AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-10-16Provide the absolute path of the apkHEADmasterVishal Bhoj
2015-10-13run.py: --target option extended to support device nameMilosz Wasilewski
2015-10-12Do not put `.pkl` files in the build directory.Alexandre Rames
2015-10-12Fix execution of `build.sh` and `run.py` non-root paths.Alexandre Rames
2015-10-12Add a run of `compare.py` to the tests.Alexandre Rames
2015-10-08Add control flow recursive micro benchmark case.Zhongwei Yao
2015-10-06A couple more fixes.Serban Constantinescu
2015-10-06Refactor directory structure.Serban Constantinescu
2015-10-01Fix compare.pyStuart Monteith
2015-09-28Reformat the deprecated benchmark files.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-28Reformat framework java files.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-28Reformat `benchmarks/micro/Intrinsics.java` using checkstyle.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-28Add checktyle to the tests.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-28Add a linter script that uses `checkstyle`.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-28Introduce the `checkstyle` tool.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-28Use the paths defined by `utils.py` in `test.py`.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-22Use the java app to list available benchmarks.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-22Test `run.py` without auto-calibration in the test script.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-22Fix the build script to work from other directories.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-22Make the build script build for host by default.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-22Have coherent benchmark identifiers.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-21Move `utils.py` to `tools/utils_stats.py`.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-21Fix the build script.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-18Fixes for Mac.Scott Wakeling
2015-09-18Merge "Simplify the build script."Scott Wakeling
2015-09-18Merge "Improve the way subtests are specified to the app."Scott Wakeling
2015-09-18Merge "Add a basic test script to the repository."Scott Wakeling
2015-09-18Merge "Improve the help for run.py `--filter-out` option."Scott Wakeling
2015-09-18Merge "Minor simplification in `run.py`."Scott Wakeling
2015-09-18Merge "Minor fix for .gitignore."Scott Wakeling
2015-09-17Simplify the build script.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-17Improve the way subtests are specified to the app.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-17Add a basic test script to the repository.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-17Improve the help for run.py `--filter-out` option.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-17Minor simplification in `run.py`.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-17Minor fix for .gitignore.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-17Run quickly by default, longer by specific request.Scott Wakeling
2015-09-17Only add java files to initial unfiltered list of all benchmarks.Scott Wakeling
2015-09-17Default to run on host with no other args specified.Scott Wakeling
2015-09-17Convert README to markdown and add test details section (focus etc.).Scott Wakeling
2015-09-15Clean the build script after recent repository structure changes.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-15Remove the filter option from the build script.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-15Move the benchmark framework code out of the benchmarks directory.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-15Move the framework code from com/arm/microbench to org/linaro/bench.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-15Add a new `--filter-out` option.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-15Reorganise the benchmarks directory.Alexandre Rames
2015-09-15Allow having a directory structure for the benchmarks.Alexandre Rames
2015-08-28Allow specifying the name of the output `.pkl` file on the command line.Alexandre Rames
2015-08-27Fix some uses of global variables in `run.py`.Alexandre Rames
2015-08-27Fix the Intrinsics benchmark when running without auto-calibration.Alexandre Rames