This directory contains useful tools when handling backports of GCC patches.

Required GCC sources layout

These scripts expect the following GCC sources layout in order to be
able to operate.

  gcc-fsf-svn: (Contains svn co from FSF GCC)
  gcc-linaro-git: (Contains clones from Linaro GCC git repo)

Review scripts:
These scripts help the review process.

* linaro-gcc-git-review-backport-patch.sh
Downloads the git patch being reviewed, its svn counterpart and
compares both.  Differences in the context lines are kept, and can be
ignored in most cases. Be careful however, no to miss something.

* linaro-gcc-git-review-backport-tree.sh
Downloads the git patch being reviewed, as well as its svn counterpart.
Creates two GCC sources (clones of the linaro-4.9 branch) and apply
one of the patches in each.
Then, recursively compare the trees.

Differences in the ChangeLog.linaro files are still expected since the
script does not reconstruct the 'Backport from trunk XXXX'

* ediff
Shell scripts which calls emacs in diff mode, to help compare two files.

* _emacs-diff.el
Helper for the 'ediff' script.