Kernel CI Frontend

Data visualization tool for the kernel-ci-backend.

Installation & Run

Requirements are defined in the requirements.txt file.

Once installed, to run the Flask application:

  cd app/
  python server.py

It will bind to localhost:5000


There is a default file with configuration parameters located at:


To override those values, create a file similar to that one, and define
the following env variable that points to it:


The important parameter to define, at this moment, is the BACKEND_URL, that
should point to the server:port running the backend REST API.

Installation via Ansible

To locally deploy the frontend using ansible, move into the `ansible` directory
and run:

 ansible-playbook -i hosts -l local -c local -K -D -e "@/path/to/secrets.yml"

The previous command will install the frontend code into '/srv/kernelci-frontend',
adding also a default web server configuration always named kernelci-frontend.

To install and setup everything correctly, it is necessary to provide a file
with the secret values necessary. To skip all the tasks that require secrets, use:


In order to use the frontend through port 80 with the default web server
configuration, it is necessary to remove the following lines from the config file:

    server {
        listen 80 backlog=1024 default_server;
        return 404;