path: root/src/core/events.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-06-29Merge of select changes from TI OpenCL from git.ti.com/ti-opencl/...TI_01_01_08_03_MergeGil Pitney
2015-10-02ICD: Update MemObject objects to be ICD compatible.Gil Pitney
2015-10-01ICD: Update Event objects to be ICD compatible.Gil Pitney
2015-06-30Implement clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects() v1.2 APIGil Pitney
2015-05-04Implemented clEnqueueFillBuffer() v1.2 API.Gil Pitney
2015-04-10Implementied clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList(), and updated clEnqueueBarrier()Gil Pitney
2014-10-28Initial Commit: Based on TI OpenCL v0.8, originally based on clover.shamrock_v0.8Gil Pitney