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1 files changed, 1326 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Support/FileCheck.cpp b/lib/Support/FileCheck.cpp
index 37986c96c08..f0e2f32e55f 100644
--- a/lib/Support/FileCheck.cpp
+++ b/lib/Support/FileCheck.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,829 @@
using namespace llvm;
+/// Define format equality: formats are equal if all bits are identical.
+bool FileCheckNumExprFmtType::
+operator==(const struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType &other) {
+ return Set == other.Set && Conflict == other.Conflict &&
+ Signed == other.Signed && Hex == other.Hex && Cap == other.Cap;
+/// Equality operator: 2 values are equal if both are valid and have same
+/// signedness and corresponding value.
+bool FileCheckNumExprVal::operator==(const FileCheckNumExprVal &other) {
+ if (!Valid || !other.Valid)
+ return false;
+ if (Signed)
+ return SVal == other.SVal;
+ else
+ return UVal == other.UVal;
+/// Convert value to a signed value, or mark value invalid if not possible
+/// (original value was not within range for a signed integer).
+void FileCheckNumExprVal::ConvertSigned() {
+ if (!Valid || Signed)
+ return;
+ if (UVal > std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) {
+ Valid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ SVal = UVal;
+ Signed = true;
+/// Convert value to an unsigned value, or mark value invalid if not possible
+/// (original value was not within range for an unsigned integer).
+void FileCheckNumExprVal::ConvertUnsigned() {
+ if (!Valid || !Signed)
+ return;
+ if (SVal < 0) {
+ Valid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ UVal = SVal;
+ Signed = false;
+ return;
+/// Store in \p StringRepr a string representation of this value given the
+/// matching format \p Fmt. Return whether value had no such a string
+/// representation (true if value is invalid).
+bool FileCheckNumExprVal::GetStringRepr(struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType Fmt,
+ std::string &StringRepr) const {
+ if (!Valid)
+ return true;
+ if (Fmt.Hex) {
+ StringRepr = utohexstr(GetUnsignedValue(), !Fmt.Cap);
+ } else if (Fmt.Signed)
+ StringRepr = itostr(GetSignedValue());
+ else
+ StringRepr = utostr(GetUnsignedValue());
+ return false;
+/// Perform an addition operation. Return an invalid value in case of
+/// underflow or overflow.
+FileCheckNumExprVal FileCheckNumExprVal::Add(const FileCheckNumExprVal &Op1,
+ const FileCheckNumExprVal &Op2) {
+ // Operands must be valid.
+ if (!Op1.Valid || !Op2.Valid)
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal();
+ // Operands must have same sign.
+ if (Op1.Signed != Op2.Signed)
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal();
+ if (Op1.Signed) {
+ int64_t Val1 = Op1.SVal;
+ int64_t Val2 = Op2.SVal;
+ // Op1 + Op2 > max int64_t.
+ if (Val1 > 0 && Val2 > 0 &&
+ Val1 > (std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() - Val2))
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal();
+ // Op1 + Op2 < min int64_t.
+ if (Val1 < 0 && Val2 < 0 &&
+ Val1 < (std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min() - Val2))
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal();
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal(Val1 + Val2);
+ } else {
+ uint64_t Val1 = Op1.UVal;
+ uint64_t Val2 = Op2.UVal;
+ // Op1 + Op2 > max uint64_t.
+ if (Val1 > std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - Val2)
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal();
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal(Val1 + Val2);
+ }
+/// Perform a substraction operation. Return an invalid value in case of
+/// underflow or overflow.
+FileCheckNumExprVal FileCheckNumExprVal::Sub(const FileCheckNumExprVal &Op1,
+ const FileCheckNumExprVal &Op2) {
+ // Operands must be valid.
+ if (!Op1.Valid || !Op2.Valid)
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal();
+ // Operands must have same sign.
+ if (Op1.Signed != Op2.Signed)
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal();
+ if (Op1.Signed) {
+ int64_t Val1 = Op1.SVal;
+ int64_t Val2 = Op2.SVal;
+ // Op1 - Op2 > max int64_t.
+ if (Val1 > 0 && Val2 < 0 &&
+ Val1 > (std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() + Val2))
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal();
+ // Op1 - Op2 < min int64_t.
+ if (Val1 < 0 && Val2 > 0 &&
+ Val1 < (std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min() + Val2))
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal();
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal(Val1 - Val2);
+ } else {
+ uint64_t Val1 = Op1.UVal;
+ uint64_t Val2 = Op2.UVal;
+ // Op1 < Op2.
+ if (Val1 < Val2)
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal();
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal(Val1 - Val2);
+ }
+/// Evaluate the value of this literal. Therefore returns this node itself and
+/// set \p Fmt to null since literals do not carry any implicit conversion.
+FileCheckNumExprLiteral::Eval(struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType &Fmt) {
+ Fmt = FmtNone;
+ return Value;
+/// Generic constructor for a numeric expression whose equality constraint is
+/// represented by \p AST, matching format is \p Fmt and whose AST can be
+/// evaluated in phase \p KnownPhase. If matching format is unset (ie. no
+/// explicit or implicit matching format), set it to default one (unsigned
+/// decimal integer).
+FileCheckNumExpr::FileCheckNumExpr(std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExprAST> AST,
+ struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType Fmt,
+ enum Check::FileCheckPhase KnownPhase)
+ : AST(AST), KnownPhase(KnownPhase) {
+ if (!Fmt.Set)
+ this->Fmt = FmtUnsigned;
+ else
+ this->Fmt = Fmt;
+/// Constructor for numeric expression with a known value in parse phase,
+/// eg. the numeric expression defining the @LINE numeric variable (and
+/// currently only used for that).
+FileCheckNumExpr::FileCheckNumExpr(FileCheckNumExprVal Value,
+ struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType Fmt)
+ : FileCheckNumExpr(nullptr, Fmt, Check::ParsePhase) {
+ this->Value = Value;
+ this->KnownPhase = Check::ParsePhase;
+/// Set Value to \p Val if currently invalid or tentative. Return whether
+/// Value failed to be set (Value was already valid and final).
+bool FileCheckNumExpr::SetTentativeValue(FileCheckNumExprVal Val) {
+ // Allow a value to be tentatively set several time.
+ if (Value.IsValid() && !Value.IsTentative())
+ return true;
+ // Value should be set from evaluating the AST if any.
+ if (AST != nullptr)
+ return true;
+ assert(!Val.IsTentative() && "Setting from already tentative matched value");
+ Val.ToggleTentative();
+ Value = Val;
+ return false;
+/// Store in \p Val the value corresponding to string representation \p StrVal
+/// according to matching format of this numeric expression. Return whether
+/// \p StrVal correspond to a valid and representable value.
+bool FileCheckNumExpr::ValueFromStringRepr(StringRef StrVal,
+ FileCheckNumExprVal &Val) const {
+ unsigned Radix = Fmt.Hex ? 16 : 10;
+ if (Fmt.Signed) {
+ int64_t SVal;
+ if (StrVal.getAsInteger(Radix, SVal))
+ return true;
+ Val = FileCheckNumExprVal(SVal);
+ } else {
+ uint64_t UVal;
+ if (StrVal.getAsInteger(Radix, UVal))
+ return true;
+ Val = FileCheckNumExprVal(UVal);
+ }
+ return false;
+/// Store in \p MatchString the regexp pattern to use to match this numeric
+/// expression given its matching format. Return whether the function was
+/// unable to determine the regexp pattern.
+bool FileCheckNumExpr::GetMatchString(enum Check::FileCheckPhase Phase,
+ std::string &MatchString) {
+ assert(Phase <= Check::MatchPhase && "Asking match string after match done");
+ // We know the value, return its string representation. If supporting other
+ // constraints than equality this should be restricted to equality only.
+ if (Phase >= KnownPhase) {
+ if (!Value.IsValid())
+ return true;
+ if (Value.GetStringRepr(Fmt, MatchString))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ // We do not know the value but we will at match time.
+ } else if (KnownPhase <= Check::MatchPhase) {
+ MatchString = std::string();
+ return false;
+ // We do not know the value and will not know it at match time. Output
+ // appropriate wildcard pattern.
+ } else {
+ assert(Fmt.Set && !(Fmt.Hex && Fmt.Signed) &&
+ "Numeric expression with unexpected conversion");
+ if (Fmt.Hex) {
+ if (Fmt.Cap)
+ MatchString = std::string("[[:digit:]A-F]+");
+ else
+ MatchString = std::string("[[:digit:]a-f]+");
+ } else if (Fmt.Signed)
+ MatchString = std::string("-?[[:digit:]]+");
+ else
+ MatchString = std::string("[[:digit:]]+");
+ return false;
+ }
+/// Verify that the matched value in \p MatchedValue satisfies the constraint
+/// expressed by this expression. Return true if constraint is not satisfied.
+bool FileCheckNumExpr::VerifyConstraint(
+ FileCheckNumExprVal MatchedValue) const {
+ // Nothing to verify: numeric variable definition with empty numeric
+ // expression.
+ if (AST == nullptr)
+ return false;
+ // Will fail if Value or MatchedValue are invalid.
+ return MatchedValue != Value;
+/// Store in \p EvaluatedValue the value evaluated from the constraint of this
+/// numeric expression. Return whether evaluation failed.
+bool FileCheckNumExpr::Eval(FileCheckNumExprVal &EvaluatedValue) const {
+ // Nothing to evaluate: numeric variable definition with empty numeric
+ // expression.
+ if (AST == nullptr)
+ return true;
+ FileCheckNumExprFmtType ImplicitFmt;
+ EvaluatedValue = AST->Eval(ImplicitFmt);
+ if (!EvaluatedValue.IsValid())
+ return true;
+ // If expression comes with an explicit printing format different from the
+ // implicit one, signedness of EvaluatedValue could be different from the
+ // matched value. Convert to signedness of expression to ensure value
+ // compare equally.
+ if (Fmt.Signed)
+ EvaluatedValue.ConvertSigned();
+ else
+ EvaluatedValue.ConvertUnsigned();
+ if (!EvaluatedValue.IsValid())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+/// Set Value from the result of calling Eval(). Return whether it failed.
+bool FileCheckNumExpr::SetValueFromEval() {
+ // No need to evaluate, we already have a final value.
+ if (Value.IsValid() && !Value.IsTentative())
+ return true;
+ FileCheckNumExprVal EvaluatedValue;
+ if (Eval(EvaluatedValue))
+ return true;
+ Value = EvaluatedValue;
+ return false;
+/// Mark value as final. Return whether value was already final.
+bool FileCheckNumExpr::CommitValue() {
+ // Value is not a valid tentative value.
+ if (!Value.IsValid() || !Value.IsTentative())
+ return true;
+ Value.ToggleTentative();
+ return false;
+/// Constructor for numeric variable \p Name with a known \p Value at parse
+/// time (eg. the @LINE numeric variable). Matching format of the variable is
+/// given in \p Fmt and \p DefLineNumber indicates when does this variable
+/// starts to be defined.
+FileCheckNumExprVar::FileCheckNumExprVar(StringRef Name,
+ FileCheckNumExprVal Value,
+ struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType Fmt,
+ unsigned DefLineNumber)
+ : Name(Name), DefLineNumber(DefLineNumber) {
+ this->NumExpr = std::make_shared<FileCheckNumExpr>(Value, Fmt);
+/// Evaluate the value of this numeric variable. Therefore returns the value
+/// and implicit conversion of this numeric variable stored in its
+/// corresponding numeric expression class.
+FileCheckNumExprVar::Eval(struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType &Fmt) {
+ // Undefined variable.
+ if (NumExpr == nullptr)
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal();
+ Fmt = NumExpr->GetFormat();
+ return NumExpr->GetValue();
+/// Append numeric variable's name to UndefVarNames if undefined.
+void FileCheckNumExprVar::GetUndefVarNames(
+ std::vector<StringRef> &UndefVarNames) const {
+ if (NumExpr == nullptr)
+ UndefVarNames.emplace_back(Name);
+/// Evaluate the value of the binary operation represented by this AST. Uses
+/// EvalBinop to perform the binary operation on the values of recursively
+/// evaluating the left and right operands.
+FileCheckASTBinop::Eval(struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType &Fmt) {
+ struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType LFmt, RFmt;
+ FileCheckNumExprVal LVal = Opl->Eval(LFmt);
+ FileCheckNumExprVal RVal = Opr->Eval(RFmt);
+ // Integer promotion.
+ if (!LVal.IsSigned() || !RVal.IsSigned()) {
+ LVal.ConvertUnsigned();
+ RVal.ConvertUnsigned();
+ }
+ if (!LVal.IsValid() || !RVal.IsValid())
+ return FileCheckNumExprVal();
+ Fmt = (LFmt.Set) ? LFmt : RFmt;
+ if (LFmt.Set && RFmt.Set && LFmt != RFmt)
+ Fmt.Conflict = 1;
+ FileCheckNumExprVal Val = EvalBinop(LVal, RVal);
+ // Mark result as tentative if any of the operand was tentative. Assert
+ // result was not tentative beforehand to have that check only here.
+ assert(!Val.IsTentative() && "Binary operation returned tentative value");
+ if (LVal.IsTentative() || RVal.IsTentative())
+ Val.ToggleTentative();
+ return Val;
+/// Append to UnderVarNames the names of undefined numeric variables used in
+/// any of the operands.
+void FileCheckASTBinop::GetUndefVarNames(
+ std::vector<StringRef> &UndefVarNames) const {
+ Opl->GetUndefVarNames(UndefVarNames);
+ Opr->GetUndefVarNames(UndefVarNames);
+/// Perform in \p SubstValue the substitution represented by this class
+/// instance. For numeric variable we replace it by its value if known at
+/// match time or a suitable wildcard pattern otherwise. For pattern variable
+/// we simply replace it by the text its definition matched. Return whether
+/// substitution failed.
+bool FileCheckPatternSubst::Substitute(std::string &SubstValue) const {
+ if (isNumExpr) {
+ if (NumExpr->GetKnownPhase() == Check::MatchPhase) {
+ if (NumExpr->SetValueFromEval())
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (NumExpr->GetMatchString(Check::MatchPhase, SubstValue))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // Look up the value and escape it so that we can put it into the
+ // regex.
+ StringRef VarVal;
+ if (Context->GetPatternVarValue(SubstStr, VarVal))
+ return true;
+ SubstValue = Regex::escape(VarVal);
+ }
+ return false;
+/// Write in \p MatchedValue the value successfully matched (ie. constraint is
+/// verified for a numeric expression) by the substitution. Return whether
+/// match failed for that substitution.
+bool FileCheckPatternSubst::MatchedValue(std::string &MatchedValue) const {
+ if (isNumExpr) {
+ // This will return true if NumExpr's value is invalid, which it will be if
+ // NumExpr did not match or the matched value did not satisfy the
+ // expression constraint.
+ return NumExpr->GetValueStringRepr(MatchedValue);
+ } else {
+ // Look up the value and escape it so that we can put it into the
+ // regex.
+ StringRef VarVal;
+ if (Context->GetPatternVarValue(SubstStr, VarVal))
+ return true;
+ MatchedValue = Regex::escape(VarVal);
+ }
+ return false;
+/// Append to UnderVarNames the names of undefined pattern or numeric variables
+/// used in this substitution.
+void FileCheckPatternSubst::GetUndefVarNames(
+ std::vector<StringRef> &UndefVarNames) const {
+ if (isNumExpr)
+ NumExpr->GetAST()->GetUndefVarNames(UndefVarNames);
+ else {
+ StringRef VarVal;
+ if (Context->GetPatternVarValue(SubstStr, VarVal))
+ UndefVarNames.emplace_back(SubstStr);
+ }
+/// Parsing helper function that strips all leading whitespace from \p s.
+static inline void SkipWhitespace(StringRef &s) { s = s.ltrim(" \t"); }
+/// Parsing helper function that strips the string in \p SkipStr from \p s.
+/// Returns true if string \p SkipStr was not in \p s and \p Optional was
+/// false. Returns false otherwise.
+static bool Skip(StringRef &s, const StringRef &SkipStr, bool Optional) {
+ if (!s.consume_front(SkipStr) && !Optional)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+/// Parsing helper function that strips the first character in \p s and returns
+/// it.
+static char Next(StringRef &s) {
+ char c = s.front();
+ s = s.drop_front();
+ return c;
+// Verify that the string in \p Str or at the start of \p Str (if \p
+// AllowTrailer is true) is a well formed variable name. Also set IsPseudo to
+// true if it is a pseudo variable.
+bool FileCheckPattern::ParseVariable(StringRef Str, bool &IsPseudo,
+ unsigned &TrailIdx) const {
+ bool ParsedOneChar = false;
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ IsPseudo = false;
+ for (unsigned e = Str.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ if (i == 0) {
+ // Global vars start with '$'.
+ if (Str[i] == '$')
+ continue;
+ else if (Str[i] == '@') {
+ IsPseudo = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // Variable names are composed of alphanumeric characters and underscores.
+ if (Str[i] != '_' && !isalnum(Str[i]))
+ break;
+ ParsedOneChar = true;
+ }
+ // Empty name.
+ if (!ParsedOneChar)
+ return true;
+ TrailIdx = i;
+ StringRef Name = Str.substr(0, i);
+ // Name can't start with a digit.
+ if (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(Name[0])))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+/// Parse \p Expr for use or definition of a numeric variable. Return the
+/// class instance representing the corresponding variable definition to be
+/// used in the numeric expression AST in the case of a use, or nullptr if
+/// parsing fails in which case errors are reported on \p SM. If
+/// \p IsDefinition is true, a new instance is created. Likewise in case of
+/// use if the variable is undefined at that point in the pattern.
+FileCheckPattern::ParseNumericVariable(StringRef &Expr, bool IsDefinition,
+ const SourceMgr &SM) const {
+ bool IsPseudo;
+ unsigned TrailIdx;
+ if (ParseVariable(Expr, IsPseudo, TrailIdx))
+ return nullptr;
+ StringRef Name = Expr.substr(0, TrailIdx);
+ Expr = Expr.substr(TrailIdx);
+ if (IsPseudo && !Name.equals("@LINE")) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Name.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Unsupported pseudo variable '" + Name + "'");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (IsDefinition && IsPseudo) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Name.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Definition of pseudo variable '" + Name + "' unsupported");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (IsDefinition) {
+ // Detect collision between pattern and numeric variable when the latter
+ // is created on a later line than the former.
+ if (Context->DefinedVariableTable.find(Name) !=
+ Context->DefinedVariableTable.end()) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Name.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Pattern variable with same name '" + Name + "' exists");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return std::make_shared<FileCheckNumExprVar>(Name, this->LineNumber);
+ } else {
+ // This method is indirectly called from ParsePattern for all numeric
+ // variable definition and uses in the order in which they appear in the
+ // CHECK pattern. For each definition, the pointer to the corresponding
+ // AST class instance is stored in GlobalNumericVariableTable. Therefore
+ // the pointer we get below is for the AST class instance corresponding to
+ // the last definition of the variable before this use.
+ auto git = Context->GlobalNumericVariableTable.find(Name);
+ if (git != Context->GlobalNumericVariableTable.end())
+ return git->second;
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Name.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Using undefined numeric variable '" + Name + "'");
+ return std::make_shared<FileCheckNumExprVar>(Name, 0);
+ }
+/// Parse \p Expr for use of a numeric operand. Accept both literal values
+/// and numeric variables. Return the class representing that operand in the
+/// AST of the numeric expression or nullptr if parsing fails in which case
+/// errors are reported on \p SM. Also return in \p ImplicitFmt the implicit
+/// matching format of the operand and in \p KnownPhase the FileCheck phase
+/// when the value of that operand is known.
+std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExprAST> FileCheckPattern::ParseNumericOperand(
+ StringRef &Expr, const SourceMgr &SM,
+ struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType &ImplicitFmt,
+ enum Check::FileCheckPhase &KnownPhase) const {
+ // Try to parse as a numeric variable use.
+ std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExprVar> NumVar =
+ ParseNumericVariable(Expr, false, SM);
+ if (NumVar != nullptr) {
+ FileCheckNumExpr *NumExpr = NumVar->GetNumExpr();
+ // Variable is not undefined.
+ if (NumExpr != nullptr) {
+ ImplicitFmt = NumExpr->GetFormat();
+ if (NumExpr->GetKnownPhase() == Check::ParsePhase)
+ KnownPhase = Check::ParsePhase;
+ // Variable defined on earlier line. Its value will thus be known when
+ // matching this use.
+ else if (NumVar->GetDefLineNumber() < LineNumber)
+ KnownPhase = Check::MatchPhase;
+ else
+ KnownPhase = Check::CheckPhase;
+ }
+ return NumVar;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, parse it as a literal.
+ int64_t SignedLiteralValue;
+ uint64_t UnsignedLiteralValue;
+ StringRef SaveExpr = Expr;
+ // Accept both signed and unsigned literal.
+ if (!Expr.consumeInteger(0, SignedLiteralValue)) {
+ ImplicitFmt = FmtNone;
+ KnownPhase = Check::ParsePhase;
+ return std::make_shared<FileCheckNumExprLiteral>(SignedLiteralValue);
+ } else {
+ Expr = SaveExpr;
+ if (!Expr.consumeInteger(0, UnsignedLiteralValue)) {
+ ImplicitFmt = FmtNone;
+ KnownPhase = Check::ParsePhase;
+ return std::make_shared<FileCheckNumExprLiteral>(UnsignedLiteralValue);
+ } else
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+/// Parse \p Expr for a binary operation. The left operand of the operand is
+/// given in \p Opl. Return the class representing that binary operation in
+/// the AST of the numeric expression or nullptr if parsing in which case
+/// errors are reported on \p SM. Also return in \p ImplicitFmt the implicit
+/// matching format of the binary operation and in \p KnownPhase the FileCheck
+/// phase when the value of that operand is known.
+std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExprAST> FileCheckPattern::ParseFileCheckBinop(
+ StringRef &Expr, std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExprAST> Opl,
+ const SourceMgr &SM, struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType &ImplicitFmt,
+ enum Check::FileCheckPhase &KnownPhase) const {
+ SkipWhitespace(Expr);
+ if (Expr.empty())
+ return Opl;
+ // Check if this is a supported operation and selection function to perform
+ // it.
+ SMLoc oploc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(Expr.data());
+ char Operator = Next(Expr);
+ binop_eval_t EvalBinop;
+ switch (Operator) {
+ case '+':
+ EvalBinop = FileCheckNumExprVal::Add;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ EvalBinop = FileCheckNumExprVal::Sub;
+ break;
+ default:
+ SM.PrintMessage(oploc, SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ std::string("Unsupported numeric operation '") + Operator +
+ "'");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ SkipWhitespace(Expr);
+ if (Expr.empty())
+ return nullptr;
+ // Parse right operand.
+ struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType OplImplicitFmt = ImplicitFmt;
+ enum Check::FileCheckPhase OplKnownPhase = KnownPhase;
+ std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExprAST> Opr =
+ ParseNumericOperand(Expr, SM, ImplicitFmt, KnownPhase);
+ if (Opr == nullptr)
+ return nullptr;
+ // Compute implicit matching format of the binary operation and indicate
+ // whether the two operands have conflicting implicit format.
+ if (OplImplicitFmt.Set) {
+ if (ImplicitFmt.Set && OplImplicitFmt != ImplicitFmt)
+ ImplicitFmt.Conflict = 1;
+ else
+ ImplicitFmt = OplImplicitFmt;
+ }
+ KnownPhase = OplKnownPhase > KnownPhase ? OplKnownPhase : KnownPhase;
+ return std::make_shared<FileCheckASTBinop>(EvalBinop, Opl, Opr);
+/// Parse \p Expr for a numeric expression. Return the class representing the
+/// AST of numeric expression or nullptr if parsing fails in which case errors
+/// are reported on \p SM. Set \p NumVarDef to the pointer to the class
+/// representing the variable defined to this numeric expression if any.
+std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExpr> FileCheckPattern::ParseNumericExpression(
+ StringRef Expr, std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExprVar> &NumVarDef,
+ const SourceMgr &SM) const {
+ struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType Fmt, ExplicitFmt = FmtNone;
+ // Parse format specifier.
+ size_t FmtSpecEnd = Expr.find(',');
+ if (FmtSpecEnd != StringRef::npos) {
+ SkipWhitespace(Expr);
+ if (Skip(Expr, "%", false /*Optional*/)) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(
+ SMLoc::getFromPointer(Expr.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Invalid matching format specification in numeric expression");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Check for unknown matching format specifier and set matching format in
+ // class instance representing this numeric expression.
+ SMLoc fmtloc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(Expr.data());
+ switch (Next(Expr)) {
+ case 'u':
+ ExplicitFmt = FmtUnsigned;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ ExplicitFmt = FmtSigned;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ ExplicitFmt = FmtLowHex;
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ ExplicitFmt = FmtCapHex;
+ break;
+ default:
+ SM.PrintMessage(fmtloc, SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Invalid format specifier in numeric expression");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ SkipWhitespace(Expr);
+ if (Skip(Expr, ",", false /*Optional*/)) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(
+ SMLoc::getFromPointer(Expr.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Invalid matching format specification in numeric expression");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse numeric variable definition.
+ NumVarDef.reset();
+ size_t DefEnd = Expr.find(':');
+ if (DefEnd != StringRef::npos) {
+ SkipWhitespace(Expr);
+ NumVarDef = ParseNumericVariable(Expr, true /*IsDefinition*/, SM);
+ // Invalid variable definition. Error reporting done in parsing function.
+ if (NumVarDef == nullptr)
+ return nullptr;
+ SkipWhitespace(Expr);
+ if (Skip(Expr, ":", false /*Optional*/))
+ return nullptr;
+ SkipWhitespace(Expr);
+ }
+ // Parse matching constraint.
+ SkipWhitespace(Expr);
+ if (Skip(Expr, "==", true /*Optional*/))
+ return nullptr;
+ // Parse numeric expression itself.
+ std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExprAST> NumExprAST;
+ struct FileCheckNumExprFmtType ImplicitFmt = FmtNone;
+ enum Check::FileCheckPhase KnownPhase;
+ if (Expr.empty())
+ KnownPhase = Check::CheckPhase;
+ else {
+ SkipWhitespace(Expr);
+ NumExprAST = ParseNumericOperand(Expr, SM, ImplicitFmt, KnownPhase);
+ while (NumExprAST != nullptr && !Expr.empty())
+ NumExprAST =
+ ParseFileCheckBinop(Expr, NumExprAST, SM, ImplicitFmt, KnownPhase);
+ if (NumExprAST == nullptr)
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Select explicit matching format if any, implicit one otherwise. Error out
+ // in case of conflicting implicit format without explicit format.
+ if (ExplicitFmt.Set)
+ Fmt = ExplicitFmt;
+ else if (ImplicitFmt.Conflict) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(
+ SMLoc::getFromPointer(Expr.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Variables with conflicting format specifier: need an explicit one");
+ return nullptr;
+ } else
+ Fmt = ImplicitFmt;
+ auto NumExpr =
+ std::make_shared<FileCheckNumExpr>(NumExprAST, Fmt, KnownPhase);
+ if (NumVarDef != nullptr)
+ NumVarDef->SetNumExpr(NumExpr);
+ return NumExpr;
+/// Parse legacy numeric expressions in \p Expr, ie. numeric expressions that
+/// were allowed using the pattern variable syntax before numeric expressions
+/// support was added to FileCheck. Pass \p Name of pseudovariable used in the
+/// expression and pass in \p Trailer the rest of the expression. If parsing
+/// fails, errors are reported on \p SM.
+FileCheckPattern::ParseLegacyNumericExpression(StringRef Expr, StringRef Name,
+ StringRef Trailer,
+ const SourceMgr &SM) const {
+ if (!Name.equals("@LINE")) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Name.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "invalid pseudo variable in named regex");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (!Trailer.empty()) {
+ if (Trailer[0] != '+' && Trailer[0] != '-') {
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Trailer.data()),
+ SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "invalid operator for pseudo variable in named regex");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ Trailer = Trailer.substr(1);
+ int Offset;
+ if (Trailer.getAsInteger(10, Offset)) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Trailer.data()),
+ SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "invalid offset for pseudo variable in named regex");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExprVar> NumVarDef;
+ std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExpr> NumExpr =
+ ParseNumericExpression(Expr, NumVarDef, SM);
+ assert(NumVarDef == nullptr && "Legacy numeric expression sets variable");
+ return NumExpr;
/// Parses the given string into the Pattern.
/// \p Prefix provides which prefix is being matched, \p SM provides the
@@ -39,6 +862,14 @@ bool FileCheckPattern::ParsePattern(StringRef PatternStr, StringRef Prefix,
this->LineNumber = LineNumber;
PatternLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(PatternStr.data());
+ // Create fake @LINE pseudo variable definition.
+ StringRef LinePseudo = "@LINE";
+ uint64_t LineNumber64 = LineNumber;
+ auto LineNumberVal = FileCheckNumExprVal(LineNumber64);
+ auto LinePseudoVar = std::make_shared<FileCheckNumExprVar>(
+ LinePseudo, LineNumberVal, FmtUnsigned, LineNumber);
+ Context->GlobalNumericVariableTable[LinePseudo] = LinePseudoVar;
if (!(Req.NoCanonicalizeWhiteSpace && Req.MatchFullLines))
// Ignore trailing whitespace.
while (!PatternStr.empty() &&
@@ -118,92 +949,215 @@ bool FileCheckPattern::ParsePattern(StringRef PatternStr, StringRef Prefix,
// itself must be of the form "[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*", otherwise we reject
// it. This is to catch some common errors.
if (PatternStr.startswith("[[")) {
+ StringRef MatchStr = PatternStr.substr(2);
+ bool IsNumExpr = MatchStr.consume_front("#");
+ const char *RefTypeStr = IsNumExpr ? "numeric expression" : "named regex";
// Find the closing bracket pair ending the match. End is going to be an
// offset relative to the beginning of the match string.
- size_t End = FindRegexVarEnd(PatternStr.substr(2), SM);
+ size_t End = FindRegexVarEnd(MatchStr, SM);
if (End == StringRef::npos) {
- SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(PatternStr.data()),
- SourceMgr::DK_Error,
- "invalid named regex reference, no ]] found");
+ SM.PrintMessage(
+ SMLoc::getFromPointer(PatternStr.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ std::string("invalid ") + RefTypeStr + " reference, no ]] found");
return true;
- StringRef MatchStr = PatternStr.substr(2, End);
- PatternStr = PatternStr.substr(End + 4);
+ MatchStr = MatchStr.substr(0, End);
+ PatternStr = PatternStr.substr(End + 4 + (int)IsNumExpr);
+ bool CaptureParenNeeded;
+ bool SubstNeeded;
+ bool MatchSubstNeeded;
+ bool IsVarDef;
+ StringRef DefName;
+ StringRef SubstStr;
+ StringRef MatchRegexp;
+ unsigned SubstInsertIdx = RegExStr.size();
+ std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExprVar> NumVarDef;
+ std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExpr> NumExpr;
+ // Parse pattern variable or legacy numeric expression.
+ if (!IsNumExpr) {
+ // Get the regex name (e.g. "foo") and verify it is well formed.
+ bool IsPseudo;
+ unsigned TrailIdx;
+ if (ParseVariable(MatchStr, IsPseudo, TrailIdx)) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(MatchStr.data()),
+ SourceMgr::DK_Error, "invalid name in named regex");
+ return true;
+ }
- // Get the regex name (e.g. "foo").
- size_t NameEnd = MatchStr.find(':');
- StringRef Name = MatchStr.substr(0, NameEnd);
+ StringRef Name = MatchStr.substr(0, TrailIdx);
+ StringRef Trailer = MatchStr.substr(TrailIdx);
+ size_t DefSepIdx = Trailer.find(":");
+ IsVarDef = (DefSepIdx != StringRef::npos);
+ MatchSubstNeeded = !IsVarDef;
+ SubstNeeded = MatchSubstNeeded;
+ CaptureParenNeeded = IsVarDef;
- if (Name.empty()) {
- SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Name.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
- "invalid name in named regex: empty name");
- return true;
- }
+ if (IsVarDef && (IsPseudo || !Trailer.consume_front(":"))) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(MatchStr.data()),
+ SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "invalid name in named regex definition");
+ return true;
+ }
- // Verify that the name/expression is well formed. FileCheck currently
- // supports @LINE, @LINE+number, @LINE-number expressions. The check here
- // is relaxed, more strict check is performed in \c EvaluateExpression.
- bool IsExpression = false;
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Name.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- if (i == 0) {
- if (Name[i] == '$') // Global vars start with '$'
- continue;
- if (Name[i] == '@') {
- if (NameEnd != StringRef::npos) {
- SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Name.data()),
- SourceMgr::DK_Error,
- "invalid name in named regex definition");
+ if (IsVarDef) {
+ // Detect collision between pattern and numeric variable when the
+ // former is created on a later line than the latter.
+ if (Context->GlobalNumericVariableTable.find(Name) !=
+ Context->GlobalNumericVariableTable.end()) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(
+ SMLoc::getFromPointer(MatchStr.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Numeric variable with same name '" + Name + "' exists");
+ return true;
+ }
+ DefName = Name;
+ MatchRegexp = Trailer;
+ } else {
+ SubstStr = MatchStr;
+ // Syntax for pattern variables allowed for simple expressions based
+ // on @LINE pseudo variable (aka legacy numeric expressions) before
+ // numeric expression support was added. Accept those (and only
+ // those) for compatibility.
+ if (IsPseudo) {
+ NumExpr = ParseLegacyNumericExpression(MatchStr, Name, Trailer, SM);
+ if (NumExpr == nullptr)
return true;
- }
- IsExpression = true;
- continue;
+ IsNumExpr = true;
+ } else if (!Trailer.empty()) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Trailer.data()),
+ SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "invalid use of operator in named regex");
+ return true;
- if (Name[i] != '_' && !isalnum(Name[i]) &&
- (!IsExpression || (Name[i] != '+' && Name[i] != '-'))) {
- SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Name.data() + i),
- SourceMgr::DK_Error, "invalid name in named regex");
+ // Parse numeric expression.
+ } else {
+ SubstStr = MatchStr;
+ NumExpr = ParseNumericExpression(SubstStr, NumVarDef, SM);
+ if (NumExpr == nullptr)
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Process numeric expressions and legacy numeric expressions.
+ if (IsNumExpr) {
+ IsVarDef = (NumVarDef != nullptr);
+ if (IsVarDef)
+ DefName = NumVarDef->GetName();
+ // Evaluate the numeric expression if we can already do it so that we
+ // directly add it to the pattern to match and don't have to do a
+ // substitution later.
+ if (NumExpr->GetKnownPhase() == Check::ParsePhase &&
+ NumExpr->SetValueFromEval()) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(
+ SMLoc::getFromPointer(SubstStr.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Failed to evaluate numeric expression known at parse time");
return true;
+ // Expression can be evaluated at match time, it will need a
+ // substitution.
+ MatchSubstNeeded = (NumExpr->GetKnownPhase() == Check::MatchPhase);
+ SubstNeeded = (NumExpr->GetAST() != nullptr);
+ // Expression will only be known after matching is done, matched value
+ // needs to be captured and verified against the constraint of the
+ // numeric expression.
+ if (NumExpr->GetKnownPhase() > Check::MatchPhase) {
+ CaptureParenNeeded = true;
+ FileCheckNumExprMatch NumExprMatch = {NumExpr, CurParen};
+ CapturedNumericExpressions.emplace_back(NumExprMatch);
+ // No capture needed otherwise.
+ } else
+ CaptureParenNeeded = false;
+ // Get the string we need to match if we know it already. This could
+ // be either the value if we already know it or a suitable wildcard
+ // pattern if value would be known after match and needs to be verified
+ // against the constraint of the numeric expression. Numeric
+ // expression whose evaluation is known at match time get an empty
+ // string and a substitution is created instead.
+ std::string MatchString;
+ if (NumExpr->GetMatchString(Check::ParsePhase, MatchString))
+ assert(false && "Failed to get string to match");
+ MatchRegexp = StringRef(MatchString);
- // Name can't start with a digit.
- if (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(Name[0]))) {
- SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Name.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
- "invalid name in named regex");
- return true;
+ // Capturing parentheses are needed. Numeric expressions using variable
+ // defined on the same line need it to do the match in a single pass:
+ // they are matched using an appropriate wildcard pattern and the matched
+ // value gets verified against the constraint of the numeric expression
+ // later.
+ if (CaptureParenNeeded) {
+ RegExStr += '(';
+ // Checking numeric expressions requires substituting them by suitable
+ // wildcard patterns and capturing what these matched to. Adjust
+ // substitution index to be inside the capturing parentheses.
+ ++SubstInsertIdx;
- // Handle [[foo]].
- if (NameEnd == StringRef::npos) {
- // Handle variables that were defined earlier on the same line by
- // emitting a backreference.
- if (VariableDefs.find(Name) != VariableDefs.end()) {
- unsigned VarParenNum = VariableDefs[Name];
- if (VarParenNum < 1 || VarParenNum > 9) {
- SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Name.data()),
- SourceMgr::DK_Error,
- "Can't back-reference more than 9 variables");
- return true;
- }
- AddBackrefToRegEx(VarParenNum);
- } else {
- VariableUses.push_back(std::make_pair(Name, RegExStr.size()));
+ // Handle variable definition: [[<def>:(...)]] and [[#(...)<def>:(...)]].
+ if (IsVarDef) {
+ if (IsNumExpr)
+ // This store is done here rather than in Match() to allow
+ // ParseNumericVariable() to get the pointer to the AST class
+ // instance of the right variable definition corresponding to a
+ // given numeric variable use.
+ Context->GlobalNumericVariableTable[DefName] = NumVarDef;
+ else {
+ VariableDefs[DefName] = CurParen;
+ // Mark pattern variable as defined to detect collision between
+ // pattern and numeric variable in ParseNumericVariable when the
+ // latter is created on a later line than the former. We cannot
+ // reuse GlobalVariableTable by populating it with an empty string
+ // for that since we would then loose the ability to detect use of
+ // undefined variable in Match().
+ Context->DefinedVariableTable[DefName] = true;
- continue;
- // Handle [[foo:.*]].
- VariableDefs[Name] = CurParen;
- RegExStr += '(';
- ++CurParen;
+ if (CaptureParenNeeded)
+ ++CurParen;
- if (AddRegExToRegEx(MatchStr.substr(NameEnd + 1), CurParen, SM))
+ if (!MatchRegexp.empty() && AddRegExToRegEx(MatchRegexp, CurParen, SM))
return true;
- RegExStr += ')';
+ if (CaptureParenNeeded)
+ RegExStr += ')';
+ // Handle use of pattern variables that were defined earlier on the
+ // same line by emitting a backreference. Numeric expressions cannot
+ // be expressed using regexs so are recorded as substitutions to
+ // perform by FileCheck in the matching phase when only using variables
+ // defined on the line. See Match() for how numeric expressions using
+ // any variable defined on the same line are matched.
+ if (!IsNumExpr && VariableDefs.find(SubstStr) != VariableDefs.end()) {
+ unsigned CaptureParen = VariableDefs[SubstStr];
+ if (CaptureParen < 1 || CaptureParen > 9) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(SubstStr.data()),
+ SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Can't back-reference more than 9 variables");
+ return true;
+ }
+ AddBackrefToRegEx(CaptureParen);
+ // Handle use of pattern variables ([[<var>]]) defined in previous CHECK
+ // pattern or use of a numeric expression.
+ } else if (SubstNeeded) {
+ FileCheckPatternSubst Subst =
+ IsNumExpr
+ ? FileCheckPatternSubst(Context, SubstStr, NumExpr,
+ SubstInsertIdx)
+ : FileCheckPatternSubst(Context, SubstStr, SubstInsertIdx);
+ AllSubsts.push_back(Subst);
+ // Handle use of a numeric expression with all variables defined in
+ // previous CHECK pattern.
+ if (MatchSubstNeeded)
+ MatchSubsts.push_back(Subst);
+ }
// Handle fixed string matches.
@@ -243,37 +1197,20 @@ void FileCheckPattern::AddBackrefToRegEx(unsigned BackrefNum) {
RegExStr += Backref;
-/// Evaluates expression and stores the result to \p Value.
-/// Returns true on success and false when the expression has invalid syntax.
-bool FileCheckPattern::EvaluateExpression(StringRef Expr, std::string &Value) const {
- // The only supported expression is @LINE([\+-]\d+)?
- if (!Expr.startswith("@LINE"))
- return false;
- Expr = Expr.substr(StringRef("@LINE").size());
- int Offset = 0;
- if (!Expr.empty()) {
- if (Expr[0] == '+')
- Expr = Expr.substr(1);
- else if (Expr[0] != '-')
- return false;
- if (Expr.getAsInteger(10, Offset))
- return false;
- }
- Value = llvm::itostr(LineNumber + Offset);
- return true;
/// Matches the pattern string against the input buffer \p Buffer
/// This returns the position that is matched or npos if there is no match. If
/// there is a match, the size of the matched string is returned in \p
/// MatchLen.
-/// The \p VariableTable StringMap provides the current values of filecheck
-/// variables and is updated if this match defines new values.
+/// The GlobalVariableTable StringMap provides the current values of FileCheck
+/// pattern variables and is updated if this match defines new values.
+/// Substitutions for numeric expression point to the class instance
+/// representing the numeric expression which is updated when the value is
+/// known, either in this function or in ParsePattern if their value is known
+/// at parse time.
size_t FileCheckPattern::Match(StringRef Buffer, size_t &MatchLen,
- StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable) const {
+ const SourceMgr &SM) const {
// If this is the EOF pattern, match it immediately.
if (CheckTy == Check::CheckEOF) {
MatchLen = 0;
@@ -292,29 +1229,43 @@ size_t FileCheckPattern::Match(StringRef Buffer, size_t &MatchLen,
// actual value.
StringRef RegExToMatch = RegExStr;
std::string TmpStr;
- if (!VariableUses.empty()) {
+ SmallVector<StringRef, 4> MatchInfo;
+ if (!MatchSubsts.empty()) {
TmpStr = RegExStr;
unsigned InsertOffset = 0;
- for (const auto &VariableUse : VariableUses) {
+ // Substitute all pattern variables and numeric expressions whose value is
+ // known just now. Use of pattern variables defined on the same line are
+ // handled by back-references. Numeric expressions whose value is known at
+ // parse time (eg. uses of @LINE pseudo variable) are replaced at parse
+ // time. For numeric expressions using variable defined on the same line,
+ // RegExStr is filled with a suitable wildcard pattern and the constraint
+ // is then verified against the matched value.
+ //
+ // Known issue: Due to the constraints for numeric expressions using
+ // variable defined in earlier line not being expressed at the regular
+ // expression level, the wrong values might be matched, leading to a
+ // constraint check failure. An example of this is what happens when
+ // checking the line "1 3 4" against the directive
+ // "CHECK: [[#N:]] [[#N+1]]" which gets substituted by
+ // "[[:digit:]]+ [[:digit:]]+". This would match 1 3 which then fails the
+ // constraint checks.
+ //
+ // One possible solution would be to augment the regular expression engine
+ // to be able to return all matches for a given pattern. FileCheck could
+ // then test all possibility and fail the check only if none of them
+ // satisfy all numeric expressions. This would work both for numeric
+ // expression using a numeric variable defined on the same line as well as
+ // numeric expressions with a comparison rather than equality constraint.
+ for (const auto &MatchSubst : MatchSubsts) {
+ // Substitute and check for failure (eg. use of undefined variable).
std::string Value;
- if (VariableUse.first[0] == '@') {
- if (!EvaluateExpression(VariableUse.first, Value))
- return StringRef::npos;
- } else {
- StringMap<StringRef>::iterator it =
- VariableTable.find(VariableUse.first);
- // If the variable is undefined, return an error.
- if (it == VariableTable.end())
- return StringRef::npos;
- // Look up the value and escape it so that we can put it into the regex.
- Value += Regex::escape(it->second);
- }
+ if (MatchSubst.Substitute(Value))
+ return StringRef::npos;
// Plop it into the regex at the adjusted offset.
- TmpStr.insert(TmpStr.begin() + VariableUse.second + InsertOffset,
+ TmpStr.insert(TmpStr.begin() + MatchSubst.GetIndex() + InsertOffset,
Value.begin(), Value.end());
InsertOffset += Value.size();
@@ -323,35 +1274,94 @@ size_t FileCheckPattern::Match(StringRef Buffer, size_t &MatchLen,
RegExToMatch = TmpStr;
- SmallVector<StringRef, 4> MatchInfo;
- if (!Regex(RegExToMatch, Regex::Newline).match(Buffer, &MatchInfo))
- return StringRef::npos;
+ bool AllNumExprSatisfied;
+ do {
+ AllNumExprSatisfied = true;
+ if (!Regex(RegExToMatch, Regex::Newline).match(Buffer, &MatchInfo))
+ return StringRef::npos;
- // Successful regex match.
- assert(!MatchInfo.empty() && "Didn't get any match");
- StringRef FullMatch = MatchInfo[0];
+ // Successful regex match.
+ assert(!MatchInfo.empty() && "Didn't get any match");
- // If this defines any variables, remember their values.
- for (const auto &VariableDef : VariableDefs) {
- assert(VariableDef.second < MatchInfo.size() && "Internal paren error");
- VariableTable[VariableDef.first] = MatchInfo[VariableDef.second];
- }
+ // If this defines any pattern variables, remember their values.
+ for (const auto &VariableDef : VariableDefs) {
+ StringRef Name = VariableDef.first;
+ unsigned CaptureParen = VariableDef.second;
+ assert(CaptureParen < MatchInfo.size() && "Internal paren error");
+ StringRef MatchedStr = MatchInfo[CaptureParen];
+ Context->GlobalVariableTable[Name] = MatchedStr;
+ }
+ // Check the matched value satisfies the numeric expression constraint and
+ // store it in the numeric expression if that's the case.
+ for (const auto &CapturedNumericExpression : CapturedNumericExpressions) {
+ assert(CapturedNumericExpression.CaptureParen < MatchInfo.size() &&
+ "Internal paren error");
+ StringRef MatchedStr = MatchInfo[CapturedNumericExpression.CaptureParen];
+ FileCheckNumExpr *NumExpr = CapturedNumericExpression.NumExpr.get();
+ // If numeric expression can be evaluated now, do it and error out if
+ // evaluation fails.
+ bool UnconstrainedVarDef = (NumExpr->GetAST() == nullptr);
+ if (!UnconstrainedVarDef) {
+ if (NumExpr->SetValueFromEval())
+ return StringRef::npos;
+ }
+ // Get numeric value from the matched string according to matching format
+ // of the numeric expression. Error out if this fails.
+ FileCheckNumExprVal MatchedVal;
+ if (NumExpr->ValueFromStringRepr(MatchedStr, MatchedVal)) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(MatchedStr.data()),
+ SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Cannot represent numeric value " + MatchedStr);
+ return StringRef::npos;
+ }
+ // Now verify the constraint of the numeric expression.
+ if (NumExpr->VerifyConstraint(MatchedVal)) {
+ AllNumExprSatisfied = false;
+ // Try matching again from the line following the one matched. There
+ // might be over match in the current line but we have no way to ask
+ // for them to the regular expression engine. However this hazard can
+ // be alleviated if the user write a CHECK pattern that has numeric
+ // expression for all numeric values the line to match contains.
+ Buffer = Buffer.substr(Buffer.find_first_of('\n')).substr(1);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Store verified matched value. This will set variable defined by the
+ // expression if any.
+ if (UnconstrainedVarDef) {
+ if (NumExpr->SetTentativeValue(MatchedVal))
+ assert(false && "Value of numeric expression already set");
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!AllNumExprSatisfied && !Buffer.empty());
+ // All constraints satisfied, make variable definitions final.
+ if (AllNumExprSatisfied) {
+ for (const auto &CapturedNumericExpression : CapturedNumericExpressions) {
+ FileCheckNumExpr *NumExpr = CapturedNumericExpression.NumExpr.get();
+ NumExpr->CommitValue();
+ }
+ // No line with all constraints satisfied found, return failure to match.
+ } else
+ return StringRef::npos;
// Like CHECK-NEXT, CHECK-EMPTY's match range is considered to start after
// the required preceding newline, which is consumed by the pattern in the
// case of CHECK-EMPTY but not CHECK-NEXT.
size_t MatchStartSkip = CheckTy == Check::CheckEmpty;
+ StringRef FullMatch = MatchInfo[0];
MatchLen = FullMatch.size() - MatchStartSkip;
return FullMatch.data() - Buffer.data() + MatchStartSkip;
/// Computes an arbitrary estimate for the quality of matching this pattern at
/// the start of \p Buffer; a distance of zero should correspond to a perfect
/// match.
-FileCheckPattern::ComputeMatchDistance(StringRef Buffer,
- const StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable) const {
+unsigned FileCheckPattern::ComputeMatchDistance(StringRef Buffer) const {
// Just compute the number of matching characters. For regular expressions, we
// just compare against the regex itself and hope for the best.
@@ -368,38 +1378,50 @@ FileCheckPattern::ComputeMatchDistance(StringRef Buffer,
return BufferPrefix.edit_distance(ExampleString);
-void FileCheckPattern::PrintVariableUses(const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
- const StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable,
- SMRange MatchRange) const {
- // If this was a regular expression using variables, print the current
- // variable values.
- if (!VariableUses.empty()) {
- for (const auto &VariableUse : VariableUses) {
+/// Print value of successful substitutions or name of undefined pattern or
+/// numeric variables preventing such a successful substitution.
+/// Note: Numeric expressions known at parse time are not shown here since no
+/// substitution gets created for them but hopefully if the value is known at
+/// parse time the value should be obvious (except in case of bug in FileCheck
+/// itself). Numeric expression using numeric variables defined on the same
+/// line are not shown either.
+void FileCheckPattern::PrintSubsts(const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
+ SMRange MatchRange) const {
+ // Print info what we know about substitutions. This covers both uses of
+ // pattern variables and numeric subsitutions as long as they only use
+ // variables defined in earlier lines.
+ if (!AllSubsts.empty()) {
+ for (const auto &Subst : AllSubsts) {
SmallString<256> Msg;
raw_svector_ostream OS(Msg);
- StringRef Var = VariableUse.first;
- if (Var[0] == '@') {
- std::string Value;
- if (EvaluateExpression(Var, Value)) {
- OS << "with expression \"";
- OS.write_escaped(Var) << "\" equal to \"";
- OS.write_escaped(Value) << "\"";
- } else {
- OS << "uses incorrect expression \"";
- OS.write_escaped(Var) << "\"";
+ bool IsNumExpr = Subst.IsNumExpr();
+ std::string Val;
+ // Substitution failed or is not known at match time, print undefined
+ // variables it uses.
+ if (Subst.MatchedValue(Val)) {
+ std::vector<StringRef> UndefVarNames;
+ Subst.GetUndefVarNames(UndefVarNames);
+ if (UndefVarNames.empty())
+ continue;
+ if (IsNumExpr)
+ OS << "uses undefined numeric variables";
+ else
+ OS << "uses undefined variable";
+ for (auto UndefVarName : UndefVarNames) {
+ OS << " \"";
+ OS.write_escaped(UndefVarName) << "\"";
+ // Substitution succeeded and numeric expression satisfied its
+ // constraint. Print substituted value.
} else {
- StringMap<StringRef>::const_iterator it = VariableTable.find(Var);
- // Check for undefined variable references.
- if (it == VariableTable.end()) {
- OS << "uses undefined variable \"";
- OS.write_escaped(Var) << "\"";
- } else {
+ if (IsNumExpr)
+ OS << "with numeric expression \"";
+ else
OS << "with variable \"";
- OS.write_escaped(Var) << "\" equal to \"";
- OS.write_escaped(it->second) << "\"";
- }
+ OS.write_escaped(Subst.GetSubstString()) << "\" equal to \"";
+ OS.write_escaped(Val) << "\"";
if (MatchRange.isValid())
@@ -432,7 +1454,6 @@ static SMRange ProcessMatchResult(FileCheckDiag::MatchType MatchTy,
void FileCheckPattern::PrintFuzzyMatch(
const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
- const StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable,
std::vector<FileCheckDiag> *Diags) const {
// Attempt to find the closest/best fuzzy match. Usually an error happens
// because some string in the output didn't exactly match. In these cases, we
@@ -454,7 +1475,7 @@ void FileCheckPattern::PrintFuzzyMatch(
// Compute the "quality" of this match as an arbitrary combination of the
// match distance and the number of lines skipped to get to this match.
- unsigned Distance = ComputeMatchDistance(Buffer.substr(i), VariableTable);
+ unsigned Distance = ComputeMatchDistance(Buffer.substr(i));
double Quality = Distance + (NumLinesForward / 100.);
if (Quality < BestQuality || Best == StringRef::npos) {
@@ -478,6 +1499,18 @@ void FileCheckPattern::PrintFuzzyMatch(
+/// Store in \p VarValue the matched value for pattern variable \p VarName if
+/// defined. Return whether \p VarName is undefined.
+bool FileCheckPatternContext::GetPatternVarValue(StringRef VarName,
+ StringRef &VarValue) {
+ auto git = GlobalVariableTable.find(VarName);
+ if (git == GlobalVariableTable.end())
+ return true;
+ VarValue = git->second;
+ return false;
/// Finds the closing sequence of a regex variable usage or definition.
/// \p Str has to point in the beginning of the definition (right after the
@@ -748,9 +1781,15 @@ FindFirstMatchingPrefix(Regex &PrefixRE, StringRef &Buffer,
/// The strings are added to the CheckStrings vector. Returns true in case of
/// an error, false otherwise.
-bool llvm::FileCheck::ReadCheckFile(SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
- Regex &PrefixRE,
- std::vector<FileCheckString> &CheckStrings) {
+bool llvm::FileCheck::ReadCheckFile(
+ SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer, Regex &PrefixRE,
+ std::vector<FileCheckString> &CheckStrings) {
+ auto *PatternContext = new FileCheckPatternContext();
+ // Process command-line definition of variables at parse time so that numeric
+ // expression can refer to numeric variable defined on the command-line.
+ if (PatternContext->DefineCmdlineVariables(Req.GlobalDefines, SM))
+ return true;
std::vector<FileCheckPattern> ImplicitNegativeChecks;
for (const auto &PatternString : Req.ImplicitCheckNot) {
// Create a buffer with fake command line content in order to display the
@@ -764,7 +1803,8 @@ bool llvm::FileCheck::ReadCheckFile(SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
CmdLine->getBuffer().substr(Prefix.size(), PatternString.size());
SM.AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(CmdLine), SMLoc());
- ImplicitNegativeChecks.push_back(FileCheckPattern(Check::CheckNot));
+ ImplicitNegativeChecks.push_back(
+ FileCheckPattern(Check::CheckNot, PatternContext));
@@ -827,7 +1867,7 @@ bool llvm::FileCheck::ReadCheckFile(SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
SMLoc PatternLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(Buffer.data());
// Parse the pattern.
- FileCheckPattern P(CheckTy);
+ FileCheckPattern P(CheckTy, PatternContext);
if (P.ParsePattern(Buffer.substr(0, EOL), UsedPrefix, SM, LineNumber, Req))
return true;
@@ -871,7 +1911,8 @@ bool llvm::FileCheck::ReadCheckFile(SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
// Add an EOF pattern for any trailing CHECK-DAG/-NOTs, and use the first
// prefix as a filler for the error message.
if (!DagNotMatches.empty()) {
- CheckStrings.emplace_back(FileCheckPattern(Check::CheckEOF), *Req.CheckPrefixes.begin(),
+ CheckStrings.emplace_back(FileCheckPattern(Check::CheckEOF, PatternContext),
+ *Req.CheckPrefixes.begin(),
std::swap(DagNotMatches, CheckStrings.back().DagNotStrings);
@@ -897,8 +1938,7 @@ bool llvm::FileCheck::ReadCheckFile(SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
static void PrintMatch(bool ExpectedMatch, const SourceMgr &SM,
StringRef Prefix, SMLoc Loc, const FileCheckPattern &Pat,
- int MatchedCount, StringRef Buffer,
- StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable, size_t MatchPos,
+ int MatchedCount, StringRef Buffer, size_t MatchPos,
size_t MatchLen, const FileCheckRequest &Req,
std::vector<FileCheckDiag> *Diags) {
if (ExpectedMatch) {
@@ -922,24 +1962,22 @@ static void PrintMatch(bool ExpectedMatch, const SourceMgr &SM,
Loc, ExpectedMatch ? SourceMgr::DK_Remark : SourceMgr::DK_Error, Message);
SM.PrintMessage(MatchRange.Start, SourceMgr::DK_Note, "found here",
- Pat.PrintVariableUses(SM, Buffer, VariableTable, MatchRange);
+ Pat.PrintSubsts(SM, Buffer, MatchRange);
static void PrintMatch(bool ExpectedMatch, const SourceMgr &SM,
const FileCheckString &CheckStr, int MatchedCount,
- StringRef Buffer, StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable,
- size_t MatchPos, size_t MatchLen, FileCheckRequest &Req,
+ StringRef Buffer, size_t MatchPos, size_t MatchLen,
+ FileCheckRequest &Req,
std::vector<FileCheckDiag> *Diags) {
PrintMatch(ExpectedMatch, SM, CheckStr.Prefix, CheckStr.Loc, CheckStr.Pat,
- MatchedCount, Buffer, VariableTable, MatchPos, MatchLen, Req,
- Diags);
+ MatchedCount, Buffer, MatchPos, MatchLen, Req, Diags);
static void PrintNoMatch(bool ExpectedMatch, const SourceMgr &SM,
StringRef Prefix, SMLoc Loc,
const FileCheckPattern &Pat, int MatchedCount,
- StringRef Buffer, StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable,
- bool VerboseVerbose,
+ StringRef Buffer, bool VerboseVerbose,
std::vector<FileCheckDiag> *Diags) {
if (!ExpectedMatch && !VerboseVerbose)
@@ -965,19 +2003,18 @@ static void PrintNoMatch(bool ExpectedMatch, const SourceMgr &SM,
SM.PrintMessage(SearchRange.Start, SourceMgr::DK_Note, "scanning from here");
// Allow the pattern to print additional information if desired.
- Pat.PrintVariableUses(SM, Buffer, VariableTable);
+ Pat.PrintSubsts(SM, Buffer);
if (ExpectedMatch)
- Pat.PrintFuzzyMatch(SM, Buffer, VariableTable, Diags);
+ Pat.PrintFuzzyMatch(SM, Buffer, Diags);
static void PrintNoMatch(bool ExpectedMatch, const SourceMgr &SM,
const FileCheckString &CheckStr, int MatchedCount,
- StringRef Buffer, StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable,
- bool VerboseVerbose,
+ StringRef Buffer, bool VerboseVerbose,
std::vector<FileCheckDiag> *Diags) {
PrintNoMatch(ExpectedMatch, SM, CheckStr.Prefix, CheckStr.Loc, CheckStr.Pat,
- MatchedCount, Buffer, VariableTable, VerboseVerbose, Diags);
+ MatchedCount, Buffer, VerboseVerbose, Diags);
/// Count the number of newlines in the specified range.
@@ -1006,7 +2043,6 @@ static unsigned CountNumNewlinesBetween(StringRef Range,
/// Match check string and its "not strings" and/or "dag strings".
size_t FileCheckString::Check(const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
bool IsLabelScanMode, size_t &MatchLen,
- StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable,
FileCheckRequest &Req,
std::vector<FileCheckDiag> *Diags) const {
size_t LastPos = 0;
@@ -1018,7 +2054,7 @@ size_t FileCheckString::Check(const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
// over the block again (including the last CHECK-LABEL) in normal mode.
if (!IsLabelScanMode) {
// Match "dag strings" (with mixed "not strings" if any).
- LastPos = CheckDag(SM, Buffer, NotStrings, VariableTable, Req, Diags);
+ LastPos = CheckDag(SM, Buffer, NotStrings, Req, Diags);
if (LastPos == StringRef::npos)
return StringRef::npos;
@@ -1033,18 +2069,17 @@ size_t FileCheckString::Check(const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
StringRef MatchBuffer = Buffer.substr(LastMatchEnd);
size_t CurrentMatchLen;
// get a match at current start point
- size_t MatchPos = Pat.Match(MatchBuffer, CurrentMatchLen, VariableTable);
+ size_t MatchPos = Pat.Match(MatchBuffer, CurrentMatchLen, SM);
if (i == 1)
FirstMatchPos = LastPos + MatchPos;
// report
if (MatchPos == StringRef::npos) {
- PrintNoMatch(true, SM, *this, i, MatchBuffer, VariableTable,
- Req.VerboseVerbose, Diags);
+ PrintNoMatch(true, SM, *this, i, MatchBuffer, Req.VerboseVerbose, Diags);
return StringRef::npos;
- PrintMatch(true, SM, *this, i, MatchBuffer, VariableTable, MatchPos,
- CurrentMatchLen, Req, Diags);
+ PrintMatch(true, SM, *this, i, MatchBuffer, MatchPos, CurrentMatchLen, Req,
+ Diags);
// move start point after the match
LastMatchEnd += MatchPos + CurrentMatchLen;
@@ -1079,7 +2114,7 @@ size_t FileCheckString::Check(const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
// If this match had "not strings", verify that they don't exist in the
// skipped region.
- if (CheckNot(SM, SkippedRegion, NotStrings, VariableTable, Req, Diags))
+ if (CheckNot(SM, SkippedRegion, NotStrings, Req, Diags))
return StringRef::npos;
@@ -1165,22 +2200,21 @@ bool FileCheckString::CheckSame(const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer) const {
bool FileCheckString::CheckNot(
const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
const std::vector<const FileCheckPattern *> &NotStrings,
- StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable, const FileCheckRequest &Req,
- std::vector<FileCheckDiag> *Diags) const {
+ const FileCheckRequest &Req, std::vector<FileCheckDiag> *Diags) const {
for (const FileCheckPattern *Pat : NotStrings) {
assert((Pat->getCheckTy() == Check::CheckNot) && "Expect CHECK-NOT!");
size_t MatchLen = 0;
- size_t Pos = Pat->Match(Buffer, MatchLen, VariableTable);
+ size_t Pos = Pat->Match(Buffer, MatchLen, SM);
if (Pos == StringRef::npos) {
PrintNoMatch(false, SM, Prefix, Pat->getLoc(), *Pat, 1, Buffer,
- VariableTable, Req.VerboseVerbose, Diags);
+ Req.VerboseVerbose, Diags);
- PrintMatch(false, SM, Prefix, Pat->getLoc(), *Pat, 1, Buffer, VariableTable,
- Pos, MatchLen, Req, Diags);
+ PrintMatch(false, SM, Prefix, Pat->getLoc(), *Pat, 1, Buffer, Pos, MatchLen,
+ Req, Diags);
return true;
@@ -1192,7 +2226,6 @@ bool FileCheckString::CheckNot(
FileCheckString::CheckDag(const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
std::vector<const FileCheckPattern *> &NotStrings,
- StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable,
const FileCheckRequest &Req,
std::vector<FileCheckDiag> *Diags) const {
if (DagNotStrings.empty())
@@ -1233,19 +2266,19 @@ FileCheckString::CheckDag(const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
// CHECK-DAG group.
for (auto MI = MatchRanges.begin(), ME = MatchRanges.end(); true; ++MI) {
StringRef MatchBuffer = Buffer.substr(MatchPos);
- size_t MatchPosBuf = Pat.Match(MatchBuffer, MatchLen, VariableTable);
+ size_t MatchPosBuf = Pat.Match(MatchBuffer, MatchLen, SM);
// With a group of CHECK-DAGs, a single mismatching means the match on
// that group of CHECK-DAGs fails immediately.
if (MatchPosBuf == StringRef::npos) {
PrintNoMatch(true, SM, Prefix, Pat.getLoc(), Pat, 1, MatchBuffer,
- VariableTable, Req.VerboseVerbose, Diags);
+ Req.VerboseVerbose, Diags);
return StringRef::npos;
// Re-calc it as the offset relative to the start of the original string.
MatchPos += MatchPosBuf;
if (Req.VerboseVerbose)
- PrintMatch(true, SM, Prefix, Pat.getLoc(), Pat, 1, Buffer,
- VariableTable, MatchPos, MatchLen, Req, Diags);
+ PrintMatch(true, SM, Prefix, Pat.getLoc(), Pat, 1, Buffer, MatchPos,
+ MatchLen, Req, Diags);
MatchRange M{MatchPos, MatchPos + MatchLen};
if (Req.AllowDeprecatedDagOverlap) {
// We don't need to track all matches in this mode, so we just maintain
@@ -1288,8 +2321,8 @@ FileCheckString::CheckDag(const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
MatchPos = MI->End;
if (!Req.VerboseVerbose)
- PrintMatch(true, SM, Prefix, Pat.getLoc(), Pat, 1, Buffer, VariableTable,
- MatchPos, MatchLen, Req, Diags);
+ PrintMatch(true, SM, Prefix, Pat.getLoc(), Pat, 1, Buffer, MatchPos,
+ MatchLen, Req, Diags);
// Handle the end of a CHECK-DAG group.
if (std::next(PatItr) == PatEnd ||
@@ -1300,7 +2333,7 @@ FileCheckString::CheckDag(const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
// region.
StringRef SkippedRegion =
Buffer.slice(StartPos, MatchRanges.begin()->Pos);
- if (CheckNot(SM, SkippedRegion, NotStrings, VariableTable, Req, Diags))
+ if (CheckNot(SM, SkippedRegion, NotStrings, Req, Diags))
return StringRef::npos;
// Clear "not strings".
@@ -1364,16 +2397,103 @@ Regex llvm::FileCheck::buildCheckPrefixRegex() {
return Regex(PrefixRegexStr);
-// Remove local variables from \p VariableTable. Global variables
-// (start with '$') are preserved.
-static void ClearLocalVars(StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable) {
- SmallVector<StringRef, 16> LocalVars;
- for (const auto &Var : VariableTable)
+/// Define pattern and numeric variables from definitions given on the command
+/// line passed as a vector of VAR=VAL strings in \p CmdlineDefines. Report
+/// any error to \p SM.
+bool FileCheckPatternContext::DefineCmdlineVariables(
+ std::vector<std::string> &CmdlineDefines, SourceMgr &SM) {
+ static bool CmdlineVariablesDefined = false;
+ if (CmdlineVariablesDefined)
+ return true;
+ CmdlineVariablesDefined = true;
+ // Dummy pattern to call ParseNumericExpression
+ FileCheckPattern P(Check::CheckPlain, this);
+ bool ErrorFound = false;
+ for (const auto &CmdlineDef : CmdlineDefines) {
+ // Numeric variable definition. Same format as numeric expression with
+ // variable definition where ':' is replaced by '='
+ if (CmdlineDef[0] == '#') {
+ // Copy command-line definition text with leading '#' stripped and
+ // replace '=' by ':' to be able to reuse ParseNumericExpression.
+ // Create a buffer with fake command line content in order to display
+ // parsing diagnostic with location information and point to the
+ // command-line option with invalid syntax.
+ std::string Prefix = "-D";
+ std::string Suffix1 = " (parsed as: [[";
+ std::string Suffix2 = CmdlineDef;
+ size_t EqIdx = Suffix2.find('=');
+ Suffix2[EqIdx] = ':';
+ std::string Suffix3 = "]])";
+ std::string DiagCmdline =
+ Prefix + CmdlineDef + Suffix1 + Suffix2 + Suffix3;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> CmdLine =
+ MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(DiagCmdline, "command line");
+ StringRef DiagCmdlineDefRef = CmdLine->getBuffer();
+ SM.AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(CmdLine), SMLoc());
+ // Now parse to both check syntax is correct and create the necessary
+ // class instance.
+ size_t NumExprStartIdx =
+ Prefix.size() + CmdlineDef.size() + Suffix1.size() + 1;
+ StringRef CmdlineDefRef =
+ DiagCmdlineDefRef.substr(NumExprStartIdx).drop_back(Suffix3.size());
+ std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExprVar> NumVarDef;
+ std::shared_ptr<FileCheckNumExpr> NumExpr =
+ P.ParseNumericExpression(CmdlineDefRef, NumVarDef, SM);
+ if (NumVarDef == nullptr) {
+ ErrorFound = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ NumExpr->SetValueFromEval();
+ // Record this variable definition.
+ GlobalNumericVariableTable[NumVarDef->GetName()] = NumVarDef;
+ // Pattern variable definition
+ } else {
+ std::string Prefix = "-D";
+ std::string DiagCmdline = Prefix + CmdlineDef;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> CmdLine =
+ MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(DiagCmdline, "command line");
+ StringRef CmdlineDefRef = CmdLine->getBuffer().substr(Prefix.size());
+ SM.AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(CmdLine), SMLoc());
+ bool IsPseudo;
+ unsigned TrailIdx;
+ std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> CmdlineNameVal = CmdlineDefRef.split('=');
+ StringRef Name = CmdlineNameVal.first;
+ if (P.ParseVariable(Name, IsPseudo, TrailIdx) || IsPseudo ||
+ TrailIdx != Name.size()) {
+ SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(CmdlineDefRef.data()),
+ SourceMgr::DK_Error,
+ "Invalid name for variable definition '" + Name + "'");
+ ErrorFound = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ GlobalVariableTable.insert(CmdlineDefRef.split('='));
+ }
+ }
+ return ErrorFound;
+/// Undefine local variables (variables whose name does not start with a '$'
+/// sign), ie remove them from GlobalVariableTable.
+void FileCheckPatternContext::ClearLocalVars(void) {
+ SmallVector<StringRef, 16> LocalPatternVars, LocalNumericVars;
+ for (const auto &Var : GlobalVariableTable)
+ if (Var.first()[0] != '$')
+ LocalPatternVars.push_back(Var.first());
+ for (const auto &Var : GlobalNumericVariableTable)
if (Var.first()[0] != '$')
- LocalVars.push_back(Var.first());
+ LocalNumericVars.push_back(Var.first());
- for (const auto &Var : LocalVars)
- VariableTable.erase(Var);
+ for (const auto &Var : LocalPatternVars)
+ GlobalVariableTable.erase(Var);
+ for (const auto &Var : LocalNumericVars)
+ GlobalNumericVariableTable.erase(Var);
/// Check the input to FileCheck provided in the \p Buffer against the \p
@@ -1385,12 +2505,8 @@ bool llvm::FileCheck::CheckInput(SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
std::vector<FileCheckDiag> *Diags) {
bool ChecksFailed = false;
- /// VariableTable - This holds all the current filecheck variables.
- StringMap<StringRef> VariableTable;
- for (const auto& Def : Req.GlobalDefines)
- VariableTable.insert(StringRef(Def).split('='));
+ FileCheckPatternContext *Context =
+ CheckStrings.empty() ? nullptr : CheckStrings[0].Pat.GetContext();
unsigned i = 0, j = 0, e = CheckStrings.size();
while (true) {
StringRef CheckRegion;
@@ -1405,10 +2521,10 @@ bool llvm::FileCheck::CheckInput(SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
// Scan to next CHECK-LABEL match, ignoring CHECK-NOT and CHECK-DAG
size_t MatchLabelLen = 0;
- size_t MatchLabelPos = CheckLabelStr.Check(
- SM, Buffer, true, MatchLabelLen, VariableTable, Req, Diags);
+ size_t MatchLabelPos =
+ CheckLabelStr.Check(SM, Buffer, true, MatchLabelLen, Req, Diags);
if (MatchLabelPos == StringRef::npos)
- // Immediately bail of CHECK-LABEL fails, nothing else we can do.
+ // Immediately bail if CHECK-LABEL fails, nothing else we can do.
return false;
CheckRegion = Buffer.substr(0, MatchLabelPos + MatchLabelLen);
@@ -1416,8 +2532,8 @@ bool llvm::FileCheck::CheckInput(SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
- if (Req.EnableVarScope)
- ClearLocalVars(VariableTable);
+ if (Req.EnableVarScope && Context != nullptr)
+ Context->ClearLocalVars();
for (; i != j; ++i) {
const FileCheckString &CheckStr = CheckStrings[i];
@@ -1425,8 +2541,8 @@ bool llvm::FileCheck::CheckInput(SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
// Check each string within the scanned region, including a second check
// of any final CHECK-LABEL (to verify CHECK-NOT and CHECK-DAG)
size_t MatchLen = 0;
- size_t MatchPos = CheckStr.Check(SM, CheckRegion, false, MatchLen,
- VariableTable, Req, Diags);
+ size_t MatchPos =
+ CheckStr.Check(SM, CheckRegion, false, MatchLen, Req, Diags);
if (MatchPos == StringRef::npos) {
ChecksFailed = true;
@@ -1440,6 +2556,7 @@ bool llvm::FileCheck::CheckInput(SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
if (j == e)
+ delete Context;
// Success if no checks failed.
return !ChecksFailed;