diff options
authorYvan Roux <>2017-05-29 11:22:25 +0200
committerYvan Roux <>2017-05-29 12:55:42 +0200
commit14d534a1a8f973f7236cd9dbc6d7495b9f2728c0 (patch)
parentdfa2a6b13831a0acee941e7da5e6dade00ba103f (diff)
Generated Release Notes for linaro-GCC-7.1-2017.05-rc1.
3 files changed, 80 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile b/components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile
index 79b15b8..7041aa6 100644
--- a/components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile
+++ b/components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile
@@ -1,122 +1,101 @@
-{# This document uses jinja2 templating markup. Please refer to the Jinja2
- template documentation for further information.
+h1. The Linaro Binary Toolchain
- This document is the parent template for the binary toolchain release notes.
- README.textile.series is an example of a versioned child template. The build
- scripts invoke the child template which. -#}
+The Linaro GCC 7.1-2017.06-rc1 Release-Candidate is now available.
-{# Pull in the macros that differentiate between textile and no-txt -#}
-{% from "components/toolchain/binaries/macros" import header with context -%}
-{% from "components/toolchain/binaries/macros" import url with context -%}
-{% from "components/toolchain/binaries/macros" import urlind with context -%}
-{% from "components/toolchain/binaries/macros" import urlindlabel with context -%}
-{% from "components/toolchain/binaries/macros" import email with context -%}
-{% from "components/toolchain/binaries/macros" import format with context -%}
+*Notice*: GCC 7.1 ABI change for arm*-*-* targets, and note for aarch64*-*-* targets
-{#- Unfortunately jinja 2.7 doesn't have set blocks so use appending. #}
-{%- set ver_date = major + "." + minor + "-" + year + "." + dd_month -%}
-{% if spin != "" -%}{% set ver_date = ver_date + "-" + spin %}{% endif -%}
-{% if rc != "" -%}{% set ver_date = ver_date + "-rc" + rc %}{% endif -%}
-{%- set release_version = "GCC " + ver_date -%}
-{%- set linaro_gcc_version = "Linaro " + release_version -%}
+From GCC 7.1 release notes:
-{% if snap_rc_release|lower == "release" -%}
- {% set server = "" %}
-{% else -%}
- {% set server = "" %}
-{% endif -%}
+_On ARM targets (arm*-*-*), a bug introduced in GCC 5 that affects conformance to the procedure call standard (AAPCS) has been fixed. The bug affects some C++ code where class objects are passed by value to functions and could result in incorrect or inconsistent code being generated. This is an ABI change. If the option -Wpsabi is enabled (on by default) the compiler will emit a diagnostic note for code that might be affected._
-{%- set srcurl = server + "/gcc-linaro/" + ver_date + "/" -%}
-{%- set binurl = server + "/binaries/" + ver_date + "/" -%}
+p((((. "":
-{%- if announce == "yes" -%}
-[ANNOUNCE] Linaro Binary Toolchain {{ snap_rc_release }} {{ release_version }}
+GCC 5 and GCC 6 releases will continue to be affected by the ABI bug, since changing ABI in these releases is not practical.  A warning enabled by -Wpsabi option was added to GCC 5 and GCC 6 toolchains to diagnose codebases that might be affected by the ABI bug.
-{% endif -%}
-{{ header(1, 'The Linaro Binary Toolchain') }}
+Additionally, this same bug was present in AArch64 backend in development versions of GCC 7.  There was no releases of GCC with this bug present in AArch64 backend, therefore the release notes does not mention this.  However, be advised that any code bases built with development versions of GCC 7 need to be recompiled with released version of GCC 7 to conform to ABI.
-The {{ linaro_gcc_version }} {{ snap_rc_release }} is now available.
+For an explanation of GCC 7 series changes please see the following website:
-{# Information important for the release goes into the important block
- in the child NEW.textile.<version> template, if there is any. #}
-{% block important -%}{% endblock %}
+p((((. "":
-Download {{ snap_rc_release|lower }} packages from:
+For help in porting to GCC 7 please see the following explanation:
+p((((. "":
+Download release-candidate packages from:
+p((((. (sources) "":
+p((((. (binaries) "":
-{{ urlindlabel(8,"sources",srcurl) }}
-{{ urlindlabel(8,"binaries",binurl) }}
Previous snapshots and release-candidates are at:
-{{ urlind(8,"") }}
+p((((. "":
Previous releases are at:
-{{ urlind(8,"") }}
+p((((. "":
A description of the arm and AArch64 target triples can be found at:
-{{ urlind(8,"") }}
+p((((. "":
-{{ header(2, 'Host Requirements') }}
-{% call format("para") -%}
-The Linaro binary toolchain is a collection of x86-hosted GNU cross-toolchains targeting an array of 32-bit and 64-bit ARM architecture targets. More information on Linaro binary toolchains is at:
-{% endcall %}
-{{ urlind(8,"") }}
- #}
+h2. Host Requirements
-{% call format("para") -%}
Linaro officially supports the current and previous Ubuntu LTS releases (as of the time of this release). This does not mean that the toolchain will not work on other/older Linux distributions. See the following for the life-time of Ubuntu LTS releases.
-{% endcall %}
-{{ urlind(8,"") }}
+p((((. "":
-{% call format("para") -%}
The host system upon which the cross-compiler will run requires a minimum of glibc 2.14, because of API changes to glibc's memcpy API.
-{% endcall %}
-{{ urlind(8,"") }}
+p((((. "":
-{{ header(2, 'Package Versions') }}
-{# Package version information specific to a release imported from
- the NEWS.textile.<version> file. #}
-{%- block gcc_version_block %}{% endblock %}
-{% block glibc_version_block %}{% endblock %}
+h2. Package Versions
-{% block newlib_version_block %}{% endblock %}
+Linaro GCC 7.1-2017.06-rc1
-{% block binutils_version_block %}{% endblock %}
+FSF glibc 2.21 (release/2.21)
-{% block gdb_version_block %}{% endblock %}
+Linaro newlib 2.1.0-2014.09 (linaro_newlib-branch)
+Linaro binutils 2.25 (linaro_binutils-2_25-branch)
+FSF GDB 7.10 (gdb-7.10-branch)
-{% call format("para") %}
Linaro toolchain package git branches are hosted at:
-{% endcall %}
-{{ urlind(8, "") }}
+p((((. "":
+h2. NEWS for GCC 7 (as of Linaro GCC 7.1-2017.06-rc1)
+* This is an example of a bulleted news item.
+This news section has a second indented line.
+p(((. "":
-{% if major < 5 -%}
-{% set news_header="NEWS for GCC " + major + "." + minor + " (as of " + linaro_gcc_version + ")" -%}
-{% else -%}
-{% set news_header="NEWS for GCC " + major + " (as of " + linaro_gcc_version + ")" -%}
-{% endif -%}
+p(((. This is a continuation line that is indented but isn't bulletted.
-{{ header(2, news_header) }}
-{# NEWS specific to the release is imported from the NEWS.textile.<version>
- files if there is any. #}
-{% block news %}{% endblock %}
+h2. Contact Linaro
-{{ header(2, "Contact Linaro") }}
-File bugs at {{ url("") }}
+File bugs at "":
-For Linaro member support see {{ url("") }}
+For Linaro member support see "":
-For Linaro community support email {{ email("") }}
+For Linaro community support email ""
diff --git a/components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile.series b/components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile.series
index 4fe97dc..0f18577 100644
--- a/components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile.series
+++ b/components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile.series
@@ -27,16 +27,16 @@
From GCC 7.1 release notes:
_On ARM targets (arm*-*-*), a bug introduced in GCC 5 that affects conformance to the procedure call standard (AAPCS) has been fixed. The bug affects some C++ code where class objects are passed by value to functions and could result in incorrect or inconsistent code being generated. This is an ABI change. If the option -Wpsabi is enabled (on by default) the compiler will emit a diagnostic note for code that might be affected._
- {% endcall %}
+ {%- endcall %}
{{ urlind(8,"") }}
- {%- call format("para") %}
+ {% call format("para") %}
GCC 5 and GCC 6 releases will continue to be affected by the ABI bug, since changing ABI in these releases is not practical.  A warning enabled by -Wpsabi option was added to GCC 5 and GCC 6 toolchains to diagnose codebases that might be affected by the ABI bug.
Additionally, this same bug was present in AArch64 backend in development versions of GCC 7.  There was no releases of GCC with this bug present in AArch64 backend, therefore the release notes does not mention this.  However, be advised that any code bases built with development versions of GCC 7 need to be recompiled with released version of GCC 7 to conform to ABI.
For an explanation of GCC 7 series changes please see the following website:
- {%- endcall %}
+ {% endcall %}
{{ urlind(8,"") }}
{% call format("para") %}
diff --git a/components/toolchain/gcc-linaro/7/README.textile b/components/toolchain/gcc-linaro/7/README.textile
index b079a40..a2c523d 100644
--- a/components/toolchain/gcc-linaro/7/README.textile
+++ b/components/toolchain/gcc-linaro/7/README.textile
@@ -1,17 +1,27 @@
-p. The Linaro Toolchain Working Group (TCWG) is pleased to announce the {{ year }}.{{ dd_month }}{% if spin != "" -%}-{{ spin }}{% endif -%}{% if rc != "" -%}-rc{{ rc }}{% endif %} {% if release_type|lower != "snapshot" -%}{{ stab_maint|lower }} {% endif -%}{{ release_type }} of the Linaro {{ package }} {{ major }}{% if major|int < 5 -%}.{{ minor }}{% endif %} source package.
+p. The Linaro Toolchain Working Group (TCWG) is pleased to announce the 2017.06-rc1 stable Release-Candidate of the Linaro GCC 7 source package.
-p. This {% if release_type|lower != "snapshot" -%}{{ stab_maint|lower }}[1] {% endif -%} {{ release_type }} is based on FSF {{ package }} {{ GCC_base_version }}+svn{{ FSF_rev }} and includes {% if stab_maint|lower == "stable" -%}performance improvements and {% endif -%}bug fixes backported from mainline GCC. This {{ release_type }} is based on "{{ basis }}":{{ basis_url }}.
+p. The GCC 7 series introduced an ABI change for ARM targets by fixing a bug (present since GCC 5, see link below) that affects conformance to the procedure call standard (AAPCS). The bug affects some C++ code where class objects are passed by value to functions and could result in incorrect or inconsistent code being generated. If the option -Wpsabi is enabled (on by default) the compiler will emit a diagnostic note for code that might be affected by this ABI change.
-h4. Changes in this {{ stab_maint|lower }} GCC source package {{ release_type }} include:
+p((((. "":
-* Updates merged from FSF {{ package }} {{ GCC_base_version }}+svn{{ FSF_rev }}
-{% for backport in backports -%}
-{% if backport.fsf == "" -%}
-{% if backport.summary != "" -%}
-* Backport of {% if backport.type != "" -%}[{{ backport.type }}] {% endif -%}{% if != "" -%}[{{ }}] {% endif -%}{{ backport.summary }}
-{% endif -%}
-{% endif -%}
-{% endfor %}
+p. For an explanation of the changes please see the following website:
+p((((. "":
+p. This stable[1] Release-Candidate is based on FSF GCC 7.1.1+svn247824 and includes performance improvements and bug fixes backported from mainline GCC. This Release-Candidate is based on "Linaro Snapshot GCC 7.1-2017.05":
+h4. Changes in this stable GCC source package Release-Candidate include:
+* Updates merged from FSF GCC 7.1.1+svn247824
+* Backport of [AArch32] Allow combination of aprofile and rmprofile multilibs
+* Backport of [AArch32] Define TM_MULTILIB_CONFIG for ARM multilib
+* Backport of [AArch32] Rename FPSCR builtins to correct names
+* Backport of [AArch32] Set mode for success result of atomic compare and swap
+* Backport of [AArch64] Enable AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK with -mcpu=generic
+* Backport of [AArch64] Improve address cost for -mcpu=generic
+* Backport of [AArch64] Update alignment for -mcpu=generic
+* Backport of Support combining of LSHIFTRT + LSHIFTRT operations
+* Backport of [Testsuite] Require c99_runtime for pr78622.c
h4. Feedback and Support
@@ -24,8 +34,6 @@ Subscribe to the important Linaro mailing lists and join our IRC channels to sta
* Questions? "ask Linaro":
* For Linaro member support see "":
-{% if release_type|lower != "snapshot" -%}
fn1. Linaro 'stable' source archive releases are Linaro packaged versions of the latest FSF GCC release. The Linaro 'maintenance' source archive releases are Linaro packaged versions of the previous year's FSF GCC release.
-{% endif -%}