path: root/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx
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Diffstat (limited to 'final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx')
36 files changed, 7157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/CMakeLists.txt b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c20339c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+# See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# Build the NVPTX (CUDA) Device RTL if the CUDA tools are available
+ "Path to alternate NVCC host compiler to be used by the NVPTX device RTL.")
+ libomptarget_say("Not building CUDA offloading device RTL: invalid NVPTX alternate host compiler.")
+ endif()
+# We can't use clang as nvcc host preprocessor, so we attempt to replace it with
+# gcc.
+ libomptarget_say("Not building CUDA offloading device RTL: clang is not supported as NVCC host compiler.")
+ libomptarget_say("Please include gcc in your path or set LIBOMPTARGET_NVPTX_ALTERNATE_HOST_COMPILER to the full path of of valid compiler.")
+ return()
+ endif()
+ libomptarget_say("Building CUDA offloading device RTL.")
+ # We really don't have any host code, so we don't need to care about
+ # propagating host flags.
+ set(cuda_src_files
+ src/cancel.cu
+ src/critical.cu
+ src/data_sharing.cu
+ src/libcall.cu
+ src/loop.cu
+ src/omptarget-nvptx.cu
+ src/parallel.cu
+ src/reduction.cu
+ src/sync.cu
+ src/task.cu
+ )
+ set(omp_data_objects src/omp_data.cu)
+ # Get the compute capability the user requested or use SM_35 by default.
+ # SM_35 is what clang uses by default.
+ set(default_capabilities 35)
+ set(default_capabilities ${LIBOMPTARGET_NVPTX_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY})
+ endif()
+ "List of CUDA Compute Capabilities to be used to compile the NVPTX device RTL.")
+ foreach(sm ${nvptx_sm_list})
+ set(CUDA_ARCH ${CUDA_ARCH} -gencode arch=compute_${sm},code=sm_${sm})
+ endforeach()
+ # Activate RTL message dumps if requested by the user.
+ "Activate NVPTX device RTL debug messages.")
+ set(CUDA_DEBUG -DOMPTARGET_NVPTX_DEBUG=-1 -g --ptxas-options=-v)
+ endif()
+ # NVPTX runtime library has to be statically linked. Dynamic linking is not
+ # yet supported by the CUDA toolchain on the device.
+ cuda_add_library(omptarget-nvptx STATIC ${cuda_src_files} ${omp_data_objects}
+ # Install device RTL under the lib destination folder.
+ target_link_libraries(omptarget-nvptx ${CUDA_LIBRARIES})
+ # Check if we can create an LLVM bitcode implementation of the runtime library
+ # that could be inlined in the user application. For that we need to find
+ # a Clang compiler capable of compiling our CUDA files to LLVM bitcode and
+ # an LLVM linker.
+ "Location of a CUDA compiler capable of emitting LLVM bitcode.")
+ "Location of a linker capable of linking LLVM bitcode objects.")
+ include(LibomptargetNVPTXBitcodeLibrary)
+ set(bclib_default FALSE)
+ set(bclib_default TRUE)
+ endif()
+ "Enable CUDA LLVM bitcode offloading device RTL.")
+ libomptarget_error_say("Cannot build CUDA LLVM bitcode offloading device RTL!")
+ endif()
+ libomptarget_say("Building CUDA LLVM bitcode offloading device RTL.")
+ # Set flags for LLVM Bitcode compilation.
+ set(bc_flags ${bc_flags} -DOMPTARGET_NVPTX_DEBUG=-1)
+ else()
+ set(bc_flags ${bc_flags} -DOMPTARGET_NVPTX_DEBUG=0)
+ endif()
+ # CUDA 9 header files use the nv_weak attribute which clang is not yet prepared
+ # to handle. Therefore, we use 'weak' instead. We are compiling only for the
+ # device, so it should be equivalent.
+ set(bc_flags ${bc_flags} -Dnv_weak=weak)
+ endif()
+ # Create target to build all Bitcode libraries.
+ add_custom_target(omptarget-nvptx-bc)
+ # Generate a Bitcode library for all the compute capabilities the user requested.
+ foreach(sm ${nvptx_sm_list})
+ set(cuda_arch --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_${sm})
+ # Compile CUDA files to bitcode.
+ set(bc_files "")
+ foreach(src ${cuda_src_files})
+ get_filename_component(infile ${src} ABSOLUTE)
+ get_filename_component(outfile ${src} NAME)
+ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${outfile}-sm_${sm}.bc
+ -c ${infile} -o ${outfile}-sm_${sm}.bc
+ DEPENDS ${infile}
+ COMMENT "Building LLVM bitcode ${outfile}-sm_${sm}.bc"
+ )
+ list(APPEND bc_files ${outfile}-sm_${sm}.bc)
+ endforeach()
+ # Link to a bitcode library.
+ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libomptarget-nvptx-sm_${sm}.bc
+ -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libomptarget-nvptx-sm_${sm}.bc ${bc_files}
+ DEPENDS ${bc_files}
+ COMMENT "Linking LLVM bitcode libomptarget-nvptx-sm_${sm}.bc"
+ )
+ set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES libomptarget-nvptx-sm_${sm}.bc)
+ add_custom_target(omptarget-nvptx-${sm}-bc ALL DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libomptarget-nvptx-sm_${sm}.bc)
+ add_dependencies(omptarget-nvptx-bc omptarget-nvptx-${sm}-bc)
+ # Copy library to destination.
+ add_custom_command(TARGET omptarget-nvptx-${sm}-bc POST_BUILD
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libomptarget-nvptx-sm_${sm}.bc
+ $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:omptarget-nvptx>)
+ # Install bitcode library under the lib destination folder.
+ install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libomptarget-nvptx-sm_${sm}.bc DESTINATION "${OPENMP_INSTALL_LIBDIR}")
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+ add_subdirectory(test)
+ libomptarget_say("Not building CUDA offloading device RTL: CUDA tools not found in the system.")
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/docs/ReductionDesign.txt b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/docs/ReductionDesign.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..989a01f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/docs/ReductionDesign.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+**Design document for OpenMP reductions on the GPU**
+//Abstract: //In this document we summarize the new design for an OpenMP
+implementation of reductions on NVIDIA GPUs. This document comprises
+* a succinct background review,
+* an introduction to the decoupling of reduction algorithm and
+ data-structure-specific processing routines,
+* detailed illustrations of reduction algorithms used and
+* a brief overview of steps we have made beyond the last implementation.
+**Problem Review**
+Consider a typical OpenMP program with reduction pragma.
+ double foo, bar;
+ #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:foo, bar)
+ for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+ foo+=A[i]; bar+=B[i];
+ }
+where 'foo' and 'bar' are reduced across all threads in the parallel region.
+Our primary goal is to efficiently aggregate the values of foo and bar in
+such manner that
+* makes the compiler logically concise.
+* efficiently reduces within warps, threads, blocks and the device.
+**Introduction to Decoupling**
+In this section we address the problem of making the compiler
+//logically concise// by partitioning the task of reduction into two broad
+categories: data-structure specific routines and algorithmic routines.
+The previous reduction implementation was highly coupled with
+the specificity of the reduction element data structures (e.g., sizes, data
+types) and operators of the reduction (e.g., addition, multiplication). In
+our implementation we strive to decouple them. In our final implementations,
+we could remove all template functions in our runtime system.
+The (simplified) pseudo code generated by LLVM is as follows:
+ 1. Create private copies of variables: foo_p, bar_p
+ 2. Each thread reduces the chunk of A and B assigned to it and writes
+ to foo_p and bar_p respectively.
+ 3. ret = kmpc_nvptx_reduce_nowait(..., reduceData, shuffleReduceFn,
+ interWarpCpyFn)
+ where:
+ struct ReduceData {
+ double *foo;
+ double *bar;
+ } reduceData
+ reduceData.foo = &foo_p
+ reduceData.bar = &bar_p
+ shuffleReduceFn and interWarpCpyFn are two auxiliary functions
+ generated to aid the runtime performing algorithmic steps
+ while being data-structure agnostic about ReduceData.
+ In particular, shuffleReduceFn is a function that takes the following
+ inputs:
+ a. local copy of ReduceData
+ b. its lane_id
+ c. the offset of the lane_id which hosts a remote ReduceData
+ relative to the current one
+ d. an algorithm version paramter determining which reduction
+ algorithm to use.
+ This shuffleReduceFn retrieves the remote ReduceData through shuffle
+ intrinsics and reduces, using the algorithm specified by the 4th
+ parameter, the local ReduceData and with the remote ReduceData element
+ wise, and places the resultant values into the local ReduceData.
+ Different reduction algorithms are implemented with different runtime
+ functions, but they all make calls to this same shuffleReduceFn to
+ perform the essential reduction step. Therefore, based on the 4th
+ parameter, this shuffleReduceFn will behave slightly differently to
+ cooperate with the runtime function to ensure correctness under
+ different circumstances.
+ InterWarpCpyFn, as the name suggests, is a function that copies data
+ across warps. Its function is to tunnel all the thread private
+ ReduceData that is already reduced within a warp to a lane in the first
+ warp with minimal shared memory footprint. This is an essential step to
+ prepare for the last step of a block reduction.
+ (Warp, block, device level reduction routines that utilize these
+ auxiliary functions will be discussed in the next section.)
+ 4. if ret == 1:
+ The master thread stores the reduced result in the globals.
+ foo += reduceData.foo; bar += reduceData.bar
+**Reduction Algorithms**
+On the warp level, we have three versions of the algorithms:
+1. Full Warp Reduction
+gpu_regular_warp_reduce(void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr ShuffleReduceFn) {
+ for (int offset = WARPSIZE/2; offset > 0; offset /= 2)
+ ShuffleReduceFn(reduce_data, 0, offset, 0);
+ShuffleReduceFn is used here with lane_id set to 0 because it is not used
+therefore we save instructions by not retrieving lane_id from the corresponding
+special registers. The 4th parameters, which represents the version of the
+algorithm being used here, is set to 0 to signify full warp reduction.
+In this version specified (=0), the ShuffleReduceFn behaves, per element, as
+//reduce_elem refers to an element in the local ReduceData
+//remote_elem is retrieved from a remote lane
+remote_elem = shuffle_down(reduce_elem, offset, 32);
+reduce_elem = reduce_elem @ remote_elem;
+An illustration of this algorithm operating on a hypothetical 8-lane full-warp
+would be:
+The coloring invariant follows that elements with the same color will be
+combined and reduced in the next reduction step. As can be observed, no overhead
+is present, exactly log(2, N) steps are needed.
+2. Contiguous Full Warp Reduction
+gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr ShuffleReduceFn, int size,
+ int lane_id) {
+ int curr_size;
+ int offset;
+ curr_size = size;
+ mask = curr_size/2;
+ while (offset>0) {
+ ShuffleReduceFn(reduce_data, lane_id, offset, 1);
+ curr_size = (curr_size+1)/2;
+ offset = curr_size/2;
+ }
+In this version specified (=1), the ShuffleReduceFn behaves, per element, as
+//reduce_elem refers to an element in the local ReduceData
+//remote_elem is retrieved from a remote lane
+remote_elem = shuffle_down(reduce_elem, offset, 32);
+if (lane_id < offset) {
+ reduce_elem = reduce_elem @ remote_elem
+} else {
+ reduce_elem = remote_elem
+An important invariant (also a restriction on the starting state of the
+reduction) is that this algorithm assumes that all unused ReduceData are
+located in a contiguous subset of threads in a warp starting from lane 0.
+With the presence of a trailing active lane with an odd-numbered lane
+id, its value will not be aggregated with any other lane. Therefore,
+in order to preserve the invariant, such ReduceData is copied to the first lane
+whose thread-local ReduceData has already being used in a previous reduction
+and would therefore be useless otherwise.
+An illustration of this algorithm operating on a hypothetical 8-lane partial
+warp woud be:
+As illustrated, this version of the algorithm introduces overhead whenever
+we have odd number of participating lanes in any reduction step to
+copy data between lanes.
+3. Dispersed Partial Warp Reduction
+gpu_irregular_simt_reduce(void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr ShuffleReduceFn) {
+ int size, remote_id;
+ int logical_lane_id = find_number_of_dispersed_active_lanes_before_me() * 2;
+ do {
+ remote_id = find_the_next_active_lane_id_right_after_me();
+ // the above function returns 0 of no active lane
+ // is present right after the current thread.
+ size = get_number_of_active_lanes_in_this_warp();
+ logical_lane_id /= 2;
+ ShuffleReduceFn(reduce_data, logical_lane_id, remote_id-1-threadIdx.x, 2);
+ } while (logical_lane_id % 2 == 0 && size > 1);
+There is no assumption made about the initial state of the reduction.
+Any number of lanes (>=1) could be active at any position. The reduction
+result is kept in the first active lane.
+In this version specified (=2), the ShuffleReduceFn behaves, per element, as
+//reduce_elem refers to an element in the local ReduceData
+//remote_elem is retrieved from a remote lane
+remote_elem = shuffle_down(reduce_elem, offset, 32);
+if (LaneId % 2 == 0 && Offset > 0) {
+ reduce_elem = reduce_elem @ remote_elem
+} else {
+ reduce_elem = remote_elem
+We will proceed with a brief explanation for some arguments passed in,
+it is important to notice that, in this section, we will introduce the
+concept of logical_lane_id, and it is important to distinguish it
+from physical lane_id as defined by nvidia.
+1. //logical_lane_id//: as the name suggests, it refers to the calculated
+ lane_id (instead of the physical one defined by nvidia) that would make
+ our algorithm logically concise. A thread with logical_lane_id k means
+ there are (k-1) threads before it.
+2. //remote_id-1-threadIdx.x//: remote_id is indeed the nvidia-defined lane
+ id of the remote lane from which we will retrieve the ReduceData. We
+ subtract (threadIdx+1) from it because we would like to maintain only one
+ underlying shuffle intrinsic (which is used to communicate among lanes in a
+ warp). This particular version of shuffle intrinsic we take accepts only
+ offsets, instead of absolute lane_id. Therefore the subtraction is performed
+ on the absolute lane_id we calculated to obtain the offset.
+This algorithm is slightly different in 2 ways and it is not, conceptually, a
+generalization of the above algorithms.
+1. It reduces elements close to each other. For instance, values in the 0th lane
+ is to be combined with that of the 1st lane; values in the 2nd lane is to be
+ combined with that of the 3rd lane. We did not use the previous algorithm
+ where the first half of the (partial) warp is reduced with the second half
+ of the (partial) warp. This is because, the mapping
+ f(x): logical_lane_id -> physical_lane_id;
+ can be easily calculated whereas its inverse
+ f^-1(x): physical_lane_id -> logical_lane_id
+ cannot and performing such reduction requires the inverse to be known.
+2. Because this algorithm is agnostic about the positions of the lanes that are
+ active, we do not need to perform the coping step as in the second
+ algorithm.
+An illustrative run would look like
+As observed, overhead is high because in each and every step of reduction,
+logical_lane_id is recalculated; so is the remote_id.
+On a block level, we have implemented the following block reduce algorithm:
+gpu_irregular_block_reduce(void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shuflReduceFn,
+ kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr interWarpCpyFn,
+ int size) {
+ int wid = threadIdx.x/WARPSIZE;
+ int lane_id = threadIdx.x%WARPSIZE;
+ int warp_needed = (size+WARPSIZE-1)/WARPSIZE; //ceiling of division
+ unsigned tnum = __ballot(1);
+ int thread_num = __popc(tnum);
+ //full warp reduction
+ if (thread_num == WARPSIZE) {
+ gpu_regular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shuflReduceFn);
+ }
+ //partial warp reduction
+ if (thread_num < WARPSIZE) {
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shuflReduceFn, thread_num,
+ lane_id);
+ }
+ //Gather all the reduced values from each warp
+ //to the first warp
+ //named_barrier inside this function to ensure
+ //correctness. It is effectively a sync_thread
+ //that won't deadlock.
+ interWarpCpyFn(reduce_data, warp_needed);
+ //This is to reduce data gathered from each "warp master".
+ if (wid==0) {
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shuflReduceFn, warp_needed,
+ lane_id);
+ }
+ return;
+In this function, no ShuffleReduceFn is directly called as it makes calls
+to various versions of the warp-reduction functions. It first reduces
+ReduceData warp by warp; in the end, we end up with the number of
+ReduceData equal to the number of warps present in this thread
+block. We then proceed to gather all such ReduceData to the first warp.
+As observed, in this algorithm we make use of the function InterWarpCpyFn,
+which copies data from each of the "warp master" (0th lane of each warp, where
+a warp-reduced ReduceData is held) to the 0th warp. This step reduces (in a
+mathematical sense) the problem of reduction across warp masters in a block to
+the problem of warp reduction which we already have solutions to.
+We can thus completely avoid the use of atomics to reduce in a threadblock.
+**Efficient Cross Block Reduce**
+The next challenge is to reduce values across threadblocks. We aim to do this
+without atomics or critical sections.
+Let a kernel be started with TB threadblocks.
+Let the GPU have S SMs.
+There can be at most N active threadblocks per SM at any time.
+Consider a threadblock tb (tb < TB) running on SM s (s < SM). 'tb' is one of
+at most 'N' active threadblocks on SM s. Let each threadblock active on an SM
+be given an instance identifier id (0 <= id < N). Therefore, the tuple (s, id)
+uniquely identifies an active threadblock on the GPU.
+To efficiently implement cross block reduce, we first allocate an array for
+each value to be reduced of size S*N (which is the maximum number of active
+threadblocks at any time on the device).
+Each threadblock reduces its value to slot [s][id]. This can be done without
+locking since no other threadblock can write to the same slot concurrently.
+As a final stage, we reduce the values in the array as follows:
+// Compiler generated wrapper function for each target region with a reduction
+target_function_wrapper(map_args, reduction_array) <--- start with 1 team and 1
+ thread.
+ // Use dynamic parallelism to launch M teams, N threads as requested by the
+ user to execute the target region.
+ target_function<<M, N>>(map_args)
+ Reduce values in reduction_array
+**Comparison with Last Version**
+The (simplified) pseudo code generated by LLVM on the host is as follows:
+ 1. Create private copies of variables: foo_p, bar_p
+ 2. Each thread reduces the chunk of A and B assigned to it and writes
+ to foo_p and bar_p respectively.
+ 3. ret = kmpc_reduce_nowait(..., reduceData, reduceFn, lock)
+ where:
+ struct ReduceData {
+ double *foo;
+ double *bar;
+ } reduceData
+ reduceData.foo = &foo_p
+ reduceData.bar = &bar_p
+ reduceFn is a pointer to a function that takes in two inputs
+ of type ReduceData, "reduces" them element wise, and places the
+ result in the first input:
+ reduceFn(ReduceData *a, ReduceData *b)
+ a = a @ b
+ Every thread in the parallel region calls kmpc_reduce_nowait with
+ its private copy of reduceData. The runtime reduces across the
+ threads (using tree reduction on the operator 'reduceFn?) and stores
+ the final result in the master thread if successful.
+ 4. if ret == 1:
+ The master thread stores the reduced result in the globals.
+ foo += reduceData.foo; bar += reduceData.bar
+ 5. else if ret == 2:
+ In this case kmpc_reduce_nowait() could not use tree reduction,
+ so use atomics instead:
+ each thread atomically writes to foo
+ each thread atomically writes to bar
+On a GPU, a similar reduction may need to be performed across SIMT threads,
+warps, and threadblocks. The challenge is to do so efficiently in a fashion
+that is compatible with the LLVM OpenMP implementation.
+In the previously released 0.1 version of the LLVM OpenMP compiler for GPUs,
+the salient steps of the code generated are as follows:
+ 1. Create private copies of variables: foo_p, bar_p
+ 2. Each thread reduces the chunk of A and B assigned to it and writes
+ to foo_p and bar_p respectively.
+ 3. ret = kmpc_reduce_nowait(..., reduceData, reduceFn, lock)
+ status = can_block_reduce()
+ if status == 1:
+ reduce efficiently to thread 0 using shuffles and shared memory.
+ return 1
+ else
+ cannot use efficient block reduction, fallback to atomics
+ return 2
+ 4. if ret == 1:
+ The master thread stores the reduced result in the globals.
+ foo += reduceData.foo; bar += reduceData.bar
+ 5. else if ret == 2:
+ In this case kmpc_reduce_nowait() could not use tree reduction,
+ so use atomics instead:
+ each thread atomically writes to foo
+ each thread atomically writes to bar
+The function can_block_reduce() is defined as follows:
+int32_t can_block_reduce() {
+ int tid = GetThreadIdInTeam();
+ int nt = GetNumberOfOmpThreads(tid);
+ if (nt != blockDim.x)
+ return 0;
+ unsigned tnum = __ballot(1);
+ if (tnum != (~0x0)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+This function permits the use of the efficient block reduction algorithm
+using shuffles and shared memory (return 1) only if (a) all SIMT threads in
+a warp are active (i.e., number of threads in the parallel region is a
+multiple of 32) and (b) the number of threads in the parallel region
+(set by the num_threads clause) equals blockDim.x.
+If either of these preconditions is not true, each thread in the threadblock
+updates the global value using atomics.
+Atomics and compare-and-swap operations are expensive on many threaded
+architectures such as GPUs and we must avoid them completely.
+**Appendix: Implementation Details**
+// Compiler generated function.
+reduceFn(ReduceData *a, ReduceData *b)
+ a->foo = a->foo + b->foo
+ a->bar = a->bar + b->bar
+// Compiler generated function.
+swapAndReduceFn(ReduceData *thread_private, int lane)
+ ReduceData *remote = new ReduceData()
+ remote->foo = shuffle_double(thread_private->foo, lane)
+ remote->bar = shuffle_double(thread_private->bar, lane)
+ reduceFn(thread_private, remote)
+// OMP runtime function.
+warpReduce_regular(ReduceData *thread_private, Fn *swapAndReduceFn):
+ offset = 16
+ while (offset > 0)
+ swapAndReduceFn(thread_private, offset)
+ offset /= 2
+// OMP runtime function.
+ ...
+// OMP runtime function.
+kmpc_reduce_warp(reduceData, swapAndReduceFn)
+ if all_lanes_active:
+ warpReduce_regular(reduceData, swapAndReduceFn)
+ else:
+ warpReduce_irregular(reduceData, swapAndReduceFn)
+ if in_simd_region:
+ // all done, reduce to global in simd lane 0
+ return 1
+ else if in_parallel_region:
+ // done reducing to one value per warp, now reduce across warps
+ return 3
+// OMP runtime function; one for each basic type.
+kmpc_reduce_block_double(double *a)
+ if lane == 0:
+ shared[wid] = *a
+ named_barrier(1, num_threads)
+ if wid == 0
+ block_reduce(shared)
+ if lane == 0
+ *a = shared[0]
+ named_barrier(1, num_threads)
+ if wid == 0 and lane == 0
+ return 1 // write back reduced result
+ else
+ return 0 // don't do anything
+// Compiler generated code.
+ 1. Create private copies of variables: foo_p, bar_p
+ 2. Each thread reduces the chunk of A and B assigned to it and writes
+ to foo_p and bar_p respectively.
+ 3. ret = kmpc_reduce_warp(reduceData, swapAndReduceFn)
+ 4. if ret == 1:
+ The master thread stores the reduced result in the globals.
+ foo += reduceData.foo; bar += reduceData.bar
+ 5. else if ret == 3:
+ ret = block_reduce_double(reduceData.foo)
+ if ret == 1:
+ foo += reduceData.foo
+ ret = block_reduce_double(reduceData.bar)
+ if ret == 1:
+ bar += reduceData.bar
+ 1. This scheme requires that the CUDA OMP runtime can call llvm generated
+ functions. This functionality now works.
+ 2. If the user inlines the CUDA OMP runtime bitcode, all of the machinery
+ (including calls through function pointers) are optimized away.
+ 3. If we are reducing multiple to multiple variables in a parallel region,
+ the reduce operations are all performed in warpReduce_[ir]regular(). This
+ results in more instructions in the loop and should result in fewer
+ stalls due to data dependencies. Unfortunately we cannot do the same in
+ kmpc_reduce_block_double() without increasing shared memory usage.
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/cancel.cu b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/cancel.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93fc5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/cancel.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//===------ cancel.cu - NVPTX OpenMP cancel interface ------------ CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Interface to be used in the implementation of OpenMP cancel.
+#include "omptarget-nvptx.h"
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_cancellationpoint(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t cancelVal) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call kmpc_cancellationpoint(cancel val %d)\n", (int)cancelVal);
+ // disabled
+ return FALSE;
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_cancel(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t cancelVal) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call kmpc_cancel(cancel val %d)\n", (int)cancelVal);
+ // disabled
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/critical.cu b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/critical.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eb94f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/critical.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//===------ critical.cu - NVPTX OpenMP critical ------------------ CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains the implementation of critical with KMPC interface
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omptarget-nvptx.h"
+void __kmpc_critical(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_CriticalName *lck) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to kmpc_critical()\n");
+ omp_set_lock((omp_lock_t *)lck);
+void __kmpc_end_critical(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_CriticalName *lck) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to kmpc_end_critical()\n");
+ omp_unset_lock((omp_lock_t *)lck);
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/data_sharing.cu b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/data_sharing.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50b8654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/data_sharing.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+//===----- data_sharing.cu - NVPTX OpenMP debug utilities -------- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains the implementation of data sharing environments/
+#include "omptarget-nvptx.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+// Warp ID in the CUDA block
+INLINE static unsigned getWarpId() { return threadIdx.x / WARPSIZE; }
+// Lane ID in the CUDA warp.
+INLINE static unsigned getLaneId() { return threadIdx.x % WARPSIZE; }
+// Return true if this is the first active thread in the warp.
+INLINE static bool IsWarpMasterActiveThread() {
+ unsigned long long Mask = __ACTIVEMASK();
+ unsigned long long ShNum = WARPSIZE - (GetThreadIdInBlock() % WARPSIZE);
+ unsigned long long Sh = Mask << ShNum;
+ // Truncate Sh to the 32 lower bits
+ return (unsigned)Sh == 0;
+// Return true if this is the master thread.
+INLINE static bool IsMasterThread(bool isSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ return !isSPMDExecutionMode && GetMasterThreadID() == GetThreadIdInBlock();
+/// Return the provided size aligned to the size of a pointer.
+INLINE static size_t AlignVal(size_t Val) {
+ const size_t Align = (size_t)sizeof(void *);
+ if (Val & (Align - 1)) {
+ Val += Align;
+ Val &= ~(Align - 1);
+ }
+ return Val;
+#define DSFLAG 0
+#define DSFLAG_INIT 0
+#define DSPRINT(_flag, _str, _args...) \
+ { \
+ if (_flag) { \
+ /*printf("(%d,%d) -> " _str, blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x, _args);*/ \
+ } \
+ }
+#define DSPRINT0(_flag, _str) \
+ { \
+ if (_flag) { \
+ /*printf("(%d,%d) -> " _str, blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);*/ \
+ } \
+ }
+// Initialize the shared data structures. This is expected to be called for the
+// master thread and warp masters. \param RootS: A pointer to the root of the
+// data sharing stack. \param InitialDataSize: The initial size of the data in
+// the slot.
+EXTERN void
+__kmpc_initialize_data_sharing_environment(__kmpc_data_sharing_slot *rootS,
+ size_t InitialDataSize) {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, isRuntimeInitialized(), "Runtime must be initialized.");
+ "Entering __kmpc_initialize_data_sharing_environment\n");
+ unsigned WID = getWarpId();
+ omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr *teamDescr =
+ &omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->TeamContext();
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *RootS =
+ teamDescr->RootS(WID, IsMasterThread(isSPMDMode()));
+ DataSharingState.SlotPtr[WID] = RootS;
+ DataSharingState.StackPtr[WID] = (void *)&RootS->Data[0];
+ // We don't need to initialize the frame and active threads.
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG_INIT, "Initial data size: %08x \n", (unsigned)InitialDataSize);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG_INIT, "Root slot at: %016llx \n", (unsigned long long)RootS);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG_INIT, "Root slot data-end at: %016llx \n",
+ (unsigned long long)RootS->DataEnd);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG_INIT, "Root slot next at: %016llx \n",
+ (unsigned long long)RootS->Next);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG_INIT, "Shared slot ptr at: %016llx \n",
+ (unsigned long long)DataSharingState.SlotPtr[WID]);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG_INIT, "Shared stack ptr at: %016llx \n",
+ (unsigned long long)DataSharingState.StackPtr[WID]);
+ DSPRINT0(DSFLAG_INIT, "Exiting __kmpc_initialize_data_sharing_environment\n");
+EXTERN void *__kmpc_data_sharing_environment_begin(
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot **SavedSharedSlot, void **SavedSharedStack,
+ void **SavedSharedFrame, int32_t *SavedActiveThreads,
+ size_t SharingDataSize, size_t SharingDefaultDataSize,
+ int16_t IsOMPRuntimeInitialized) {
+ DSPRINT0(DSFLAG, "Entering __kmpc_data_sharing_environment_begin\n");
+ // If the runtime has been elided, used __shared__ memory for master-worker
+ // data sharing.
+ if (!IsOMPRuntimeInitialized)
+ return (void *)&DataSharingState;
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Data Size %016llx\n", (unsigned long long)SharingDataSize);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Default Data Size %016llx\n",
+ (unsigned long long)SharingDefaultDataSize);
+ unsigned WID = getWarpId();
+ unsigned CurActiveThreads = __ACTIVEMASK();
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *&SlotP = DataSharingState.SlotPtr[WID];
+ void *&StackP = DataSharingState.StackPtr[WID];
+ void * volatile &FrameP = DataSharingState.FramePtr[WID];
+ int32_t &ActiveT = DataSharingState.ActiveThreads[WID];
+ DSPRINT0(DSFLAG, "Save current slot/stack values.\n");
+ // Save the current values.
+ *SavedSharedSlot = SlotP;
+ *SavedSharedStack = StackP;
+ *SavedSharedFrame = FrameP;
+ *SavedActiveThreads = ActiveT;
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Warp ID: %u\n", WID);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Saved slot ptr at: %016llx \n", (unsigned long long)SlotP);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Saved stack ptr at: %016llx \n", (unsigned long long)StackP);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Saved frame ptr at: %016llx \n", (long long)FrameP);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Active threads: %08x \n", (unsigned)ActiveT);
+ // Only the warp active master needs to grow the stack.
+ if (IsWarpMasterActiveThread()) {
+ // Save the current active threads.
+ ActiveT = CurActiveThreads;
+ // Make sure we use aligned sizes to avoid rematerialization of data.
+ SharingDataSize = AlignVal(SharingDataSize);
+ // FIXME: The default data size can be assumed to be aligned?
+ SharingDefaultDataSize = AlignVal(SharingDefaultDataSize);
+ // Check if we have room for the data in the current slot.
+ const uintptr_t CurrentStartAddress = (uintptr_t)StackP;
+ const uintptr_t CurrentEndAddress = (uintptr_t)SlotP->DataEnd;
+ const uintptr_t RequiredEndAddress =
+ CurrentStartAddress + (uintptr_t)SharingDataSize;
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Data Size %016llx\n", (unsigned long long)SharingDataSize);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Default Data Size %016llx\n",
+ (unsigned long long)SharingDefaultDataSize);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Current Start Address %016llx\n",
+ (unsigned long long)CurrentStartAddress);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Current End Address %016llx\n",
+ (unsigned long long)CurrentEndAddress);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Required End Address %016llx\n",
+ (unsigned long long)RequiredEndAddress);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Active Threads %08x\n", (unsigned)ActiveT);
+ // If we require a new slot, allocate it and initialize it (or attempt to
+ // reuse one). Also, set the shared stack and slot pointers to the new
+ // place. If we do not need to grow the stack, just adapt the stack and
+ // frame pointers.
+ if (CurrentEndAddress < RequiredEndAddress) {
+ size_t NewSize = (SharingDataSize > SharingDefaultDataSize)
+ ? SharingDataSize
+ : SharingDefaultDataSize;
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *NewSlot = 0;
+ // Attempt to reuse an existing slot.
+ if (__kmpc_data_sharing_slot *ExistingSlot = SlotP->Next) {
+ uintptr_t ExistingSlotSize = (uintptr_t)ExistingSlot->DataEnd -
+ (uintptr_t)(&ExistingSlot->Data[0]);
+ if (ExistingSlotSize >= NewSize) {
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Reusing stack slot %016llx\n",
+ (unsigned long long)ExistingSlot);
+ NewSlot = ExistingSlot;
+ } else {
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Cleaning up -failed reuse - %016llx\n",
+ (unsigned long long)SlotP->Next);
+ free(ExistingSlot);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!NewSlot) {
+ NewSlot = (__kmpc_data_sharing_slot *)malloc(
+ sizeof(__kmpc_data_sharing_slot) + NewSize);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "New slot allocated %016llx (data size=%016llx)\n",
+ (unsigned long long)NewSlot, NewSize);
+ }
+ NewSlot->Next = 0;
+ NewSlot->DataEnd = &NewSlot->Data[NewSize];
+ SlotP->Next = NewSlot;
+ SlotP = NewSlot;
+ StackP = &NewSlot->Data[SharingDataSize];
+ FrameP = &NewSlot->Data[0];
+ } else {
+ // Clean up any old slot that we may still have. The slot producers, do
+ // not eliminate them because that may be used to return data.
+ if (SlotP->Next) {
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Cleaning up - old not required - %016llx\n",
+ (unsigned long long)SlotP->Next);
+ free(SlotP->Next);
+ SlotP->Next = 0;
+ }
+ FrameP = StackP;
+ StackP = (void *)RequiredEndAddress;
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME: Need to see the impact of doing it here.
+ __threadfence_block();
+ DSPRINT0(DSFLAG, "Exiting __kmpc_data_sharing_environment_begin\n");
+ // All the threads in this warp get the frame they should work with.
+ return FrameP;
+EXTERN void __kmpc_data_sharing_environment_end(
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot **SavedSharedSlot, void **SavedSharedStack,
+ void **SavedSharedFrame, int32_t *SavedActiveThreads,
+ int32_t IsEntryPoint) {
+ DSPRINT0(DSFLAG, "Entering __kmpc_data_sharing_environment_end\n");
+ unsigned WID = getWarpId();
+ if (IsEntryPoint) {
+ if (IsWarpMasterActiveThread()) {
+ DSPRINT0(DSFLAG, "Doing clean up\n");
+ // The master thread cleans the saved slot, because this is an environment
+ // only for the master.
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *S = IsMasterThread(isSPMDMode())
+ ? *SavedSharedSlot
+ : DataSharingState.SlotPtr[WID];
+ if (S->Next) {
+ free(S->Next);
+ S->Next = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ DSPRINT0(DSFLAG, "Exiting Exiting __kmpc_data_sharing_environment_end\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ int32_t CurActive = __ACTIVEMASK();
+ // Only the warp master can restore the stack and frame information, and only
+ // if there are no other threads left behind in this environment (i.e. the
+ // warp diverged and returns in different places). This only works if we
+ // assume that threads will converge right after the call site that started
+ // the environment.
+ if (IsWarpMasterActiveThread()) {
+ int32_t &ActiveT = DataSharingState.ActiveThreads[WID];
+ DSPRINT0(DSFLAG, "Before restoring the stack\n");
+ // Zero the bits in the mask. If it is still different from zero, then we
+ // have other threads that will return after the current ones.
+ ActiveT &= ~CurActive;
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Active threads: %08x; New mask: %08x\n",
+ (unsigned)CurActive, (unsigned)ActiveT);
+ if (!ActiveT) {
+ // No other active threads? Great, lets restore the stack.
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *&SlotP = DataSharingState.SlotPtr[WID];
+ void *&StackP = DataSharingState.StackPtr[WID];
+ void * volatile &FrameP = DataSharingState.FramePtr[WID];
+ SlotP = *SavedSharedSlot;
+ StackP = *SavedSharedStack;
+ FrameP = *SavedSharedFrame;
+ ActiveT = *SavedActiveThreads;
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Restored slot ptr at: %016llx \n",
+ (unsigned long long)SlotP);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Restored stack ptr at: %016llx \n",
+ (unsigned long long)StackP);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Restored frame ptr at: %016llx \n",
+ (unsigned long long)FrameP);
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Active threads: %08x \n", (unsigned)ActiveT);
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME: Need to see the impact of doing it here.
+ __threadfence_block();
+ DSPRINT0(DSFLAG, "Exiting __kmpc_data_sharing_environment_end\n");
+ return;
+EXTERN void *
+__kmpc_get_data_sharing_environment_frame(int32_t SourceThreadID,
+ int16_t IsOMPRuntimeInitialized) {
+ DSPRINT0(DSFLAG, "Entering __kmpc_get_data_sharing_environment_frame\n");
+ // If the runtime has been elided, use __shared__ memory for master-worker
+ // data sharing. We're reusing the statically allocated data structure
+ // that is used for standard data sharing.
+ if (!IsOMPRuntimeInitialized)
+ return (void *)&DataSharingState;
+ // Get the frame used by the requested thread.
+ unsigned SourceWID = SourceThreadID / WARPSIZE;
+ DSPRINT(DSFLAG, "Source warp: %u\n", SourceWID);
+ void * volatile P = DataSharingState.FramePtr[SourceWID];
+ DSPRINT0(DSFLAG, "Exiting __kmpc_get_data_sharing_environment_frame\n");
+ return P;
+// Runtime functions for trunk data sharing scheme.
+INLINE static void data_sharing_init_stack_common() {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, isRuntimeInitialized(), "Runtime must be initialized.");
+ omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr *teamDescr =
+ &omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->TeamContext();
+ for (int WID = 0; WID < WARPSIZE; WID++) {
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *RootS = teamDescr->GetPreallocatedSlotAddr(WID);
+ DataSharingState.SlotPtr[WID] = RootS;
+ DataSharingState.StackPtr[WID] = (void *)&RootS->Data[0];
+ }
+// Initialize data sharing data structure. This function needs to be called
+// once at the beginning of a data sharing context (coincides with the kernel
+// initialization). This function is called only by the MASTER thread of each
+// team in non-SPMD mode.
+EXTERN void __kmpc_data_sharing_init_stack() {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, isRuntimeInitialized(), "Runtime must be initialized.");
+ // This function initializes the stack pointer with the pointer to the
+ // statically allocated shared memory slots. The size of a shared memory
+ // slot is pre-determined to be 256 bytes.
+ data_sharing_init_stack_common();
+ omptarget_nvptx_globalArgs.Init();
+// Initialize data sharing data structure. This function needs to be called
+// once at the beginning of a data sharing context (coincides with the kernel
+// initialization). This function is called in SPMD mode only.
+EXTERN void __kmpc_data_sharing_init_stack_spmd() {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, isRuntimeInitialized(), "Runtime must be initialized.");
+ // This function initializes the stack pointer with the pointer to the
+ // statically allocated shared memory slots. The size of a shared memory
+ // slot is pre-determined to be 256 bytes.
+ if (threadIdx.x == 0)
+ data_sharing_init_stack_common();
+ __threadfence_block();
+INLINE static void* data_sharing_push_stack_common(size_t PushSize) {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, isRuntimeInitialized(), "Expected initialized runtime.");
+ // Only warp active master threads manage the stack.
+ bool IsWarpMaster = (GetThreadIdInBlock() % WARPSIZE) == 0;
+ // Add worst-case padding to DataSize so that future stack allocations are
+ // correctly aligned.
+ const size_t Alignment = 8;
+ PushSize = (PushSize + (Alignment - 1)) / Alignment * Alignment;
+ // Frame pointer must be visible to all workers in the same warp.
+ const unsigned WID = getWarpId();
+ void *FrameP = 0;
+ int32_t CurActive = __ACTIVEMASK();
+ if (IsWarpMaster) {
+ // SlotP will point to either the shared memory slot or an existing
+ // global memory slot.
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *&SlotP = DataSharingState.SlotPtr[WID];
+ void *&StackP = DataSharingState.StackPtr[WID];
+ // Check if we have room for the data in the current slot.
+ const uintptr_t StartAddress = (uintptr_t)StackP;
+ const uintptr_t EndAddress = (uintptr_t)SlotP->DataEnd;
+ const uintptr_t RequestedEndAddress = StartAddress + (uintptr_t)PushSize;
+ // If we requested more data than there is room for in the rest
+ // of the slot then we need to either re-use the next slot, if one exists,
+ // or create a new slot.
+ if (EndAddress < RequestedEndAddress) {
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *NewSlot = 0;
+ size_t NewSize = PushSize;
+ // Allocate at least the default size for each type of slot.
+ // Master is a special case and even though there is only one thread,
+ // it can share more things with the workers. For uniformity, it uses
+ // the full size of a worker warp slot.
+ size_t DefaultSlotSize = DS_Worker_Warp_Slot_Size;
+ if (DefaultSlotSize > NewSize)
+ NewSize = DefaultSlotSize;
+ NewSlot = (__kmpc_data_sharing_slot *) SafeMalloc(
+ sizeof(__kmpc_data_sharing_slot) + NewSize,
+ "Global memory slot allocation.");
+ NewSlot->Next = 0;
+ NewSlot->Prev = SlotP;
+ NewSlot->PrevSlotStackPtr = StackP;
+ NewSlot->DataEnd = &NewSlot->Data[0] + NewSize;
+ // Make previous slot point to the newly allocated slot.
+ SlotP->Next = NewSlot;
+ // The current slot becomes the new slot.
+ SlotP = NewSlot;
+ // The stack pointer always points to the next free stack frame.
+ StackP = &NewSlot->Data[0] + PushSize;
+ // The frame pointer always points to the beginning of the frame.
+ FrameP = DataSharingState.FramePtr[WID] = &NewSlot->Data[0];
+ } else {
+ // Add the data chunk to the current slot. The frame pointer is set to
+ // point to the start of the new frame held in StackP.
+ FrameP = DataSharingState.FramePtr[WID] = StackP;
+ // Reset stack pointer to the requested address.
+ StackP = (void *)RequestedEndAddress;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get address from lane 0.
+ ((int *)&FrameP)[0] = __SHFL_SYNC(CurActive, ((int *)&FrameP)[0], 0);
+ if (sizeof(FrameP) == 8)
+ ((int *)&FrameP)[1] = __SHFL_SYNC(CurActive, ((int *)&FrameP)[1], 0);
+ return FrameP;
+EXTERN void *__kmpc_data_sharing_coalesced_push_stack(size_t DataSize,
+ int16_t UseSharedMemory) {
+ return data_sharing_push_stack_common(DataSize);
+// Called at the time of the kernel initialization. This is used to initilize
+// the list of references to shared variables and to pre-allocate global storage
+// for holding the globalized variables.
+// By default the globalized variables are stored in global memory. If the
+// UseSharedMemory is set to true, the runtime will attempt to use shared memory
+// as long as the size requested fits the pre-allocated size.
+EXTERN void *__kmpc_data_sharing_push_stack(size_t DataSize,
+ int16_t UseSharedMemory) {
+ // Compute the total memory footprint of the requested data.
+ // The master thread requires a stack only for itself. A worker
+ // thread (which at this point is a warp master) will require
+ // space for the variables of each thread in the warp,
+ // i.e. one DataSize chunk per warp lane.
+ // TODO: change WARPSIZE to the number of active threads in the warp.
+ size_t PushSize = (isRuntimeUninitialized() || IsMasterThread(isSPMDMode()))
+ ? DataSize
+ : WARPSIZE * DataSize;
+ // Compute the start address of the frame of each thread in the warp.
+ uintptr_t FrameStartAddress =
+ (uintptr_t) data_sharing_push_stack_common(PushSize);
+ FrameStartAddress += (uintptr_t) (getLaneId() * DataSize);
+ return (void *)FrameStartAddress;
+// Pop the stack and free any memory which can be reclaimed.
+// When the pop operation removes the last global memory slot,
+// reclaim all outstanding global memory slots since it is
+// likely we have reached the end of the kernel.
+EXTERN void __kmpc_data_sharing_pop_stack(void *FrameStart) {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, isRuntimeInitialized(), "Expected initialized runtime.");
+ __threadfence_block();
+ if (GetThreadIdInBlock() % WARPSIZE == 0) {
+ unsigned WID = getWarpId();
+ // Current slot
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *&SlotP = DataSharingState.SlotPtr[WID];
+ // Pointer to next available stack.
+ void *&StackP = DataSharingState.StackPtr[WID];
+ // Pop the frame.
+ StackP = FrameStart;
+ // If the current slot is empty, we need to free the slot after the
+ // pop.
+ bool SlotEmpty = (StackP == &SlotP->Data[0]);
+ if (SlotEmpty && SlotP->Prev) {
+ // Before removing the slot we need to reset StackP.
+ StackP = SlotP->PrevSlotStackPtr;
+ // Remove the slot.
+ SlotP = SlotP->Prev;
+ SafeFree(SlotP->Next, "Free slot.");
+ SlotP->Next = 0;
+ }
+ }
+// Begin a data sharing context. Maintain a list of references to shared
+// variables. This list of references to shared variables will be passed
+// to one or more threads.
+// In L0 data sharing this is called by master thread.
+// In L1 data sharing this is called by active warp master thread.
+EXTERN void __kmpc_begin_sharing_variables(void ***GlobalArgs, size_t nArgs) {
+ omptarget_nvptx_globalArgs.EnsureSize(nArgs);
+ *GlobalArgs = omptarget_nvptx_globalArgs.GetArgs();
+// End a data sharing context. There is no need to have a list of refs
+// to shared variables because the context in which those variables were
+// shared has now ended. This should clean-up the list of references only
+// without affecting the actual global storage of the variables.
+// In L0 data sharing this is called by master thread.
+// In L1 data sharing this is called by active warp master thread.
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_sharing_variables() {
+ omptarget_nvptx_globalArgs.DeInit();
+// This function will return a list of references to global variables. This
+// is how the workers will get a reference to the globalized variable. The
+// members of this list will be passed to the outlined parallel function
+// preserving the order.
+// Called by all workers.
+EXTERN void __kmpc_get_shared_variables(void ***GlobalArgs) {
+ *GlobalArgs = omptarget_nvptx_globalArgs.GetArgs();
+// This function is used to init static memory manager. This manager is used to
+// manage statically allocated global memory. This memory is allocated by the
+// compiler and used to correctly implement globalization of the variables in
+// target, teams and distribute regions.
+EXTERN void __kmpc_get_team_static_memory(int16_t isSPMDExecutionMode,
+ const void *buf, size_t size,
+ int16_t is_shared,
+ const void **frame) {
+ if (is_shared) {
+ *frame = buf;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ if (GetThreadIdInBlock() == 0) {
+ *frame = omptarget_nvptx_simpleMemoryManager.Acquire(buf, size);
+ }
+ // FIXME: use __syncthreads instead when the function copy is fixed in LLVM.
+ return;
+ }
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, GetThreadIdInBlock() == GetMasterThreadID(),
+ "Must be called only in the target master thread.");
+ *frame = omptarget_nvptx_simpleMemoryManager.Acquire(buf, size);
+ __threadfence();
+EXTERN void __kmpc_restore_team_static_memory(int16_t isSPMDExecutionMode,
+ int16_t is_shared) {
+ if (is_shared)
+ return;
+ if (isSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ // FIXME: use __syncthreads instead when the function copy is fixed in LLVM.
+ if (GetThreadIdInBlock() == 0) {
+ omptarget_nvptx_simpleMemoryManager.Release();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ __threadfence();
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, GetThreadIdInBlock() == GetMasterThreadID(),
+ "Must be called only in the target master thread.");
+ omptarget_nvptx_simpleMemoryManager.Release();
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/debug.h b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/debug.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2fcc1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/debug.h
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+//===------------- debug.h - NVPTX OpenMP debug macros ----------- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains debug macros to be used in the application.
+// Usage guide
+// PRINT0(flag, str) : if debug flag is on, print (no arguments)
+// PRINT(flag, str, args) : if debug flag is on, print (arguments)
+// DON(flag) : return true if debug flag is on
+// ASSERT(flag, cond, str, args): if test flag is on, test the condition
+// if the condition is false, print str+args
+// and assert.
+// CAUTION: cond may be evaluate twice
+// AON(flag) : return true if test flag is on
+// WARNING(flag, str, args) : if warning flag is on, print the warning
+// WON(flag) : return true if warning flag is on
+// set desired level of debugging
+#define LD_SET_NONE 0ULL /* none */
+#define LD_SET_ALL -1ULL /* all */
+// pos 1
+#define LD_SET_LOOP 0x1ULL /* basic loop */
+#define LD_SET_LOOPD 0x2ULL /* basic loop */
+#define LD_SET_PAR 0x4ULL /* basic parallel */
+#define LD_SET_PARD 0x8ULL /* basic parallel */
+// pos 2
+#define LD_SET_SYNC 0x10ULL /* sync info */
+#define LD_SET_SYNCD 0x20ULL /* sync info */
+#define LD_SET_WAIT 0x40ULL /* state when waiting */
+#define LD_SET_TASK 0x80ULL /* print task info (high level) */
+// pos 3
+#define LD_SET_IO 0x100ULL /* big region io (excl atomic) */
+#define LD_SET_IOD 0x200ULL /* big region io (excl atomic) */
+#define LD_SET_ENV 0x400ULL /* env info */
+#define LD_SET_CANCEL 0x800ULL /* print cancel info */
+// pos 4
+#define LD_SET_MEM 0x1000ULL /* malloc / free */
+// set the desired flags to print selected output.
+// these are some examples of possible definitions that can be used for
+// debugging.
+//#define OMPTARGET_NVPTX_DEBUG (LD_SET_LOOP) // limit to loop printfs to save
+// on cuda buffer
+#warning debug is used, not good for measurements
+// set desired level of asserts
+// available flags
+#define LT_SET_NONE 0x0 /* unsafe */
+#define LT_SET_SAFETY \
+ 0x1 /* check malloc type of stuff, input at creation, cheap */
+#define LT_SET_INPUT 0x2 /* check also all runtime inputs */
+#define LT_SET_FUSSY 0x4 /* fussy checks, expensive */
+// set the desired flags
+// set desired level of warnings
+// available flags
+#define LW_SET_ALL -1
+#define LW_SET_NONE 0x0
+#define LW_SET_ENV 0x1
+#define LW_SET_INPUT 0x2
+#define LW_SET_FUSSY 0x4
+// set the desired flags
+// implemtation for debug
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "option.h"
+template <typename... Arguments>
+NOINLINE static void log(const char *fmt, Arguments... parameters) {
+ printf(fmt, (int)blockIdx.x, (int)threadIdx.x, (int)(threadIdx.x / WARPSIZE),
+ (int)(threadIdx.x & 0x1F), parameters...);
+#include <assert.h>
+template <typename... Arguments>
+NOINLINE static void check(bool cond, const char *fmt,
+ Arguments... parameters) {
+ if (!cond)
+ printf(fmt, (int)blockIdx.x, (int)threadIdx.x,
+ (int)(threadIdx.x / WARPSIZE), (int)(threadIdx.x & 0x1F),
+ parameters...);
+ assert(cond);
+NOINLINE static void check(bool cond) { assert(cond); }
+// set flags that are tested (inclusion properties)
+#define LD_ALL (LD_SET_ALL)
+#define LD_PARD (LD_SET_PARD)
+// pos 2
+#define LD_WAIT (LD_SET_WAIT)
+#define LD_TASK (LD_SET_TASK)
+// pos 3
+#define LD_IO (LD_SET_IO | LD_SET_IOD)
+#define LD_IOD (LD_SET_IOD)
+#define LD_ENV (LD_SET_ENV)
+// pos 3
+#define LD_MEM (LD_SET_MEM)
+// implement
+#define DON(_flag) ((unsigned)(OMPTARGET_NVPTX_DEBUG) & (_flag))
+#define PRINT0(_flag, _str) \
+ { \
+ if (omptarget_device_environment.debug_level && DON(_flag)) { \
+ log("<b %2d, t %4d, w %2d, l %2d>: " _str); \
+ } \
+ }
+#define PRINT(_flag, _str, _args...) \
+ { \
+ if (omptarget_device_environment.debug_level && DON(_flag)) { \
+ log("<b %2d, t %4d, w %2d, l %2d>: " _str, _args); \
+ } \
+ }
+#define DON(_flag) (FALSE)
+#define PRINT0(flag, str)
+#define PRINT(flag, str, _args...)
+// for printing without worring about precision, pointers...
+#define P64(_x) ((unsigned long long)(_x))
+// early defs for test
+#define TON(_flag) ((OMPTARGET_NVPTX_TEST) & (_flag))
+#define ASSERT0(_flag, _cond, _str) \
+ { \
+ if (TON(_flag)) { \
+ check(_cond); \
+ } \
+ }
+#define ASSERT(_flag, _cond, _str, _args...) \
+ { \
+ if (TON(_flag)) { \
+ check(_cond); \
+ } \
+ }
+#define TON(_flag) ((OMPTARGET_NVPTX_TEST) & (_flag))
+#define ASSERT0(_flag, _cond, _str) \
+ { \
+ if (TON(_flag)) { \
+ check((_cond), "<b %3d, t %4d, w %2d, l %2d> ASSERT: " _str "\n"); \
+ } \
+ }
+#define ASSERT(_flag, _cond, _str, _args...) \
+ { \
+ if (TON(_flag)) { \
+ check((_cond), "<b %3d, t %4d, w %2d, l %d2> ASSERT: " _str "\n", \
+ _args); \
+ } \
+ }
+#define TON(_flag) (FALSE)
+#define ASSERT0(_flag, _cond, _str)
+#define ASSERT(_flag, _cond, _str, _args...)
+// early defs for warning
+#define LW_ALL (LW_SET_ALL)
+#define WON(_flag) ((OMPTARGET_NVPTX_WARNING) & (_flag))
+#define WARNING0(_flag, _str) \
+ { \
+ if (WON(_flag)) { \
+ log("<b %2d, t %4d, w %2d, l %2d> WARNING: " _str); \
+ } \
+ }
+#define WARNING(_flag, _str, _args...) \
+ { \
+ if (WON(_flag)) { \
+ log("<b %2d, t %4d, w %2d, l %2d> WARNING: " _str, _args); \
+ } \
+ }
+#define WON(_flag) (FALSE)
+#define WARNING0(_flag, _str)
+#define WARNING(_flag, _str, _args...)
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/interface.h b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/interface.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2a13a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/interface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+//===------- interface.h - NVPTX OpenMP interface definitions ---- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains debug macros to be used in the application.
+// This file contains all the definitions that are relevant to
+// the interface. The first section contains the interface as
+// declared by OpenMP. The second section includes the compiler
+// specific interfaces.
+#ifndef _INTERFACES_H_
+#define _INTERFACES_H_
+#include "option.h"
+// OpenMP interface
+typedef uint32_t omp_lock_t; /* arbitrary type of the right length */
+typedef uint64_t omp_nest_lock_t; /* arbitrary type of the right length */
+typedef enum omp_sched_t {
+ omp_sched_static = 1, /* chunkSize >0 */
+ omp_sched_dynamic = 2, /* chunkSize >0 */
+ omp_sched_guided = 3, /* chunkSize >0 */
+ omp_sched_auto = 4, /* no chunkSize */
+} omp_sched_t;
+typedef enum omp_proc_bind_t {
+ omp_proc_bind_false = 0,
+ omp_proc_bind_true = 1,
+ omp_proc_bind_master = 2,
+ omp_proc_bind_close = 3,
+ omp_proc_bind_spread = 4
+} omp_proc_bind_t;
+EXTERN double omp_get_wtick(void);
+EXTERN double omp_get_wtime(void);
+EXTERN void omp_set_num_threads(int num);
+EXTERN int omp_get_num_threads(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_max_threads(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_thread_limit(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_thread_num(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_num_procs(void);
+EXTERN int omp_in_parallel(void);
+EXTERN int omp_in_final(void);
+EXTERN void omp_set_dynamic(int flag);
+EXTERN int omp_get_dynamic(void);
+EXTERN void omp_set_nested(int flag);
+EXTERN int omp_get_nested(void);
+EXTERN void omp_set_max_active_levels(int level);
+EXTERN int omp_get_max_active_levels(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_level(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_active_level(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(int level);
+EXTERN int omp_get_team_size(int level);
+EXTERN void omp_init_lock(omp_lock_t *lock);
+EXTERN void omp_init_nest_lock(omp_nest_lock_t *lock);
+EXTERN void omp_destroy_lock(omp_lock_t *lock);
+EXTERN void omp_destroy_nest_lock(omp_nest_lock_t *lock);
+EXTERN void omp_set_lock(omp_lock_t *lock);
+EXTERN void omp_set_nest_lock(omp_nest_lock_t *lock);
+EXTERN void omp_unset_lock(omp_lock_t *lock);
+EXTERN void omp_unset_nest_lock(omp_nest_lock_t *lock);
+EXTERN int omp_test_lock(omp_lock_t *lock);
+EXTERN int omp_test_nest_lock(omp_nest_lock_t *lock);
+EXTERN void omp_get_schedule(omp_sched_t *kind, int *modifier);
+EXTERN void omp_set_schedule(omp_sched_t kind, int modifier);
+EXTERN omp_proc_bind_t omp_get_proc_bind(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_cancellation(void);
+EXTERN void omp_set_default_device(int deviceId);
+EXTERN int omp_get_default_device(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_num_devices(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_num_teams(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_team_num(void);
+EXTERN int omp_is_initial_device(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_initial_device(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_max_task_priority(void);
+// file below is swiped from kmpc host interface
+// kmp specifc types
+typedef enum kmp_sched_t {
+ kmp_sched_static_chunk = 33,
+ kmp_sched_static_nochunk = 34,
+ kmp_sched_dynamic = 35,
+ kmp_sched_guided = 36,
+ kmp_sched_runtime = 37,
+ kmp_sched_auto = 38,
+ kmp_sched_static_balanced_chunk = 45,
+ kmp_sched_static_ordered = 65,
+ kmp_sched_static_nochunk_ordered = 66,
+ kmp_sched_dynamic_ordered = 67,
+ kmp_sched_guided_ordered = 68,
+ kmp_sched_runtime_ordered = 69,
+ kmp_sched_auto_ordered = 70,
+ kmp_sched_distr_static_chunk = 91,
+ kmp_sched_distr_static_nochunk = 92,
+ kmp_sched_distr_static_chunk_sched_static_chunkone = 93,
+ kmp_sched_default = kmp_sched_static_nochunk,
+ kmp_sched_unordered_first = kmp_sched_static_chunk,
+ kmp_sched_unordered_last = kmp_sched_auto,
+ kmp_sched_ordered_first = kmp_sched_static_ordered,
+ kmp_sched_ordered_last = kmp_sched_auto_ordered,
+ kmp_sched_distribute_first = kmp_sched_distr_static_chunk,
+ kmp_sched_distribute_last =
+ kmp_sched_distr_static_chunk_sched_static_chunkone,
+ /* Support for OpenMP 4.5 monotonic and nonmonotonic schedule modifiers.
+ * Since we need to distinguish the three possible cases (no modifier,
+ * monotonic modifier, nonmonotonic modifier), we need separate bits for
+ * each modifier. The absence of monotonic does not imply nonmonotonic,
+ * especially since 4.5 says that the behaviour of the "no modifier" case
+ * is implementation defined in 4.5, but will become "nonmonotonic" in 5.0.
+ *
+ * Since we're passing a full 32 bit value, we can use a couple of high
+ * bits for these flags; out of paranoia we avoid the sign bit.
+ *
+ * These modifiers can be or-ed into non-static schedules by the compiler
+ * to pass the additional information. They will be stripped early in the
+ * processing in __kmp_dispatch_init when setting up schedules, so
+ * most of the code won't ever see schedules with these bits set.
+ */
+ kmp_sched_modifier_monotonic = (1 << 29),
+ /**< Set if the monotonic schedule modifier was present */
+ kmp_sched_modifier_nonmonotonic = (1 << 30),
+/**< Set if the nonmonotonic schedule modifier was present */
+ (enum kmp_sched_t)( \
+ (s) & ~(kmp_sched_modifier_nonmonotonic | kmp_sched_modifier_monotonic))
+#define SCHEDULE_HAS_MONOTONIC(s) (((s)&kmp_sched_modifier_monotonic) != 0)
+ (((s)&kmp_sched_modifier_nonmonotonic) != 0)
+ (((s) & (kmp_sched_modifier_nonmonotonic | kmp_sched_modifier_monotonic)) == \
+ 0)
+} kmp_sched_t;
+ * Enum for accesseing the reserved_2 field of the ident_t struct below.
+ */
+enum {
+ /*! Bit set to 1 when in SPMD mode. */
+ /*! Bit set to 1 when a simplified runtime is used. */
+ * The ident structure that describes a source location.
+ * The struct is identical to the one in the kmp.h file.
+ * We maintain the same data structure for compatibility.
+ */
+typedef int kmp_int32;
+typedef struct ident {
+ kmp_int32 reserved_1; /**< might be used in Fortran; see above */
+ kmp_int32 flags; /**< also f.flags; KMP_IDENT_xxx flags; KMP_IDENT_KMPC
+ identifies this union member */
+ kmp_int32 reserved_2; /**< not really used in Fortran any more; see above */
+ kmp_int32 reserved_3; /**< source[4] in Fortran, do not use for C++ */
+ char const *psource; /**< String describing the source location.
+ The string is composed of semi-colon separated fields
+ which describe the source file, the function and a pair
+ of line numbers that delimit the construct. */
+} ident_t;
+// parallel defs
+typedef ident_t kmp_Ident;
+typedef void (*kmp_ParFctPtr)(int32_t *global_tid, int32_t *bound_tid, ...);
+typedef void (*kmp_ReductFctPtr)(void *lhsData, void *rhsData);
+typedef void (*kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr)(void *src, int32_t warp_num);
+typedef void (*kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr)(void *rhsData, int16_t lane_id,
+ int16_t lane_offset,
+ int16_t shortCircuit);
+typedef void (*kmp_CopyToScratchpadFctPtr)(void *reduceData, void *scratchpad,
+ int32_t index, int32_t width);
+typedef void (*kmp_LoadReduceFctPtr)(void *reduceData, void *scratchpad,
+ int32_t index, int32_t width,
+ int32_t reduce);
+typedef void (*kmp_ListGlobalFctPtr)(void *buffer, int idx, void *reduce_data);
+// task defs
+typedef struct kmp_TaskDescr kmp_TaskDescr;
+typedef int32_t (*kmp_TaskFctPtr)(int32_t global_tid, kmp_TaskDescr *taskDescr);
+typedef struct kmp_TaskDescr {
+ void *sharedPointerTable; // ptr to a table of shared var ptrs
+ kmp_TaskFctPtr sub; // task subroutine
+ int32_t partId; // unused
+ kmp_TaskFctPtr destructors; // destructor of c++ first private
+} kmp_TaskDescr;
+// sync defs
+typedef int32_t kmp_CriticalName[8];
+// external interface
+// parallel
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_global_thread_num(kmp_Ident *loc);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_push_num_threads(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t num_threads);
+// simd
+EXTERN void __kmpc_push_simd_limit(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t simd_limit);
+// aee ... not supported
+// EXTERN void __kmpc_fork_call(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t argc, kmp_ParFctPtr
+// microtask, ...);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_serialized_parallel(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_serialized_parallel(kmp_Ident *loc,
+ uint32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN uint16_t __kmpc_parallel_level(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid);
+// proc bind
+EXTERN void __kmpc_push_proc_bind(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ int proc_bind);
+EXTERN int omp_get_num_places(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_place_num_procs(int place_num);
+EXTERN void omp_get_place_proc_ids(int place_num, int *ids);
+EXTERN int omp_get_place_num(void);
+EXTERN int omp_get_partition_num_places(void);
+EXTERN void omp_get_partition_place_nums(int *place_nums);
+// for static (no chunk or chunk)
+EXTERN void __kmpc_for_static_init_4(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t sched, int32_t *plastiter,
+ int32_t *plower, int32_t *pupper,
+ int32_t *pstride, int32_t incr,
+ int32_t chunk);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_for_static_init_4u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t sched, int32_t *plastiter,
+ uint32_t *plower, uint32_t *pupper,
+ int32_t *pstride, int32_t incr,
+ int32_t chunk);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_for_static_init_8(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t sched, int32_t *plastiter,
+ int64_t *plower, int64_t *pupper,
+ int64_t *pstride, int64_t incr,
+ int64_t chunk);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_for_static_init_8u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t sched, int32_t *plastiter1,
+ uint64_t *plower, uint64_t *pupper,
+ int64_t *pstride, int64_t incr,
+ int64_t chunk);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_4_simple_spmd(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t sched, int32_t *plastiter,
+ int32_t *plower, int32_t *pupper,
+ int32_t *pstride, int32_t incr,
+ int32_t chunk);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_4u_simple_spmd(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t sched, int32_t *plastiter,
+ uint32_t *plower, uint32_t *pupper,
+ int32_t *pstride, int32_t incr,
+ int32_t chunk);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_8_simple_spmd(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t sched, int32_t *plastiter,
+ int64_t *plower, int64_t *pupper,
+ int64_t *pstride, int64_t incr,
+ int64_t chunk);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_8u_simple_spmd(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t sched, int32_t *plastiter1,
+ uint64_t *plower, uint64_t *pupper,
+ int64_t *pstride, int64_t incr,
+ int64_t chunk);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_4_simple_generic(kmp_Ident *loc,
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t sched,
+ int32_t *plastiter,
+ int32_t *plower, int32_t *pupper,
+ int32_t *pstride, int32_t incr,
+ int32_t chunk);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_4u_simple_generic(
+ kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid, int32_t sched, int32_t *plastiter,
+ uint32_t *plower, uint32_t *pupper, int32_t *pstride, int32_t incr,
+ int32_t chunk);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_8_simple_generic(kmp_Ident *loc,
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t sched,
+ int32_t *plastiter,
+ int64_t *plower, int64_t *pupper,
+ int64_t *pstride, int64_t incr,
+ int64_t chunk);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_8u_simple_generic(
+ kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid, int32_t sched, int32_t *plastiter1,
+ uint64_t *plower, uint64_t *pupper, int64_t *pstride, int64_t incr,
+ int64_t chunk);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_for_static_fini(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid);
+// for dynamic
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_init_4(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t sched, int32_t lower, int32_t upper,
+ int32_t incr, int32_t chunk);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_init_4u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t sched, uint32_t lower,
+ uint32_t upper, int32_t incr,
+ int32_t chunk);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_init_8(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t sched, int64_t lower, int64_t upper,
+ int64_t incr, int64_t chunk);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_init_8u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t sched, uint64_t lower,
+ uint64_t upper, int64_t incr,
+ int64_t chunk);
+EXTERN int __kmpc_dispatch_next_4(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t *plastiter, int32_t *plower,
+ int32_t *pupper, int32_t *pstride);
+EXTERN int __kmpc_dispatch_next_4u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t *plastiter, uint32_t *plower,
+ uint32_t *pupper, int32_t *pstride);
+EXTERN int __kmpc_dispatch_next_8(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t *plastiter, int64_t *plower,
+ int64_t *pupper, int64_t *pstride);
+EXTERN int __kmpc_dispatch_next_8u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t *plastiter, uint64_t *plower,
+ uint64_t *pupper, int64_t *pstride);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_fini_4(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_fini_4u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_fini_8(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_fini_8u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid);
+// Support for reducing conditional lastprivate variables
+EXTERN void __kmpc_reduce_conditional_lastprivate(kmp_Ident *loc,
+ int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t varNum, void *array);
+// reduction
+EXTERN void __kmpc_nvptx_end_reduce(int32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_nvptx_end_reduce_nowait(int32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN __attribute__((deprecated)) int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait_v2(
+ kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size,
+ void *reduce_data, kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct,
+ kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait_simple_spmd(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait_simple_generic(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_simd_reduce_nowait(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait_v2(
+ kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid, void *global_buffer,
+ int32_t num_of_records, void *reduce_data, kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct,
+ kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct, kmp_ListGlobalFctPtr lgcpyFct,
+ kmp_ListGlobalFctPtr lgredFct, kmp_ListGlobalFctPtr glcpyFct,
+ kmp_ListGlobalFctPtr glredFct);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct,
+ kmp_CopyToScratchpadFctPtr sratchFct, kmp_LoadReduceFctPtr ldFct);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait_simple_spmd(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct,
+ kmp_CopyToScratchpadFctPtr sratchFct, kmp_LoadReduceFctPtr ldFct);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait_simple_generic(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct,
+ kmp_CopyToScratchpadFctPtr sratchFct, kmp_LoadReduceFctPtr ldFct);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait_simple(kmp_Ident *loc,
+ int32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_CriticalName *crit);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_nvptx_teams_end_reduce_nowait_simple(kmp_Ident *loc,
+ int32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_CriticalName *crit);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_shuffle_int32(int32_t val, int16_t delta, int16_t size);
+EXTERN int64_t __kmpc_shuffle_int64(int64_t val, int16_t delta, int16_t size);
+// sync barrier
+EXTERN void __kmpc_barrier(kmp_Ident *loc_ref, int32_t tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_barrier_simple_spmd(kmp_Ident *loc_ref, int32_t tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_barrier_simple_generic(kmp_Ident *loc_ref, int32_t tid);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_cancel_barrier(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid);
+// single
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_single(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_single(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid);
+// sync
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_master(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_master(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_ordered(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_ordered(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_critical(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_CriticalName *crit);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_critical(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_CriticalName *crit);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_flush(kmp_Ident *loc);
+// vote
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_warp_active_thread_mask();
+// tasks
+EXTERN kmp_TaskDescr *__kmpc_omp_task_alloc(kmp_Ident *loc,
+ uint32_t global_tid, int32_t flag,
+ size_t sizeOfTaskInclPrivate,
+ size_t sizeOfSharedTable,
+ kmp_TaskFctPtr sub);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_omp_task(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_TaskDescr *newLegacyTaskDescr);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_TaskDescr *newLegacyTaskDescr,
+ int32_t depNum, void *depList,
+ int32_t noAliasDepNum,
+ void *noAliasDepList);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_TaskDescr *newLegacyTaskDescr);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_omp_task_complete_if0(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_TaskDescr *newLegacyTaskDescr);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_omp_wait_deps(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t depNum, void *depList,
+ int32_t noAliasDepNum, void *noAliasDepList);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_taskgroup(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_taskgroup(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_omp_taskyield(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ int end_part);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_omp_taskwait(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_taskloop(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_TaskDescr *newKmpTaskDescr, int if_val,
+ uint64_t *lb, uint64_t *ub, int64_t st, int nogroup,
+ int32_t sched, uint64_t grainsize, void *task_dup);
+// cancel
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_cancellationpoint(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t cancelVal);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_cancel(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t cancelVal);
+// non standard
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_init_params(void *ReductionScratchpadPtr);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_init(int ThreadLimit, int16_t RequiresOMPRuntime);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_deinit(int16_t IsOMPRuntimeInitialized);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_spmd_kernel_init(int ThreadLimit, int16_t RequiresOMPRuntime,
+ int16_t RequiresDataSharing);
+EXTERN __attribute__((deprecated)) void __kmpc_spmd_kernel_deinit();
+EXTERN void __kmpc_spmd_kernel_deinit_v2(int16_t RequiresOMPRuntime);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_prepare_parallel(void *WorkFn,
+ int16_t IsOMPRuntimeInitialized);
+EXTERN bool __kmpc_kernel_parallel(void **WorkFn,
+ int16_t IsOMPRuntimeInitialized);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_end_parallel();
+EXTERN bool __kmpc_kernel_convergent_parallel(void *buffer, uint32_t Mask,
+ bool *IsFinal,
+ int32_t *LaneSource);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_end_convergent_parallel(void *buffer);
+EXTERN bool __kmpc_kernel_convergent_simd(void *buffer, uint32_t Mask,
+ bool *IsFinal, int32_t *LaneSource,
+ int32_t *LaneId, int32_t *NumLanes);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_end_convergent_simd(void *buffer);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_data_sharing_init_stack();
+EXTERN void __kmpc_data_sharing_init_stack_spmd();
+EXTERN void *__kmpc_data_sharing_coalesced_push_stack(size_t size,
+ int16_t UseSharedMemory);
+EXTERN void *__kmpc_data_sharing_push_stack(size_t size, int16_t UseSharedMemory);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_data_sharing_pop_stack(void *a);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_begin_sharing_variables(void ***GlobalArgs, size_t nArgs);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_sharing_variables();
+EXTERN void __kmpc_get_shared_variables(void ***GlobalArgs);
+// The slot used for data sharing by the master and worker threads. We use a
+// complete (default size version and an incomplete one so that we allow sizes
+// greater than the default).
+struct __kmpc_data_sharing_slot {
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *Next;
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *Prev;
+ void *PrevSlotStackPtr;
+ void *DataEnd;
+ char Data[];
+EXTERN void
+__kmpc_initialize_data_sharing_environment(__kmpc_data_sharing_slot *RootS,
+ size_t InitialDataSize);
+EXTERN void *__kmpc_data_sharing_environment_begin(
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot **SavedSharedSlot, void **SavedSharedStack,
+ void **SavedSharedFrame, int32_t *SavedActiveThreads,
+ size_t SharingDataSize, size_t SharingDefaultDataSize,
+ int16_t IsOMPRuntimeInitialized);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_data_sharing_environment_end(
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot **SavedSharedSlot, void **SavedSharedStack,
+ void **SavedSharedFrame, int32_t *SavedActiveThreads, int32_t IsEntryPoint);
+EXTERN void *
+__kmpc_get_data_sharing_environment_frame(int32_t SourceThreadID,
+ int16_t IsOMPRuntimeInitialized);
+// SPMD execution mode interrogation function.
+EXTERN int8_t __kmpc_is_spmd_exec_mode();
+EXTERN void __kmpc_get_team_static_memory(int16_t isSPMDExecutionMode,
+ const void *buf, size_t size,
+ int16_t is_shared, const void **res);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_restore_team_static_memory(int16_t isSPMDExecutionMode,
+ int16_t is_shared);
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/libcall.cu b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/libcall.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9580d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/libcall.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+//===------------ libcall.cu - NVPTX OpenMP user calls ----------- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file implements the OpenMP runtime functions that can be
+// invoked by the user in an OpenMP region
+#include "omptarget-nvptx.h"
+// Timer precision is 1ns
+#define TIMER_PRECISION ((double)1E-9)
+EXTERN double omp_get_wtick(void) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "omp_get_wtick() returns %g\n", TIMER_PRECISION);
+EXTERN double omp_get_wtime(void) {
+ unsigned long long nsecs;
+ asm("mov.u64 %0, %%globaltimer;" : "=l"(nsecs));
+ double rc = (double)nsecs * TIMER_PRECISION;
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_wtime() returns %g\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN void omp_set_num_threads(int num) {
+ // Ignore it for SPMD mode.
+ if (isSPMDMode())
+ return;
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, isRuntimeInitialized(), "Expected initialized runtime.");
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_set_num_threads(num %d)\n", num);
+ if (num <= 0) {
+ WARNING0(LW_INPUT, "expected positive num; ignore\n");
+ } else if (parallelLevel[GetWarpId()] == 0) {
+ nThreads = num;
+ }
+EXTERN int omp_get_num_threads(void) {
+ int rc = GetNumberOfOmpThreads(isSPMDMode());
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_num_threads() return %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN int omp_get_max_threads(void) {
+ if (parallelLevel[GetWarpId()] > 0)
+ // We're already in parallel region.
+ return 1; // default is 1 thread avail
+ // Not currently in a parallel region, return what was set.
+ int rc = 1;
+ if (parallelLevel[GetWarpId()] == 0)
+ rc = nThreads;
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, rc >= 0, "bad number of threads");
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_max_threads() return %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN int omp_get_thread_limit(void) {
+ if (isSPMDMode())
+ return GetNumberOfThreadsInBlock();
+ int rc = threadLimit;
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_thread_limit() return %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN int omp_get_thread_num() {
+ bool isSPMDExecutionMode = isSPMDMode();
+ int tid = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(isSPMDExecutionMode);
+ int rc = GetOmpThreadId(tid, isSPMDExecutionMode);
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_thread_num() returns %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN int omp_get_num_procs(void) {
+ int rc = GetNumberOfProcsInDevice(isSPMDMode());
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_num_procs() returns %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN int omp_in_parallel(void) {
+ int rc = parallelLevel[GetWarpId()] > OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL ? 1 : 0;
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_in_parallel() returns %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN int omp_in_final(void) {
+ // treat all tasks as final... Specs may expect runtime to keep
+ // track more precisely if a task was actively set by users... This
+ // is not explicitely specified; will treat as if runtime can
+ // actively decide to put a non-final task into a final one.
+ int rc = 1;
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_in_final() returns %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN void omp_set_dynamic(int flag) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_set_dynamic(%d) is ignored (no support)\n", flag);
+EXTERN int omp_get_dynamic(void) {
+ int rc = 0;
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_dynamic() returns %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN void omp_set_nested(int flag) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_set_nested(%d) is ignored (no nested support)\n",
+ flag);
+EXTERN int omp_get_nested(void) {
+ int rc = 0;
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_nested() returns %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN void omp_set_max_active_levels(int level) {
+ "call omp_set_max_active_levels(%d) is ignored (no nested support)\n",
+ level);
+EXTERN int omp_get_max_active_levels(void) {
+ int rc = 1;
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_max_active_levels() returns %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN int omp_get_level(void) {
+ int level = parallelLevel[GetWarpId()] & (OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL - 1);
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_level() returns %d\n", level);
+ return level;
+EXTERN int omp_get_active_level(void) {
+ int level = parallelLevel[GetWarpId()] > OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL ? 1 : 0;
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_active_level() returns %d\n", level)
+ return level;
+EXTERN int omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(int level) {
+ if (isSPMDMode())
+ return level == 1 ? GetThreadIdInBlock() : 0;
+ int rc = -1;
+ // If level is 0 or all parallel regions are not active - return 0.
+ unsigned parLevel = parallelLevel[GetWarpId()];
+ if (level == 1 && parLevel > OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL) {
+ int totLevel = omp_get_level();
+ if (level <= totLevel) {
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr =
+ getMyTopTaskDescriptor(/*isSPMDExecutionMode=*/false);
+ int steps = totLevel - level;
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "backtrack %d steps\n", steps);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, currTaskDescr,
+ "do not expect fct to be called in a non-active thread");
+ do {
+ if (DON(LD_IOD)) {
+ // print current state
+ omp_sched_t sched = currTaskDescr->GetRuntimeSched();
+ "task descr %s %d: %s, in par %d, rt sched %d,"
+ " chunk %" PRIu64 "; tid %d, tnum %d, nthreads %d\n",
+ "ancestor", steps,
+ (currTaskDescr->IsParallelConstruct() ? "par" : "task"),
+ (int)currTaskDescr->InParallelRegion(), (int)sched,
+ currTaskDescr->RuntimeChunkSize(),
+ (int)currTaskDescr->ThreadId(), (int)threadsInTeam,
+ (int)nThreads);
+ }
+ if (currTaskDescr->IsParallelConstruct()) {
+ // found the level
+ if (!steps) {
+ rc = currTaskDescr->ThreadId();
+ break;
+ }
+ steps--;
+ }
+ currTaskDescr = currTaskDescr->GetPrevTaskDescr();
+ } while (currTaskDescr);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, !steps, "expected to find all steps");
+ }
+ } else if (level == 0 ||
+ (level > 0 && parLevel < OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL &&
+ level <= parLevel) ||
+ (level > 1 && parLevel > OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL &&
+ level <= (parLevel - OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL))) {
+ rc = 0;
+ }
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(level %d) returns %d\n", level,
+ rc)
+ return rc;
+EXTERN int omp_get_team_size(int level) {
+ if (isSPMDMode())
+ return level == 1 ? GetNumberOfThreadsInBlock() : 1;
+ int rc = -1;
+ unsigned parLevel = parallelLevel[GetWarpId()];
+ // If level is 0 or all parallel regions are not active - return 1.
+ if (level == 1 && parLevel > OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL) {
+ rc = threadsInTeam;
+ } else if (level == 0 ||
+ (level > 0 && parLevel < OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL &&
+ level <= parLevel) ||
+ (level > 1 && parLevel > OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL &&
+ level <= (parLevel - OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL))) {
+ rc = 1;
+ }
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_team_size(level %d) returns %d\n", level, rc)
+ return rc;
+EXTERN void omp_get_schedule(omp_sched_t *kind, int *modifier) {
+ if (isRuntimeUninitialized()) {
+ "Expected SPMD mode only with uninitialized runtime.");
+ *kind = omp_sched_static;
+ *modifier = 1;
+ } else {
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr =
+ getMyTopTaskDescriptor(isSPMDMode());
+ *kind = currTaskDescr->GetRuntimeSched();
+ *modifier = currTaskDescr->RuntimeChunkSize();
+ }
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_schedule returns sched %d and modif %d\n",
+ (int)*kind, *modifier);
+EXTERN void omp_set_schedule(omp_sched_t kind, int modifier) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_set_schedule(sched %d, modif %d)\n", (int)kind,
+ modifier);
+ if (isRuntimeUninitialized()) {
+ "Expected SPMD mode only with uninitialized runtime.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (kind >= omp_sched_static && kind < omp_sched_auto) {
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr =
+ getMyTopTaskDescriptor(isSPMDMode());
+ currTaskDescr->SetRuntimeSched(kind);
+ currTaskDescr->RuntimeChunkSize() = modifier;
+ PRINT(LD_IOD, "omp_set_schedule did set sched %d & modif %" PRIu64 "\n",
+ (int)currTaskDescr->GetRuntimeSched(),
+ currTaskDescr->RuntimeChunkSize());
+ }
+EXTERN omp_proc_bind_t omp_get_proc_bind(void) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call omp_get_proc_bin() is true, regardless on state\n");
+ return omp_proc_bind_true;
+EXTERN int omp_get_num_places(void) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call omp_get_num_places() returns 0\n");
+ return 0;
+EXTERN int omp_get_place_num_procs(int place_num) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call omp_get_place_num_procs() returns 0\n");
+ return 0;
+EXTERN void omp_get_place_proc_ids(int place_num, int *ids) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to omp_get_place_proc_ids()\n");
+EXTERN int omp_get_place_num(void) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to omp_get_place_num() returns 0\n");
+ return 0;
+EXTERN int omp_get_partition_num_places(void) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to omp_get_partition_num_places() returns 0\n");
+ return 0;
+EXTERN void omp_get_partition_place_nums(int *place_nums) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to omp_get_partition_place_nums()\n");
+EXTERN int omp_get_cancellation(void) {
+ int rc = FALSE; // currently false only
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_cancellation() returns %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN void omp_set_default_device(int deviceId) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call omp_get_default_device() is undef on device\n");
+EXTERN int omp_get_default_device(void) {
+ "call omp_get_default_device() is undef on device, returns 0\n");
+ return 0;
+EXTERN int omp_get_num_devices(void) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call omp_get_num_devices() is undef on device, returns 0\n");
+ return 0;
+EXTERN int omp_get_num_teams(void) {
+ int rc = GetNumberOfOmpTeams();
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_num_teams() returns %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN int omp_get_team_num() {
+ int rc = GetOmpTeamId();
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_team_num() returns %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+EXTERN int omp_is_initial_device(void) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call omp_is_initial_device() returns 0\n");
+ return 0; // 0 by def on device
+// Unspecified on the device.
+EXTERN int omp_get_initial_device(void) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call omp_get_initial_device() returns 0\n");
+ return 0;
+// Unused for now.
+EXTERN int omp_get_max_task_priority(void) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call omp_get_max_task_priority() returns 0\n");
+ return 0;
+// locks
+#define __OMP_SPIN 1000
+#define UNSET 0
+#define SET 1
+EXTERN void omp_init_lock(omp_lock_t *lock) {
+ omp_unset_lock(lock);
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call omp_init_lock()\n");
+EXTERN void omp_destroy_lock(omp_lock_t *lock) {
+ omp_unset_lock(lock);
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call omp_destroy_lock()\n");
+EXTERN void omp_set_lock(omp_lock_t *lock) {
+ // int atomicCAS(int* address, int compare, int val);
+ // (old == compare ? val : old)
+ // TODO: not sure spinning is a good idea here..
+ while (atomicCAS(lock, UNSET, SET) != UNSET) {
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ clock_t now;
+ for (;;) {
+ now = clock();
+ clock_t cycles = now > start ? now - start : now + (0xffffffff - start);
+ if (cycles >= __OMP_SPIN * blockIdx.x) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } // wait for 0 to be the read value
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call omp_set_lock()\n");
+EXTERN void omp_unset_lock(omp_lock_t *lock) {
+ (void)atomicExch(lock, UNSET);
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call omp_unset_lock()\n");
+EXTERN int omp_test_lock(omp_lock_t *lock) {
+ // int atomicCAS(int* address, int compare, int val);
+ // (old == compare ? val : old)
+ int ret = atomicAdd(lock, 0);
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_test_lock() return %d\n", ret);
+ return ret;
+// for xlf Fotran
+// Fotran, the return is LOGICAL type
+#define FLOGICAL long
+EXTERN FLOGICAL __xlf_omp_is_initial_device_i8() {
+ int ret = omp_is_initial_device();
+ if (ret == 0)
+ return (FLOGICAL)0;
+ else
+ return (FLOGICAL)1;
+EXTERN int __xlf_omp_is_initial_device_i4() {
+ int ret = omp_is_initial_device();
+ if (ret == 0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 1;
+EXTERN long __xlf_omp_get_team_num_i4() {
+ int ret = omp_get_team_num();
+ return (long)ret;
+EXTERN long __xlf_omp_get_num_teams_i4() {
+ int ret = omp_get_num_teams();
+ return (long)ret;
+EXTERN void xlf_debug_print_int(int *p) {
+ printf("xlf DEBUG %d): %p %d\n", omp_get_team_num(), p, p == 0 ? 0 : *p);
+EXTERN void xlf_debug_print_long(long *p) {
+ printf("xlf DEBUG %d): %p %ld\n", omp_get_team_num(), p, p == 0 ? 0 : *p);
+EXTERN void xlf_debug_print_float(float *p) {
+ printf("xlf DEBUG %d): %p %f\n", omp_get_team_num(), p, p == 0 ? 0 : *p);
+EXTERN void xlf_debug_print_double(double *p) {
+ printf("xlf DEBUG %d): %p %f\n", omp_get_team_num(), p, p == 0 ? 0 : *p);
+EXTERN void xlf_debug_print_addr(void *p) {
+ printf("xlf DEBUG %d): %p \n", omp_get_team_num(), p);
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/loop.cu b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/loop.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c255137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/loop.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
+//===------------ loop.cu - NVPTX OpenMP loop constructs --------- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains the implementation of the KMPC interface
+// for the loop construct plus other worksharing constructs that use the same
+// interface as loops.
+#include "omptarget-nvptx.h"
+// template class that encapsulate all the helper functions
+// T is loop iteration type (32 | 64) (unsigned | signed)
+// ST is the signed version of T
+template <typename T, typename ST> class omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport {
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Loop with static scheduling with chunk
+ // Generic implementation of OMP loop scheduling with static policy
+ /*! \brief Calculate initial bounds for static loop and stride
+ * @param[in] loc location in code of the call (not used here)
+ * @param[in] global_tid global thread id
+ * @param[in] schetype type of scheduling (see omptarget-nvptx.h)
+ * @param[in] plastiter pointer to last iteration
+ * @param[in,out] pointer to loop lower bound. it will contain value of
+ * lower bound of first chunk
+ * @param[in,out] pointer to loop upper bound. It will contain value of
+ * upper bound of first chunk
+ * @param[in,out] pointer to loop stride. It will contain value of stride
+ * between two successive chunks executed by the same thread
+ * @param[in] loop increment bump
+ * @param[in] chunk size
+ */
+ // helper function for static chunk
+ INLINE static void ForStaticChunk(int &last, T &lb, T &ub, ST &stride,
+ ST chunk, T entityId, T numberOfEntities) {
+ // each thread executes multiple chunks all of the same size, except
+ // the last one
+ // distance between two successive chunks
+ stride = numberOfEntities * chunk;
+ lb = lb + entityId * chunk;
+ T inputUb = ub;
+ ub = lb + chunk - 1; // Clang uses i <= ub
+ // Say ub' is the begining of the last chunk. Then who ever has a
+ // lower bound plus a multiple of the increment equal to ub' is
+ // the last one.
+ T beginingLastChunk = inputUb - (inputUb % chunk);
+ last = ((beginingLastChunk - lb) % stride) == 0;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Loop with static scheduling without chunk
+ // helper function for static no chunk
+ INLINE static void ForStaticNoChunk(int &last, T &lb, T &ub, ST &stride,
+ ST &chunk, T entityId,
+ T numberOfEntities) {
+ // No chunk size specified. Each thread or warp gets at most one
+ // chunk; chunks are all almost of equal size
+ T loopSize = ub - lb + 1;
+ chunk = loopSize / numberOfEntities;
+ T leftOver = loopSize - chunk * numberOfEntities;
+ if (entityId < leftOver) {
+ chunk++;
+ lb = lb + entityId * chunk;
+ } else {
+ lb = lb + entityId * chunk + leftOver;
+ }
+ T inputUb = ub;
+ ub = lb + chunk - 1; // Clang uses i <= ub
+ last = lb <= inputUb && inputUb <= ub;
+ stride = loopSize; // make sure we only do 1 chunk per warp
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Support for Static Init
+ INLINE static void for_static_init(int32_t gtid, int32_t schedtype,
+ int32_t *plastiter, T *plower, T *pupper,
+ ST *pstride, ST chunk,
+ bool IsSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ // When IsRuntimeUninitialized is true, we assume that the caller is
+ // in an L0 parallel region and that all worker threads participate.
+ // Assume we are in teams region or that we use a single block
+ // per target region
+ ST numberOfActiveOMPThreads = GetNumberOfOmpThreads(IsSPMDExecutionMode);
+ // All warps that are in excess of the maximum requested, do
+ // not execute the loop
+ "OMP Thread %d: schedule type %d, chunk size = %lld, mytid "
+ "%d, num tids %d\n",
+ (int)gtid, (int)schedtype, (long long)chunk, (int)gtid,
+ (int)numberOfActiveOMPThreads);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, gtid < numberOfActiveOMPThreads,
+ "current thread is not needed here; error");
+ // copy
+ int lastiter = 0;
+ T lb = *plower;
+ T ub = *pupper;
+ ST stride = *pstride;
+ // init
+ switch (SCHEDULE_WITHOUT_MODIFIERS(schedtype)) {
+ case kmp_sched_static_chunk: {
+ if (chunk > 0) {
+ ForStaticChunk(lastiter, lb, ub, stride, chunk, gtid,
+ numberOfActiveOMPThreads);
+ break;
+ }
+ } // note: if chunk <=0, use nochunk
+ case kmp_sched_static_balanced_chunk: {
+ if (chunk > 0) {
+ // round up to make sure the chunk is enough to cover all iterations
+ T tripCount = ub - lb + 1; // +1 because ub is inclusive
+ T span = (tripCount + numberOfActiveOMPThreads - 1) /
+ numberOfActiveOMPThreads;
+ // perform chunk adjustment
+ chunk = (span + chunk - 1) & ~(chunk - 1);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, ub >= lb, "ub must be >= lb.");
+ T oldUb = ub;
+ ForStaticChunk(lastiter, lb, ub, stride, chunk, gtid,
+ numberOfActiveOMPThreads);
+ if (ub > oldUb)
+ ub = oldUb;
+ break;
+ }
+ } // note: if chunk <=0, use nochunk
+ case kmp_sched_static_nochunk: {
+ ForStaticNoChunk(lastiter, lb, ub, stride, chunk, gtid,
+ numberOfActiveOMPThreads);
+ break;
+ }
+ case kmp_sched_distr_static_chunk: {
+ if (chunk > 0) {
+ ForStaticChunk(lastiter, lb, ub, stride, chunk, GetOmpTeamId(),
+ GetNumberOfOmpTeams());
+ break;
+ } // note: if chunk <=0, use nochunk
+ }
+ case kmp_sched_distr_static_nochunk: {
+ ForStaticNoChunk(lastiter, lb, ub, stride, chunk, GetOmpTeamId(),
+ GetNumberOfOmpTeams());
+ break;
+ }
+ case kmp_sched_distr_static_chunk_sched_static_chunkone: {
+ ForStaticChunk(lastiter, lb, ub, stride, chunk,
+ numberOfActiveOMPThreads * GetOmpTeamId() + gtid,
+ GetNumberOfOmpTeams() * numberOfActiveOMPThreads);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ ASSERT(LT_FUSSY, FALSE, "unknown schedtype %d", (int)schedtype);
+ PRINT(LD_LOOP, "unknown schedtype %d, revert back to static chunk\n",
+ (int)schedtype);
+ ForStaticChunk(lastiter, lb, ub, stride, chunk, gtid,
+ numberOfActiveOMPThreads);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // copy back
+ *plastiter = lastiter;
+ *plower = lb;
+ *pupper = ub;
+ *pstride = stride;
+ "Got sched: Active %d, total %d: lb %lld, ub %lld, stride %lld, last "
+ "%d\n",
+ (int)numberOfActiveOMPThreads, (int)GetNumberOfWorkersInTeam(),
+ (long long)(*plower), (long long)(*pupper), (long long)(*pstride),
+ (int)lastiter);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Support for dispatch Init
+ INLINE static int OrderedSchedule(kmp_sched_t schedule) {
+ return schedule >= kmp_sched_ordered_first &&
+ schedule <= kmp_sched_ordered_last;
+ }
+ INLINE static void dispatch_init(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t threadId,
+ kmp_sched_t schedule, T lb, T ub, ST st,
+ ST chunk) {
+ if (checkRuntimeUninitialized(loc)) {
+ // In SPMD mode no need to check parallelism level - dynamic scheduling
+ // may appear only in L2 parallel regions with lightweight runtime.
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, checkSPMDMode(loc), "Expected non-SPMD mode.");
+ return;
+ }
+ int tid = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr = getMyTopTaskDescriptor(tid);
+ T tnum = GetNumberOfOmpThreads(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ T tripCount = ub - lb + 1; // +1 because ub is inclusive
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, threadId < tnum,
+ "current thread is not needed here; error");
+ /* Currently just ignore the monotonic and non-monotonic modifiers
+ * (the compiler isn't producing them * yet anyway).
+ * When it is we'll want to look at them somewhere here and use that
+ * information to add to our schedule choice. We shouldn't need to pass
+ * them on, they merely affect which schedule we can legally choose for
+ * various dynamic cases. (In paritcular, whether or not a stealing scheme
+ * is legal).
+ */
+ schedule = SCHEDULE_WITHOUT_MODIFIERS(schedule);
+ // Process schedule.
+ if (tnum == 1 || tripCount <= 1 || OrderedSchedule(schedule)) {
+ if (OrderedSchedule(schedule))
+ __kmpc_barrier(loc, threadId);
+ "go sequential as tnum=%ld, trip count %lld, ordered sched=%d\n",
+ (long)tnum, (long long)tripCount, (int)schedule);
+ schedule = kmp_sched_static_chunk;
+ chunk = tripCount; // one thread gets the whole loop
+ } else if (schedule == kmp_sched_runtime) {
+ // process runtime
+ omp_sched_t rtSched = currTaskDescr->GetRuntimeSched();
+ chunk = currTaskDescr->RuntimeChunkSize();
+ switch (rtSched) {
+ case omp_sched_static: {
+ if (chunk > 0)
+ schedule = kmp_sched_static_chunk;
+ else
+ schedule = kmp_sched_static_nochunk;
+ break;
+ }
+ case omp_sched_auto: {
+ schedule = kmp_sched_static_chunk;
+ chunk = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ case omp_sched_dynamic:
+ case omp_sched_guided: {
+ schedule = kmp_sched_dynamic;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ PRINT(LD_LOOP, "Runtime sched is %d with chunk %lld\n", (int)schedule,
+ (long long)chunk);
+ } else if (schedule == kmp_sched_auto) {
+ schedule = kmp_sched_static_chunk;
+ chunk = 1;
+ PRINT(LD_LOOP, "Auto sched is %d with chunk %lld\n", (int)schedule,
+ (long long)chunk);
+ } else {
+ PRINT(LD_LOOP, "Dyn sched is %d with chunk %lld\n", (int)schedule,
+ (long long)chunk);
+ schedule == kmp_sched_dynamic || schedule == kmp_sched_guided,
+ "unknown schedule %d & chunk %lld\n", (int)schedule,
+ (long long)chunk);
+ }
+ // init schedules
+ if (schedule == kmp_sched_static_chunk) {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, chunk > 0, "bad chunk value");
+ // save sched state
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->ScheduleType(tid) = schedule;
+ // save ub
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->LoopUpperBound(tid) = ub;
+ // compute static chunk
+ ST stride;
+ int lastiter = 0;
+ ForStaticChunk(lastiter, lb, ub, stride, chunk, threadId, tnum);
+ // save computed params
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Chunk(tid) = chunk;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(tid) = lb;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Stride(tid) = stride;
+ "dispatch init (static chunk) : num threads = %d, ub = %" PRId64
+ ", next lower bound = %llu, stride = %llu\n",
+ (int)tnum,
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->LoopUpperBound(tid),
+ (unsigned long long)
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(tid),
+ (unsigned long long)omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Stride(
+ tid));
+ } else if (schedule == kmp_sched_static_balanced_chunk) {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, chunk > 0, "bad chunk value");
+ // save sched state
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->ScheduleType(tid) = schedule;
+ // save ub
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->LoopUpperBound(tid) = ub;
+ // compute static chunk
+ ST stride;
+ int lastiter = 0;
+ // round up to make sure the chunk is enough to cover all iterations
+ T span = (tripCount + tnum - 1) / tnum;
+ // perform chunk adjustment
+ chunk = (span + chunk - 1) & ~(chunk - 1);
+ T oldUb = ub;
+ ForStaticChunk(lastiter, lb, ub, stride, chunk, threadId, tnum);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, ub >= lb, "ub must be >= lb.");
+ if (ub > oldUb)
+ ub = oldUb;
+ // save computed params
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Chunk(tid) = chunk;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(tid) = lb;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Stride(tid) = stride;
+ "dispatch init (static chunk) : num threads = %d, ub = %" PRId64
+ ", next lower bound = %llu, stride = %llu\n",
+ (int)tnum,
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->LoopUpperBound(tid),
+ (unsigned long long)
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(tid),
+ (unsigned long long)omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Stride(
+ tid));
+ } else if (schedule == kmp_sched_static_nochunk) {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, chunk == 0, "bad chunk value");
+ // save sched state
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->ScheduleType(tid) = schedule;
+ // save ub
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->LoopUpperBound(tid) = ub;
+ // compute static chunk
+ ST stride;
+ int lastiter = 0;
+ ForStaticNoChunk(lastiter, lb, ub, stride, chunk, threadId, tnum);
+ // save computed params
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Chunk(tid) = chunk;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(tid) = lb;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Stride(tid) = stride;
+ "dispatch init (static nochunk) : num threads = %d, ub = %" PRId64
+ ", next lower bound = %llu, stride = %llu\n",
+ (int)tnum,
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->LoopUpperBound(tid),
+ (unsigned long long)
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(tid),
+ (unsigned long long)omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Stride(
+ tid));
+ } else if (schedule == kmp_sched_dynamic || schedule == kmp_sched_guided) {
+ // save data
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->ScheduleType(tid) = schedule;
+ if (chunk < 1)
+ chunk = 1;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Chunk(tid) = chunk;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->LoopUpperBound(tid) = ub;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(tid) = lb;
+ __kmpc_barrier(loc, threadId);
+ if (tid == 0) {
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Cnt() = 0;
+ __threadfence_block();
+ }
+ __kmpc_barrier(loc, threadId);
+ "dispatch init (dyn) : num threads = %d, lb = %llu, ub = %" PRId64
+ ", chunk %" PRIu64 "\n",
+ (int)tnum,
+ (unsigned long long)
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(tid),
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->LoopUpperBound(tid),
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Chunk(tid));
+ }
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Support for dispatch next
+ INLINE static int64_t Shuffle(unsigned active, int64_t val, int leader) {
+ int lo, hi;
+ asm volatile("mov.b64 {%0,%1}, %2;" : "=r"(lo), "=r"(hi) : "l"(val));
+ hi = __SHFL_SYNC(active, hi, leader);
+ lo = __SHFL_SYNC(active, lo, leader);
+ asm volatile("mov.b64 %0, {%1,%2};" : "=l"(val) : "r"(lo), "r"(hi));
+ return val;
+ }
+ INLINE static uint64_t NextIter() {
+ unsigned int active = __ACTIVEMASK();
+ int leader = __ffs(active) - 1;
+ int change = __popc(active);
+ unsigned lane_mask_lt;
+ asm("mov.u32 %0, %%lanemask_lt;" : "=r"(lane_mask_lt));
+ unsigned int rank = __popc(active & lane_mask_lt);
+ uint64_t warp_res;
+ if (rank == 0) {
+ warp_res = atomicAdd(
+ (unsigned long long *)&omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Cnt(),
+ change);
+ }
+ warp_res = Shuffle(active, warp_res, leader);
+ return warp_res + rank;
+ }
+ INLINE static int DynamicNextChunk(T &lb, T &ub, T chunkSize,
+ T loopLowerBound, T loopUpperBound) {
+ T N = NextIter();
+ lb = loopLowerBound + N * chunkSize;
+ ub = lb + chunkSize - 1; // Clang uses i <= ub
+ // 3 result cases:
+ // a. lb and ub < loopUpperBound --> NOT_FINISHED
+ // b. lb < loopUpperBound and ub >= loopUpperBound: last chunk -->
+ // c. lb and ub >= loopUpperBound: empty chunk --> FINISHED
+ // a.
+ if (lb <= loopUpperBound && ub < loopUpperBound) {
+ PRINT(LD_LOOPD, "lb %lld, ub %lld, loop ub %lld; not finished\n",
+ (long long)lb, (long long)ub, (long long)loopUpperBound);
+ return NOT_FINISHED;
+ }
+ // b.
+ if (lb <= loopUpperBound) {
+ PRINT(LD_LOOPD, "lb %lld, ub %lld, loop ub %lld; clip to loop ub\n",
+ (long long)lb, (long long)ub, (long long)loopUpperBound);
+ ub = loopUpperBound;
+ return LAST_CHUNK;
+ }
+ // c. if we are here, we are in case 'c'
+ lb = loopUpperBound + 2;
+ ub = loopUpperBound + 1;
+ PRINT(LD_LOOPD, "lb %lld, ub %lld, loop ub %lld; finished\n", (long long)lb,
+ (long long)ub, (long long)loopUpperBound);
+ return FINISHED;
+ }
+ INLINE static int dispatch_next(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t gtid, int32_t *plast,
+ T *plower, T *pupper, ST *pstride) {
+ if (checkRuntimeUninitialized(loc)) {
+ // In SPMD mode no need to check parallelism level - dynamic scheduling
+ // may appear only in L2 parallel regions with lightweight runtime.
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, checkSPMDMode(loc), "Expected non-SPMD mode.");
+ if (*plast)
+ *plast = 1;
+ }
+ // ID of a thread in its own warp
+ // automatically selects thread or warp ID based on selected implementation
+ int tid = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, gtid < GetNumberOfOmpThreads(checkSPMDMode(loc)),
+ "current thread is not needed here; error");
+ // retrieve schedule
+ kmp_sched_t schedule =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->ScheduleType(tid);
+ // xxx reduce to one
+ if (schedule == kmp_sched_static_chunk ||
+ schedule == kmp_sched_static_nochunk) {
+ T myLb = omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(tid);
+ T ub = omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->LoopUpperBound(tid);
+ // finished?
+ if (myLb > ub) {
+ PRINT(LD_LOOP, "static loop finished with myLb %lld, ub %lld\n",
+ (long long)myLb, (long long)ub);
+ }
+ // not finished, save current bounds
+ ST chunk = omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Chunk(tid);
+ *plower = myLb;
+ T myUb = myLb + chunk - 1; // Clang uses i <= ub
+ if (myUb > ub)
+ myUb = ub;
+ *pupper = myUb;
+ *plast = (int32_t)(myUb == ub);
+ // increment next lower bound by the stride
+ ST stride = omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Stride(tid);
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(tid) = myLb + stride;
+ PRINT(LD_LOOP, "static loop continues with myLb %lld, myUb %lld\n",
+ (long long)*plower, (long long)*pupper);
+ }
+ schedule == kmp_sched_dynamic || schedule == kmp_sched_guided,
+ "bad sched");
+ T myLb, myUb;
+ int finished = DynamicNextChunk(
+ myLb, myUb, omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Chunk(tid),
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(tid),
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->LoopUpperBound(tid));
+ if (finished == FINISHED)
+ // not finished (either not finished or last chunk)
+ *plast = (int32_t)(finished == LAST_CHUNK);
+ *plower = myLb;
+ *pupper = myUb;
+ *pstride = 1;
+ "Got sched: active %d, total %d: lb %lld, ub %lld, stride = %lld, "
+ "last %d\n",
+ (int)GetNumberOfOmpThreads(isSPMDMode()),
+ (int)GetNumberOfWorkersInTeam(), (long long)*plower,
+ (long long)*pupper, (long long)*pstride, (int)*plast);
+ }
+ INLINE static void dispatch_fini() {
+ // nothing
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // end of template class that encapsulate all the helper functions
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// KMP interface implementation (dyn loops)
+// init
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_init_4(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid,
+ int32_t schedule, int32_t lb, int32_t ub,
+ int32_t st, int32_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_dispatch_init_4\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<int32_t, int32_t>::dispatch_init(
+ loc, tid, (kmp_sched_t)schedule, lb, ub, st, chunk);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_init_4u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid,
+ int32_t schedule, uint32_t lb, uint32_t ub,
+ int32_t st, int32_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_dispatch_init_4u\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<uint32_t, int32_t>::dispatch_init(
+ loc, tid, (kmp_sched_t)schedule, lb, ub, st, chunk);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_init_8(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid,
+ int32_t schedule, int64_t lb, int64_t ub,
+ int64_t st, int64_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_dispatch_init_8\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<int64_t, int64_t>::dispatch_init(
+ loc, tid, (kmp_sched_t)schedule, lb, ub, st, chunk);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_init_8u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid,
+ int32_t schedule, uint64_t lb, uint64_t ub,
+ int64_t st, int64_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_dispatch_init_8u\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<uint64_t, int64_t>::dispatch_init(
+ loc, tid, (kmp_sched_t)schedule, lb, ub, st, chunk);
+// next
+EXTERN int __kmpc_dispatch_next_4(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid, int32_t *p_last,
+ int32_t *p_lb, int32_t *p_ub, int32_t *p_st) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_dispatch_next_4\n");
+ return omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<int32_t, int32_t>::dispatch_next(
+ loc, tid, p_last, p_lb, p_ub, p_st);
+EXTERN int __kmpc_dispatch_next_4u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid,
+ int32_t *p_last, uint32_t *p_lb,
+ uint32_t *p_ub, int32_t *p_st) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_dispatch_next_4u\n");
+ return omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<uint32_t, int32_t>::dispatch_next(
+ loc, tid, p_last, p_lb, p_ub, p_st);
+EXTERN int __kmpc_dispatch_next_8(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid, int32_t *p_last,
+ int64_t *p_lb, int64_t *p_ub, int64_t *p_st) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_dispatch_next_8\n");
+ return omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<int64_t, int64_t>::dispatch_next(
+ loc, tid, p_last, p_lb, p_ub, p_st);
+EXTERN int __kmpc_dispatch_next_8u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid,
+ int32_t *p_last, uint64_t *p_lb,
+ uint64_t *p_ub, int64_t *p_st) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_dispatch_next_8u\n");
+ return omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<uint64_t, int64_t>::dispatch_next(
+ loc, tid, p_last, p_lb, p_ub, p_st);
+// fini
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_fini_4(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_dispatch_fini_4\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<int32_t, int32_t>::dispatch_fini();
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_fini_4u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_dispatch_fini_4u\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<uint32_t, int32_t>::dispatch_fini();
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_fini_8(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_dispatch_fini_8\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<int64_t, int64_t>::dispatch_fini();
+EXTERN void __kmpc_dispatch_fini_8u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_dispatch_fini_8u\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<uint64_t, int64_t>::dispatch_fini();
+// KMP interface implementation (static loops)
+EXTERN void __kmpc_for_static_init_4(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t schedtype, int32_t *plastiter,
+ int32_t *plower, int32_t *pupper,
+ int32_t *pstride, int32_t incr,
+ int32_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_init_4\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<int32_t, int32_t>::for_static_init(
+ global_tid, schedtype, plastiter, plower, pupper, pstride, chunk,
+ checkSPMDMode(loc));
+EXTERN void __kmpc_for_static_init_4u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t schedtype, int32_t *plastiter,
+ uint32_t *plower, uint32_t *pupper,
+ int32_t *pstride, int32_t incr,
+ int32_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_init_4u\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<uint32_t, int32_t>::for_static_init(
+ global_tid, schedtype, plastiter, plower, pupper, pstride, chunk,
+ checkSPMDMode(loc));
+EXTERN void __kmpc_for_static_init_8(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t schedtype, int32_t *plastiter,
+ int64_t *plower, int64_t *pupper,
+ int64_t *pstride, int64_t incr,
+ int64_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_init_8\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<int64_t, int64_t>::for_static_init(
+ global_tid, schedtype, plastiter, plower, pupper, pstride, chunk,
+ checkSPMDMode(loc));
+EXTERN void __kmpc_for_static_init_8u(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t schedtype, int32_t *plastiter,
+ uint64_t *plower, uint64_t *pupper,
+ int64_t *pstride, int64_t incr,
+ int64_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_init_8u\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<uint64_t, int64_t>::for_static_init(
+ global_tid, schedtype, plastiter, plower, pupper, pstride, chunk,
+ checkSPMDMode(loc));
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_4_simple_spmd(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t schedtype, int32_t *plastiter,
+ int32_t *plower, int32_t *pupper,
+ int32_t *pstride, int32_t incr,
+ int32_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_init_4_simple_spmd\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<int32_t, int32_t>::for_static_init(
+ global_tid, schedtype, plastiter, plower, pupper, pstride, chunk,
+ /*IsSPMDExecutionMode=*/true);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_4u_simple_spmd(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t schedtype,
+ int32_t *plastiter, uint32_t *plower,
+ uint32_t *pupper, int32_t *pstride,
+ int32_t incr, int32_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_init_4u_simple_spmd\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<uint32_t, int32_t>::for_static_init(
+ global_tid, schedtype, plastiter, plower, pupper, pstride, chunk,
+ /*IsSPMDExecutionMode=*/true);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_8_simple_spmd(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t schedtype, int32_t *plastiter,
+ int64_t *plower, int64_t *pupper,
+ int64_t *pstride, int64_t incr,
+ int64_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_init_8_simple_spmd\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<int64_t, int64_t>::for_static_init(
+ global_tid, schedtype, plastiter, plower, pupper, pstride, chunk,
+ /*IsSPMDExecutionMode=*/true);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_8u_simple_spmd(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t schedtype,
+ int32_t *plastiter, uint64_t *plower,
+ uint64_t *pupper, int64_t *pstride,
+ int64_t incr, int64_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_init_8u_simple_spmd\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<uint64_t, int64_t>::for_static_init(
+ global_tid, schedtype, plastiter, plower, pupper, pstride, chunk,
+ /*IsSPMDExecutionMode=*/true);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_4_simple_generic(
+ kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid, int32_t schedtype, int32_t *plastiter,
+ int32_t *plower, int32_t *pupper, int32_t *pstride, int32_t incr,
+ int32_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_init_4_simple_generic\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<int32_t, int32_t>::for_static_init(
+ global_tid, schedtype, plastiter, plower, pupper, pstride, chunk,
+ /*IsSPMDExecutionMode=*/false);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_4u_simple_generic(
+ kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid, int32_t schedtype, int32_t *plastiter,
+ uint32_t *plower, uint32_t *pupper, int32_t *pstride, int32_t incr,
+ int32_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_init_4u_simple_generic\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<uint32_t, int32_t>::for_static_init(
+ global_tid, schedtype, plastiter, plower, pupper, pstride, chunk,
+ /*IsSPMDExecutionMode=*/false);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_8_simple_generic(
+ kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid, int32_t schedtype, int32_t *plastiter,
+ int64_t *plower, int64_t *pupper, int64_t *pstride, int64_t incr,
+ int64_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_init_8_simple_generic\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<int64_t, int64_t>::for_static_init(
+ global_tid, schedtype, plastiter, plower, pupper, pstride, chunk,
+ /*IsSPMDExecutionMode=*/false);
+void __kmpc_for_static_init_8u_simple_generic(
+ kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid, int32_t schedtype, int32_t *plastiter,
+ uint64_t *plower, uint64_t *pupper, int64_t *pstride, int64_t incr,
+ int64_t chunk) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_init_8u_simple_generic\n");
+ omptarget_nvptx_LoopSupport<uint64_t, int64_t>::for_static_init(
+ global_tid, schedtype, plastiter, plower, pupper, pstride, chunk,
+ /*IsSPMDExecutionMode=*/false);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_for_static_fini(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_for_static_fini\n");
+namespace {
+INLINE void syncWorkersInGenericMode(uint32_t NumThreads) {
+ int NumWarps = ((NumThreads + WARPSIZE - 1) / WARPSIZE);
+#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
+ // On Volta and newer architectures we require that all lanes in
+ // a warp (at least, all present for the kernel launch) participate in the
+ // barrier. This is enforced when launching the parallel region. An
+ // exception is when there are < WARPSIZE workers. In this case only 1 worker
+ // is started, so we don't need a barrier.
+ if (NumThreads > 1) {
+ named_sync(L1_BARRIER, WARPSIZE * NumWarps);
+#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
+ }
+}; // namespace
+EXTERN void __kmpc_reduce_conditional_lastprivate(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t gtid,
+ int32_t varNum, void *array) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_reduce_conditional_lastprivate(...)\n");
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, checkRuntimeInitialized(loc),
+ "Expected non-SPMD mode + initialized runtime.");
+ omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr &teamDescr = getMyTeamDescriptor();
+ uint32_t NumThreads = GetNumberOfOmpThreads(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ uint64_t *Buffer = teamDescr.getLastprivateIterBuffer();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < varNum; i++) {
+ // Reset buffer.
+ if (gtid == 0)
+ *Buffer = 0; // Reset to minimum loop iteration value.
+ // Barrier.
+ syncWorkersInGenericMode(NumThreads);
+ // Atomic max of iterations.
+ uint64_t *varArray = (uint64_t *)array;
+ uint64_t elem = varArray[i];
+ (void)atomicMax((unsigned long long int *)Buffer,
+ (unsigned long long int)elem);
+ // Barrier.
+ syncWorkersInGenericMode(NumThreads);
+ // Read max value and update thread private array.
+ varArray[i] = *Buffer;
+ // Barrier.
+ syncWorkersInGenericMode(NumThreads);
+ }
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/omp_data.cu b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/omp_data.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d369da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/omp_data.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+//===------------ omp_data.cu - NVPTX OpenMP GPU objects --------- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains the data objects used on the GPU device.
+#include "omptarget-nvptx.h"
+// global device envrionment
+__device__ omptarget_device_environmentTy omptarget_device_environment;
+// global data holding OpenMP state information
+ omptarget_nvptx_Queue<omptarget_nvptx_ThreadPrivateContext, OMP_STATE_COUNT>
+ omptarget_nvptx_device_State[MAX_SM];
+__device__ omptarget_nvptx_SimpleMemoryManager
+ omptarget_nvptx_simpleMemoryManager;
+__device__ __shared__ uint32_t usedMemIdx;
+__device__ __shared__ uint32_t usedSlotIdx;
+__device__ __shared__ uint8_t parallelLevel[MAX_THREADS_PER_TEAM / WARPSIZE];
+__device__ __shared__ uint16_t threadLimit;
+__device__ __shared__ uint16_t threadsInTeam;
+__device__ __shared__ uint16_t nThreads;
+// Pointer to this team's OpenMP state object
+__device__ __shared__
+ omptarget_nvptx_ThreadPrivateContext *omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext;
+// The team master sets the outlined parallel function in this variable to
+// communicate with the workers. Since it is in shared memory, there is one
+// copy of these variables for each kernel, instance, and team.
+volatile __device__ __shared__ omptarget_nvptx_WorkFn omptarget_nvptx_workFn;
+// OpenMP kernel execution parameters
+__device__ __shared__ uint32_t execution_param;
+// Data sharing state
+__device__ __shared__ DataSharingStateTy DataSharingState;
+// Scratchpad for teams reduction.
+__device__ __shared__ void *ReductionScratchpadPtr;
+// Data sharing related variables.
+__device__ __shared__ omptarget_nvptx_SharedArgs omptarget_nvptx_globalArgs;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/omptarget-nvptx.cu b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/omptarget-nvptx.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..706776a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/omptarget-nvptx.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+//===--- omptarget-nvptx.cu - NVPTX OpenMP GPU initialization ---- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains the initialization code for the GPU
+#include "omptarget-nvptx.h"
+// global data tables
+extern __device__
+ omptarget_nvptx_Queue<omptarget_nvptx_ThreadPrivateContext, OMP_STATE_COUNT>
+ omptarget_nvptx_device_State[MAX_SM];
+// init entry points
+INLINE static unsigned smid() {
+ unsigned id;
+ asm("mov.u32 %0, %%smid;" : "=r"(id));
+ return id;
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_init_params(void *Ptr) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_kernel_init_params with version %f\n",
+ SetTeamsReductionScratchpadPtr(Ptr);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_init(int ThreadLimit, int16_t RequiresOMPRuntime) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_kernel_init with version %f\n",
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, RequiresOMPRuntime,
+ "Generic always requires initialized runtime.");
+ setExecutionParameters(Generic, RuntimeInitialized);
+ for (int I = 0; I < MAX_THREADS_PER_TEAM / WARPSIZE; ++I)
+ parallelLevel[I] = 0;
+ int threadIdInBlock = GetThreadIdInBlock();
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, threadIdInBlock == GetMasterThreadID(),
+ "__kmpc_kernel_init() must be called by team master warp only!");
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_kernel_init for master\n");
+ // Get a state object from the queue.
+ int slot = smid() % MAX_SM;
+ usedSlotIdx = slot;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext =
+ omptarget_nvptx_device_State[slot].Dequeue();
+ // init thread private
+ int threadId = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(/*isSPMDExecutionMode=*/false);
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->InitThreadPrivateContext(threadId);
+ // init team context
+ omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr &currTeamDescr = getMyTeamDescriptor();
+ currTeamDescr.InitTeamDescr();
+ // this thread will start execution... has to update its task ICV
+ // to point to the level zero task ICV. That ICV was init in
+ // InitTeamDescr()
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(
+ threadId, currTeamDescr.LevelZeroTaskDescr());
+ // set number of threads and thread limit in team to started value
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->GetTopLevelTaskDescr(threadId);
+ nThreads = GetNumberOfWorkersInTeam();
+ threadLimit = ThreadLimit;
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_deinit(int16_t IsOMPRuntimeInitialized) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_kernel_deinit\n");
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, IsOMPRuntimeInitialized,
+ "Generic always requires initialized runtime.");
+ // Enqueue omp state object for use by another team.
+ int slot = usedSlotIdx;
+ omptarget_nvptx_device_State[slot].Enqueue(
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext);
+ // Done with work. Kill the workers.
+ omptarget_nvptx_workFn = 0;
+EXTERN void __kmpc_spmd_kernel_init(int ThreadLimit, int16_t RequiresOMPRuntime,
+ int16_t RequiresDataSharing) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_spmd_kernel_init\n");
+ setExecutionParameters(Spmd, RequiresOMPRuntime ? RuntimeInitialized
+ : RuntimeUninitialized);
+ int threadId = GetThreadIdInBlock();
+ if (threadId == 0) {
+ usedSlotIdx = smid() % MAX_SM;
+ parallelLevel[0] =
+ 1 + (GetNumberOfThreadsInBlock() > 1 ? OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL : 0);
+ } else if (GetLaneId() == 0) {
+ parallelLevel[GetWarpId()] =
+ 1 + (GetNumberOfThreadsInBlock() > 1 ? OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL : 0);
+ }
+ if (!RequiresOMPRuntime) {
+ // Runtime is not required - exit.
+ return;
+ }
+ //
+ // Team Context Initialization.
+ //
+ // In SPMD mode there is no master thread so use any cuda thread for team
+ // context initialization.
+ if (threadId == 0) {
+ // Get a state object from the queue.
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext =
+ omptarget_nvptx_device_State[usedSlotIdx].Dequeue();
+ omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr &currTeamDescr = getMyTeamDescriptor();
+ omptarget_nvptx_WorkDescr &workDescr = getMyWorkDescriptor();
+ // init team context
+ currTeamDescr.InitTeamDescr();
+ }
+ // FIXME: use __syncthreads instead when the function copy is fixed in LLVM.
+ omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr &currTeamDescr = getMyTeamDescriptor();
+ omptarget_nvptx_WorkDescr &workDescr = getMyWorkDescriptor();
+ //
+ // Initialize task descr for each thread.
+ //
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *newTaskDescr =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Level1TaskDescr(threadId);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, newTaskDescr, "expected a task descr");
+ newTaskDescr->InitLevelOneTaskDescr(currTeamDescr.LevelZeroTaskDescr());
+ // install new top descriptor
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(threadId,
+ newTaskDescr);
+ // init thread private from init value
+ "thread will execute parallel region with id %d in a team of "
+ "%d threads\n",
+ (int)newTaskDescr->ThreadId(), (int)ThreadLimit);
+ if (RequiresDataSharing && GetLaneId() == 0) {
+ // Warp master innitializes data sharing environment.
+ unsigned WID = threadId / WARPSIZE;
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *RootS = currTeamDescr.RootS(
+ WID, WID == WARPSIZE - 1);
+ DataSharingState.SlotPtr[WID] = RootS;
+ DataSharingState.StackPtr[WID] = (void *)&RootS->Data[0];
+ }
+EXTERN __attribute__((deprecated)) void __kmpc_spmd_kernel_deinit() {
+ __kmpc_spmd_kernel_deinit_v2(isRuntimeInitialized());
+EXTERN void __kmpc_spmd_kernel_deinit_v2(int16_t RequiresOMPRuntime) {
+ // We're not going to pop the task descr stack of each thread since
+ // there are no more parallel regions in SPMD mode.
+ if (!RequiresOMPRuntime)
+ return;
+ // FIXME: use __syncthreads instead when the function copy is fixed in LLVM.
+ int threadId = GetThreadIdInBlock();
+ if (threadId == 0) {
+ // Enqueue omp state object for use by another team.
+ int slot = usedSlotIdx;
+ omptarget_nvptx_device_State[slot].Enqueue(
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext);
+ }
+// Return true if the current target region is executed in SPMD mode.
+EXTERN int8_t __kmpc_is_spmd_exec_mode() {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO | LD_PAR, "call to __kmpc_is_spmd_exec_mode\n");
+ return isSPMDMode();
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/omptarget-nvptx.h b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/omptarget-nvptx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f28284d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/omptarget-nvptx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+//===---- omptarget-nvptx.h - NVPTX OpenMP GPU initialization ---- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains the declarations of all library macros, types,
+// and functions.
+// std includes
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+// cuda includes
+#include <cuda.h>
+#include <math.h>
+// local includes
+#include "debug.h" // debug
+#include "interface.h" // interfaces with omp, compiler, and user
+#include "option.h" // choices we have
+#include "state-queue.h"
+#include "support.h"
+// used by the library for the interface with the app
+// used by dynamic scheduling
+#define FINISHED 0
+#define NOT_FINISHED 1
+#define LAST_CHUNK 2
+// Macros for Cuda intrinsics
+// In Cuda 9.0, the *_sync() version takes an extra argument 'mask'.
+// Also, __ballot(1) in Cuda 8.0 is replaced with __activemask().
+#error CUDA_VERSION macro is undefined, something wrong with cuda.
+#elif CUDA_VERSION >= 9000
+#define __SHFL_SYNC(mask, var, srcLane) __shfl_sync((mask), (var), (srcLane))
+#define __SHFL_DOWN_SYNC(mask, var, delta, width) \
+ __shfl_down_sync((mask), (var), (delta), (width))
+#define __ACTIVEMASK() __activemask()
+#define __SHFL_SYNC(mask, var, srcLane) __shfl((var), (srcLane))
+#define __SHFL_DOWN_SYNC(mask, var, delta, width) \
+ __shfl_down((var), (delta), (width))
+#define __ACTIVEMASK() __ballot(1)
+#endif // CUDA_VERSION
+#define __SYNCTHREADS_N(n) asm volatile("bar.sync %0;" : : "r"(n) : "memory");
+// Use original __syncthreads if compiled by nvcc or clang >= 9.0.
+#if !defined(__clang__) || __clang_major__ >= 9
+#define __SYNCTHREADS() __syncthreads()
+// arguments needed for L0 parallelism only.
+class omptarget_nvptx_SharedArgs {
+ // All these methods must be called by the master thread only.
+ INLINE void Init() {
+ args = buffer;
+ }
+ INLINE void DeInit() {
+ // Free any memory allocated for outlined parallel function with a large
+ // number of arguments.
+ if (nArgs > MAX_SHARED_ARGS) {
+ SafeFree(args, (char *)"new extended args");
+ Init();
+ }
+ }
+ INLINE void EnsureSize(size_t size) {
+ if (size > nArgs) {
+ if (nArgs > MAX_SHARED_ARGS) {
+ SafeFree(args, (char *)"new extended args");
+ }
+ args = (void **) SafeMalloc(size * sizeof(void *),
+ (char *)"new extended args");
+ nArgs = size;
+ }
+ }
+ // Called by all threads.
+ INLINE void **GetArgs() const { return args; };
+ // buffer of pre-allocated arguments.
+ void *buffer[MAX_SHARED_ARGS];
+ // pointer to arguments buffer.
+ // starts off as a pointer to 'buffer' but can be dynamically allocated.
+ void **args;
+ // starts off as MAX_SHARED_ARGS but can increase in size.
+ uint32_t nArgs;
+extern __device__ __shared__ omptarget_nvptx_SharedArgs
+ omptarget_nvptx_globalArgs;
+// Data sharing related quantities, need to match what is used in the compiler.
+ // The maximum number of workers in a kernel.
+ DS_Max_Worker_Threads = 992,
+ // The size reserved for data in a shared memory slot.
+ DS_Slot_Size = 256,
+ // The slot size that should be reserved for a working warp.
+ DS_Worker_Warp_Slot_Size = WARPSIZE * DS_Slot_Size,
+ // The maximum number of warps in use
+ DS_Max_Warp_Number = 32,
+ // The size of the preallocated shared memory buffer per team
+ DS_Shared_Memory_Size = 128,
+// Data structure to keep in shared memory that traces the current slot, stack,
+// and frame pointer as well as the active threads that didn't exit the current
+// environment.
+struct DataSharingStateTy {
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *SlotPtr[DS_Max_Warp_Number];
+ void *StackPtr[DS_Max_Warp_Number];
+ void * volatile FramePtr[DS_Max_Warp_Number];
+ int32_t ActiveThreads[DS_Max_Warp_Number];
+// Additional worker slot type which is initialized with the default worker slot
+// size of 4*32 bytes.
+struct __kmpc_data_sharing_worker_slot_static {
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *Next;
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *Prev;
+ void *PrevSlotStackPtr;
+ void *DataEnd;
+ char Data[DS_Worker_Warp_Slot_Size];
+// Additional master slot type which is initialized with the default master slot
+// size of 4 bytes.
+struct __kmpc_data_sharing_master_slot_static {
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *Next;
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *Prev;
+ void *PrevSlotStackPtr;
+ void *DataEnd;
+ char Data[DS_Slot_Size];
+extern __device__ __shared__ DataSharingStateTy DataSharingState;
+// task ICV and (implicit & explicit) task state
+class omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr {
+ // methods for flags
+ INLINE omp_sched_t GetRuntimeSched() const;
+ INLINE void SetRuntimeSched(omp_sched_t sched);
+ INLINE int InParallelRegion() const { return items.flags & TaskDescr_InPar; }
+ INLINE int InL2OrHigherParallelRegion() const {
+ return items.flags & TaskDescr_InParL2P;
+ }
+ INLINE int IsParallelConstruct() const {
+ return items.flags & TaskDescr_IsParConstr;
+ }
+ INLINE int IsTaskConstruct() const { return !IsParallelConstruct(); }
+ // methods for other fields
+ INLINE uint16_t &ThreadId() { return items.threadId; }
+ INLINE uint64_t &RuntimeChunkSize() { return items.runtimeChunkSize; }
+ INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *GetPrevTaskDescr() const { return prev; }
+ INLINE void SetPrevTaskDescr(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *taskDescr) {
+ prev = taskDescr;
+ }
+ // init & copy
+ INLINE void InitLevelZeroTaskDescr();
+ INLINE void InitLevelOneTaskDescr(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *parentTaskDescr);
+ INLINE void Copy(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *sourceTaskDescr);
+ INLINE void CopyData(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *sourceTaskDescr);
+ INLINE void CopyParent(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *parentTaskDescr);
+ INLINE void CopyForExplicitTask(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *parentTaskDescr);
+ INLINE void CopyToWorkDescr(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *masterTaskDescr);
+ INLINE void CopyFromWorkDescr(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *workTaskDescr);
+ INLINE void CopyConvergentParent(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *parentTaskDescr,
+ uint16_t tid, uint16_t tnum);
+ INLINE void SaveLoopData();
+ INLINE void RestoreLoopData() const;
+ // bits for flags: (6 used, 2 free)
+ // 3 bits (SchedMask) for runtime schedule
+ // 1 bit (InPar) if this thread has encountered one or more parallel region
+ // 1 bit (IsParConstr) if ICV for a parallel region (false = explicit task)
+ // 1 bit (InParL2+) if this thread has encountered L2 or higher parallel
+ // region
+ static const uint8_t TaskDescr_SchedMask = (0x1 | 0x2 | 0x4);
+ static const uint8_t TaskDescr_InPar = 0x10;
+ static const uint8_t TaskDescr_IsParConstr = 0x20;
+ static const uint8_t TaskDescr_InParL2P = 0x40;
+ struct SavedLoopDescr_items {
+ int64_t loopUpperBound;
+ int64_t nextLowerBound;
+ int64_t chunk;
+ int64_t stride;
+ kmp_sched_t schedule;
+ } loopData;
+ struct TaskDescr_items {
+ uint8_t flags; // 6 bit used (see flag above)
+ uint8_t unused;
+ uint16_t threadId; // thread id
+ uint64_t runtimeChunkSize; // runtime chunk size
+ } items;
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *prev;
+// build on kmp
+typedef struct omptarget_nvptx_ExplicitTaskDescr {
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr
+ taskDescr; // omptarget_nvptx task description (must be first)
+ kmp_TaskDescr kmpTaskDescr; // kmp task description (must be last)
+} omptarget_nvptx_ExplicitTaskDescr;
+// Descriptor of a parallel region (worksharing in general)
+class omptarget_nvptx_WorkDescr {
+ // access to data
+ INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *WorkTaskDescr() { return &masterTaskICV; }
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr masterTaskICV;
+class omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr {
+ // access to data
+ INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *LevelZeroTaskDescr() {
+ return &levelZeroTaskDescr;
+ }
+ INLINE omptarget_nvptx_WorkDescr &WorkDescr() {
+ return workDescrForActiveParallel;
+ }
+ INLINE uint64_t *getLastprivateIterBuffer() { return &lastprivateIterBuffer; }
+ // init
+ INLINE void InitTeamDescr();
+ INLINE __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *RootS(int wid, bool IsMasterThread) {
+ // If this is invoked by the master thread of the master warp then intialize
+ // it with a smaller slot.
+ if (IsMasterThread) {
+ // Do not initalize this slot again if it has already been initalized.
+ if (master_rootS[0].DataEnd == &master_rootS[0].Data[0] + DS_Slot_Size)
+ return 0;
+ // Initialize the pointer to the end of the slot given the size of the
+ // data section. DataEnd is non-inclusive.
+ master_rootS[0].DataEnd = &master_rootS[0].Data[0] + DS_Slot_Size;
+ // We currently do not have a next slot.
+ master_rootS[0].Next = 0;
+ master_rootS[0].Prev = 0;
+ master_rootS[0].PrevSlotStackPtr = 0;
+ return (__kmpc_data_sharing_slot *)&master_rootS[0];
+ }
+ // Do not initalize this slot again if it has already been initalized.
+ if (worker_rootS[wid].DataEnd ==
+ &worker_rootS[wid].Data[0] + DS_Worker_Warp_Slot_Size)
+ return 0;
+ // Initialize the pointer to the end of the slot given the size of the data
+ // section. DataEnd is non-inclusive.
+ worker_rootS[wid].DataEnd =
+ &worker_rootS[wid].Data[0] + DS_Worker_Warp_Slot_Size;
+ // We currently do not have a next slot.
+ worker_rootS[wid].Next = 0;
+ worker_rootS[wid].Prev = 0;
+ worker_rootS[wid].PrevSlotStackPtr = 0;
+ return (__kmpc_data_sharing_slot *)&worker_rootS[wid];
+ }
+ INLINE __kmpc_data_sharing_slot *GetPreallocatedSlotAddr(int wid) {
+ worker_rootS[wid].DataEnd =
+ &worker_rootS[wid].Data[0] + DS_Worker_Warp_Slot_Size;
+ // We currently do not have a next slot.
+ worker_rootS[wid].Next = 0;
+ worker_rootS[wid].Prev = 0;
+ worker_rootS[wid].PrevSlotStackPtr = 0;
+ return (__kmpc_data_sharing_slot *)&worker_rootS[wid];
+ }
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr
+ levelZeroTaskDescr; // icv for team master initial thread
+ omptarget_nvptx_WorkDescr
+ workDescrForActiveParallel; // one, ONLY for the active par
+ uint64_t lastprivateIterBuffer;
+ __align__(16)
+ __kmpc_data_sharing_worker_slot_static worker_rootS[WARPSIZE];
+ __align__(16) __kmpc_data_sharing_master_slot_static master_rootS[1];
+// thread private data (struct of arrays for better coalescing)
+// tid refers here to the global thread id
+// do not support multiple concurrent kernel a this time
+class omptarget_nvptx_ThreadPrivateContext {
+ // task
+ INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *Level1TaskDescr(int tid) {
+ return &levelOneTaskDescr[tid];
+ }
+ INLINE void SetTopLevelTaskDescr(int tid,
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *taskICV) {
+ topTaskDescr[tid] = taskICV;
+ }
+ INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *GetTopLevelTaskDescr(int tid) const;
+ // parallel
+ INLINE uint16_t &NumThreadsForNextParallel(int tid) {
+ return nextRegion.tnum[tid];
+ }
+ // simd
+ INLINE uint16_t &SimdLimitForNextSimd(int tid) {
+ return nextRegion.slim[tid];
+ }
+ // schedule (for dispatch)
+ INLINE kmp_sched_t &ScheduleType(int tid) { return schedule[tid]; }
+ INLINE int64_t &Chunk(int tid) { return chunk[tid]; }
+ INLINE int64_t &LoopUpperBound(int tid) { return loopUpperBound[tid]; }
+ INLINE int64_t &NextLowerBound(int tid) { return nextLowerBound[tid]; }
+ INLINE int64_t &Stride(int tid) { return stride[tid]; }
+ INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr &TeamContext() { return teamContext; }
+ INLINE void InitThreadPrivateContext(int tid);
+ INLINE uint64_t &Cnt() { return cnt; }
+ // team context for this team
+ omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr teamContext;
+ // task ICV for implict threads in the only parallel region
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr levelOneTaskDescr[MAX_THREADS_PER_TEAM];
+ // pointer where to find the current task ICV (top of the stack)
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *topTaskDescr[MAX_THREADS_PER_TEAM];
+ union {
+ // Only one of the two is live at the same time.
+ // parallel
+ uint16_t tnum[MAX_THREADS_PER_TEAM];
+ // simd limit
+ uint16_t slim[MAX_THREADS_PER_TEAM];
+ } nextRegion;
+ // schedule (for dispatch)
+ kmp_sched_t schedule[MAX_THREADS_PER_TEAM]; // remember schedule type for #for
+ int64_t chunk[MAX_THREADS_PER_TEAM];
+ int64_t loopUpperBound[MAX_THREADS_PER_TEAM];
+ // state for dispatch with dyn/guided OR static (never use both at a time)
+ int64_t nextLowerBound[MAX_THREADS_PER_TEAM];
+ int64_t stride[MAX_THREADS_PER_TEAM];
+ uint64_t cnt;
+/// Device envrionment data
+struct omptarget_device_environmentTy {
+ int32_t debug_level;
+/// Memory manager for statically allocated memory.
+class omptarget_nvptx_SimpleMemoryManager {
+ __align__(128) struct MemDataTy {
+ volatile unsigned keys[OMP_STATE_COUNT];
+ } MemData[MAX_SM];
+ INLINE static uint32_t hash(unsigned key) {
+ return key & (OMP_STATE_COUNT - 1);
+ }
+ INLINE void Release();
+ INLINE const void *Acquire(const void *buf, size_t size);
+// global device envrionment
+extern __device__ omptarget_device_environmentTy omptarget_device_environment;
+// global data tables
+extern __device__ omptarget_nvptx_SimpleMemoryManager
+ omptarget_nvptx_simpleMemoryManager;
+extern __device__ __shared__ uint32_t usedMemIdx;
+extern __device__ __shared__ uint32_t usedSlotIdx;
+extern __device__ __shared__ uint8_t
+extern __device__ __shared__ uint16_t threadLimit;
+extern __device__ __shared__ uint16_t threadsInTeam;
+extern __device__ __shared__ uint16_t nThreads;
+extern __device__ __shared__
+ omptarget_nvptx_ThreadPrivateContext *omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext;
+extern __device__ __shared__ uint32_t execution_param;
+extern __device__ __shared__ void *ReductionScratchpadPtr;
+// work function (outlined parallel/simd functions) and arguments.
+// needed for L1 parallelism only.
+typedef void *omptarget_nvptx_WorkFn;
+extern volatile __device__ __shared__ omptarget_nvptx_WorkFn
+ omptarget_nvptx_workFn;
+// get private data structures
+INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr &getMyTeamDescriptor();
+INLINE omptarget_nvptx_WorkDescr &getMyWorkDescriptor();
+INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *
+getMyTopTaskDescriptor(bool isSPMDExecutionMode);
+INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *getMyTopTaskDescriptor(int globalThreadId);
+// inlined implementation
+#include "omptarget-nvptxi.h"
+#include "supporti.h"
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/omptarget-nvptxi.h b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/omptarget-nvptxi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4efa18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/omptarget-nvptxi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+//===---- omptarget-nvptxi.h - NVPTX OpenMP GPU initialization --- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains the declarations of all library macros, types,
+// and functions.
+// Task Descriptor
+INLINE omp_sched_t omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::GetRuntimeSched() const {
+ // sched starts from 1..4; encode it as 0..3; so add 1 here
+ uint8_t rc = (items.flags & TaskDescr_SchedMask) + 1;
+ return (omp_sched_t)rc;
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::SetRuntimeSched(omp_sched_t sched) {
+ // sched starts from 1..4; encode it as 0..3; so sub 1 here
+ uint8_t val = ((uint8_t)sched) - 1;
+ // clear current sched
+ items.flags &= ~TaskDescr_SchedMask;
+ // set new sched
+ items.flags |= val;
+INLINE void
+omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::InitLevelZeroTaskDescr() {
+ // slow method
+ // flag:
+ // default sched is static,
+ // dyn is off (unused now anyway, but may need to sample from host ?)
+ // not in parallel
+ items.flags = 0;
+ items.threadId = 0; // is master
+ items.runtimeChunkSize = 1; // prefered chunking statik with chunk 1
+// This is called when all threads are started together in SPMD mode.
+// OMP directives include target parallel, target distribute parallel for, etc.
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::InitLevelOneTaskDescr(
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *parentTaskDescr) {
+ // slow method
+ // flag:
+ // default sched is static,
+ // dyn is off (unused now anyway, but may need to sample from host ?)
+ // in L1 parallel
+ items.flags =
+ TaskDescr_InPar | TaskDescr_IsParConstr; // set flag to parallel
+ items.threadId =
+ GetThreadIdInBlock(); // get ids from cuda (only called for 1st level)
+ items.runtimeChunkSize = 1; // prefered chunking statik with chunk 1
+ prev = parentTaskDescr;
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::CopyData(
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *sourceTaskDescr) {
+ items = sourceTaskDescr->items;
+INLINE void
+omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::Copy(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *sourceTaskDescr) {
+ CopyData(sourceTaskDescr);
+ prev = sourceTaskDescr->prev;
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::CopyParent(
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *parentTaskDescr) {
+ CopyData(parentTaskDescr);
+ prev = parentTaskDescr;
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::CopyForExplicitTask(
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *parentTaskDescr) {
+ CopyParent(parentTaskDescr);
+ items.flags = items.flags & ~TaskDescr_IsParConstr;
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, IsTaskConstruct(), "expected task");
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::CopyToWorkDescr(
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *masterTaskDescr) {
+ CopyParent(masterTaskDescr);
+ // overrwrite specific items;
+ items.flags |=
+ TaskDescr_InPar | TaskDescr_IsParConstr; // set flag to parallel
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::CopyFromWorkDescr(
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *workTaskDescr) {
+ Copy(workTaskDescr);
+ //
+ // overrwrite specific items;
+ //
+ // The threadID should be GetThreadIdInBlock() % GetMasterThreadID().
+ // This is so that the serial master (first lane in the master warp)
+ // gets a threadId of 0.
+ // However, we know that this function is always called in a parallel
+ // region where only workers are active. The serial master thread
+ // never enters this region. When a parallel region is executed serially,
+ // the threadId is set to 0 elsewhere and the kmpc_serialized_* functions
+ // are called, which never activate this region.
+ items.threadId =
+ GetThreadIdInBlock(); // get ids from cuda (only called for 1st level)
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::CopyConvergentParent(
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *parentTaskDescr, uint16_t tid, uint16_t tnum) {
+ CopyParent(parentTaskDescr);
+ items.flags |= TaskDescr_InParL2P; // In L2+ parallelism
+ items.threadId = tid;
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::SaveLoopData() {
+ loopData.loopUpperBound =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->LoopUpperBound(items.threadId);
+ loopData.nextLowerBound =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(items.threadId);
+ loopData.schedule =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->ScheduleType(items.threadId);
+ loopData.chunk = omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Chunk(items.threadId);
+ loopData.stride =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Stride(items.threadId);
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr::RestoreLoopData() const {
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Chunk(items.threadId) = loopData.chunk;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->LoopUpperBound(items.threadId) =
+ loopData.loopUpperBound;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NextLowerBound(items.threadId) =
+ loopData.nextLowerBound;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Stride(items.threadId) =
+ loopData.stride;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->ScheduleType(items.threadId) =
+ loopData.schedule;
+// Thread Private Context
+INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *
+omptarget_nvptx_ThreadPrivateContext::GetTopLevelTaskDescr(int tid) const {
+ "Getting top level, tid is larger than allocated data structure size");
+ return topTaskDescr[tid];
+INLINE void
+omptarget_nvptx_ThreadPrivateContext::InitThreadPrivateContext(int tid) {
+ // levelOneTaskDescr is init when starting the parallel region
+ // top task descr is NULL (team master version will be fixed separately)
+ topTaskDescr[tid] = NULL;
+ // no num threads value has been pushed
+ nextRegion.tnum[tid] = 0;
+ // the following don't need to be init here; they are init when using dyn
+ // sched
+ // current_Event, events_Number, chunk, num_Iterations, schedule
+// Team Descriptor
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr::InitTeamDescr() {
+ levelZeroTaskDescr.InitLevelZeroTaskDescr();
+// Get private data structure for thread
+// Utility routines for CUDA threads
+INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr &getMyTeamDescriptor() {
+ return omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->TeamContext();
+INLINE omptarget_nvptx_WorkDescr &getMyWorkDescriptor() {
+ omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr &currTeamDescr = getMyTeamDescriptor();
+ return currTeamDescr.WorkDescr();
+INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *getMyTopTaskDescriptor(int threadId) {
+ return omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->GetTopLevelTaskDescr(threadId);
+INLINE omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *
+getMyTopTaskDescriptor(bool isSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ return getMyTopTaskDescriptor(GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(isSPMDExecutionMode));
+// Memory management runtime functions.
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_SimpleMemoryManager::Release() {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, usedSlotIdx < MAX_SM,
+ "SlotIdx is too big or uninitialized.");
+ "MemIdx is too big or uninitialized.");
+ MemDataTy &MD = MemData[usedSlotIdx];
+ atomicExch((unsigned *)&MD.keys[usedMemIdx], 0);
+INLINE const void *omptarget_nvptx_SimpleMemoryManager::Acquire(const void *buf,
+ size_t size) {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, usedSlotIdx < MAX_SM,
+ "SlotIdx is too big or uninitialized.");
+ const unsigned sm = usedSlotIdx;
+ MemDataTy &MD = MemData[sm];
+ unsigned i = hash(GetBlockIdInKernel());
+ while (atomicCAS((unsigned *)&MD.keys[i], 0, 1) != 0) {
+ i = hash(i + 1);
+ }
+ usedSlotIdx = sm;
+ usedMemIdx = i;
+ return static_cast<const char *>(buf) + (sm * OMP_STATE_COUNT + i) * size;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/option.h b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/option.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3661d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/option.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+//===------------ option.h - NVPTX OpenMP GPU options ------------ CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// GPU default options
+#ifndef _OPTION_H_
+#define _OPTION_H_
+// Kernel options
+// The following def must match the absolute limit hardwired in the host RTL
+// max number of threads per team
+#define MAX_THREADS_PER_TEAM 1024
+#define WARPSIZE 32
+// The named barrier for active parallel threads of a team in an L1 parallel
+// region to synchronize with each other.
+#define L1_BARRIER (1)
+// Maximum number of preallocated arguments to an outlined parallel/simd function.
+// Anything more requires dynamic memory allocation.
+#define MAX_SHARED_ARGS 20
+// Maximum number of omp state objects per SM allocated statically in global
+// memory.
+#if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
+#define OMP_STATE_COUNT 32
+#define MAX_SM 84
+#elif __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 600
+#define OMP_STATE_COUNT 32
+#define MAX_SM 56
+#define OMP_STATE_COUNT 16
+#define MAX_SM 16
+// algo options
+// misc options (by def everythig here is device)
+#define EXTERN extern "C" __device__
+#define INLINE __inline__ __device__
+#define NOINLINE __noinline__ __device__
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE 1
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE 0
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/parallel.cu b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/parallel.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6747235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/parallel.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+//===---- parallel.cu - NVPTX OpenMP parallel implementation ----- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Parallel implemention in the GPU. Here is the pattern:
+// while (not finished) {
+// if (master) {
+// sequential code, decide which par loop to do, or if finished
+// __kmpc_kernel_prepare_parallel() // exec by master only
+// }
+// syncthreads // A
+// __kmpc_kernel_parallel() // exec by all
+// if (this thread is included in the parallel) {
+// switch () for all parallel loops
+// __kmpc_kernel_end_parallel() // exec only by threads in parallel
+// }
+// The reason we don't exec end_parallel for the threads not included
+// in the parallel loop is that for each barrier in the parallel
+// region, these non-included threads will cycle through the
+// syncthread A. Thus they must preserve their current threadId that
+// is larger than thread in team.
+// To make a long story short...
+#include "omptarget-nvptx.h"
+typedef struct ConvergentSimdJob {
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr taskDescr;
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *convHeadTaskDescr;
+ uint16_t slimForNextSimd;
+} ConvergentSimdJob;
+// support for convergent simd (team of threads in a warp only)
+EXTERN bool __kmpc_kernel_convergent_simd(void *buffer, uint32_t Mask,
+ bool *IsFinal, int32_t *LaneSource,
+ int32_t *LaneId, int32_t *NumLanes) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_kernel_convergent_simd\n");
+ uint32_t ConvergentMask = Mask;
+ int32_t ConvergentSize = __popc(ConvergentMask);
+ uint32_t WorkRemaining = ConvergentMask >> (*LaneSource + 1);
+ *LaneSource += __ffs(WorkRemaining);
+ *IsFinal = __popc(WorkRemaining) == 1;
+ uint32_t lanemask_lt;
+ asm("mov.u32 %0, %%lanemask_lt;" : "=r"(lanemask_lt));
+ *LaneId = __popc(ConvergentMask & lanemask_lt);
+ int threadId = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(isSPMDMode());
+ int sourceThreadId = (threadId & ~(WARPSIZE - 1)) + *LaneSource;
+ ConvergentSimdJob *job = (ConvergentSimdJob *)buffer;
+ int32_t SimdLimit =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SimdLimitForNextSimd(threadId);
+ job->slimForNextSimd = SimdLimit;
+ int32_t SimdLimitSource = __SHFL_SYNC(Mask, SimdLimit, *LaneSource);
+ // reset simdlimit to avoid propagating to successive #simd
+ if (SimdLimitSource > 0 && threadId == sourceThreadId)
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SimdLimitForNextSimd(threadId) = 0;
+ // We cannot have more than the # of convergent threads.
+ if (SimdLimitSource > 0)
+ *NumLanes = min(ConvergentSize, SimdLimitSource);
+ else
+ *NumLanes = ConvergentSize;
+ ASSERT(LT_FUSSY, *NumLanes > 0, "bad thread request of %d threads",
+ (int)*NumLanes);
+ // Set to true for lanes participating in the simd region.
+ bool isActive = false;
+ // Initialize state for active threads.
+ if (*LaneId < *NumLanes) {
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->GetTopLevelTaskDescr(threadId);
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *sourceTaskDescr =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->GetTopLevelTaskDescr(
+ sourceThreadId);
+ job->convHeadTaskDescr = currTaskDescr;
+ // install top descriptor from the thread for which the lanes are working.
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(threadId,
+ sourceTaskDescr);
+ isActive = true;
+ }
+ // requires a memory fence between threads of a warp
+ return isActive;
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_end_convergent_simd(void *buffer) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO | LD_PAR, "call to __kmpc_kernel_end_convergent_parallel\n");
+ // pop stack
+ int threadId = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(isSPMDMode());
+ ConvergentSimdJob *job = (ConvergentSimdJob *)buffer;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SimdLimitForNextSimd(threadId) =
+ job->slimForNextSimd;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(
+ threadId, job->convHeadTaskDescr);
+typedef struct ConvergentParallelJob {
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr taskDescr;
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *convHeadTaskDescr;
+ uint16_t tnumForNextPar;
+} ConvergentParallelJob;
+// support for convergent parallelism (team of threads in a warp only)
+EXTERN bool __kmpc_kernel_convergent_parallel(void *buffer, uint32_t Mask,
+ bool *IsFinal,
+ int32_t *LaneSource) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_kernel_convergent_parallel\n");
+ uint32_t ConvergentMask = Mask;
+ int32_t ConvergentSize = __popc(ConvergentMask);
+ uint32_t WorkRemaining = ConvergentMask >> (*LaneSource + 1);
+ *LaneSource += __ffs(WorkRemaining);
+ *IsFinal = __popc(WorkRemaining) == 1;
+ uint32_t lanemask_lt;
+ asm("mov.u32 %0, %%lanemask_lt;" : "=r"(lanemask_lt));
+ uint32_t OmpId = __popc(ConvergentMask & lanemask_lt);
+ int threadId = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(isSPMDMode());
+ int sourceThreadId = (threadId & ~(WARPSIZE - 1)) + *LaneSource;
+ ConvergentParallelJob *job = (ConvergentParallelJob *)buffer;
+ int32_t NumThreadsClause =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NumThreadsForNextParallel(threadId);
+ job->tnumForNextPar = NumThreadsClause;
+ int32_t NumThreadsSource = __SHFL_SYNC(Mask, NumThreadsClause, *LaneSource);
+ // reset numthreads to avoid propagating to successive #parallel
+ if (NumThreadsSource > 0 && threadId == sourceThreadId)
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NumThreadsForNextParallel(threadId) =
+ 0;
+ // We cannot have more than the # of convergent threads.
+ uint16_t NumThreads;
+ if (NumThreadsSource > 0)
+ NumThreads = min(ConvergentSize, NumThreadsSource);
+ else
+ NumThreads = ConvergentSize;
+ ASSERT(LT_FUSSY, NumThreads > 0, "bad thread request of %d threads",
+ (int)NumThreads);
+ // Set to true for workers participating in the parallel region.
+ bool isActive = false;
+ // Initialize state for active threads.
+ if (OmpId < NumThreads) {
+ // init L2 task descriptor and storage for the L1 parallel task descriptor.
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *newTaskDescr = &job->taskDescr;
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, newTaskDescr, "expected a task descr");
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->GetTopLevelTaskDescr(threadId);
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *sourceTaskDescr =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->GetTopLevelTaskDescr(
+ sourceThreadId);
+ job->convHeadTaskDescr = currTaskDescr;
+ newTaskDescr->CopyConvergentParent(sourceTaskDescr, OmpId, NumThreads);
+ // install new top descriptor
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(threadId,
+ newTaskDescr);
+ isActive = true;
+ }
+ // requires a memory fence between threads of a warp
+ return isActive;
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_end_convergent_parallel(void *buffer) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO | LD_PAR, "call to __kmpc_kernel_end_convergent_parallel\n");
+ // pop stack
+ int threadId = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(isSPMDMode());
+ ConvergentParallelJob *job = (ConvergentParallelJob *)buffer;
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(
+ threadId, job->convHeadTaskDescr);
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NumThreadsForNextParallel(threadId) =
+ job->tnumForNextPar;
+// support for parallel that goes parallel (1 static level only)
+INLINE static uint16_t determineNumberOfThreads(uint16_t NumThreadsClause,
+ uint16_t NThreadsICV,
+ uint16_t ThreadLimit) {
+ uint16_t ThreadsRequested = NThreadsICV;
+ if (NumThreadsClause != 0) {
+ ThreadsRequested = NumThreadsClause;
+ }
+ uint16_t ThreadsAvailable = GetNumberOfWorkersInTeam();
+ if (ThreadLimit != 0 && ThreadLimit < ThreadsAvailable) {
+ ThreadsAvailable = ThreadLimit;
+ }
+ uint16_t NumThreads = ThreadsAvailable;
+ if (ThreadsRequested != 0 && ThreadsRequested < NumThreads) {
+ NumThreads = ThreadsRequested;
+ }
+#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
+ // On Volta and newer architectures we require that all lanes in
+ // a warp participate in the parallel region. Round down to a
+ // multiple of WARPSIZE since it is legal to do so in OpenMP.
+ if (NumThreads < WARPSIZE) {
+ NumThreads = 1;
+ } else {
+ NumThreads = (NumThreads & ~((uint16_t)WARPSIZE - 1));
+ }
+ return NumThreads;
+// This routine is always called by the team master..
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_prepare_parallel(void *WorkFn,
+ int16_t IsOMPRuntimeInitialized) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_kernel_prepare_parallel\n");
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, IsOMPRuntimeInitialized, "Expected initialized runtime.");
+ omptarget_nvptx_workFn = WorkFn;
+ // This routine is only called by the team master. The team master is
+ // the first thread of the last warp. It always has the logical thread
+ // id of 0 (since it is a shadow for the first worker thread).
+ const int threadId = 0;
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->GetTopLevelTaskDescr(threadId);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, currTaskDescr, "expected a top task descr");
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, !currTaskDescr->InParallelRegion(),
+ "cannot be called in a parallel region.");
+ if (currTaskDescr->InParallelRegion()) {
+ PRINT0(LD_PAR, "already in parallel: go seq\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ uint16_t &NumThreadsClause =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NumThreadsForNextParallel(threadId);
+ uint16_t NumThreads =
+ determineNumberOfThreads(NumThreadsClause, nThreads, threadLimit);
+ if (NumThreadsClause != 0) {
+ // Reset request to avoid propagating to successive #parallel
+ NumThreadsClause = 0;
+ }
+ ASSERT(LT_FUSSY, NumThreads > 0, "bad thread request of %d threads",
+ (int)NumThreads);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, GetThreadIdInBlock() == GetMasterThreadID(),
+ "only team master can create parallel");
+ // Set number of threads on work descriptor.
+ omptarget_nvptx_WorkDescr &workDescr = getMyWorkDescriptor();
+ workDescr.WorkTaskDescr()->CopyToWorkDescr(currTaskDescr);
+ threadsInTeam = NumThreads;
+// All workers call this function. Deactivate those not needed.
+// Fn - the outlined work function to execute.
+// returns True if this thread is active, else False.
+// Only the worker threads call this routine.
+EXTERN bool __kmpc_kernel_parallel(void **WorkFn,
+ int16_t IsOMPRuntimeInitialized) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO | LD_PAR, "call to __kmpc_kernel_parallel\n");
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, IsOMPRuntimeInitialized, "Expected initialized runtime.");
+ // Work function and arguments for L1 parallel region.
+ *WorkFn = omptarget_nvptx_workFn;
+ // If this is the termination signal from the master, quit early.
+ if (!*WorkFn) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO | LD_PAR, "call to __kmpc_kernel_parallel finished\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Only the worker threads call this routine and the master warp
+ // never arrives here. Therefore, use the nvptx thread id.
+ int threadId = GetThreadIdInBlock();
+ omptarget_nvptx_WorkDescr &workDescr = getMyWorkDescriptor();
+ // Set to true for workers participating in the parallel region.
+ bool isActive = false;
+ // Initialize state for active threads.
+ if (threadId < threadsInTeam) {
+ // init work descriptor from workdesccr
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *newTaskDescr =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->Level1TaskDescr(threadId);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, newTaskDescr, "expected a task descr");
+ newTaskDescr->CopyFromWorkDescr(workDescr.WorkTaskDescr());
+ // install new top descriptor
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(threadId,
+ newTaskDescr);
+ // init private from int value
+ "thread will execute parallel region with id %d in a team of "
+ "%d threads\n",
+ (int)newTaskDescr->ThreadId(), (int)nThreads);
+ isActive = true;
+ IncParallelLevel(threadsInTeam != 1);
+ }
+ return isActive;
+EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_end_parallel() {
+ // pop stack
+ PRINT0(LD_IO | LD_PAR, "call to __kmpc_kernel_end_parallel\n");
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, isRuntimeInitialized(), "Expected initialized runtime.");
+ // Only the worker threads call this routine and the master warp
+ // never arrives here. Therefore, use the nvptx thread id.
+ int threadId = GetThreadIdInBlock();
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr = getMyTopTaskDescriptor(threadId);
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(
+ threadId, currTaskDescr->GetPrevTaskDescr());
+ DecParallelLevel(threadsInTeam != 1);
+// support for parallel that goes sequential
+EXTERN void __kmpc_serialized_parallel(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_serialized_parallel\n");
+ IncParallelLevel(/*ActiveParallel=*/false);
+ if (checkRuntimeUninitialized(loc)) {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, checkSPMDMode(loc),
+ "Expected SPMD mode with uninitialized runtime.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // assume this is only called for nested parallel
+ int threadId = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ // unlike actual parallel, threads in the same team do not share
+ // the workTaskDescr in this case and num threads is fixed to 1
+ // get current task
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr = getMyTopTaskDescriptor(threadId);
+ currTaskDescr->SaveLoopData();
+ // allocate new task descriptor and copy value from current one, set prev to
+ // it
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *newTaskDescr =
+ (omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *)SafeMalloc(sizeof(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr),
+ "new seq parallel task");
+ newTaskDescr->CopyParent(currTaskDescr);
+ // tweak values for serialized parallel case:
+ // - each thread becomes ID 0 in its serialized parallel, and
+ // - there is only one thread per team
+ newTaskDescr->ThreadId() = 0;
+ // set new task descriptor as top
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(threadId,
+ newTaskDescr);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_serialized_parallel(kmp_Ident *loc,
+ uint32_t global_tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_end_serialized_parallel\n");
+ DecParallelLevel(/*ActiveParallel=*/false);
+ if (checkRuntimeUninitialized(loc)) {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, checkSPMDMode(loc),
+ "Expected SPMD mode with uninitialized runtime.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // pop stack
+ int threadId = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr = getMyTopTaskDescriptor(threadId);
+ // set new top
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(
+ threadId, currTaskDescr->GetPrevTaskDescr());
+ // free
+ SafeFree(currTaskDescr, (char *)"new seq parallel task");
+ currTaskDescr = getMyTopTaskDescriptor(threadId);
+ currTaskDescr->RestoreLoopData();
+EXTERN uint16_t __kmpc_parallel_level(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_parallel_level\n");
+ return parallelLevel[GetWarpId()] & (OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL - 1);
+// This kmpc call returns the thread id across all teams. It's value is
+// cached by the compiler and used when calling the runtime. On nvptx
+// it's cheap to recalculate this value so we never use the result
+// of this call.
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_global_thread_num(kmp_Ident *loc) {
+ int tid = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ return GetOmpThreadId(tid, checkSPMDMode(loc));
+// push params
+EXTERN void __kmpc_push_num_threads(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid,
+ int32_t num_threads) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call kmpc_push_num_threads %d\n", num_threads);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, checkRuntimeInitialized(loc), "Runtime must be initialized.");
+ tid = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NumThreadsForNextParallel(tid) =
+ num_threads;
+EXTERN void __kmpc_push_simd_limit(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid,
+ int32_t simd_limit) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call kmpc_push_simd_limit %d\n", (int)simd_limit);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, checkRuntimeInitialized(loc), "Runtime must be initialized.");
+ tid = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SimdLimitForNextSimd(tid) = simd_limit;
+// Do nothing. The host guarantees we started the requested number of
+// teams and we only need inspection of gridDim.
+EXTERN void __kmpc_push_num_teams(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid,
+ int32_t num_teams, int32_t thread_limit) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call kmpc_push_num_teams %d\n", (int)num_teams);
+ "should never have anything with new teams on device");
+EXTERN void __kmpc_push_proc_bind(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t tid,
+ int proc_bind) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call kmpc_push_proc_bind %d\n", (int)proc_bind);
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/reduction.cu b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/reduction.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c925638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/reduction.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+//===---- reduction.cu - NVPTX OpenMP reduction implementation ---- CUDA
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains the implementation of reduction with KMPC interface.
+#include <complex.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omptarget-nvptx.h"
+void __kmpc_nvptx_end_reduce(int32_t global_tid) {}
+void __kmpc_nvptx_end_reduce_nowait(int32_t global_tid) {}
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_shuffle_int32(int32_t val, int16_t delta, int16_t size) {
+ return __SHFL_DOWN_SYNC(0xFFFFFFFF, val, delta, size);
+EXTERN int64_t __kmpc_shuffle_int64(int64_t val, int16_t delta, int16_t size) {
+ int lo, hi;
+ asm volatile("mov.b64 {%0,%1}, %2;" : "=r"(lo), "=r"(hi) : "l"(val));
+ hi = __SHFL_DOWN_SYNC(0xFFFFFFFF, hi, delta, size);
+ lo = __SHFL_DOWN_SYNC(0xFFFFFFFF, lo, delta, size);
+ asm volatile("mov.b64 %0, {%1,%2};" : "=l"(val) : "r"(lo), "r"(hi));
+ return val;
+INLINE static void gpu_regular_warp_reduce(void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct) {
+ for (uint32_t mask = WARPSIZE / 2; mask > 0; mask /= 2) {
+ shflFct(reduce_data, /*LaneId - not used= */ 0,
+ /*Offset = */ mask, /*AlgoVersion=*/0);
+ }
+INLINE static void gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct,
+ uint32_t size, uint32_t tid) {
+ uint32_t curr_size;
+ uint32_t mask;
+ curr_size = size;
+ mask = curr_size / 2;
+ while (mask > 0) {
+ shflFct(reduce_data, /*LaneId = */ tid, /*Offset=*/mask, /*AlgoVersion=*/1);
+ curr_size = (curr_size + 1) / 2;
+ mask = curr_size / 2;
+ }
+INLINE static uint32_t
+gpu_irregular_simd_reduce(void *reduce_data, kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct) {
+ uint32_t lanemask_lt;
+ uint32_t lanemask_gt;
+ uint32_t size, remote_id, physical_lane_id;
+ physical_lane_id = GetThreadIdInBlock() % WARPSIZE;
+ asm("mov.u32 %0, %%lanemask_lt;" : "=r"(lanemask_lt));
+ uint32_t Liveness = __ACTIVEMASK();
+ uint32_t logical_lane_id = __popc(Liveness & lanemask_lt) * 2;
+ asm("mov.u32 %0, %%lanemask_gt;" : "=r"(lanemask_gt));
+ do {
+ Liveness = __ACTIVEMASK();
+ remote_id = __ffs(Liveness & lanemask_gt);
+ size = __popc(Liveness);
+ logical_lane_id /= 2;
+ shflFct(reduce_data, /*LaneId =*/logical_lane_id,
+ /*Offset=*/remote_id - 1 - physical_lane_id, /*AlgoVersion=*/2);
+ } while (logical_lane_id % 2 == 0 && size > 1);
+ return (logical_lane_id == 0);
+int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_simd_reduce_nowait(int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars,
+ size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct,
+ kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct) {
+ uint32_t Liveness = __ACTIVEMASK();
+ if (Liveness == 0xffffffff) {
+ gpu_regular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct);
+ return GetThreadIdInBlock() % WARPSIZE ==
+ 0; // Result on lane 0 of the simd warp.
+ } else {
+ return gpu_irregular_simd_reduce(
+ reduce_data, shflFct); // Result on the first active lane.
+ }
+static int32_t nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct,
+ bool isSPMDExecutionMode, bool isRuntimeUninitialized) {
+ uint32_t BlockThreadId = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(isSPMDExecutionMode);
+ uint32_t NumThreads = GetNumberOfOmpThreads(isSPMDExecutionMode);
+ if (NumThreads == 1)
+ return 1;
+ /*
+ * This reduce function handles reduction within a team. It handles
+ * parallel regions in both L1 and L2 parallelism levels. It also
+ * supports Generic, SPMD, and NoOMP modes.
+ *
+ * 1. Reduce within a warp.
+ * 2. Warp master copies value to warp 0 via shared memory.
+ * 3. Warp 0 reduces to a single value.
+ * 4. The reduced value is available in the thread that returns 1.
+ */
+#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
+ uint32_t WarpsNeeded = (NumThreads + WARPSIZE - 1) / WARPSIZE;
+ uint32_t WarpId = BlockThreadId / WARPSIZE;
+ // Volta execution model:
+ // For the Generic execution mode a parallel region either has 1 thread and
+ // beyond that, always a multiple of 32. For the SPMD execution mode we may
+ // have any number of threads.
+ if ((NumThreads % WARPSIZE == 0) || (WarpId < WarpsNeeded - 1))
+ gpu_regular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct);
+ else if (NumThreads > 1) // Only SPMD execution mode comes thru this case.
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct,
+ /*LaneCount=*/NumThreads % WARPSIZE,
+ /*LaneId=*/GetThreadIdInBlock() % WARPSIZE);
+ // When we have more than [warpsize] number of threads
+ // a block reduction is performed here.
+ //
+ // Only L1 parallel region can enter this if condition.
+ if (NumThreads > WARPSIZE) {
+ // Gather all the reduced values from each warp
+ // to the first warp.
+ cpyFct(reduce_data, WarpsNeeded);
+ if (WarpId == 0)
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct, WarpsNeeded,
+ BlockThreadId);
+ }
+ return BlockThreadId == 0;
+ uint32_t Liveness = __ACTIVEMASK();
+ if (Liveness == 0xffffffff) // Full warp
+ gpu_regular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct);
+ else if (!(Liveness & (Liveness + 1))) // Partial warp but contiguous lanes
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct,
+ /*LaneCount=*/__popc(Liveness),
+ /*LaneId=*/GetThreadIdInBlock() % WARPSIZE);
+ else if (!isRuntimeUninitialized) // Dispersed lanes. Only threads in L2
+ // parallel region may enter here; return
+ // early.
+ return gpu_irregular_simd_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct);
+ // When we have more than [warpsize] number of threads
+ // a block reduction is performed here.
+ //
+ // Only L1 parallel region can enter this if condition.
+ if (NumThreads > WARPSIZE) {
+ uint32_t WarpsNeeded = (NumThreads + WARPSIZE - 1) / WARPSIZE;
+ // Gather all the reduced values from each warp
+ // to the first warp.
+ cpyFct(reduce_data, WarpsNeeded);
+ uint32_t WarpId = BlockThreadId / WARPSIZE;
+ if (WarpId == 0)
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct, WarpsNeeded,
+ BlockThreadId);
+ return BlockThreadId == 0;
+ } else if (isRuntimeUninitialized /* Never an L2 parallel region without the OMP runtime */) {
+ return BlockThreadId == 0;
+ }
+ // Get the OMP thread Id. This is different from BlockThreadId in the case of
+ // an L2 parallel region.
+ return global_tid == 0;
+#endif // __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
+EXTERN __attribute__((deprecated)) int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct) {
+ return nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait(global_tid, num_vars, reduce_size,
+ reduce_data, shflFct, cpyFct,
+ isSPMDMode(), isRuntimeUninitialized());
+int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait_v2(
+ kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size,
+ void *reduce_data, kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct,
+ kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct) {
+ return nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait(
+ global_tid, num_vars, reduce_size, reduce_data, shflFct, cpyFct,
+ checkSPMDMode(loc), checkRuntimeUninitialized(loc));
+int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait_simple_spmd(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct) {
+ return nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait(
+ global_tid, num_vars, reduce_size, reduce_data, shflFct, cpyFct,
+ /*isSPMDExecutionMode=*/true, /*isRuntimeUninitialized=*/true);
+int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait_simple_generic(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct) {
+ return nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait(
+ global_tid, num_vars, reduce_size, reduce_data, shflFct, cpyFct,
+ /*isSPMDExecutionMode=*/false, /*isRuntimeUninitialized=*/true);
+static int32_t nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait(int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars,
+ size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct,
+ kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct,
+ kmp_CopyToScratchpadFctPtr scratchFct,
+ kmp_LoadReduceFctPtr ldFct,
+ bool isSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ uint32_t ThreadId = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(isSPMDExecutionMode);
+ // In non-generic mode all workers participate in the teams reduction.
+ // In generic mode only the team master participates in the teams
+ // reduction because the workers are waiting for parallel work.
+ uint32_t NumThreads =
+ isSPMDExecutionMode ? GetNumberOfOmpThreads(/*isSPMDExecutionMode=*/true)
+ : /*Master thread only*/ 1;
+ uint32_t TeamId = GetBlockIdInKernel();
+ uint32_t NumTeams = GetNumberOfBlocksInKernel();
+ __shared__ volatile bool IsLastTeam;
+ // Team masters of all teams write to the scratchpad.
+ if (ThreadId == 0) {
+ unsigned int *timestamp = GetTeamsReductionTimestamp();
+ char *scratchpad = GetTeamsReductionScratchpad();
+ scratchFct(reduce_data, scratchpad, TeamId, NumTeams);
+ __threadfence();
+ // atomicInc increments 'timestamp' and has a range [0, NumTeams-1].
+ // It resets 'timestamp' back to 0 once the last team increments
+ // this counter.
+ unsigned val = atomicInc(timestamp, NumTeams - 1);
+ IsLastTeam = val == NumTeams - 1;
+ }
+ // We have to wait on L1 barrier because in GENERIC mode the workers
+ // are waiting on barrier 0 for work.
+ //
+ // If we guard this barrier as follows it leads to deadlock, probably
+ // because of a compiler bug: if (!IsGenericMode()) __syncthreads();
+ uint16_t SyncWarps = (NumThreads + WARPSIZE - 1) / WARPSIZE;
+ named_sync(L1_BARRIER, SyncWarps * WARPSIZE);
+ // If this team is not the last, quit.
+ if (/* Volatile read by all threads */ !IsLastTeam)
+ return 0;
+ //
+ // Last team processing.
+ //
+ // Threads in excess of #teams do not participate in reduction of the
+ // scratchpad values.
+#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
+ uint32_t ActiveThreads = NumThreads;
+ if (NumTeams < NumThreads) {
+ ActiveThreads =
+ (NumTeams < WARPSIZE) ? 1 : NumTeams & ~((uint16_t)WARPSIZE - 1);
+ }
+ if (ThreadId >= ActiveThreads)
+ return 0;
+ // Load from scratchpad and reduce.
+ char *scratchpad = GetTeamsReductionScratchpad();
+ ldFct(reduce_data, scratchpad, ThreadId, NumTeams, /*Load only*/ 0);
+ for (uint32_t i = ActiveThreads + ThreadId; i < NumTeams; i += ActiveThreads)
+ ldFct(reduce_data, scratchpad, i, NumTeams, /*Load and reduce*/ 1);
+ uint32_t WarpsNeeded = (ActiveThreads + WARPSIZE - 1) / WARPSIZE;
+ uint32_t WarpId = ThreadId / WARPSIZE;
+ // Reduce across warps to the warp master.
+ if ((ActiveThreads % WARPSIZE == 0) ||
+ (WarpId < WarpsNeeded - 1)) // Full warp
+ gpu_regular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct);
+ else if (ActiveThreads > 1) // Partial warp but contiguous lanes
+ // Only SPMD execution mode comes thru this case.
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct,
+ /*LaneCount=*/ActiveThreads % WARPSIZE,
+ /*LaneId=*/ThreadId % WARPSIZE);
+ // When we have more than [warpsize] number of threads
+ // a block reduction is performed here.
+ if (ActiveThreads > WARPSIZE) {
+ // Gather all the reduced values from each warp
+ // to the first warp.
+ cpyFct(reduce_data, WarpsNeeded);
+ if (WarpId == 0)
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct, WarpsNeeded, ThreadId);
+ }
+ if (ThreadId >= NumTeams)
+ return 0;
+ // Load from scratchpad and reduce.
+ char *scratchpad = GetTeamsReductionScratchpad();
+ ldFct(reduce_data, scratchpad, ThreadId, NumTeams, /*Load only*/ 0);
+ for (uint32_t i = NumThreads + ThreadId; i < NumTeams; i += NumThreads)
+ ldFct(reduce_data, scratchpad, i, NumTeams, /*Load and reduce*/ 1);
+ // Reduce across warps to the warp master.
+ uint32_t Liveness = __ACTIVEMASK();
+ if (Liveness == 0xffffffff) // Full warp
+ gpu_regular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct);
+ else // Partial warp but contiguous lanes
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct,
+ /*LaneCount=*/__popc(Liveness),
+ /*LaneId=*/ThreadId % WARPSIZE);
+ // When we have more than [warpsize] number of threads
+ // a block reduction is performed here.
+ uint32_t ActiveThreads = NumTeams < NumThreads ? NumTeams : NumThreads;
+ if (ActiveThreads > WARPSIZE) {
+ uint32_t WarpsNeeded = (ActiveThreads + WARPSIZE - 1) / WARPSIZE;
+ // Gather all the reduced values from each warp
+ // to the first warp.
+ cpyFct(reduce_data, WarpsNeeded);
+ uint32_t WarpId = ThreadId / WARPSIZE;
+ if (WarpId == 0)
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct, WarpsNeeded, ThreadId);
+ }
+#endif // __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
+ return ThreadId == 0;
+int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait(int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars,
+ size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct,
+ kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct,
+ kmp_CopyToScratchpadFctPtr scratchFct,
+ kmp_LoadReduceFctPtr ldFct) {
+ return nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait(global_tid, num_vars, reduce_size,
+ reduce_data, shflFct, cpyFct, scratchFct,
+ ldFct, isSPMDMode());
+int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait_simple_spmd(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct,
+ kmp_CopyToScratchpadFctPtr scratchFct, kmp_LoadReduceFctPtr ldFct) {
+ return nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait(global_tid, num_vars, reduce_size,
+ reduce_data, shflFct, cpyFct, scratchFct,
+ ldFct, /*isSPMDExecutionMode=*/true);
+int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait_simple_generic(
+ int32_t global_tid, int32_t num_vars, size_t reduce_size, void *reduce_data,
+ kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct, kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct,
+ kmp_CopyToScratchpadFctPtr scratchFct, kmp_LoadReduceFctPtr ldFct) {
+ return nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait(global_tid, num_vars, reduce_size,
+ reduce_data, shflFct, cpyFct, scratchFct,
+ ldFct, /*isSPMDExecutionMode=*/false);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait_simple(kmp_Ident *loc,
+ int32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_CriticalName *crit) {
+ if (checkSPMDMode(loc) && GetThreadIdInBlock() != 0)
+ return 0;
+ // The master thread of the team actually does the reduction.
+ while (atomicCAS((uint32_t *)crit, 0, 1))
+ ;
+ return 1;
+EXTERN void
+__kmpc_nvptx_teams_end_reduce_nowait_simple(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_CriticalName *crit) {
+ __threadfence_system();
+ (void)atomicExch((uint32_t *)crit, 0);
+INLINE static bool isMaster(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t ThreadId) {
+ return checkGenericMode(loc) || IsTeamMaster(ThreadId);
+INLINE static uint32_t roundToWarpsize(uint32_t s) {
+ if (s < WARPSIZE)
+ return 1;
+ return (s & ~(unsigned)(WARPSIZE - 1));
+__device__ static volatile uint32_t IterCnt = 0;
+__device__ static volatile uint32_t Cnt = 0;
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait_v2(
+ kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid, void *global_buffer,
+ int32_t num_of_records, void *reduce_data, kmp_ShuffleReductFctPtr shflFct,
+ kmp_InterWarpCopyFctPtr cpyFct, kmp_ListGlobalFctPtr lgcpyFct,
+ kmp_ListGlobalFctPtr lgredFct, kmp_ListGlobalFctPtr glcpyFct,
+ kmp_ListGlobalFctPtr glredFct) {
+ // Terminate all threads in non-SPMD mode except for the master thread.
+ if (checkGenericMode(loc) && GetThreadIdInBlock() != GetMasterThreadID())
+ return 0;
+ uint32_t ThreadId = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ // In non-generic mode all workers participate in the teams reduction.
+ // In generic mode only the team master participates in the teams
+ // reduction because the workers are waiting for parallel work.
+ uint32_t NumThreads =
+ checkSPMDMode(loc) ? GetNumberOfOmpThreads(/*isSPMDExecutionMode=*/true)
+ : /*Master thread only*/ 1;
+ uint32_t TeamId = GetBlockIdInKernel();
+ uint32_t NumTeams = GetNumberOfBlocksInKernel();
+ __shared__ unsigned Bound;
+ __shared__ unsigned ChunkTeamCount;
+ // Block progress for teams greater than the current upper
+ // limit. We always only allow a number of teams less or equal
+ // to the number of slots in the buffer.
+ bool IsMaster = isMaster(loc, ThreadId);
+ while (IsMaster) {
+ // Atomic read
+ Bound = atomicAdd((uint32_t *)&IterCnt, 0);
+ if (TeamId < Bound + num_of_records)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (IsMaster) {
+ int ModBockId = TeamId % num_of_records;
+ if (TeamId < num_of_records)
+ lgcpyFct(global_buffer, ModBockId, reduce_data);
+ else
+ lgredFct(global_buffer, ModBockId, reduce_data);
+ __threadfence_system();
+ // Increment team counter.
+ // This counter is incremented by all teams in the current
+ // BUFFER_SIZE chunk.
+ ChunkTeamCount = atomicInc((uint32_t *)&Cnt, num_of_records - 1);
+ }
+ // Synchronize
+ if (checkSPMDMode(loc))
+ __kmpc_barrier(loc, global_tid);
+ // reduce_data is global or shared so before being reduced within the
+ // warp we need to bring it in local memory:
+ // local_reduce_data = reduce_data[i]
+ //
+ // Example for 3 reduction variables a, b, c (of potentially different
+ // types):
+ //
+ // buffer layout (struct of arrays):
+ // a, a, ..., a, b, b, ... b, c, c, ... c
+ // |__________|
+ // num_of_records
+ //
+ // local_data_reduce layout (struct):
+ // a, b, c
+ //
+ // Each thread will have a local struct containing the values to be
+ // reduced:
+ // 1. do reduction within each warp.
+ // 2. do reduction across warps.
+ // 3. write the final result to the main reduction variable
+ // by returning 1 in the thread holding the reduction result.
+ // Check if this is the very last team.
+ unsigned NumRecs = min(NumTeams, num_of_records);
+ if (ChunkTeamCount == NumTeams - Bound - 1) {
+ //
+ // Last team processing.
+ //
+ if (ThreadId >= NumRecs)
+ return 0;
+ NumThreads = roundToWarpsize(min(NumThreads, NumRecs));
+ if (ThreadId >= NumThreads)
+ return 0;
+ // Load from buffer and reduce.
+ glcpyFct(global_buffer, ThreadId, reduce_data);
+ for (uint32_t i = NumThreads + ThreadId; i < NumRecs; i += NumThreads)
+ glredFct(global_buffer, i, reduce_data);
+ // Reduce across warps to the warp master.
+ if (NumThreads > 1) {
+ gpu_regular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct);
+ // When we have more than [warpsize] number of threads
+ // a block reduction is performed here.
+ uint32_t ActiveThreads = min(NumRecs, NumThreads);
+ if (ActiveThreads > WARPSIZE) {
+ uint32_t WarpsNeeded = (ActiveThreads + WARPSIZE - 1) / WARPSIZE;
+ // Gather all the reduced values from each warp
+ // to the first warp.
+ cpyFct(reduce_data, WarpsNeeded);
+ uint32_t WarpId = ThreadId / WARPSIZE;
+ if (WarpId == 0)
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct, WarpsNeeded,
+ ThreadId);
+ }
+ }
+ if (IsMaster) {
+ Cnt = 0;
+ IterCnt = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (IsMaster && ChunkTeamCount == num_of_records - 1) {
+ // Allow SIZE number of teams to proceed writing their
+ // intermediate results to the global buffer.
+ atomicAdd((uint32_t *)&IterCnt, num_of_records);
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/state-queue.h b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/state-queue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d7576b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/state-queue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+//===--------- statequeue.h - NVPTX OpenMP GPU State Queue ------- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains a queue to hand out OpenMP state objects to teams of
+// one or more kernels.
+// Reference:
+// Thomas R.W. Scogland and Wu-chun Feng. 2015.
+// Design and Evaluation of Scalable Concurrent Queues for Many-Core
+// Architectures. International Conference on Performance Engineering.
+#ifndef __STATE_QUEUE_H
+#define __STATE_QUEUE_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "option.h" // choices we have
+template <typename ElementType, uint32_t SIZE> class omptarget_nvptx_Queue {
+ ElementType elements[SIZE];
+ volatile ElementType *elementQueue[SIZE];
+ volatile uint32_t head;
+ volatile uint32_t ids[SIZE];
+ volatile uint32_t tail;
+ static const uint32_t MAX_ID = (1u << 31) / SIZE / 2;
+ INLINE static uint32_t ID(uint32_t ticket);
+ INLINE bool IsServing(uint32_t slot, uint32_t id);
+ INLINE void PushElement(uint32_t slot, ElementType *element);
+ INLINE ElementType *PopElement(uint32_t slot);
+ INLINE void DoneServing(uint32_t slot, uint32_t id);
+ INLINE omptarget_nvptx_Queue() {}
+ INLINE void Enqueue(ElementType *element);
+ INLINE ElementType *Dequeue();
+#include "state-queuei.h"
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/state-queuei.h b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/state-queuei.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c3be11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/state-queuei.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+//===------- state-queue.cu - NVPTX OpenMP GPU State Queue ------- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains the implementation of a queue to hand out OpenMP state
+// objects to teams of one or more kernels.
+// Reference:
+// Thomas R.W. Scogland and Wu-chun Feng. 2015.
+// Design and Evaluation of Scalable Concurrent Queues for Many-Core
+// Architectures. International Conference on Performance Engineering.
+#include "state-queue.h"
+template <typename ElementType, uint32_t SIZE>
+INLINE uint32_t omptarget_nvptx_Queue<ElementType, SIZE>::ENQUEUE_TICKET() {
+ return atomicAdd((unsigned int *)&tail, 1);
+template <typename ElementType, uint32_t SIZE>
+INLINE uint32_t omptarget_nvptx_Queue<ElementType, SIZE>::DEQUEUE_TICKET() {
+ return atomicAdd((unsigned int *)&head, 1);
+template <typename ElementType, uint32_t SIZE>
+INLINE uint32_t
+omptarget_nvptx_Queue<ElementType, SIZE>::ID(uint32_t ticket) {
+ return (ticket / SIZE) * 2;
+template <typename ElementType, uint32_t SIZE>
+INLINE bool omptarget_nvptx_Queue<ElementType, SIZE>::IsServing(uint32_t slot,
+ uint32_t id) {
+ return atomicAdd((unsigned int *)&ids[slot], 0) == id;
+template <typename ElementType, uint32_t SIZE>
+INLINE void
+omptarget_nvptx_Queue<ElementType, SIZE>::PushElement(uint32_t slot,
+ ElementType *element) {
+ atomicExch((unsigned long long *)&elementQueue[slot],
+ (unsigned long long)element);
+template <typename ElementType, uint32_t SIZE>
+INLINE ElementType *
+omptarget_nvptx_Queue<ElementType, SIZE>::PopElement(uint32_t slot) {
+ return (ElementType *)atomicAdd((unsigned long long *)&elementQueue[slot],
+ (unsigned long long)0);
+template <typename ElementType, uint32_t SIZE>
+INLINE void omptarget_nvptx_Queue<ElementType, SIZE>::DoneServing(uint32_t slot,
+ uint32_t id) {
+ atomicExch((unsigned int *)&ids[slot], (id + 1) % MAX_ID);
+template <typename ElementType, uint32_t SIZE>
+INLINE void
+omptarget_nvptx_Queue<ElementType, SIZE>::Enqueue(ElementType *element) {
+ uint32_t ticket = ENQUEUE_TICKET();
+ uint32_t slot = ticket % SIZE;
+ uint32_t id = ID(ticket) + 1;
+ while (!IsServing(slot, id))
+ ;
+ PushElement(slot, element);
+ DoneServing(slot, id);
+template <typename ElementType, uint32_t SIZE>
+INLINE ElementType *omptarget_nvptx_Queue<ElementType, SIZE>::Dequeue() {
+ uint32_t ticket = DEQUEUE_TICKET();
+ uint32_t slot = ticket % SIZE;
+ uint32_t id = ID(ticket);
+ while (!IsServing(slot, id))
+ ;
+ ElementType *element = PopElement(slot);
+ // This is to populate the queue because of the lack of GPU constructors.
+ if (element == 0)
+ element = &elements[slot];
+ DoneServing(slot, id);
+ return element;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/support.h b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/support.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4df75ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/support.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+//===--------- support.h - NVPTX OpenMP support functions -------- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Wrapper to some functions natively supported by the GPU.
+// Execution Parameters
+enum ExecutionMode {
+ Generic = 0x00u,
+ Spmd = 0x01u,
+ ModeMask = 0x01u,
+enum RuntimeMode {
+ RuntimeInitialized = 0x00u,
+ RuntimeUninitialized = 0x02u,
+ RuntimeMask = 0x02u,
+INLINE void setExecutionParameters(ExecutionMode EMode, RuntimeMode RMode);
+INLINE bool isGenericMode();
+INLINE bool isSPMDMode();
+INLINE bool isRuntimeUninitialized();
+INLINE bool isRuntimeInitialized();
+// get info from machine
+// get low level ids of resources
+INLINE int GetThreadIdInBlock();
+INLINE int GetBlockIdInKernel();
+INLINE int GetNumberOfBlocksInKernel();
+INLINE int GetNumberOfThreadsInBlock();
+INLINE unsigned GetWarpId();
+INLINE unsigned GetLaneId();
+// get global ids to locate tread/team info (constant regardless of OMP)
+INLINE int GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(bool isSPMDExecutionMode);
+INLINE int GetMasterThreadID();
+INLINE int GetNumberOfWorkersInTeam();
+// get OpenMP thread and team ids
+INLINE int GetOmpThreadId(int threadId,
+ bool isSPMDExecutionMode); // omp_thread_num
+INLINE int GetOmpTeamId(); // omp_team_num
+// get OpenMP number of threads and team
+INLINE int GetNumberOfOmpThreads(bool isSPMDExecutionMode); // omp_num_threads
+INLINE int GetNumberOfOmpTeams(); // omp_num_teams
+// get OpenMP number of procs
+INLINE int GetNumberOfProcsInTeam(bool isSPMDExecutionMode);
+INLINE int GetNumberOfProcsInDevice(bool isSPMDExecutionMode);
+// masters
+INLINE int IsTeamMaster(int ompThreadId);
+// Parallel level
+INLINE void IncParallelLevel(bool ActiveParallel);
+INLINE void DecParallelLevel(bool ActiveParallel);
+// Memory
+// safe alloc and free
+INLINE void *SafeMalloc(size_t size, const char *msg); // check if success
+INLINE void *SafeFree(void *ptr, const char *msg);
+// pad to a alignment (power of 2 only)
+INLINE unsigned long PadBytes(unsigned long size, unsigned long alignment);
+#define ADD_BYTES(_addr, _bytes) \
+ ((void *)((char *)((void *)(_addr)) + (_bytes)))
+#define SUB_BYTES(_addr, _bytes) \
+ ((void *)((char *)((void *)(_addr)) - (_bytes)))
+// Named Barrier Routines
+INLINE void named_sync(const int barrier, const int num_threads);
+// Teams Reduction Scratchpad Helpers
+INLINE unsigned int *GetTeamsReductionTimestamp();
+INLINE char *GetTeamsReductionScratchpad();
+INLINE void SetTeamsReductionScratchpadPtr(void *ScratchpadPtr);
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/supporti.h b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/supporti.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceb3951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/supporti.h
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+//===--------- supporti.h - NVPTX OpenMP support functions ------- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Wrapper implementation to some functions natively supported by the GPU.
+// Execution Parameters
+INLINE void setExecutionParameters(ExecutionMode EMode, RuntimeMode RMode) {
+ execution_param = EMode;
+ execution_param |= RMode;
+INLINE bool isGenericMode() { return (execution_param & ModeMask) == Generic; }
+INLINE bool isSPMDMode() { return (execution_param & ModeMask) == Spmd; }
+INLINE bool isRuntimeUninitialized() {
+ return (execution_param & RuntimeMask) == RuntimeUninitialized;
+INLINE bool isRuntimeInitialized() {
+ return (execution_param & RuntimeMask) == RuntimeInitialized;
+// Execution Modes based on location parameter fields
+INLINE bool checkSPMDMode(kmp_Ident *loc) {
+ if (!loc)
+ return isSPMDMode();
+ // If SPMD is true then we are not in the UNDEFINED state so
+ // we can return immediately.
+ if (loc->reserved_2 & KMP_IDENT_SPMD_MODE)
+ return true;
+ // If not in SPMD mode and runtime required is a valid
+ // combination of flags so we can return immediately.
+ if (!(loc->reserved_2 & KMP_IDENT_SIMPLE_RT_MODE))
+ return false;
+ // We are in underfined state.
+ return isSPMDMode();
+INLINE bool checkGenericMode(kmp_Ident *loc) {
+ return !checkSPMDMode(loc);
+INLINE bool checkRuntimeUninitialized(kmp_Ident *loc) {
+ if (!loc)
+ return isRuntimeUninitialized();
+ // If runtime is required then we know we can't be
+ // in the undefined mode. We can return immediately.
+ if (!(loc->reserved_2 & KMP_IDENT_SIMPLE_RT_MODE))
+ return false;
+ // If runtime is required then we need to check is in
+ // SPMD mode or not. If not in SPMD mode then we end
+ // up in the UNDEFINED state that marks the orphaned
+ // functions.
+ if (loc->reserved_2 & KMP_IDENT_SPMD_MODE)
+ return true;
+ // Check if we are in an UNDEFINED state. Undefined is denoted by
+ // non-SPMD + noRuntimeRequired which is a combination that
+ // cannot actually happen. Undefined states is used to mark orphaned
+ // functions.
+ return isRuntimeUninitialized();
+INLINE bool checkRuntimeInitialized(kmp_Ident *loc) {
+ return !checkRuntimeUninitialized(loc);
+// support: get info from machine
+// Calls to the NVPTX layer (assuming 1D layout)
+INLINE int GetThreadIdInBlock() { return threadIdx.x; }
+INLINE int GetBlockIdInKernel() { return blockIdx.x; }
+INLINE int GetNumberOfBlocksInKernel() { return gridDim.x; }
+INLINE int GetNumberOfThreadsInBlock() { return blockDim.x; }
+INLINE unsigned GetWarpId() { return threadIdx.x / WARPSIZE; }
+INLINE unsigned GetLaneId() { return threadIdx.x & (WARPSIZE - 1); }
+// Calls to the Generic Scheme Implementation Layer (assuming 1D layout)
+// The master thread id is the first thread (lane) of the last warp.
+// Thread id is 0 indexed.
+// E.g: If NumThreads is 33, master id is 32.
+// If NumThreads is 64, master id is 32.
+// If NumThreads is 97, master id is 96.
+// If NumThreads is 1024, master id is 992.
+// Called in Generic Execution Mode only.
+INLINE int GetMasterThreadID() { return (blockDim.x - 1) & ~(WARPSIZE - 1); }
+// The last warp is reserved for the master; other warps are workers.
+// Called in Generic Execution Mode only.
+INLINE int GetNumberOfWorkersInTeam() { return GetMasterThreadID(); }
+// get thread id in team
+// This function may be called in a parallel region by the workers
+// or a serial region by the master. If the master (whose CUDA thread
+// id is GetMasterThreadID()) calls this routine, we return 0 because
+// it is a shadow for the first worker.
+INLINE int GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(bool isSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ // Implemented using control flow (predication) instead of with a modulo
+ // operation.
+ int tid = GetThreadIdInBlock();
+ if (!isSPMDExecutionMode && tid >= GetMasterThreadID())
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return tid;
+// OpenMP Thread Support Layer
+INLINE int GetOmpThreadId(int threadId, bool isSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ // omp_thread_num
+ int rc;
+ if ((parallelLevel[GetWarpId()] & (OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL - 1)) > 1) {
+ rc = 0;
+ } else if (isSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ rc = GetThreadIdInBlock();
+ } else {
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr =
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->GetTopLevelTaskDescr(threadId);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, currTaskDescr, "expected a top task descr");
+ rc = currTaskDescr->ThreadId();
+ }
+ return rc;
+INLINE int GetNumberOfOmpThreads(bool isSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ // omp_num_threads
+ int rc;
+ int Level = parallelLevel[GetWarpId()];
+ if (Level != OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL + 1) {
+ rc = 1;
+ } else if (isSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ rc = GetNumberOfThreadsInBlock();
+ } else {
+ rc = threadsInTeam;
+ }
+ return rc;
+// Team id linked to OpenMP
+INLINE int GetOmpTeamId() {
+ // omp_team_num
+ return GetBlockIdInKernel(); // assume 1 block per team
+INLINE int GetNumberOfOmpTeams() {
+ // omp_num_teams
+ return GetNumberOfBlocksInKernel(); // assume 1 block per team
+// Masters
+INLINE int IsTeamMaster(int ompThreadId) { return (ompThreadId == 0); }
+// Parallel level
+INLINE void IncParallelLevel(bool ActiveParallel) {
+ unsigned tnum = __ACTIVEMASK();
+ int leader = __ffs(tnum) - 1;
+ __SHFL_SYNC(tnum, leader, leader);
+ if (GetLaneId() == leader) {
+ parallelLevel[GetWarpId()] +=
+ (1 + (ActiveParallel ? OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL : 0));
+ }
+ __SHFL_SYNC(tnum, leader, leader);
+INLINE void DecParallelLevel(bool ActiveParallel) {
+ unsigned tnum = __ACTIVEMASK();
+ int leader = __ffs(tnum) - 1;
+ __SHFL_SYNC(tnum, leader, leader);
+ if (GetLaneId() == leader) {
+ parallelLevel[GetWarpId()] -=
+ (1 + (ActiveParallel ? OMP_ACTIVE_PARALLEL_LEVEL : 0));
+ }
+ __SHFL_SYNC(tnum, leader, leader);
+// get OpenMP number of procs
+// Get the number of processors in the device.
+INLINE int GetNumberOfProcsInDevice(bool isSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ if (!isSPMDExecutionMode)
+ return GetNumberOfWorkersInTeam();
+ return GetNumberOfThreadsInBlock();
+INLINE int GetNumberOfProcsInTeam(bool isSPMDExecutionMode) {
+ return GetNumberOfProcsInDevice(isSPMDExecutionMode);
+// Memory
+INLINE unsigned long PadBytes(unsigned long size,
+ unsigned long alignment) // must be a power of 2
+ // compute the necessary padding to satisfy alignment constraint
+ ASSERT(LT_FUSSY, (alignment & (alignment - 1)) == 0,
+ "alignment %lu is not a power of 2\n", alignment);
+ return (~(unsigned long)size + 1) & (alignment - 1);
+INLINE void *SafeMalloc(size_t size, const char *msg) // check if success
+ void *ptr = malloc(size);
+ PRINT(LD_MEM, "malloc data of size %llu for %s: 0x%llx\n",
+ (unsigned long long)size, msg, (unsigned long long)ptr);
+ return ptr;
+INLINE void *SafeFree(void *ptr, const char *msg) {
+ PRINT(LD_MEM, "free data ptr 0x%llx for %s\n", (unsigned long long)ptr, msg);
+ free(ptr);
+ return NULL;
+// Named Barrier Routines
+INLINE void named_sync(const int barrier, const int num_threads) {
+ asm volatile("bar.sync %0, %1;"
+ :
+ : "r"(barrier), "r"(num_threads)
+ : "memory");
+// Teams Reduction Scratchpad Helpers
+INLINE unsigned int *GetTeamsReductionTimestamp() {
+ return static_cast<unsigned int *>(ReductionScratchpadPtr);
+INLINE char *GetTeamsReductionScratchpad() {
+ return static_cast<char *>(ReductionScratchpadPtr) + 256;
+INLINE void SetTeamsReductionScratchpadPtr(void *ScratchpadPtr) {
+ ReductionScratchpadPtr = ScratchpadPtr;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/sync.cu b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/sync.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..688420e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/sync.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+//===------------ sync.h - NVPTX OpenMP synchronizations --------- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Include all synchronization.
+#include "omptarget-nvptx.h"
+// KMP Ordered calls
+EXTERN void __kmpc_ordered(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_ordered\n");
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_ordered(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_end_ordered\n");
+// KMP Barriers
+// a team is a block: we can use CUDA native synchronization mechanism
+// FIXME: what if not all threads (warps) participate to the barrier?
+// We may need to implement it differently
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_cancel_barrier(kmp_Ident *loc_ref, int32_t tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_cancel_barrier\n");
+ __kmpc_barrier(loc_ref, tid);
+ PRINT0(LD_SYNC, "completed kmpc_cancel_barrier\n");
+ return 0;
+EXTERN void __kmpc_barrier(kmp_Ident *loc_ref, int32_t tid) {
+ if (checkRuntimeUninitialized(loc_ref)) {
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, checkSPMDMode(loc_ref),
+ "Expected SPMD mode with uninitialized runtime.");
+ __kmpc_barrier_simple_spmd(loc_ref, tid);
+ } else {
+ tid = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(checkSPMDMode(loc_ref));
+ int numberOfActiveOMPThreads =
+ GetNumberOfOmpThreads(checkSPMDMode(loc_ref));
+ if (numberOfActiveOMPThreads > 1) {
+ if (checkSPMDMode(loc_ref)) {
+ __kmpc_barrier_simple_spmd(loc_ref, tid);
+ } else {
+ // The #threads parameter must be rounded up to the WARPSIZE.
+ int threads =
+ WARPSIZE * ((numberOfActiveOMPThreads + WARPSIZE - 1) / WARPSIZE);
+ "call kmpc_barrier with %d omp threads, sync parameter %d\n",
+ (int)numberOfActiveOMPThreads, (int)threads);
+ // Barrier #1 is for synchronization among active threads.
+ named_sync(L1_BARRIER, threads);
+ }
+ } // numberOfActiveOMPThreads > 1
+ PRINT0(LD_SYNC, "completed kmpc_barrier\n");
+ }
+// Emit a simple barrier call in SPMD mode. Assumes the caller is in an L0
+// parallel region and that all worker threads participate.
+EXTERN void __kmpc_barrier_simple_spmd(kmp_Ident *loc_ref, int32_t tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_SYNC, "call kmpc_barrier_simple_spmd\n");
+ // FIXME: use __syncthreads instead when the function copy is fixed in LLVM.
+ PRINT0(LD_SYNC, "completed kmpc_barrier_simple_spmd\n");
+// Emit a simple barrier call in Generic mode. Assumes the caller is in an L0
+// parallel region and that all worker threads participate.
+EXTERN void __kmpc_barrier_simple_generic(kmp_Ident *loc_ref, int32_t tid) {
+ int numberOfActiveOMPThreads = GetNumberOfThreadsInBlock() - WARPSIZE;
+ // The #threads parameter must be rounded up to the WARPSIZE.
+ int threads =
+ WARPSIZE * ((numberOfActiveOMPThreads + WARPSIZE - 1) / WARPSIZE);
+ "call kmpc_barrier_simple_generic with %d omp threads, sync parameter "
+ "%d\n",
+ (int)numberOfActiveOMPThreads, (int)threads);
+ // Barrier #1 is for synchronization among active threads.
+ named_sync(L1_BARRIER, threads);
+ PRINT0(LD_SYNC, "completed kmpc_barrier_simple_generic\n");
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_master(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_master\n");
+ return IsTeamMaster(global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_master(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_end_master\n");
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, IsTeamMaster(global_tid), "expected only master here");
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_single(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_single\n");
+ // decide to implement single with master; master get the single
+ return IsTeamMaster(global_tid);
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_single(kmp_Ident *loc, int32_t global_tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_end_single\n");
+ // decide to implement single with master: master get the single
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, IsTeamMaster(global_tid), "expected only master here");
+ // sync barrier is explicitely called... so that is not a problem
+// Flush
+EXTERN void __kmpc_flush(kmp_Ident *loc) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call kmpc_flush\n");
+ __threadfence();
+// Vote
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_warp_active_thread_mask() {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call __kmpc_warp_active_thread_mask\n");
+ return __ACTIVEMASK();
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/task.cu b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/task.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d618ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/task.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+//===------------- task.h - NVPTX OpenMP tasks support ----------- CUDA -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Task implementation support.
+// explicit task structure uses
+// omptarget_nvptx task
+// kmp_task
+// where kmp_task is
+// - klegacy_TaskDescr <- task pointer
+// shared -> X
+// routine
+// part_id
+// descr
+// - private (of size given by task_alloc call). Accessed by
+// task+sizeof(klegacy_TaskDescr)
+// * private data *
+// - shared: X. Accessed by shared ptr in klegacy_TaskDescr
+// * pointer table to shared variables *
+// - end
+#include "omptarget-nvptx.h"
+EXTERN kmp_TaskDescr *__kmpc_omp_task_alloc(
+ kmp_Ident *loc, // unused
+ uint32_t global_tid, // unused
+ int32_t flag, // unused (because in our impl, all are immediately exec
+ size_t sizeOfTaskInclPrivate, size_t sizeOfSharedTable,
+ kmp_TaskFctPtr taskSub) {
+ "call __kmpc_omp_task_alloc(size priv&struct %lld, shared %lld, "
+ "fct 0x%llx)\n",
+ (long long)sizeOfTaskInclPrivate, (long long)sizeOfSharedTable,
+ (unsigned long long)taskSub);
+ // want task+priv to be a multiple of 8 bytes
+ size_t padForTaskInclPriv = PadBytes(sizeOfTaskInclPrivate, sizeof(void *));
+ sizeOfTaskInclPrivate += padForTaskInclPriv;
+ size_t kmpSize = sizeOfTaskInclPrivate + sizeOfSharedTable;
+ ASSERT(LT_FUSSY, sizeof(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr) % sizeof(void *) == 0,
+ "need task descr of size %d to be a multiple of %d\n",
+ (int)sizeof(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr), (int)sizeof(void *));
+ size_t totSize = sizeof(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr) + kmpSize;
+ omptarget_nvptx_ExplicitTaskDescr *newExplicitTaskDescr =
+ (omptarget_nvptx_ExplicitTaskDescr *)SafeMalloc(
+ totSize, "explicit task descriptor");
+ kmp_TaskDescr *newKmpTaskDescr = &newExplicitTaskDescr->kmpTaskDescr;
+ (uint64_t)newKmpTaskDescr ==
+ (uint64_t)ADD_BYTES(newExplicitTaskDescr,
+ sizeof(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr)),
+ "bad size assumptions");
+ // init kmp_TaskDescr
+ newKmpTaskDescr->sharedPointerTable =
+ (void *)((char *)newKmpTaskDescr + sizeOfTaskInclPrivate);
+ newKmpTaskDescr->sub = taskSub;
+ newKmpTaskDescr->destructors = NULL;
+ PRINT(LD_TASK, "return with task descr kmp: 0x%llx, omptarget-nvptx 0x%llx\n",
+ (unsigned long long)newKmpTaskDescr,
+ (unsigned long long)newExplicitTaskDescr);
+ return newKmpTaskDescr;
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_omp_task(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_TaskDescr *newKmpTaskDescr) {
+ return __kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(loc, global_tid, newKmpTaskDescr, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0);
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_TaskDescr *newKmpTaskDescr,
+ int32_t depNum, void *depList,
+ int32_t noAliasDepNum,
+ void *noAliasDepList) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(task 0x%llx)\n",
+ P64(newKmpTaskDescr));
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, checkRuntimeInitialized(loc),
+ "Runtime must be initialized.");
+ // 1. get explict task descr from kmp task descr
+ omptarget_nvptx_ExplicitTaskDescr *newExplicitTaskDescr =
+ (omptarget_nvptx_ExplicitTaskDescr *)SUB_BYTES(
+ newKmpTaskDescr, sizeof(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr));
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, &newExplicitTaskDescr->kmpTaskDescr == newKmpTaskDescr,
+ "bad assumptions");
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *newTaskDescr = &newExplicitTaskDescr->taskDescr;
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, (uint64_t)newTaskDescr == (uint64_t)newExplicitTaskDescr,
+ "bad assumptions");
+ // 2. push new context: update new task descriptor
+ int tid = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *parentTaskDescr = getMyTopTaskDescriptor(tid);
+ newTaskDescr->CopyForExplicitTask(parentTaskDescr);
+ // set new task descriptor as top
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(tid, newTaskDescr);
+ // 3. call sub
+ PRINT(LD_TASK, "call task sub 0x%llx(task descr 0x%llx)\n",
+ (unsigned long long)newKmpTaskDescr->sub,
+ (unsigned long long)newKmpTaskDescr);
+ newKmpTaskDescr->sub(0, newKmpTaskDescr);
+ PRINT(LD_TASK, "return from call task sub 0x%llx()\n",
+ (unsigned long long)newKmpTaskDescr->sub);
+ // 4. pop context
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(tid,
+ parentTaskDescr);
+ // 5. free
+ SafeFree(newExplicitTaskDescr, "explicit task descriptor");
+ return 0;
+EXTERN void __kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_TaskDescr *newKmpTaskDescr) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(task 0x%llx)\n",
+ (unsigned long long)newKmpTaskDescr);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, checkRuntimeInitialized(loc),
+ "Runtime must be initialized.");
+ // 1. get explict task descr from kmp task descr
+ omptarget_nvptx_ExplicitTaskDescr *newExplicitTaskDescr =
+ (omptarget_nvptx_ExplicitTaskDescr *)SUB_BYTES(
+ newKmpTaskDescr, sizeof(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr));
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, &newExplicitTaskDescr->kmpTaskDescr == newKmpTaskDescr,
+ "bad assumptions");
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *newTaskDescr = &newExplicitTaskDescr->taskDescr;
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, (uint64_t)newTaskDescr == (uint64_t)newExplicitTaskDescr,
+ "bad assumptions");
+ // 2. push new context: update new task descriptor
+ int tid = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *parentTaskDescr = getMyTopTaskDescriptor(tid);
+ newTaskDescr->CopyForExplicitTask(parentTaskDescr);
+ // set new task descriptor as top
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(tid, newTaskDescr);
+ // 3... noting to call... is inline
+ // 4 & 5 ... done in complete
+EXTERN void __kmpc_omp_task_complete_if0(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_TaskDescr *newKmpTaskDescr) {
+ PRINT(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_omp_task_complete_if0(task 0x%llx)\n",
+ (unsigned long long)newKmpTaskDescr);
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, checkRuntimeInitialized(loc),
+ "Runtime must be initialized.");
+ // 1. get explict task descr from kmp task descr
+ omptarget_nvptx_ExplicitTaskDescr *newExplicitTaskDescr =
+ (omptarget_nvptx_ExplicitTaskDescr *)SUB_BYTES(
+ newKmpTaskDescr, sizeof(omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr));
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, &newExplicitTaskDescr->kmpTaskDescr == newKmpTaskDescr,
+ "bad assumptions");
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *newTaskDescr = &newExplicitTaskDescr->taskDescr;
+ ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, (uint64_t)newTaskDescr == (uint64_t)newExplicitTaskDescr,
+ "bad assumptions");
+ // 2. get parent
+ omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *parentTaskDescr = newTaskDescr->GetPrevTaskDescr();
+ // 3... noting to call... is inline
+ // 4. pop context
+ int tid = GetLogicalThreadIdInBlock(checkSPMDMode(loc));
+ omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->SetTopLevelTaskDescr(tid,
+ parentTaskDescr);
+ // 5. free
+ SafeFree(newExplicitTaskDescr, "explicit task descriptor");
+EXTERN void __kmpc_omp_wait_deps(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ int32_t depNum, void *depList,
+ int32_t noAliasDepNum, void *noAliasDepList) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_omp_wait_deps(..)\n");
+ // nothing to do as all our tasks are executed as final
+EXTERN void __kmpc_taskgroup(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_taskgroup(..)\n");
+ // nothing to do as all our tasks are executed as final
+EXTERN void __kmpc_end_taskgroup(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_end_taskgroup(..)\n");
+ // nothing to do as all our tasks are executed as final
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_omp_taskyield(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ int end_part) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_taskyield()\n");
+ // do nothing: tasks are executed immediately, no yielding allowed
+ return 0;
+EXTERN int32_t __kmpc_omp_taskwait(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid) {
+ PRINT0(LD_IO, "call to __kmpc_taskwait()\n");
+ // nothing to do as all our tasks are executed as final
+ return 0;
+EXTERN void __kmpc_taskloop(kmp_Ident *loc, uint32_t global_tid,
+ kmp_TaskDescr *newKmpTaskDescr, int if_val,
+ uint64_t *lb, uint64_t *ub, int64_t st, int nogroup,
+ int32_t sched, uint64_t grainsize, void *task_dup) {
+ // skip task entirely if empty iteration space
+ if (*lb > *ub)
+ return;
+ // the compiler has already stored lb and ub in the kmp_TaskDescr structure
+ // as we are using a single task to execute the entire loop, we can leave
+ // the initial task_t untouched
+ __kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(loc, global_tid, newKmpTaskDescr, 0, 0, 0, 0);
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/CMakeLists.txt b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33945d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ # Silently return, no need to annoy the user.
+ return()
+set(deps omptarget-nvptx omptarget omp)
+ set(deps ${deps} omptarget-nvptx-bc)
+# Don't run by default.
+# Run with only one thread to only launch one application to the GPU at a time.
+ "Running libomptarget-nvptx tests" ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
+ DEPENDS ${deps} ARGS -j1)
+ "Extra compiler flags to send to the test compiler.")
+ "-fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda" CACHE STRING
+ "OpenMP compiler flags to use for testing libomptarget-nvptx.")
+# Configure the lit.site.cfg.in file
+set(AUTO_GEN_COMMENT "## Autogenerated by libomptarget-nvptx configuration.\n# Do not edit!")
+configure_file(lit.site.cfg.in lit.site.cfg @ONLY)
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/api/ignored.c b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/api/ignored.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fa9ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/api/ignored.c
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// RUN: %compile-run-and-check
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+const int MaxThreads = 1024;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int cancellation = -1, dynamic = -1, nested = -1, maxActiveLevels = -1;
+ #pragma omp target map(cancellation, dynamic, nested, maxActiveLevels)
+ {
+ // libomptarget-nvptx doesn't support cancellation.
+ cancellation = omp_get_cancellation();
+ // No support for dynamic adjustment of the number of threads.
+ omp_set_dynamic(1);
+ dynamic = omp_get_dynamic();
+ // libomptarget-nvptx doesn't support nested parallelism.
+ omp_set_nested(1);
+ nested = omp_get_nested();
+ omp_set_max_active_levels(42);
+ maxActiveLevels = omp_get_max_active_levels();
+ }
+ // CHECK: cancellation = 0
+ printf("cancellation = %d\n", cancellation);
+ // CHECK: dynamic = 0
+ printf("dynamic = %d\n", dynamic);
+ // CHECK: nested = 0
+ printf("nested = %d\n", nested);
+ // CHECK: maxActiveLevels = 1
+ printf("maxActiveLevels = %d\n", maxActiveLevels);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/api/max_threads.c b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/api/max_threads.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0d9f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/api/max_threads.c
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// RUN: %compile-run-and-check
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int MaxThreadsL1 = -1, MaxThreadsL2 = -1;
+#pragma omp declare reduction(unique:int \
+ : omp_out = (omp_in == 1 ? omp_in : omp_out)) \
+ initializer(omp_priv = -1)
+ // Non-SPMD mode.
+#pragma omp target teams map(MaxThreadsL1, MaxThreadsL2) thread_limit(32) \
+ num_teams(1)
+ {
+ MaxThreadsL1 = omp_get_max_threads();
+#pragma omp parallel reduction(unique : MaxThreadsL2)
+ { MaxThreadsL2 = omp_get_max_threads(); }
+ }
+ // CHECK: Non-SPMD MaxThreadsL1 = 32
+ printf("Non-SPMD MaxThreadsL1 = %d\n", MaxThreadsL1);
+ // CHECK: Non-SPMD MaxThreadsL2 = 1
+ printf("Non-SPMD MaxThreadsL2 = %d\n", MaxThreadsL2);
+ // SPMD mode with full runtime
+ MaxThreadsL2 = -1;
+#pragma omp target parallel reduction(unique : MaxThreadsL2)
+ { MaxThreadsL2 = omp_get_max_threads(); }
+ // CHECK: SPMD with full runtime MaxThreadsL2 = 1
+ printf("SPMD with full runtime MaxThreadsL2 = %d\n", MaxThreadsL2);
+ // SPMD mode without runtime
+ MaxThreadsL2 = -1;
+#pragma omp target parallel for reduction(unique : MaxThreadsL2)
+ for (int I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ MaxThreadsL2 = omp_get_max_threads();
+ }
+ // CHECK: SPMD without runtime MaxThreadsL2 = 1
+ printf("SPMD without runtime MaxThreadsL2 = %d\n", MaxThreadsL2);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/api/thread_limit.c b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/api/thread_limit.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..626d620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/api/thread_limit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// RUN: %compile-run-and-check
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int ThreadLimitL0 = -1, ThreadLimitL1 = -1, ThreadLimitL2 = -1;
+#pragma omp declare reduction(unique64:int \
+ : omp_out = (omp_in == 64 ? omp_in : omp_out)) \
+ initializer(omp_priv = -1)
+#pragma omp declare reduction(unique32:int \
+ : omp_out = (omp_in == 32 ? omp_in : omp_out)) \
+ initializer(omp_priv = -1)
+ // Non-SPMD mode.
+#pragma omp target teams map(ThreadLimitL0, ThreadLimitL1, ThreadLimitL2) \
+ thread_limit(64) num_teams(1)
+ {
+ ThreadLimitL0 = omp_get_thread_limit();
+#pragma omp parallel reduction(unique64 \
+ : ThreadLimitL1, ThreadLimitL2) num_threads(32)
+ {
+ ThreadLimitL1 = omp_get_thread_limit();
+#pragma omp parallel reduction(unique64 : ThreadLimitL2)
+ { ThreadLimitL2 = omp_get_thread_limit(); }
+ }
+ }
+ // CHECK: Non-SPMD ThreadLimitL0 = 64
+ printf("Non-SPMD ThreadLimitL0 = %d\n", ThreadLimitL0);
+ // CHECK: Non-SPMD ThreadLimitL1 = 64
+ printf("Non-SPMD ThreadLimitL1 = %d\n", ThreadLimitL1);
+ // CHECK: Non-SPMD ThreadLimitL2 = 64
+ printf("Non-SPMD ThreadLimitL2 = %d\n", ThreadLimitL2);
+ // SPMD mode with full runtime
+ ThreadLimitL1 = -1;
+ ThreadLimitL2 = -1;
+#pragma omp target parallel reduction(unique32 \
+ : ThreadLimitL1, ThreadLimitL2) \
+ num_threads(32)
+ {
+ ThreadLimitL1 = omp_get_thread_limit();
+#pragma omp parallel reduction(unique32 : ThreadLimitL2)
+ { ThreadLimitL2 = omp_get_thread_limit(); }
+ }
+ // CHECK: SPMD with full runtime ThreadLimitL1 = 32
+ printf("SPMD with full runtime ThreadLimitL1 = %d\n", ThreadLimitL1);
+ // CHECK: SPMD with full runtime ThreadLimitL2 = 32
+ printf("SPMD with full runtime ThreadLimitL2 = %d\n", ThreadLimitL2);
+ // SPMD mode without runtime
+ ThreadLimitL1 = -1;
+ ThreadLimitL2 = -1;
+#pragma omp target parallel for reduction(unique32 \
+ : ThreadLimitL1, ThreadLimitL2) \
+ num_threads(32)
+ for (int I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ ThreadLimitL1 = omp_get_thread_limit();
+#pragma omp parallel reduction(unique32 : ThreadLimitL2)
+ { ThreadLimitL2 = omp_get_thread_limit(); }
+ }
+ // CHECK: SPMD without runtime ThreadLimitL1 = 32
+ printf("SPMD without runtime ThreadLimitL1 = %d\n", ThreadLimitL1);
+ // CHECK: SPMD without runtime ThreadLimitL2 = 32
+ printf("SPMD without runtime ThreadLimitL2 = %d\n", ThreadLimitL2);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/data_sharing/alignment.c b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/data_sharing/alignment.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd17ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/data_sharing/alignment.c
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// RUN: %compile-run-and-check
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#pragma omp declare target
+static void putValueInParallel(int *ptr, int value) {
+ #pragma omp parallel
+ {
+ *ptr = value;
+ }
+static int getId() {
+ int id;
+ putValueInParallel(&id, omp_get_thread_num());
+ return id;
+#pragma omp end declare target
+const int MaxThreads = 1024;
+const int Threads = 64;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int master;
+ int check[MaxThreads];
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+ check[i] = 0;
+ }
+ #pragma omp target map(master, check[:])
+ {
+ master = getId();
+ #pragma omp parallel num_threads(Threads)
+ {
+ check[omp_get_thread_num()] = getId();
+ }
+ }
+ // CHECK: master = 0.
+ printf("master = %d.\n", master);
+ // CHECK-NOT: invalid
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+ if (i < Threads) {
+ if (check[i] != i) {
+ printf("invalid: check[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, i, check[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/lit.cfg b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/lit.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0774c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/lit.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# -*- Python -*- vim: set ft=python ts=4 sw=4 expandtab tw=79:
+# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
+import os
+import lit.formats
+# Tell pylint that we know config and lit_config exist somewhere.
+if 'PYLINT_IMPORT' in os.environ:
+ config = object()
+ lit_config = object()
+def prepend_library_path(name, value, sep):
+ if name in config.environment:
+ config.environment[name] = value + sep + config.environment[name]
+ else:
+ config.environment[name] = value
+# name: The name of this test suite.
+config.name = 'libomptarget-nvptx'
+# suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files.
+config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.cc']
+# test_source_root: The root path where tests are located.
+config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+# test_exec_root: The root object directory where output is placed
+config.test_exec_root = config.binary_dir
+# test format
+config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest()
+# compiler flags
+config.test_flags = " -I " + config.omp_header_directory + \
+ " -L " + config.library_dir + \
+ " --libomptarget-nvptx-path=" + config.library_dir;
+if config.omp_host_rtl_directory:
+ config.test_flags = config.test_flags + \
+ " -L " + config.omp_host_rtl_directory
+config.test_flags = config.test_flags + " " + config.test_extra_flags
+# Setup environment to find dynamic library at runtime.
+prepend_library_path('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', config.library_dir, ":")
+prepend_library_path('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', config.omp_host_rtl_directory, ":")
+# Forbid fallback to host.
+config.environment["OMP_TARGET_OFFLOAD"] = "MANDATORY"
+# substitutions
+ "%compilexx-and-run | " + config.libomptarget_filecheck + " %s"))
+ "%compile-and-run | " + config.libomptarget_filecheck + " %s"))
+config.substitutions.append(("%compilexx-and-run", "%compilexx && %run"))
+config.substitutions.append(("%compile-and-run", "%compile && %run"))
+ "%clangxx %openmp_flags %flags %s -o %t"))
+ "%clang %openmp_flags %flags %s -o %t"))
+config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx", config.test_cxx_compiler))
+config.substitutions.append(("%clang", config.test_c_compiler))
+config.substitutions.append(("%openmp_flags", config.test_openmp_flags))
+config.substitutions.append(("%flags", config.test_flags))
+config.substitutions.append(("%run", "%t"))
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/lit.site.cfg.in b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/lit.site.cfg.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9c14cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/lit.site.cfg.in
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+config.test_c_compiler = "@OPENMP_TEST_C_COMPILER@"
+config.test_cxx_compiler = "@OPENMP_TEST_CXX_COMPILER@"
+config.test_openmp_flags = "@LIBOMPTARGET_NVPTX_TEST_OPENMP_FLAGS@"
+config.test_extra_flags = "@LIBOMPTARGET_NVPTX_TEST_FLAGS@"
+config.binary_dir = "@CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR@"
+config.library_dir = "@LIBOMPTARGET_LIBRARY_DIR@"
+config.omp_header_directory = "@LIBOMPTARGET_OPENMP_HEADER_FOLDER@"
+config.omp_host_rtl_directory = "@LIBOMPTARGET_OPENMP_HOST_RTL_FOLDER@"
+config.libomptarget_filecheck = "@OPENMP_FILECHECK_EXECUTABLE@"
+# Let the main config do the real work.
+lit_config.load_config(config, "@CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@/lit.cfg")
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/flush.c b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/flush.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..412538b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/flush.c
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// RUN: %compile-run-and-check
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int data, out, flag = 0;
+#pragma omp target parallel num_threads(64) map(tofrom \
+ : out, flag) map(to \
+ : data)
+ {
+ if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0) {
+ /* Write to the data buffer that will be read by thread */
+ data = 42;
+/* Flush data to thread 32 */
+#pragma omp flush(data)
+ /* Set flag to release thread 32 */
+#pragma omp atomic write
+ flag = 1;
+ } else if (omp_get_thread_num() == 32) {
+ /* Loop until we see the update to the flag */
+ int val;
+ do {
+#pragma omp atomic read
+ val = flag;
+ } while (val < 1);
+ out = data;
+#pragma omp flush(out)
+ }
+ }
+ // CHECK: out=42.
+ /* Value of out will be 42 */
+ printf("out=%d.\n", out);
+ return !(out == 42);
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/level.c b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/level.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edb00e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/level.c
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// RUN: %compile-run-and-check
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+const int MaxThreads = 1024;
+const int NumThreads = 64;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int level = -1, activeLevel = -1;
+ // The expected value is -1, initialize to different value.
+ int ancestorTNumNeg = 1, teamSizeNeg = 1;
+ int ancestorTNum0 = -1, teamSize0 = -1;
+ // The expected value is -1, initialize to different value.
+ int ancestorTNum1 = 1, teamSize1 = 1;
+ int check1[MaxThreads];
+ int check2[MaxThreads];
+ int check3[MaxThreads];
+ int check4[MaxThreads];
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+ check1[i] = check2[i] = check3[i] = check4[i] = 0;
+ }
+ #pragma omp target map(level, activeLevel, ancestorTNumNeg, teamSizeNeg) \
+ map(ancestorTNum0, teamSize0, ancestorTNum1, teamSize1) \
+ map(check1[:], check2[:], check3[:], check4[:])
+ {
+ level = omp_get_level();
+ activeLevel = omp_get_active_level();
+ // Expected to return -1.
+ ancestorTNumNeg = omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(-1);
+ teamSizeNeg = omp_get_team_size(-1);
+ // Expected to return 0 and 1.
+ ancestorTNum0 = omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(0);
+ teamSize0 = omp_get_team_size(0);
+ // Expected to return -1 because the requested level is larger than
+ // the nest level.
+ ancestorTNum1 = omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(1);
+ teamSize1 = omp_get_team_size(1);
+ // Expecting active parallel region.
+ #pragma omp parallel num_threads(NumThreads)
+ {
+ int id = omp_get_thread_num();
+ // Multiply return value of omp_get_level by 5 to avoid that this test
+ // passes if both API calls return wrong values.
+ check1[id] += omp_get_level() * 5 + omp_get_active_level();
+ // Expected to return 0 and 1.
+ check2[id] += omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(0) + 5 * omp_get_team_size(0);
+ // Expected to return the current thread num.
+ check2[id] += (omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(1) - id);
+ // Exepcted to return the current number of threads.
+ check2[id] += 3 * omp_get_team_size(1);
+ // Expected to return -1, see above.
+ check2[id] += omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(2) + omp_get_team_size(2);
+ // Expecting serialized parallel region.
+ #pragma omp parallel
+ {
+ #pragma omp atomic
+ check3[id] += omp_get_level() * 5 + omp_get_active_level();
+ // Expected to return 0 and 1.
+ int check4Inc = omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(0) + 5 * omp_get_team_size(0);
+ // Expected to return the parent thread num.
+ check4Inc += (omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(1) - id);
+ // Exepcted to return the number of threads in the active parallel region.
+ check4Inc += 3 * omp_get_team_size(1);
+ // Exptected to return 0 and 1.
+ check4Inc += omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(2) + 3 * omp_get_team_size(2);
+ // Expected to return -1, see above.
+ check4Inc += omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(3) + omp_get_team_size(3);
+ #pragma omp atomic
+ check4[id] += check4Inc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // CHECK: target: level = 0, activeLevel = 0
+ printf("target: level = %d, activeLevel = %d\n", level, activeLevel);
+ // CHECK: level = -1: ancestorTNum = -1, teamSize = -1
+ printf("level = -1: ancestorTNum = %d, teamSize = %d\n", ancestorTNumNeg, teamSizeNeg);
+ // CHECK: level = 0: ancestorTNum = 0, teamSize = 1
+ printf("level = 0: ancestorTNum = %d, teamSize = %d\n", ancestorTNum0, teamSize0);
+ // CHECK: level = 1: ancestorTNum = -1, teamSize = -1
+ printf("level = 1: ancestorTNum = %d, teamSize = %d\n", ancestorTNum1, teamSize1);
+ // CHECK-NOT: invalid
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+ // Check active parallel region:
+ // omp_get_level() = 1, omp_get_active_level() = 1
+ const int Expected1 = 6;
+ if (i < NumThreads) {
+ if (check1[i] != Expected1) {
+ printf("invalid: check1[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, Expected1, check1[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check1[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check1[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check1[i]);
+ }
+ // 5 * 1 + 3 * 64 - 1 - 1 (see above)
+ const int Expected2 = 195;
+ if (i < NumThreads) {
+ if (check2[i] != Expected2) {
+ printf("invalid: check2[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, Expected2, check2[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check2[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check2[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check2[i]);
+ }
+ // Check serialized parallel region:
+ // omp_get_level() = 2, omp_get_active_level() = 1
+ const int Expected3 = 11;
+ if (i < NumThreads) {
+ if (check3[i] != Expected3) {
+ printf("invalid: check3[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, Expected3, check3[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check3[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check3[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check3[i]);
+ }
+ // 5 * 1 + 3 * 64 + 3 * 1 - 1 - 1 (see above)
+ const int Expected4 = 198;
+ if (i < NumThreads) {
+ if (check4[i] != Expected4) {
+ printf("invalid: check4[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, Expected4, check4[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check4[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check4[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check4[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/nested.c b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/nested.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70ebb1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/nested.c
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// RUN: %compile-run-and-check
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+const int MaxThreads = 1024;
+const int NumThreads = 64;
+const int NumThreads1 = 1;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int inParallel = -1, numThreads = -1, threadNum = -1;
+ int check1[MaxThreads];
+ int check2[MaxThreads];
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+ check1[i] = check2[i] = 0;
+ }
+#pragma omp target map(inParallel, numThreads, threadNum, check1[:], check2[:])
+ {
+ inParallel = omp_in_parallel();
+ numThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
+ threadNum = omp_get_thread_num();
+// Expecting active parallel region.
+#pragma omp parallel num_threads(NumThreads)
+ {
+ int id = omp_get_thread_num();
+ check1[id] += omp_get_num_threads() + omp_in_parallel();
+// Expecting serialized parallel region.
+#pragma omp parallel
+ {
+ // Expected to be 1.
+ int nestedInParallel = omp_in_parallel();
+ // Expected to be 1.
+ int nestedNumThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
+ // Expected to be 0.
+ int nestedThreadNum = omp_get_thread_num();
+#pragma omp atomic
+ check2[id] += nestedInParallel + nestedNumThreads + nestedThreadNum;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // CHECK: target: inParallel = 0, numThreads = 1, threadNum = 0
+ printf("target: inParallel = %d, numThreads = %d, threadNum = %d\n",
+ inParallel, numThreads, threadNum);
+ // CHECK-NOT: invalid
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+ // Check that all threads reported
+ // omp_get_num_threads() = 64, omp_in_parallel() = 1.
+ int Expected = NumThreads + 1;
+ if (i < NumThreads) {
+ if (check1[i] != Expected) {
+ printf("invalid: check1[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, Expected,
+ check1[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check1[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check1[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check1[i]);
+ }
+ // Check serialized parallel region.
+ if (i < NumThreads) {
+ if (check2[i] != 2) {
+ printf("invalid: check2[%d] should be 2, is %d\n", i, check2[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check2[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check2[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check2[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ inParallel = -1;
+ numThreads = -1;
+ threadNum = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+ check1[i] = check2[i] = 0;
+ }
+#pragma omp target map(inParallel, numThreads, threadNum, check1[:], check2[:])
+ {
+ inParallel = omp_in_parallel();
+ numThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
+ threadNum = omp_get_thread_num();
+// Expecting active parallel region.
+#pragma omp parallel num_threads(NumThreads1)
+ {
+ int id = omp_get_thread_num();
+ check1[id] += omp_get_num_threads() + omp_in_parallel();
+// Expecting serialized parallel region.
+#pragma omp parallel
+ {
+ // Expected to be 0.
+ int nestedInParallel = omp_in_parallel();
+ // Expected to be 1.
+ int nestedNumThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
+ // Expected to be 0.
+ int nestedThreadNum = omp_get_thread_num();
+#pragma omp atomic
+ check2[id] += nestedInParallel + nestedNumThreads + nestedThreadNum;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // CHECK: target: inParallel = 0, numThreads = 1, threadNum = 0
+ printf("target: inParallel = %d, numThreads = %d, threadNum = %d\n",
+ inParallel, numThreads, threadNum);
+ // CHECK-NOT: invalid
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+ // Check that all threads reported
+ // omp_get_num_threads() = 1, omp_in_parallel() = 0.
+ int Expected = 1;
+ if (i < NumThreads1) {
+ if (check1[i] != Expected) {
+ printf("invalid: check1[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, Expected,
+ check1[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check1[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check1[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check1[i]);
+ }
+ // Check serialized parallel region.
+ if (i < NumThreads1) {
+ if (check2[i] != 1) {
+ printf("invalid: check2[%d] should be 1, is %d\n", i, check2[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check2[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check2[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check2[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/num_threads.c b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/num_threads.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a2f73f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/num_threads.c
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// RUN: %compile-run-and-check
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <omp.h>
+const int WarpSize = 32;
+const int NumThreads1 = 1 * WarpSize;
+const int NumThreads2 = 2 * WarpSize;
+const int NumThreads3 = 3 * WarpSize;
+const int MaxThreads = 1024;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int check1[MaxThreads];
+ int check2[MaxThreads];
+ int check3[MaxThreads];
+ int check4[MaxThreads];
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+ check1[i] = check2[i] = check3[i] = check4[i] = 0;
+ }
+ int maxThreads1 = -1;
+ int maxThreads2 = -1;
+ int maxThreads3 = -1;
+ #pragma omp target map(check1[:], check2[:], check3[:], check4[:]) \
+ map(maxThreads1, maxThreads2, maxThreads3)
+ {
+ #pragma omp parallel num_threads(NumThreads1)
+ {
+ check1[omp_get_thread_num()] += omp_get_num_threads();
+ }
+ // API method to set number of threads in parallel regions without
+ // num_threads() clause.
+ omp_set_num_threads(NumThreads2);
+ maxThreads1 = omp_get_max_threads();
+ #pragma omp parallel
+ {
+ check2[omp_get_thread_num()] += omp_get_num_threads();
+ }
+ maxThreads2 = omp_get_max_threads();
+ // num_threads() clause should override nthreads-var ICV.
+ #pragma omp parallel num_threads(NumThreads3)
+ {
+ check3[omp_get_thread_num()] += omp_get_num_threads();
+ }
+ maxThreads3 = omp_get_max_threads();
+ // Effect from omp_set_num_threads() should still be visible.
+ #pragma omp parallel
+ {
+ check4[omp_get_thread_num()] += omp_get_num_threads();
+ }
+ }
+ // CHECK: maxThreads1 = 64
+ printf("maxThreads1 = %d\n", maxThreads1);
+ // CHECK: maxThreads2 = 64
+ printf("maxThreads2 = %d\n", maxThreads2);
+ // CHECK: maxThreads3 = 64
+ printf("maxThreads3 = %d\n", maxThreads3);
+ // CHECK-NOT: invalid
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+ if (i < NumThreads1) {
+ if (check1[i] != NumThreads1) {
+ printf("invalid: check1[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, NumThreads1, check1[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check1[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check1[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check1[i]);
+ }
+ if (i < NumThreads2) {
+ if (check2[i] != NumThreads2) {
+ printf("invalid: check2[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, NumThreads2, check2[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check2[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check2[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check2[i]);
+ }
+ if (i < NumThreads3) {
+ if (check3[i] != NumThreads3) {
+ printf("invalid: check3[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, NumThreads3, check3[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check3[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check3[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check3[i]);
+ }
+ if (i < NumThreads2) {
+ if (check4[i] != NumThreads2) {
+ printf("invalid: check4[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, NumThreads2, check4[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check4[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check4[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check4[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/spmd_parallel_regions.cpp b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/spmd_parallel_regions.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..517db59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/spmd_parallel_regions.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// RUN: %compilexx-run-and-check
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <omp.h>
+int main(void) {
+ int isHost = -1;
+ int ParallelLevel1 = -1, ParallelLevel2 = -1;
+ int Count = 0;
+#pragma omp target parallel for map(tofrom \
+ : isHost, ParallelLevel1, ParallelLevel2), reduction(+: Count) schedule(static, 1)
+ for (int J = 0; J < 10; ++J) {
+#pragma omp critical
+ {
+ isHost = (isHost < 0 || isHost == 0) ? omp_is_initial_device() : isHost;
+ ParallelLevel1 = (ParallelLevel1 < 0 || ParallelLevel1 == 1)
+ ? omp_get_level()
+ : ParallelLevel1;
+ }
+ if (omp_get_thread_num() > 5) {
+ int L2;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) lastprivate(L2) reduction(+: Count)
+ for (int I = 0; I < 10; ++I) {
+ L2 = omp_get_level();
+ Count += omp_get_level(); // (10-6)*10*2 = 80
+ }
+#pragma omp critical
+ ParallelLevel2 =
+ (ParallelLevel2 < 0 || ParallelLevel2 == 2) ? L2 : ParallelLevel2;
+ } else {
+ Count += omp_get_level(); // 6 * 1 = 6
+ }
+ }
+ if (isHost < 0) {
+ printf("Runtime error, isHost=%d\n", isHost);
+ }
+ // CHECK: Target region executed on the device
+ printf("Target region executed on the %s\n", isHost ? "host" : "device");
+ // CHECK: Parallel level in SPMD mode: L1 is 1, L2 is 2
+ printf("Parallel level in SPMD mode: L1 is %d, L2 is %d\n", ParallelLevel1,
+ ParallelLevel2);
+ // Final result of Count is (10-6)(num of loops)*10(num of iterations)*2(par
+ // level) + 6(num of iterations) * 1(par level)
+ // CHECK: Expected count = 86
+ printf("Expected count = %d\n", Count);
+ return isHost;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/thread_limit.c b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/thread_limit.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e40bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/thread_limit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// RUN: %compile-run-and-check
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <omp.h>
+const int WarpSize = 32;
+const int ThreadLimit = 1 * WarpSize;
+const int NumThreads2 = 2 * WarpSize;
+const int NumThreads3 = 3 * WarpSize;
+const int MaxThreads = 1024;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int check1[MaxThreads];
+ int check2[MaxThreads];
+ int check3[MaxThreads];
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+ check1[i] = check2[i] = check3[i] = 0;
+ }
+ int threadLimit = -1;
+ #pragma omp target teams num_teams(1) thread_limit(ThreadLimit) \
+ map(check1[:], check2[:], check3[:], threadLimit)
+ {
+ threadLimit = omp_get_thread_limit();
+ // All parallel regions should get as many threads as specified by the
+ // thread_limit() clause.
+ #pragma omp parallel
+ {
+ check1[omp_get_thread_num()] += omp_get_num_threads();
+ }
+ omp_set_num_threads(NumThreads2);
+ #pragma omp parallel
+ {
+ check2[omp_get_thread_num()] += omp_get_num_threads();
+ }
+ #pragma omp parallel num_threads(NumThreads3)
+ {
+ check3[omp_get_thread_num()] += omp_get_num_threads();
+ }
+ }
+ // CHECK: threadLimit = 32
+ printf("threadLimit = %d\n", threadLimit);
+ // CHECK-NOT: invalid
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+ if (i < ThreadLimit) {
+ if (check1[i] != ThreadLimit) {
+ printf("invalid: check1[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, ThreadLimit, check1[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check1[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check1[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check1[i]);
+ }
+ if (i < ThreadLimit) {
+ if (check2[i] != ThreadLimit) {
+ printf("invalid: check2[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, ThreadLimit, check2[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check2[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check2[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check2[i]);
+ }
+ if (i < ThreadLimit) {
+ if (check3[i] != ThreadLimit) {
+ printf("invalid: check3[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, ThreadLimit, check3[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (check3[i] != 0) {
+ printf("invalid: check3[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check3[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/tripcount.c b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/tripcount.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3f8768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/tripcount.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// RUN: %compile-run-and-check
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main() {
+ int res = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel num_threads(2) reduction(+:res)
+ {
+ int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
+#pragma omp target teams distribute reduction(+:res)
+ for (int i = tid; i < 2; i++)
+ ++res;
+ }
+ // The first thread makes 2 iterations, the second - 1. Expected result of the
+ // reduction res is 3.
+ // CHECK: res = 3.
+ printf("res = %d.\n", res);
+ return 0;