path: root/android
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-07-0796boards-hikey960-aosp-master: update to not create latest linkYongqin Liu
2020-05-17android/linaro-publisher.sh: exit when there is any command failedYongqin Liu
2019-11-06Publishing: Use Python3Benjamin Copeland
2017-06-05android: publish bin files like bootloaderVishal Bhoj
2017-04-13adroid: publish build_config.json as wellVishal Bhoj
2017-04-11linaro-art-tip microbenchmarks: Use lava-v2 to run microbenchmarksVishal Bhoj
2017-02-02android-publisher: be more verboseDaniel Díaz
2017-01-28android: add Android Publisher; eases handling of tokens/snapshotsDaniel Díaz