path: root/roles/lava-elk-deps/templates/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/lava-elk-deps/templates/')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/lava-elk-deps/templates/ b/roles/lava-elk-deps/templates/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3821439a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/lava-elk-deps/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import requests
+import json
+import argparse
+from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, TransportError
+from datetime import datetime
+import sys
+index_mappings = {
+ "settings": {
+ "index.mapping.ignore_malformed": True,
+ "dynamic": False,
+ "number_of_shards":1,
+ "number_of_replicas":0,
+ },
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get device health status from LAVA server')
+ parser.add_argument("-s", "--server", type=str,
+ help="LAVA server to get the info from")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--token", type=str,
+ help="User authentication token")
+ parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", type=str,
+ help="Username to use for query")
+ parser.add_argument("-e_host", "--elastic_host", type=str,
+ help="Elasticsearch server hostname",
+ default='localhost')
+ parser.add_argument("-e_port", "--elastic_port", type=str,
+ help="Elasticsearch server port",
+ default='9200')
+ parser.add_argument("-e_index", "--elastic_index", type=str,
+ help="Elasticsearch index to store results",
+ default='devicehealth')
+ parser.add_argument("-n", "--dry_run", action='store_true',
+ help="Do not execute elasticsearch commands",
+ default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action='store_true',
+ help="Print debugging information",
+ default=False)
+ options = parser.parse_args()
+ es = Elasticsearch([
+ {'host': options.elastic_host, 'port': options.elastic_port},
+ ])
+ index_name = options.elastic_index
+ doc_type = options.elastic_index
+ if not options.debug:
+ print("Index set to: %s" % index_name)
+ if not options.dry_run:
+ es.indices.create(index=index_name, ignore=400, body=index_mappings)
+ devices_url = 'https://{}/api/v0.2/devices/'.format(options.server)
+ next_page = devices_url
+ while next_page is not None:
+ r = requests.get(next_page)
+ for device in r.json()["results"]:
+ doc = {'device':{}}
+ for key in device:
+ doc['device'][key] = device[key]
+ doc['server'] = options.server
+ doc['@timestamp'] = datetime.utcnow()
+ if options.debug:
+ print("%s" % doc)
+ if not options.dry_run:
+ es.index(index=index_name,doc_type=doc_type, body=doc)
+ if "next" in r.json():
+ next_page = r.json()["next"]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()