path: root/final/libomptarget/plugins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'final/libomptarget/plugins')
10 files changed, 1385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/plugins/CMakeLists.txt b/final/libomptarget/plugins/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c3d571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/plugins/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
+# Build plugins for the user system if available.
+# void build_generic_elf64(string tmachine, string tmachine_name, string tmachine_libname, string elf_machine_id);
+# - build a plugin for an ELF based generic 64-bit target based on libffi.
+# - tmachine: name of the machine processor as used in the cmake build system.
+# - tmachine_name: name of the machine to be printed with the debug messages.
+# - tmachine_libname: machine name to be appended to the plugin library name.
+macro(build_generic_elf64 tmachine tmachine_name tmachine_libname tmachine_triple elf_machine_id)
+ libomptarget_say("Building ${tmachine_name} offloading plugin.")
+ # Define macro to be used as prefix of the runtime messages for this target.
+ add_definitions("-DTARGET_NAME=${tmachine_name}")
+ # Define macro with the ELF ID for this target.
+ add_definitions("-DTARGET_ELF_ID=${elf_machine_id}")
+ add_library("omptarget.rtl.${tmachine_libname}" SHARED
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../generic-elf-64bit/src/rtl.cpp)
+ # Install plugin under the lib destination folder.
+ install(TARGETS "omptarget.rtl.${tmachine_libname}"
+ target_link_libraries(
+ "omptarget.rtl.${tmachine_libname}"
+ dl
+ "-Wl,--version-script=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../exports")
+ # Report to the parent scope that we are building a plugin.
+ libomptarget_say("Not building ${tmachine_name} offloading plugin: libffi dependency not found.")
+ libomptarget_say("Not building ${tmachine_name} offloading plugin: libelf dependency not found.")
+ libomptarget_say("Not building ${tmachine_name} offloading plugin: machine not found in the system.")
+# Make sure the parent scope can see the plugins that will be created.
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/plugins/aarch64/CMakeLists.txt b/final/libomptarget/plugins/aarch64/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3a76b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/plugins/aarch64/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
+# Build a plugin for an aarch64 machine if available.
+ build_generic_elf64("aarch64" "aarch64" "aarch64" "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" "183")
+ libomptarget_say("Not building aarch64 offloading plugin: machine not found in the system.")
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/plugins/common/elf_common.c b/final/libomptarget/plugins/common/elf_common.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd85575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/plugins/common/elf_common.c
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+//===-- elf_common.c - Common ELF functionality -------------------*- C -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
+// Common ELF functionality for target plugins.
+// Must be included in the plugin source file AFTER omptarget.h has been
+// included and macro DP(...) has been defined.
+// .
+#if !(defined(_OMPTARGET_H_) && defined(DP))
+#error Include elf_common.c in the plugin source AFTER omptarget.h has been\
+ included and macro DP(...) has been defined.
+#include <elf.h>
+#include <libelf.h>
+// Check whether an image is valid for execution on target_id
+static inline int32_t elf_check_machine(__tgt_device_image *image,
+ uint16_t target_id) {
+ // Is the library version incompatible with the header file?
+ if (elf_version(EV_CURRENT) == EV_NONE) {
+ DP("Incompatible ELF library!\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ char *img_begin = (char *)image->ImageStart;
+ char *img_end = (char *)image->ImageEnd;
+ size_t img_size = img_end - img_begin;
+ // Obtain elf handler
+ Elf *e = elf_memory(img_begin, img_size);
+ if (!e) {
+ DP("Unable to get ELF handle: %s!\n", elf_errmsg(-1));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Check if ELF is the right kind.
+ if (elf_kind(e) != ELF_K_ELF) {
+ DP("Unexpected ELF type!\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Elf64_Ehdr *eh64 = elf64_getehdr(e);
+ Elf32_Ehdr *eh32 = elf32_getehdr(e);
+ if (!eh64 && !eh32) {
+ DP("Unable to get machine ID from ELF file!\n");
+ elf_end(e);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint16_t MachineID;
+ if (eh64 && !eh32)
+ MachineID = eh64->e_machine;
+ else if (eh32 && !eh64)
+ MachineID = eh32->e_machine;
+ else {
+ DP("Ambiguous ELF header!\n");
+ elf_end(e);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ elf_end(e);
+ return MachineID == target_id;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/plugins/cuda/CMakeLists.txt b/final/libomptarget/plugins/cuda/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7210eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/plugins/cuda/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
+# Build a plugin for a CUDA machine if available.
+ libomptarget_say("Not building CUDA offloading plugin: only support CUDA in Linux x86_64 or ppc64le hosts.")
+ return()
+ libomptarget_say("Not building CUDA offloading plugin: libelf dependency not found.")
+ return()
+ libomptarget_say("Not building CUDA offloading plugin: CUDA not found in system.")
+ return()
+ libomptarget_say("Not building CUDA offloading plugin: CUDA Driver API not found in system.")
+ return()
+libomptarget_say("Building CUDA offloading plugin.")
+# Define the suffix for the runtime messaging dumps.
+ add_definitions(-DCUDA_ERROR_REPORT)
+add_library(omptarget.rtl.cuda SHARED src/rtl.cpp)
+# Install plugin under the lib destination folder.
+ "-Wl,--version-script=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../exports")
+# Report to the parent scope that we are building a plugin for CUDA.
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/plugins/cuda/src/rtl.cpp b/final/libomptarget/plugins/cuda/src/rtl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d265a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/plugins/cuda/src/rtl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+//===----RTLs/cuda/src/rtl.cpp - Target RTLs Implementation ------- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
+// RTL for CUDA machine
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cuda.h>
+#include <list>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "omptargetplugin.h"
+#ifndef TARGET_NAME
+static int DebugLevel = 0;
+#define GETNAME2(name) #name
+#define GETNAME(name) GETNAME2(name)
+#define DP(...) \
+ do { \
+ if (DebugLevel > 0) { \
+ } \
+ } while (false)
+#define DP(...) {}
+#include "../../common/elf_common.c"
+// Utility for retrieving and printing CUDA error string.
+#define CUDA_ERR_STRING(err) \
+ do { \
+ const char *errStr; \
+ cuGetErrorString(err, &errStr); \
+ DP("CUDA error is: %s\n", errStr); \
+ } while (0)
+#define CUDA_ERR_STRING(err) \
+ {}
+/// Keep entries table per device.
+struct FuncOrGblEntryTy {
+ __tgt_target_table Table;
+ std::vector<__tgt_offload_entry> Entries;
+enum ExecutionModeType {
+ SPMD, // constructors, destructors,
+ // combined constructs (`teams distribute parallel for [simd]`)
+ GENERIC, // everything else
+/// Use a single entity to encode a kernel and a set of flags
+struct KernelTy {
+ CUfunction Func;
+ // execution mode of kernel
+ // 0 - SPMD mode (without master warp)
+ // 1 - Generic mode (with master warp)
+ int8_t ExecutionMode;
+ KernelTy(CUfunction _Func, int8_t _ExecutionMode)
+ : Func(_Func), ExecutionMode(_ExecutionMode) {}
+/// Device envrionment data
+/// Manually sync with the deviceRTL side for now, move to a dedicated header file later.
+struct omptarget_device_environmentTy {
+ int32_t debug_level;
+/// List that contains all the kernels.
+/// FIXME: we may need this to be per device and per library.
+std::list<KernelTy> KernelsList;
+/// Class containing all the device information.
+class RTLDeviceInfoTy {
+ std::vector<std::list<FuncOrGblEntryTy>> FuncGblEntries;
+ int NumberOfDevices;
+ std::vector<CUmodule> Modules;
+ std::vector<CUcontext> Contexts;
+ // Device properties
+ std::vector<int> ThreadsPerBlock;
+ std::vector<int> BlocksPerGrid;
+ std::vector<int> WarpSize;
+ // OpenMP properties
+ std::vector<int> NumTeams;
+ std::vector<int> NumThreads;
+ // OpenMP Environment properties
+ int EnvNumTeams;
+ int EnvTeamLimit;
+ //static int EnvNumThreads;
+ static const int HardTeamLimit = 1<<16; // 64k
+ static const int HardThreadLimit = 1024;
+ static const int DefaultNumTeams = 128;
+ static const int DefaultNumThreads = 128;
+ // Record entry point associated with device
+ void addOffloadEntry(int32_t device_id, __tgt_offload_entry entry) {
+ assert(device_id < (int32_t)FuncGblEntries.size() &&
+ "Unexpected device id!");
+ FuncOrGblEntryTy &E = FuncGblEntries[device_id].back();
+ E.Entries.push_back(entry);
+ }
+ // Return true if the entry is associated with device
+ bool findOffloadEntry(int32_t device_id, void *addr) {
+ assert(device_id < (int32_t)FuncGblEntries.size() &&
+ "Unexpected device id!");
+ FuncOrGblEntryTy &E = FuncGblEntries[device_id].back();
+ for (auto &it : E.Entries) {
+ if (it.addr == addr)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Return the pointer to the target entries table
+ __tgt_target_table *getOffloadEntriesTable(int32_t device_id) {
+ assert(device_id < (int32_t)FuncGblEntries.size() &&
+ "Unexpected device id!");
+ FuncOrGblEntryTy &E = FuncGblEntries[device_id].back();
+ int32_t size = E.Entries.size();
+ // Table is empty
+ if (!size)
+ return 0;
+ __tgt_offload_entry *begin = &E.Entries[0];
+ __tgt_offload_entry *end = &E.Entries[size - 1];
+ // Update table info according to the entries and return the pointer
+ E.Table.EntriesBegin = begin;
+ E.Table.EntriesEnd = ++end;
+ return &E.Table;
+ }
+ // Clear entries table for a device
+ void clearOffloadEntriesTable(int32_t device_id) {
+ assert(device_id < (int32_t)FuncGblEntries.size() &&
+ "Unexpected device id!");
+ FuncGblEntries[device_id].emplace_back();
+ FuncOrGblEntryTy &E = FuncGblEntries[device_id].back();
+ E.Entries.clear();
+ E.Table.EntriesBegin = E.Table.EntriesEnd = 0;
+ }
+ RTLDeviceInfoTy() {
+ if (char *envStr = getenv("LIBOMPTARGET_DEBUG")) {
+ DebugLevel = std::stoi(envStr);
+ }
+ DP("Start initializing CUDA\n");
+ CUresult err = cuInit(0);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when initializing CUDA\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ NumberOfDevices = 0;
+ err = cuDeviceGetCount(&NumberOfDevices);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when getting CUDA device count\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (NumberOfDevices == 0) {
+ DP("There are no devices supporting CUDA.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ FuncGblEntries.resize(NumberOfDevices);
+ Contexts.resize(NumberOfDevices);
+ ThreadsPerBlock.resize(NumberOfDevices);
+ BlocksPerGrid.resize(NumberOfDevices);
+ WarpSize.resize(NumberOfDevices);
+ NumTeams.resize(NumberOfDevices);
+ NumThreads.resize(NumberOfDevices);
+ // Get environment variables regarding teams
+ char *envStr = getenv("OMP_TEAM_LIMIT");
+ if (envStr) {
+ // OMP_TEAM_LIMIT has been set
+ EnvTeamLimit = std::stoi(envStr);
+ DP("Parsed OMP_TEAM_LIMIT=%d\n", EnvTeamLimit);
+ } else {
+ EnvTeamLimit = -1;
+ }
+ envStr = getenv("OMP_NUM_TEAMS");
+ if (envStr) {
+ // OMP_NUM_TEAMS has been set
+ EnvNumTeams = std::stoi(envStr);
+ DP("Parsed OMP_NUM_TEAMS=%d\n", EnvNumTeams);
+ } else {
+ EnvNumTeams = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ ~RTLDeviceInfoTy() {
+ // Close modules
+ for (auto &module : Modules)
+ if (module) {
+ CUresult err = cuModuleUnload(module);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when unloading CUDA module\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // Destroy contexts
+ for (auto &ctx : Contexts)
+ if (ctx) {
+ CUresult err = cuCtxDestroy(ctx);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when destroying CUDA context\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static RTLDeviceInfoTy DeviceInfo;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_is_valid_binary(__tgt_device_image *image) {
+ return elf_check_machine(image, 190); // EM_CUDA = 190.
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_number_of_devices() { return DeviceInfo.NumberOfDevices; }
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_init_device(int32_t device_id) {
+ CUdevice cuDevice;
+ DP("Getting device %d\n", device_id);
+ CUresult err = cuDeviceGet(&cuDevice, device_id);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when getting CUDA device with id = %d\n", device_id);
+ return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+ }
+ // Create the context and save it to use whenever this device is selected.
+ err = cuCtxCreate(&DeviceInfo.Contexts[device_id], CU_CTX_SCHED_BLOCKING_SYNC,
+ cuDevice);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when creating a CUDA context\n");
+ return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+ }
+ // Query attributes to determine number of threads/block and blocks/grid.
+ int maxGridDimX;
+ err = cuDeviceGetAttribute(&maxGridDimX, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_GRID_DIM_X,
+ cuDevice);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error getting max grid dimension, use default\n");
+ DeviceInfo.BlocksPerGrid[device_id] = RTLDeviceInfoTy::DefaultNumTeams;
+ } else if (maxGridDimX <= RTLDeviceInfoTy::HardTeamLimit) {
+ DeviceInfo.BlocksPerGrid[device_id] = maxGridDimX;
+ DP("Using %d CUDA blocks per grid\n", maxGridDimX);
+ } else {
+ DeviceInfo.BlocksPerGrid[device_id] = RTLDeviceInfoTy::HardTeamLimit;
+ DP("Max CUDA blocks per grid %d exceeds the hard team limit %d, capping "
+ "at the hard limit\n",
+ maxGridDimX, RTLDeviceInfoTy::HardTeamLimit);
+ }
+ // We are only exploiting threads along the x axis.
+ int maxBlockDimX;
+ err = cuDeviceGetAttribute(&maxBlockDimX, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM_X,
+ cuDevice);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error getting max block dimension, use default\n");
+ DeviceInfo.ThreadsPerBlock[device_id] = RTLDeviceInfoTy::DefaultNumThreads;
+ } else if (maxBlockDimX <= RTLDeviceInfoTy::HardThreadLimit) {
+ DeviceInfo.ThreadsPerBlock[device_id] = maxBlockDimX;
+ DP("Using %d CUDA threads per block\n", maxBlockDimX);
+ } else {
+ DeviceInfo.ThreadsPerBlock[device_id] = RTLDeviceInfoTy::HardThreadLimit;
+ DP("Max CUDA threads per block %d exceeds the hard thread limit %d, capping"
+ "at the hard limit\n",
+ maxBlockDimX, RTLDeviceInfoTy::HardThreadLimit);
+ }
+ int warpSize;
+ err =
+ cuDeviceGetAttribute(&warpSize, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_WARP_SIZE, cuDevice);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error getting warp size, assume default\n");
+ DeviceInfo.WarpSize[device_id] = 32;
+ } else {
+ DeviceInfo.WarpSize[device_id] = warpSize;
+ }
+ // Adjust teams to the env variables
+ if (DeviceInfo.EnvTeamLimit > 0 &&
+ DeviceInfo.BlocksPerGrid[device_id] > DeviceInfo.EnvTeamLimit) {
+ DeviceInfo.BlocksPerGrid[device_id] = DeviceInfo.EnvTeamLimit;
+ DP("Capping max CUDA blocks per grid to OMP_TEAM_LIMIT=%d\n",
+ DeviceInfo.EnvTeamLimit);
+ }
+ DP("Max number of CUDA blocks %d, threads %d & warp size %d\n",
+ DeviceInfo.BlocksPerGrid[device_id], DeviceInfo.ThreadsPerBlock[device_id],
+ DeviceInfo.WarpSize[device_id]);
+ // Set default number of teams
+ if (DeviceInfo.EnvNumTeams > 0) {
+ DeviceInfo.NumTeams[device_id] = DeviceInfo.EnvNumTeams;
+ DP("Default number of teams set according to environment %d\n",
+ DeviceInfo.EnvNumTeams);
+ } else {
+ DeviceInfo.NumTeams[device_id] = RTLDeviceInfoTy::DefaultNumTeams;
+ DP("Default number of teams set according to library's default %d\n",
+ RTLDeviceInfoTy::DefaultNumTeams);
+ }
+ if (DeviceInfo.NumTeams[device_id] > DeviceInfo.BlocksPerGrid[device_id]) {
+ DeviceInfo.NumTeams[device_id] = DeviceInfo.BlocksPerGrid[device_id];
+ DP("Default number of teams exceeds device limit, capping at %d\n",
+ DeviceInfo.BlocksPerGrid[device_id]);
+ }
+ // Set default number of threads
+ DeviceInfo.NumThreads[device_id] = RTLDeviceInfoTy::DefaultNumThreads;
+ DP("Default number of threads set according to library's default %d\n",
+ RTLDeviceInfoTy::DefaultNumThreads);
+ if (DeviceInfo.NumThreads[device_id] >
+ DeviceInfo.ThreadsPerBlock[device_id]) {
+ DeviceInfo.NumTeams[device_id] = DeviceInfo.ThreadsPerBlock[device_id];
+ DP("Default number of threads exceeds device limit, capping at %d\n",
+ DeviceInfo.ThreadsPerBlock[device_id]);
+ }
+__tgt_target_table *__tgt_rtl_load_binary(int32_t device_id,
+ __tgt_device_image *image) {
+ // Set the context we are using.
+ CUresult err = cuCtxSetCurrent(DeviceInfo.Contexts[device_id]);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when setting a CUDA context for device %d\n", device_id);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Clear the offload table as we are going to create a new one.
+ DeviceInfo.clearOffloadEntriesTable(device_id);
+ // Create the module and extract the function pointers.
+ CUmodule cumod;
+ DP("Load data from image " DPxMOD "\n", DPxPTR(image->ImageStart));
+ err = cuModuleLoadDataEx(&cumod, image->ImageStart, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when loading CUDA module\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DP("CUDA module successfully loaded!\n");
+ DeviceInfo.Modules.push_back(cumod);
+ // Find the symbols in the module by name.
+ __tgt_offload_entry *HostBegin = image->EntriesBegin;
+ __tgt_offload_entry *HostEnd = image->EntriesEnd;
+ for (__tgt_offload_entry *e = HostBegin; e != HostEnd; ++e) {
+ if (!e->addr) {
+ // We return NULL when something like this happens, the host should have
+ // always something in the address to uniquely identify the target region.
+ DP("Invalid binary: host entry '<null>' (size = %zd)...\n", e->size);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (e->size) {
+ __tgt_offload_entry entry = *e;
+ CUdeviceptr cuptr;
+ size_t cusize;
+ err = cuModuleGetGlobal(&cuptr, &cusize, cumod, e->name);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Loading global '%s' (Failed)\n", e->name);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (cusize != e->size) {
+ DP("Loading global '%s' - size mismatch (%zd != %zd)\n", e->name,
+ cusize, e->size);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DP("Entry point " DPxMOD " maps to global %s (" DPxMOD ")\n",
+ DPxPTR(e - HostBegin), e->name, DPxPTR(cuptr));
+ entry.addr = (void *)cuptr;
+ DeviceInfo.addOffloadEntry(device_id, entry);
+ continue;
+ }
+ CUfunction fun;
+ err = cuModuleGetFunction(&fun, cumod, e->name);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Loading '%s' (Failed)\n", e->name);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DP("Entry point " DPxMOD " maps to %s (" DPxMOD ")\n",
+ DPxPTR(e - HostBegin), e->name, DPxPTR(fun));
+ // default value GENERIC (in case symbol is missing from cubin file)
+ int8_t ExecModeVal = ExecutionModeType::GENERIC;
+ std::string ExecModeNameStr (e->name);
+ ExecModeNameStr += "_exec_mode";
+ const char *ExecModeName = ExecModeNameStr.c_str();
+ CUdeviceptr ExecModePtr;
+ size_t cusize;
+ err = cuModuleGetGlobal(&ExecModePtr, &cusize, cumod, ExecModeName);
+ if (err == CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ if ((size_t)cusize != sizeof(int8_t)) {
+ DP("Loading global exec_mode '%s' - size mismatch (%zd != %zd)\n",
+ ExecModeName, cusize, sizeof(int8_t));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ err = cuMemcpyDtoH(&ExecModeVal, ExecModePtr, cusize);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when copying data from device to host. Pointers: "
+ "host = " DPxMOD ", device = " DPxMOD ", size = %zd\n",
+ DPxPTR(&ExecModeVal), DPxPTR(ExecModePtr), cusize);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ExecModeVal < 0 || ExecModeVal > 1) {
+ DP("Error wrong exec_mode value specified in cubin file: %d\n",
+ ExecModeVal);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ DP("Loading global exec_mode '%s' - symbol missing, using default value "
+ "GENERIC (1)\n", ExecModeName);
+ }
+ KernelsList.push_back(KernelTy(fun, ExecModeVal));
+ __tgt_offload_entry entry = *e;
+ entry.addr = (void *)&KernelsList.back();
+ DeviceInfo.addOffloadEntry(device_id, entry);
+ }
+ // send device environment data to the device
+ {
+ omptarget_device_environmentTy device_env;
+ device_env.debug_level = 0;
+ if (char *envStr = getenv("LIBOMPTARGET_DEVICE_RTL_DEBUG")) {
+ device_env.debug_level = std::stoi(envStr);
+ }
+ const char * device_env_Name="omptarget_device_environment";
+ CUdeviceptr device_env_Ptr;
+ size_t cusize;
+ err = cuModuleGetGlobal(&device_env_Ptr, &cusize, cumod, device_env_Name);
+ if (err == CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ if ((size_t)cusize != sizeof(device_env)) {
+ DP("Global device_environment '%s' - size mismatch (%zu != %zu)\n",
+ device_env_Name, cusize, sizeof(int32_t));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ err = cuMemcpyHtoD(device_env_Ptr, &device_env, cusize);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when copying data from host to device. Pointers: "
+ "host = " DPxMOD ", device = " DPxMOD ", size = %zu\n",
+ DPxPTR(&device_env), DPxPTR(device_env_Ptr), cusize);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DP("Sending global device environment data %zu bytes\n", (size_t)cusize);
+ } else {
+ DP("Finding global device environment '%s' - symbol missing.\n", device_env_Name);
+ DP("Continue, considering this is a device RTL which does not accept envrionment setting.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return DeviceInfo.getOffloadEntriesTable(device_id);
+void *__tgt_rtl_data_alloc(int32_t device_id, int64_t size, void *hst_ptr) {
+ if (size == 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Set the context we are using.
+ CUresult err = cuCtxSetCurrent(DeviceInfo.Contexts[device_id]);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error while trying to set CUDA current context\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CUdeviceptr ptr;
+ err = cuMemAlloc(&ptr, size);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error while trying to allocate %d\n", err);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ void *vptr = (void *)ptr;
+ return vptr;
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_data_submit(int32_t device_id, void *tgt_ptr, void *hst_ptr,
+ int64_t size) {
+ // Set the context we are using.
+ CUresult err = cuCtxSetCurrent(DeviceInfo.Contexts[device_id]);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when setting CUDA context\n");
+ return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+ }
+ err = cuMemcpyHtoD((CUdeviceptr)tgt_ptr, hst_ptr, size);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when copying data from host to device. Pointers: host = " DPxMOD
+ ", device = " DPxMOD ", size = %" PRId64 "\n", DPxPTR(hst_ptr),
+ DPxPTR(tgt_ptr), size);
+ return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+ }
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_data_retrieve(int32_t device_id, void *hst_ptr, void *tgt_ptr,
+ int64_t size) {
+ // Set the context we are using.
+ CUresult err = cuCtxSetCurrent(DeviceInfo.Contexts[device_id]);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when setting CUDA context\n");
+ return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+ }
+ err = cuMemcpyDtoH(hst_ptr, (CUdeviceptr)tgt_ptr, size);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when copying data from device to host. Pointers: host = " DPxMOD
+ ", device = " DPxMOD ", size = %" PRId64 "\n", DPxPTR(hst_ptr),
+ DPxPTR(tgt_ptr), size);
+ return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+ }
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_data_delete(int32_t device_id, void *tgt_ptr) {
+ // Set the context we are using.
+ CUresult err = cuCtxSetCurrent(DeviceInfo.Contexts[device_id]);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when setting CUDA context\n");
+ return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+ }
+ err = cuMemFree((CUdeviceptr)tgt_ptr);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when freeing CUDA memory\n");
+ return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+ }
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_run_target_team_region(int32_t device_id, void *tgt_entry_ptr,
+ void **tgt_args, ptrdiff_t *tgt_offsets, int32_t arg_num, int32_t team_num,
+ int32_t thread_limit, uint64_t loop_tripcount) {
+ // Set the context we are using.
+ CUresult err = cuCtxSetCurrent(DeviceInfo.Contexts[device_id]);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Error when setting CUDA context\n");
+ return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+ }
+ // All args are references.
+ std::vector<void *> args(arg_num);
+ std::vector<void *> ptrs(arg_num);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < arg_num; ++i) {
+ ptrs[i] = (void *)((intptr_t)tgt_args[i] + tgt_offsets[i]);
+ args[i] = &ptrs[i];
+ }
+ KernelTy *KernelInfo = (KernelTy *)tgt_entry_ptr;
+ int cudaThreadsPerBlock;
+ if (thread_limit > 0) {
+ cudaThreadsPerBlock = thread_limit;
+ DP("Setting CUDA threads per block to requested %d\n", thread_limit);
+ // Add master warp if necessary
+ if (KernelInfo->ExecutionMode == GENERIC) {
+ cudaThreadsPerBlock += DeviceInfo.WarpSize[device_id];
+ DP("Adding master warp: +%d threads\n", DeviceInfo.WarpSize[device_id]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ cudaThreadsPerBlock = DeviceInfo.NumThreads[device_id];
+ DP("Setting CUDA threads per block to default %d\n",
+ DeviceInfo.NumThreads[device_id]);
+ }
+ if (cudaThreadsPerBlock > DeviceInfo.ThreadsPerBlock[device_id]) {
+ cudaThreadsPerBlock = DeviceInfo.ThreadsPerBlock[device_id];
+ DP("Threads per block capped at device limit %d\n",
+ DeviceInfo.ThreadsPerBlock[device_id]);
+ }
+ int kernel_limit;
+ err = cuFuncGetAttribute(&kernel_limit,
+ if (err == CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ if (kernel_limit < cudaThreadsPerBlock) {
+ cudaThreadsPerBlock = kernel_limit;
+ DP("Threads per block capped at kernel limit %d\n", kernel_limit);
+ }
+ }
+ int cudaBlocksPerGrid;
+ if (team_num <= 0) {
+ if (loop_tripcount > 0 && DeviceInfo.EnvNumTeams < 0) {
+ if (KernelInfo->ExecutionMode == SPMD) {
+ // We have a combined construct, i.e. `target teams distribute parallel
+ // for [simd]`. We launch so many teams so that each thread will
+ // execute one iteration of the loop.
+ // round up to the nearest integer
+ cudaBlocksPerGrid = ((loop_tripcount - 1) / cudaThreadsPerBlock) + 1;
+ } else {
+ // If we reach this point, then we have a non-combined construct, i.e.
+ // `teams distribute` with a nested `parallel for` and each team is
+ // assigned one iteration of the `distribute` loop. E.g.:
+ //
+ // #pragma omp target teams distribute
+ // for(...loop_tripcount...) {
+ // #pragma omp parallel for
+ // for(...) {}
+ // }
+ //
+ // Threads within a team will execute the iterations of the `parallel`
+ // loop.
+ cudaBlocksPerGrid = loop_tripcount;
+ }
+ DP("Using %d teams due to loop trip count %" PRIu64 " and number of "
+ "threads per block %d\n", cudaBlocksPerGrid, loop_tripcount,
+ cudaThreadsPerBlock);
+ } else {
+ cudaBlocksPerGrid = DeviceInfo.NumTeams[device_id];
+ DP("Using default number of teams %d\n", DeviceInfo.NumTeams[device_id]);
+ }
+ } else if (team_num > DeviceInfo.BlocksPerGrid[device_id]) {
+ cudaBlocksPerGrid = DeviceInfo.BlocksPerGrid[device_id];
+ DP("Capping number of teams to team limit %d\n",
+ DeviceInfo.BlocksPerGrid[device_id]);
+ } else {
+ cudaBlocksPerGrid = team_num;
+ DP("Using requested number of teams %d\n", team_num);
+ }
+ // Run on the device.
+ DP("Launch kernel with %d blocks and %d threads\n", cudaBlocksPerGrid,
+ cudaThreadsPerBlock);
+ err = cuLaunchKernel(KernelInfo->Func, cudaBlocksPerGrid, 1, 1,
+ cudaThreadsPerBlock, 1, 1, 0 /*bytes of shared memory*/, 0, &args[0], 0);
+ if (err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Device kernel launch failed!\n");
+ return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+ }
+ DP("Launch of entry point at " DPxMOD " successful!\n",
+ DPxPTR(tgt_entry_ptr));
+ CUresult sync_err = cuCtxSynchronize();
+ if (sync_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
+ DP("Kernel execution error at " DPxMOD "!\n", DPxPTR(tgt_entry_ptr));
+ CUDA_ERR_STRING(sync_err);
+ return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+ } else {
+ DP("Kernel execution at " DPxMOD " successful!\n", DPxPTR(tgt_entry_ptr));
+ }
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_run_target_region(int32_t device_id, void *tgt_entry_ptr,
+ void **tgt_args, ptrdiff_t *tgt_offsets, int32_t arg_num) {
+ // use one team and the default number of threads.
+ const int32_t team_num = 1;
+ const int32_t thread_limit = 0;
+ return __tgt_rtl_run_target_team_region(device_id, tgt_entry_ptr, tgt_args,
+ tgt_offsets, arg_num, team_num, thread_limit, 0);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/plugins/exports b/final/libomptarget/plugins/exports
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f9f7d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/plugins/exports
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+VERS1.0 {
+ global:
+ __tgt_rtl_is_valid_binary;
+ __tgt_rtl_number_of_devices;
+ __tgt_rtl_init_device;
+ __tgt_rtl_load_binary;
+ __tgt_rtl_data_alloc;
+ __tgt_rtl_data_submit;
+ __tgt_rtl_data_retrieve;
+ __tgt_rtl_data_delete;
+ __tgt_rtl_run_target_team_region;
+ __tgt_rtl_run_target_region;
+ local:
+ *;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/plugins/generic-elf-64bit/src/rtl.cpp b/final/libomptarget/plugins/generic-elf-64bit/src/rtl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..951710a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/plugins/generic-elf-64bit/src/rtl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+//===-RTLs/generic-64bit/src/rtl.cpp - Target RTLs Implementation - C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
+// RTL for generic 64-bit machine
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <ffi.h>
+#include <gelf.h>
+#include <link.h>
+#include <list>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "omptargetplugin.h"
+#ifndef TARGET_NAME
+#define TARGET_NAME Generic ELF - 64bit
+#ifndef TARGET_ELF_ID
+#define TARGET_ELF_ID 0
+static int DebugLevel = 0;
+#define GETNAME2(name) #name
+#define GETNAME(name) GETNAME2(name)
+#define DP(...) \
+ do { \
+ if (DebugLevel > 0) { \
+ } \
+ } while (false)
+#define DP(...) {}
+#include "../../common/elf_common.c"
+#define OFFLOADSECTIONNAME ".omp_offloading.entries"
+/// Array of Dynamic libraries loaded for this target.
+struct DynLibTy {
+ char *FileName;
+ void *Handle;
+/// Keep entries table per device.
+struct FuncOrGblEntryTy {
+ __tgt_target_table Table;
+/// Class containing all the device information.
+class RTLDeviceInfoTy {
+ std::vector<std::list<FuncOrGblEntryTy>> FuncGblEntries;
+ std::list<DynLibTy> DynLibs;
+ // Record entry point associated with device.
+ void createOffloadTable(int32_t device_id, __tgt_offload_entry *begin,
+ __tgt_offload_entry *end) {
+ assert(device_id < (int32_t)FuncGblEntries.size() &&
+ "Unexpected device id!");
+ FuncGblEntries[device_id].emplace_back();
+ FuncOrGblEntryTy &E = FuncGblEntries[device_id].back();
+ E.Table.EntriesBegin = begin;
+ E.Table.EntriesEnd = end;
+ }
+ // Return true if the entry is associated with device.
+ bool findOffloadEntry(int32_t device_id, void *addr) {
+ assert(device_id < (int32_t)FuncGblEntries.size() &&
+ "Unexpected device id!");
+ FuncOrGblEntryTy &E = FuncGblEntries[device_id].back();
+ for (__tgt_offload_entry *i = E.Table.EntriesBegin, *e = E.Table.EntriesEnd;
+ i < e; ++i) {
+ if (i->addr == addr)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Return the pointer to the target entries table.
+ __tgt_target_table *getOffloadEntriesTable(int32_t device_id) {
+ assert(device_id < (int32_t)FuncGblEntries.size() &&
+ "Unexpected device id!");
+ FuncOrGblEntryTy &E = FuncGblEntries[device_id].back();
+ return &E.Table;
+ }
+ RTLDeviceInfoTy(int32_t num_devices) {
+ if (char *envStr = getenv("LIBOMPTARGET_DEBUG")) {
+ DebugLevel = std::stoi(envStr);
+ }
+ FuncGblEntries.resize(num_devices);
+ }
+ ~RTLDeviceInfoTy() {
+ // Close dynamic libraries
+ for (auto &lib : DynLibs) {
+ if (lib.Handle) {
+ dlclose(lib.Handle);
+ remove(lib.FileName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static RTLDeviceInfoTy DeviceInfo(NUMBER_OF_DEVICES);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_is_valid_binary(__tgt_device_image *image) {
+// If we don't have a valid ELF ID we can just fail.
+#if TARGET_ELF_ID < 1
+ return 0;
+ return elf_check_machine(image, TARGET_ELF_ID);
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_number_of_devices() { return NUMBER_OF_DEVICES; }
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_init_device(int32_t device_id) { return OFFLOAD_SUCCESS; }
+__tgt_target_table *__tgt_rtl_load_binary(int32_t device_id,
+ __tgt_device_image *image) {
+ DP("Dev %d: load binary from " DPxMOD " image\n", device_id,
+ DPxPTR(image->ImageStart));
+ assert(device_id >= 0 && device_id < NUMBER_OF_DEVICES && "bad dev id");
+ size_t ImageSize = (size_t)image->ImageEnd - (size_t)image->ImageStart;
+ size_t NumEntries = (size_t)(image->EntriesEnd - image->EntriesBegin);
+ DP("Expecting to have %zd entries defined.\n", NumEntries);
+ // Is the library version incompatible with the header file?
+ if (elf_version(EV_CURRENT) == EV_NONE) {
+ DP("Incompatible ELF library!\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Obtain elf handler
+ Elf *e = elf_memory((char *)image->ImageStart, ImageSize);
+ if (!e) {
+ DP("Unable to get ELF handle: %s!\n", elf_errmsg(-1));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (elf_kind(e) != ELF_K_ELF) {
+ DP("Invalid Elf kind!\n");
+ elf_end(e);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Find the entries section offset
+ Elf_Scn *section = 0;
+ Elf64_Off entries_offset = 0;
+ size_t shstrndx;
+ if (elf_getshdrstrndx(e, &shstrndx)) {
+ DP("Unable to get ELF strings index!\n");
+ elf_end(e);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while ((section = elf_nextscn(e, section))) {
+ GElf_Shdr hdr;
+ gelf_getshdr(section, &hdr);
+ if (!strcmp(elf_strptr(e, shstrndx, hdr.sh_name), OFFLOADSECTIONNAME)) {
+ entries_offset = hdr.sh_addr;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!entries_offset) {
+ DP("Entries Section Offset Not Found\n");
+ elf_end(e);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DP("Offset of entries section is (" DPxMOD ").\n", DPxPTR(entries_offset));
+ // load dynamic library and get the entry points. We use the dl library
+ // to do the loading of the library, but we could do it directly to avoid the
+ // dump to the temporary file.
+ //
+ // 1) Create tmp file with the library contents.
+ // 2) Use dlopen to load the file and dlsym to retrieve the symbols.
+ char tmp_name[] = "/tmp/tmpfile_XXXXXX";
+ int tmp_fd = mkstemp(tmp_name);
+ if (tmp_fd == -1) {
+ elf_end(e);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ FILE *ftmp = fdopen(tmp_fd, "wb");
+ if (!ftmp) {
+ elf_end(e);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ fwrite(image->ImageStart, ImageSize, 1, ftmp);
+ fclose(ftmp);
+ DynLibTy Lib = {tmp_name, dlopen(tmp_name, RTLD_LAZY)};
+ if (!Lib.Handle) {
+ DP("Target library loading error: %s\n", dlerror());
+ elf_end(e);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DeviceInfo.DynLibs.push_back(Lib);
+ struct link_map *libInfo = (struct link_map *)Lib.Handle;
+ // The place where the entries info is loaded is the library base address
+ // plus the offset determined from the ELF file.
+ Elf64_Addr entries_addr = libInfo->l_addr + entries_offset;
+ DP("Pointer to first entry to be loaded is (" DPxMOD ").\n",
+ DPxPTR(entries_addr));
+ // Table of pointers to all the entries in the target.
+ __tgt_offload_entry *entries_table = (__tgt_offload_entry *)entries_addr;
+ __tgt_offload_entry *entries_begin = &entries_table[0];
+ __tgt_offload_entry *entries_end = entries_begin + NumEntries;
+ if (!entries_begin) {
+ DP("Can't obtain entries begin\n");
+ elf_end(e);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DP("Entries table range is (" DPxMOD ")->(" DPxMOD ")\n",
+ DPxPTR(entries_begin), DPxPTR(entries_end));
+ DeviceInfo.createOffloadTable(device_id, entries_begin, entries_end);
+ elf_end(e);
+ return DeviceInfo.getOffloadEntriesTable(device_id);
+void *__tgt_rtl_data_alloc(int32_t device_id, int64_t size, void *hst_ptr) {
+ void *ptr = malloc(size);
+ return ptr;
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_data_submit(int32_t device_id, void *tgt_ptr, void *hst_ptr,
+ int64_t size) {
+ memcpy(tgt_ptr, hst_ptr, size);
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_data_retrieve(int32_t device_id, void *hst_ptr, void *tgt_ptr,
+ int64_t size) {
+ memcpy(hst_ptr, tgt_ptr, size);
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_data_delete(int32_t device_id, void *tgt_ptr) {
+ free(tgt_ptr);
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_run_target_team_region(int32_t device_id, void *tgt_entry_ptr,
+ void **tgt_args, ptrdiff_t *tgt_offsets, int32_t arg_num, int32_t team_num,
+ int32_t thread_limit, uint64_t loop_tripcount /*not used*/) {
+ // ignore team num and thread limit.
+ // Use libffi to launch execution.
+ ffi_cif cif;
+ // All args are references.
+ std::vector<ffi_type *> args_types(arg_num, &ffi_type_pointer);
+ std::vector<void *> args(arg_num);
+ std::vector<void *> ptrs(arg_num);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < arg_num; ++i) {
+ ptrs[i] = (void *)((intptr_t)tgt_args[i] + tgt_offsets[i]);
+ args[i] = &ptrs[i];
+ }
+ ffi_status status = ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, arg_num,
+ &ffi_type_void, &args_types[0]);
+ assert(status == FFI_OK && "Unable to prepare target launch!");
+ if (status != FFI_OK)
+ return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+ DP("Running entry point at " DPxMOD "...\n", DPxPTR(tgt_entry_ptr));
+ void (*entry)(void);
+ *((void**) &entry) = tgt_entry_ptr;
+ ffi_call(&cif, entry, NULL, &args[0]);
+int32_t __tgt_rtl_run_target_region(int32_t device_id, void *tgt_entry_ptr,
+ void **tgt_args, ptrdiff_t *tgt_offsets, int32_t arg_num) {
+ // use one team and one thread.
+ return __tgt_rtl_run_target_team_region(device_id, tgt_entry_ptr, tgt_args,
+ tgt_offsets, arg_num, 1, 1, 0);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/plugins/ppc64/CMakeLists.txt b/final/libomptarget/plugins/ppc64/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6849a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/plugins/ppc64/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
+# Build a plugin for a ppc64 machine if available.
+ build_generic_elf64("ppc64" "PPC64" "ppc64" "powerpc64-ibm-linux-gnu" "21")
+ libomptarget_say("Not building ppc64 offloading plugin: machine not found in the system.")
+endif() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/plugins/ppc64le/CMakeLists.txt b/final/libomptarget/plugins/ppc64le/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87cefdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/plugins/ppc64le/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
+# Build a plugin for a ppc64le machine if available.
+ build_generic_elf64("ppc64le" "PPC64le" "ppc64" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "21")
+ libomptarget_say("Not building ppc64le offloading plugin: machine not found in the system.")
+endif() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/plugins/x86_64/CMakeLists.txt b/final/libomptarget/plugins/x86_64/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdd5bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/plugins/x86_64/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
+# Build a plugin for a x86_64 machine if available.
+ build_generic_elf64("x86_64" "x86_64" "x86_64" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "62")
+ libomptarget_say("Not building x86_64 offloading plugin: machine not found in the system.")
+endif() \ No newline at end of file