environ.get("HWPACK", "Undefined")
- if hwpack == "Undefined":
- sys.exit("Hardware pack is not defined.")
- else:
- hwpack_file = os.path.join('hwpacks', hwpack)
- f = open(hwpack_file, "a")
- f.write(sources_entry)
- f.close()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()