path: root/example/ipsec/odp_ipsec_stream.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'example/ipsec/odp_ipsec_stream.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 635 deletions
diff --git a/example/ipsec/odp_ipsec_stream.c b/example/ipsec/odp_ipsec_stream.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e37fbee29..000000000
--- a/example/ipsec/odp_ipsec_stream.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2014, Linaro Limited
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- */
-/* enable strtok */
-#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <openssl/des.h>
-#include <openssl/rand.h>
-#include <openssl/hmac.h>
-#include <openssl/evp.h>
-#include <example_debug.h>
-#include <odp_api.h>
-#include <odp/helper/odph_api.h>
-#include <odp_ipsec_stream.h>
-#include <odp_ipsec_loop_db.h>
-#define STREAM_MAGIC 0xBABE01234567CAFE
-#define LOOP_DEQ_COUNT 32 /**< packets to dequeue at once */
- * Stream packet header
- */
-typedef struct ODP_PACKED stream_pkt_hdr_s {
- odp_u64be_t magic; /**< Stream magic value for verification */
- uint8_t data[0]; /**< Incrementing data stream */
-} stream_pkt_hdr_t;
-stream_db_t *stream_db;
-void init_stream_db(void)
- odp_shm_t shm;
- shm = odp_shm_reserve("stream_db",
- sizeof(stream_db_t),
- 0);
- stream_db = odp_shm_addr(shm);
- if (stream_db == NULL) {
- EXAMPLE_ERR("Error: shared mem alloc failed.\n");
- }
- memset(stream_db, 0, sizeof(*stream_db));
-int create_stream_db_entry(char *input)
- int pos = 0;
- char *local;
- char *str;
- char *save;
- char *token;
- stream_db_entry_t *entry = &stream_db->array[stream_db->index];
- /* Verify we have a good entry */
- if (MAX_DB <= stream_db->index)
- return -1;
- /* Make a local copy */
- local = malloc(strlen(input) + 1);
- if (NULL == local)
- return -1;
- strcpy(local, input);
- /* Setup for using "strtok_r" to search input string */
- str = local;
- save = NULL;
- /* Parse tokens separated by ':' */
- while (NULL != (token = strtok_r(str, ":", &save))) {
- str = NULL; /* reset str for subsequent strtok_r calls */
- /* Parse token based on its position */
- switch (pos) {
- case 0:
- parse_ipv4_string(token, &entry->src_ip, NULL);
- break;
- case 1:
- parse_ipv4_string(token, &entry->dst_ip, NULL);
- break;
- case 2:
- entry->input.loop = loop_if_index(token);
- if (entry->input.loop < 0) {
- EXAMPLE_ERR("Error: stream must have input"
- " loop\n");
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- entry->output.loop = loop_if_index(token);
- break;
- case 4:
- entry->count = atoi(token);
- break;
- case 5:
- entry->length = atoi(token);
- if (entry->length < sizeof(stream_pkt_hdr_t))
- entry->length = 0;
- else
- entry->length -= sizeof(stream_pkt_hdr_t);
- break;
- default:
- printf("ERROR: extra token \"%s\" at position %d\n",
- token, pos);
- break;
- }
- /* Advance to next position */
- pos++;
- }
- /* Verify we parsed exactly the number of tokens we expected */
- if (6 != pos) {
- printf("ERROR: \"%s\" contains %d tokens, expected 6\n",
- input,
- pos);
- free(local);
- return -1;
- }
- /* Add stream to the list */
- entry->id = stream_db->index++;
- entry->next = stream_db->list;
- stream_db->list = entry;
- free(local);
- return 0;
-void resolve_stream_db(void)
- stream_db_entry_t *stream = NULL;
- /* For each stream look for input and output IPsec entries */
- for (stream = stream_db->list; NULL != stream; stream = stream->next) {
- ipsec_cache_entry_t *entry;
- /* Lookup input entry */
- entry = find_ipsec_cache_entry_in(stream->src_ip,
- stream->dst_ip,
- NULL);
- stream->input.entry = entry;
- /* Lookup output entry */
- entry = find_ipsec_cache_entry_out(stream->src_ip,
- stream->dst_ip,
- 0);
- stream->output.entry = entry;
- }
-odp_packet_t create_ipv4_packet(stream_db_entry_t *stream,
- uint8_t *dmac,
- odp_pool_t pkt_pool)
- ipsec_cache_entry_t *entry = NULL;
- odp_packet_t pkt;
- uint8_t *base;
- uint8_t *data;
- odph_ethhdr_t *eth;
- odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip;
- odph_ipv4hdr_t *inner_ip = NULL;
- odph_ahhdr_t *ah = NULL;
- odph_esphdr_t *esp = NULL;
- odph_icmphdr_t *icmp;
- stream_pkt_hdr_t *test;
- unsigned i;
- if (stream->input.entry)
- entry = stream->input.entry;
- else if (stream->output.entry)
- entry = stream->output.entry;
- /* Get packet */
- pkt = odp_packet_alloc(pkt_pool, 0);
- if (ODP_PACKET_INVALID == pkt)
- base = odp_packet_data(pkt);
- data = odp_packet_data(pkt);
- /* Ethernet */
- odp_packet_has_eth_set(pkt, 1);
- eth = (odph_ethhdr_t *)data;
- data += sizeof(*eth);
- memset((char *)eth->src.addr, (0x80 | stream->id), ODPH_ETHADDR_LEN);
- memcpy((char *)eth->dst.addr, dmac, ODPH_ETHADDR_LEN);
- eth->type = odp_cpu_to_be_16(ODPH_ETHTYPE_IPV4);
- /* IPv4 */
- odp_packet_has_ipv4_set(pkt, 1);
- ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)data;
- data += sizeof(*ip);
- /* Wait until almost finished to fill in mutable fields */
- memset((char *)ip, 0, sizeof(*ip));
- ip->ver_ihl = 0x45;
- ip->id = odp_cpu_to_be_16(stream->id);
- /* Outer IP header in tunnel mode */
- if (entry && entry->mode == IPSEC_SA_MODE_TUNNEL &&
- (entry == stream->input.entry)) {
- ip->proto = ODPH_IPV4;
- ip->src_addr = odp_cpu_to_be_32(entry->tun_src_ip);
- ip->dst_addr = odp_cpu_to_be_32(entry->tun_dst_ip);
- } else {
- ip->proto = ODPH_IPPROTO_ICMPv4;
- ip->src_addr = odp_cpu_to_be_32(stream->src_ip);
- ip->dst_addr = odp_cpu_to_be_32(stream->dst_ip);
- }
- /* AH (if specified) */
- if (entry && (entry == stream->input.entry) &&
- (ODP_AUTH_ALG_NULL != entry->ah.alg)) {
- if (entry->ah.alg != ODP_AUTH_ALG_MD5_HMAC &&
- entry->ah.alg != ODP_AUTH_ALG_SHA256_HMAC)
- abort();
- ah = (odph_ahhdr_t *)data;
- data += sizeof(*ah);
- data += entry->ah.icv_len;
- memset((char *)ah, 0, sizeof(*ah) + entry->ah.icv_len);
- ah->ah_len = 1 + (entry->ah.icv_len / 4);
- ah->spi = odp_cpu_to_be_32(entry->ah.spi);
- ah->seq_no = odp_cpu_to_be_32(stream->input.ah_seq++);
- }
- /* ESP (if specified) */
- if (entry && (entry == stream->input.entry) &&
- (ODP_CIPHER_ALG_NULL != entry->esp.alg)) {
- if (ODP_CIPHER_ALG_3DES_CBC != entry->esp.alg)
- abort();
- esp = (odph_esphdr_t *)data;
- data += sizeof(*esp);
- data += entry->esp.iv_len;
- esp->spi = odp_cpu_to_be_32(entry->esp.spi);
- esp->seq_no = odp_cpu_to_be_32(stream->input.esp_seq++);
- RAND_bytes(esp->iv, 8);
- }
- /* Inner IP header in tunnel mode */
- if (entry && (entry == stream->input.entry) &&
- (entry->mode == IPSEC_SA_MODE_TUNNEL)) {
- inner_ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)data;
- memset((char *)inner_ip, 0, sizeof(*inner_ip));
- inner_ip->ver_ihl = 0x45;
- inner_ip->proto = ODPH_IPPROTO_ICMPv4;
- inner_ip->id = odp_cpu_to_be_16(stream->id);
- inner_ip->ttl = 64;
- inner_ip->tos = 0;
- inner_ip->frag_offset = 0;
- inner_ip->src_addr = odp_cpu_to_be_32(stream->src_ip);
- inner_ip->dst_addr = odp_cpu_to_be_32(stream->dst_ip);
- inner_ip->chksum = odph_chksum(inner_ip, sizeof(*inner_ip));
- data += sizeof(*inner_ip);
- }
- /* ICMP header so we can see it on wireshark */
- icmp = (odph_icmphdr_t *)data;
- data += sizeof(*icmp);
- icmp->type = ICMP_ECHO;
- icmp->code = 0;
- icmp->un.echo.id = odp_cpu_to_be_16(0x1234);
- icmp->un.echo.sequence = odp_cpu_to_be_16(stream->created);
- /* Packet payload of incrementing bytes */
- test = (stream_pkt_hdr_t *)data;
- data += sizeof(*test);
- test->magic = odp_cpu_to_be_64(STREAM_MAGIC);
- for (i = 0; i < stream->length; i++)
- *data++ = (uint8_t)i;
- /* Close ICMP */
- icmp->chksum = 0;
- icmp->chksum = odph_chksum(icmp, data - (uint8_t *)icmp);
- /* Close ESP if specified */
- if (esp) {
- int payload_len = data - (uint8_t *)icmp;
- uint8_t *encrypt_start = (uint8_t *)icmp;
- if (entry->mode == IPSEC_SA_MODE_TUNNEL) {
- payload_len = data - (uint8_t *)inner_ip;
- encrypt_start = (uint8_t *)inner_ip;
- }
- int encrypt_len;
- odph_esptrl_t *esp_t;
- DES_key_schedule ks1, ks2, ks3;
- uint8_t iv[8];
- memcpy(iv, esp->iv, sizeof(iv));
- encrypt_len = ESP_ENCODE_LEN(payload_len + sizeof(*esp_t),
- entry->esp.block_len);
- memset(data, 0, encrypt_len - payload_len);
- data += encrypt_len - payload_len;
- esp_t = (odph_esptrl_t *)(data) - 1;
- esp_t->pad_len = encrypt_len - payload_len - sizeof(*esp_t);
- esp_t->next_header = ip->proto;
- ip->proto = ODPH_IPPROTO_ESP;
- DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)&entry->esp.key.data[0], &ks1);
- DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)&entry->esp.key.data[8], &ks2);
- DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)&entry->esp.key.data[16], &ks3);
- DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(encrypt_start,
- encrypt_start,
- encrypt_len,
- &ks1,
- &ks2,
- &ks3,
- (DES_cblock *)iv,
- 1);
- }
- /* Since ESP can pad we can now fix IP length */
- ip->tot_len = odp_cpu_to_be_16(data - (uint8_t *)ip);
- /* Close AH if specified */
- if (ah) {
- uint8_t hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
- int auth_len = data - (uint8_t *)ip;
- ah->next_header = ip->proto;
- ip->proto = ODPH_IPPROTO_AH;
- HMAC(EVP_md5(),
- entry->ah.key.data,
- entry->ah.key.length,
- (uint8_t *)ip,
- auth_len,
- hash,
- NULL);
- memcpy(ah->icv, hash, 12);
- }
- /* Correct set packet length offsets */
- odp_packet_push_tail(pkt, data - base);
- odp_packet_l2_offset_set(pkt, (uint8_t *)eth - base);
- odp_packet_l3_offset_set(pkt, (uint8_t *)ip - base);
- odp_packet_l4_offset_set(pkt, ((uint8_t *)ip - base) + sizeof(*ip));
- /* Now fill in final IP header fields */
- ip->ttl = 64;
- ip->tos = 0;
- ip->frag_offset = 0;
- ip->chksum = 0;
- odph_ipv4_csum_update(pkt);
- return pkt;
-odp_bool_t verify_ipv4_packet(stream_db_entry_t *stream,
- odp_packet_t pkt)
- ipsec_cache_entry_t *entry = NULL;
- uint8_t *data;
- odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip;
- odph_ahhdr_t *ah = NULL;
- odph_esphdr_t *esp = NULL;
- int hdr_len;
- odph_icmphdr_t *icmp;
- stream_pkt_hdr_t *test;
- uint32_t src_ip, dst_ip;
- if (stream->input.entry)
- entry = stream->input.entry;
- else if (stream->output.entry)
- entry = stream->output.entry;
- /* Basic IPv4 verify (add checksum verification) */
- data = odp_packet_l3_ptr(pkt, NULL);
- ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)data;
- data += sizeof(*ip);
- if (0x45 != ip->ver_ihl)
- return FALSE;
- src_ip = odp_be_to_cpu_32(ip->src_addr);
- dst_ip = odp_be_to_cpu_32(ip->dst_addr);
- if ((stream->src_ip != src_ip) && stream->output.entry &&
- (stream->output.entry->tun_src_ip != src_ip))
- return FALSE;
- if ((stream->dst_ip != dst_ip) && stream->output.entry &&
- (stream->output.entry->tun_dst_ip != dst_ip))
- return FALSE;
- if ((stream->src_ip != src_ip) && stream->input.entry &&
- (stream->input.entry->tun_src_ip != src_ip))
- return FALSE;
- if ((stream->dst_ip != dst_ip) && stream->input.entry &&
- (stream->input.entry->tun_dst_ip != dst_ip))
- return FALSE;
- /* Find IPsec headers if any and compare against entry */
- hdr_len = locate_ipsec_headers(ip, &ah, &esp);
- /* Cleartext packet */
- if (!ah && !esp)
- goto clear_packet;
- if (ah) {
- if (!entry)
- return FALSE;
- if (ODP_AUTH_ALG_NULL == entry->ah.alg)
- return FALSE;
- if (odp_be_to_cpu_32(ah->spi) != entry->ah.spi)
- return FALSE;
- if (ODP_AUTH_ALG_MD5_HMAC != entry->ah.alg)
- abort();
- } else {
- if (entry && (ODP_AUTH_ALG_NULL != entry->ah.alg))
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (esp) {
- if (!entry)
- return FALSE;
- if (ODP_CIPHER_ALG_NULL == entry->esp.alg)
- return FALSE;
- if (odp_be_to_cpu_32(esp->spi) != entry->esp.spi)
- return FALSE;
- if (ODP_CIPHER_ALG_3DES_CBC != entry->esp.alg)
- abort();
- hdr_len += entry->esp.iv_len;
- } else {
- if (entry && (ODP_CIPHER_ALG_NULL != entry->esp.alg))
- return FALSE;
- }
- data += hdr_len;
- /* Verify authentication (if present) */
- if (ah) {
- uint8_t ip_tos;
- uint8_t ip_ttl;
- uint16_t ip_frag_offset;
- uint8_t icv[12];
- uint8_t hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
- /* Save/clear mutable fields */
- ip_tos = ip->tos;
- ip_ttl = ip->ttl;
- ip_frag_offset = odp_be_to_cpu_16(ip->frag_offset);
- ip->tos = 0;
- ip->ttl = 0;
- ip->frag_offset = 0;
- ip->chksum = 0;
- memcpy(icv, ah->icv, 12);
- memset(ah->icv, 0, 12);
- /* Calculate HMAC and compare */
- HMAC(EVP_md5(),
- entry->ah.key.data,
- entry->ah.key.length,
- (uint8_t *)ip,
- odp_be_to_cpu_16(ip->tot_len),
- hash,
- NULL);
- if (0 != memcmp(icv, hash, sizeof(icv)))
- return FALSE;
- ip->proto = ah->next_header;
- ip->tos = ip_tos;
- ip->ttl = ip_ttl;
- ip->frag_offset = odp_cpu_to_be_16(ip_frag_offset);
- }
- /* Decipher if present */
- if (esp) {
- odph_esptrl_t *esp_t;
- DES_key_schedule ks1, ks2, ks3;
- uint8_t iv[8];
- int encrypt_len = ipv4_data_len(ip) - hdr_len;
- memcpy(iv, esp->iv, sizeof(iv));
- DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)&entry->esp.key.data[0], &ks1);
- DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)&entry->esp.key.data[8], &ks2);
- DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)&entry->esp.key.data[16], &ks3);
- DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt((uint8_t *)data,
- (uint8_t *)data,
- encrypt_len,
- &ks1,
- &ks2,
- &ks3,
- (DES_cblock *)iv,
- 0);
- esp_t = (odph_esptrl_t *)(data + encrypt_len) - 1;
- ip->proto = esp_t->next_header;
- }
- /* Verify IP/ICMP packet */
- if (entry && (entry->mode == IPSEC_SA_MODE_TUNNEL) && (ah || esp)) {
- if (ODPH_IPV4 != ip->proto)
- return FALSE;
- odph_ipv4hdr_t *inner_ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)data;
- icmp = (odph_icmphdr_t *)(inner_ip + 1);
- data = (uint8_t *)icmp;
- } else {
- if (ODPH_IPPROTO_ICMPv4 != ip->proto)
- return FALSE;
- icmp = (odph_icmphdr_t *)data;
- }
- /* Verify ICMP header */
- data += sizeof(*icmp);
- if (ICMP_ECHO != icmp->type)
- return FALSE;
- if (0x1234 != odp_be_to_cpu_16(icmp->un.echo.id))
- return FALSE;
- /* Now check our packet */
- test = (stream_pkt_hdr_t *)data;
- if (STREAM_MAGIC != odp_be_to_cpu_64(test->magic))
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
-int create_stream_db_inputs(void)
- int created = 0;
- odp_pool_t pkt_pool;
- stream_db_entry_t *stream = NULL;
- /* Lookup the packet pool */
- pkt_pool = odp_pool_lookup("packet_pool");
- if (pkt_pool == ODP_POOL_INVALID) {
- EXAMPLE_ERR("Error: pkt_pool not found\n");
- }
- /* For each stream create corresponding input packets */
- for (stream = stream_db->list; NULL != stream; stream = stream->next) {
- int count;
- uint8_t *dmac = query_loopback_db_mac(stream->input.loop);
- odp_queue_t queue = query_loopback_db_inq(stream->input.loop);
- for (count = stream->count; count > 0; count--) {
- odp_packet_t pkt;
- pkt = create_ipv4_packet(stream, dmac, pkt_pool);
- if (ODP_PACKET_INVALID == pkt) {
- printf("Packet buffers exhausted\n");
- break;
- }
- stream->created++;
- if (odp_queue_enq(queue, odp_packet_to_event(pkt))) {
- odp_packet_free(pkt);
- printf("Queue enqueue failed\n");
- break;
- }
- /* Count this stream when we create first packet */
- if (1 == stream->created)
- created++;
- }
- }
- return created;
-odp_bool_t verify_stream_db_outputs(void)
- odp_bool_t done = TRUE;
- stream_db_entry_t *stream = NULL;
- const char *env;
- /* For each stream look for output packets */
- for (stream = stream_db->list; NULL != stream; stream = stream->next) {
- int idx;
- int count;
- odp_queue_t queue;
- odp_event_t ev_tbl[LOOP_DEQ_COUNT];
- queue = query_loopback_db_outq(stream->output.loop);
- if (ODP_QUEUE_INVALID == queue)
- continue;
- for (;;) {
- if (env) {
- count = odp_queue_deq_multi(queue,
- ev_tbl,
- } else {
- ev_tbl[0] = odp_queue_deq(queue);
- count = (ev_tbl[0] != ODP_EVENT_INVALID) ?
- 1 : 0;
- }
- if (!count)
- break;
- for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
- odp_bool_t good;
- odp_packet_t pkt;
- pkt = odp_packet_from_event(ev_tbl[idx]);
- good = verify_ipv4_packet(stream, pkt);
- if (good)
- stream->verified++;
- odp_packet_free(pkt);
- }
- }
- printf("Stream %d %d\n", stream->created, stream->verified);
- if (stream->created != stream->verified)
- done = FALSE;
- }
- return done;