path: root/final/runtime/tools/check-instruction-set.pl
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Diffstat (limited to 'final/runtime/tools/check-instruction-set.pl')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/final/runtime/tools/check-instruction-set.pl b/final/runtime/tools/check-instruction-set.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..455210c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/runtime/tools/check-instruction-set.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+#// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+#// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
+use tools;
+our $VERSION = "0.004";
+my $target_os;
+my $target_arch;
+my $target_mic_arch;
+my $hex = qr{[0-9a-f]}i; # hex digit.
+# mic-specific details.
+sub bad_mic_fmt($) {
+ # Before we allowed both elf64-x86-64-freebsd and elf-l1om-freebsd.
+ # Now the first one is obsolete, only elf64-l1om-freebsd is allowed.
+ my ( $fmt ) = @_;
+ if ( 0 ) {
+ } elsif ( "$target_mic_arch" eq "knf" ) {
+ return $fmt !~ m{\Aelf64-l1om?\z};
+ } elsif ( "$target_mic_arch" eq "knc" ) {
+ return $fmt !~ m{\Aelf64-k1om?\z};
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ };
+}; # sub bad_mic_fmt
+# Undesired instructions for mic: all x87 and some other.
+# AC: Since compiler 2010-06-30 x87 instructions are supported, removed the check of x87.
+my $mic_bad_re;
+sub bad_mic_instr($$) {
+ my ( $instr, $args ) = @_;
+ if ( "$target_mic_arch" eq "knc" ) {
+ # workaround of bad code generation on KNF Linux* OS:
+ return ( defined( $instr ) and $instr =~ $mic_bad_re );
+ } else {
+ return ( defined( $instr ) and $instr =~ $mic_bad_re or defined( $args ) and $args =~ m{xmm}i );
+ }
+}; # sub bad_mic_instr
+# lin_32-specific details.
+sub bad_ia32_fmt($) {
+ my ( $fmt ) = @_;
+ return $fmt !~ m{\Aelf32-i386\z};
+}; # sub bad_ia32_fmt
+my @sse2 =
+ qw{
+ movapd movupd movhpd movlpd movmskpd movsd
+ addpd addsd subpd subsd mulpd mulsd divpd divsd sqrtpd sqrtsd maxpd maxsd minpd minsd
+ andpd andnpd orpd xorpd
+ cmppd cmpsd comisd ucomisd
+ shufpd unpckhpd unpcklpd
+ cvtpd2pi cvttpd2pi cvtpi2pd cvtpd2dq cvttpd2dq cvtdq2pd cvtps2pd cvtpd2ps cvtss2sd cvtsd2ss
+ cvtsd2si cvttsd2si cvtsi2sd cvtdq2ps cvtps2dq cvttps2dq movdqa movdqu movq2dq movdq2q
+ pmuludq paddq psubq pshuflw pshufhw pshufd pslldq psrldq punpckhqdq punpcklqdq clflush
+ lfence mfence maskmovdqu movntpd movntdq movnti
+ };
+my @sse3 =
+ qw{
+ fisttp lddqu addsubps addsubpd haddps hsubps haddpd hsubpd movshdup movsldup movddup monitor
+ mwait
+ };
+my @ssse3 =
+ qw{
+ phaddw phaddsw phaddd phsubw phsubsw phsubd pabsb pabsw pabsd pmaddubsw pmulhrsw pshufb
+ psignb psignw psignd palignr
+ };
+my @sse4 =
+ (
+ # SSE4.1
+ qw{
+ pmulld pmuldq dppd dpps movntdqa blendpd blendps blendvpd blendvps pblendvb pblendw pminuw
+ pminud pminsb pminsd pmaxuw pmaxud pmaxsb pmaxsd roundps roundpd roundss roundsd extractps
+ insertps pinsrb pinsrd pinsrq pextrb pextrw pextrd pextrq pmovsxbw pmovzxbw pmovsxbd
+ pmovzxbd pmovsxwd pmovzxwd pmovsxbq pmovzxbq pmovsxwq pmovzxwq pmovsxdq pmovzxdq mpsadbw
+ phminposuw ptest pcmpeqq packusdw
+ },
+ # SSE4.2
+ qw{
+ pcmpestri pcmpestrm pcmpistri pcmpistrm pcmpgtq crc32 popcnt
+ }
+ );
+# Undesired instructions for IA-32 architecture: Pentium 4 (SSE2) and newer.
+# TODO: It would be much more reliable to list *allowed* instructions rather than list undesired
+# instructions. In such a case the list will be stable and not require update when SSE5 is released.
+my @ia32_bad_list = ( @sse2, @sse3, @ssse3, @sse4 );
+my $ia32_bad_re = qr{@{[ "^(?:" . join( "|", @ia32_bad_list ) . ")" ]}}i;
+sub bad_ia32_instr($$) {
+ my ( $instr, $args ) = @_;
+ return ( defined( $instr ) and $instr =~ $ia32_bad_re );
+}; # sub bad_ia32_instr
+sub check_file($;$$) {
+ my ( $file, $show_instructions, $max_instructions ) = @_;
+ my @bulk;
+ if ( not defined( $max_instructions ) ) {
+ $max_instructions = 100;
+ }; # if
+ execute( [ "x86_64-k1om-linux-objdump", "-d", $file ], -stdout => \@bulk );
+ my $n = 0;
+ my $errors = 0;
+ my $current_func = ""; # Name of current fuction.
+ my $reported_func = ""; # name of last reported function.
+ foreach my $line ( @bulk ) {
+ ++ $n;
+ if ( 0 ) {
+ } elsif ( $line =~ m{^\s*$} ) {
+ # Empty line.
+ # Ignore.
+ } elsif ( $line =~ m{^In archive (.*?):\s*$} ) {
+ # In archive libomp.a:
+ } elsif ( $line =~ m{^(?:.*?):\s*file format (.*?)\s*$} ) {
+ # libomp.so: file format elf64-x86-64-freebsd
+ # kmp_ftn_cdecl.o: file format elf64-x86-64
+ my $fmt = $1;
+ if ( bad_fmt( $fmt ) ) {
+ runtime_error( "Invalid file format: $fmt." );
+ }; # if
+ } elsif ( $line =~ m{^Disassembly of section (.*?):\s*$} ) {
+ # Disassembly of section .plt:
+ } elsif ( $line =~ m{^$hex+ <([^>]+)>:\s*$} ) {
+ # 0000000000017e98 <__kmp_str_format@plt-0x10>:
+ $current_func = $1;
+ } elsif ( $line =~ m{^\s*\.{3}\s*$} ) {
+ } elsif ( $line =~ m{^\s*($hex+):\s+($hex$hex(?: $hex$hex)*)\s+(?:lock\s+|rex[.a-z]*\s+)?([^ ]+)(?:\s+([^#]+?))?\s*(?:#|$)} ) {
+ # 17e98: ff 35 fa 7d 26 00 pushq 0x267dfa(%rip) # 27fc98 <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE>
+ my ( $addr, $dump, $instr, $args ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 );
+ # Check this is not a bad instruction and xmm registers are not used.
+ if ( bad_instr( $instr, $args ) ) {
+ if ( $errors == 0 ) {
+ warning( "Invalid instructions found in `$file':" );
+ }; # if
+ if ( $current_func ne $reported_func ) {
+ warning( " $current_func" );
+ $reported_func = $current_func;
+ }; # if
+ ++ $errors;
+ if ( $show_instructions ) {
+ warning( " $line" );
+ }; # if
+ if ( $errors >= $max_instructions ) {
+ info( "$errors invalid instructions found; scanning stopped." );
+ last;
+ }; # if
+ }; # if
+ } else {
+ runtime_error( "Error parsing objdump output line $n:\n>>>> $line\n" );
+ }; # if
+ }; # foreach $line
+ return $errors;
+}; # sub check_file
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Parse command line.
+my $max_instructions;
+my $show_instructions;
+ "os=s" => \$target_os,
+ "arch=s" => \$target_arch,
+ "mic-arch=s" => \$target_mic_arch,
+ "max-instructions=i" => \$max_instructions,
+ "show-instructions!" => \$show_instructions,
+my $target_platform = $target_os . "_" . $target_arch;
+if ( "$target_os" eq "lin" and "$target_mic_arch" eq "knf" ) {
+ $mic_bad_re = qr{^(?:pause|[slm]fence|scatter|gather|cmpxchg16b|clevict[12])}i;
+} else {
+ $mic_bad_re = qr{^(?:pause|[slm]fence|scatter|gather|cmov|cmpxchg16b|clevict[12])}i;
+if ( 0 ) {
+} elsif ( $target_platform eq "lin_mic" ) {
+ *bad_instr = \*bad_mic_instr;
+ *bad_fmt = \*bad_mic_fmt;
+} elsif ( $target_platform eq "lin_32" ) {
+ *bad_instr = \*bad_ia32_instr;
+ *bad_fmt = \*bad_ia32_fmt;
+} else {
+ runtime_error( "Only works on lin_32 and lin_mic platforms." );
+}; # if
+# Do the work.
+my $rc = 0;
+if ( not @ARGV ) {
+ info( "No arguments specified -- nothing to do." );
+} else {
+ foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) {
+ my $errs = check_file( $arg, $show_instructions, $max_instructions );
+ if ( $errs > 0 ) {
+ $rc = 3;
+ }; # if
+ }; # foreach $arg
+}; # if
+exit( $rc );
+=head1 NAME
+B<check-instruction-set.pl> -- Make sure binary file does not contain undesired instructions.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<check-instructions.pl> I<option>... I<file>...
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<--architecture=>I<arch>
+Specify target architecture.
+=item B<--max-instructions=>I<number>
+Stop scanning if I<number> invalid instructions found. 100 by default.
+=item B<--os=>I<os>
+Specify target OS.
+=item B<-->[B<no->]B<show-instructions>
+Show invalid instructions found in the file. Bu default, instructions are not shown.
+=item Standard Options
+=item B<--doc>
+=item B<--manual>
+Print full help message and exit.
+=item B<--help>
+Print short help message and exit.
+=item B<--usage>
+Print very short usage message and exit.
+=item B<--verbose>
+Do print informational messages.
+=item B<--version>
+Print program version and exit.
+=item B<--quiet>
+Work quiet, do not print informational messages.
+=item I<file>
+File (object file or library, either static or dynamic) to check.
+The script runs F<objdump> utility to get disassembler listing and checks the file does not contain
+unwanted instructions.
+Currently the script works only for:
+=item C<lin_mic>
+Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture target OS. Undesired unstructions are: all x87 instructions and some others.
+=item C<lin_32>
+Undesired instructions are instructions not valid for Pentium 3 processor (SSE2 and newer).