#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This script greps the JSON files for the buildbots on the LLVM official # build master by name and prints an HTML page with the links to the bots # and the status. # # Multiple masters can be used, as well as multiple groups of bots and # multiple bots per group, all in a json file. See linaro.json in this # repository to have an idea how the config file is. import sys import os import argparse import json import tempfile import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta # The requests allows HTTP keep-alive which re-uses the same TCP connection # to download multiple files. import requests # The GIT revision length used on 'Commits' error display. GIT_SHORT_LEN=7 def ignored(s): return 'ignore' in s and s['ignore'] def not_ignored(s): return not ignored(s) # Returns the parsed json URL or and error string. def wget(session, url): try: req = session.get(url) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: return str(e), True return req.json(), False # Returns a string with the GIT revision usesd on build BUILDID and # PREV_BUILDID in the form '-'. def get_bot_failure_changes(session, base_url, buildid, prev_buildid): def wget_build_rev(bid): if bid != -1: contents, err = wget(session, "{}/api/v2/builds/{}/changes" .format(base_url, bid)) if err or len(contents['changes']) == 0: return "" return contents['changes'][0]['revision'] return "" revision = wget_build_rev(buildid) prev_revision = wget_build_rev(prev_buildid) if not prev_revision: return "{:.{width}}".format(revision, width=GIT_SHORT_LEN) else: return "{:.{width}}-{:.{width}}".format(revision, prev_revision, width=GIT_SHORT_LEN) # Get the status of a individual bot BOT. Returns a dict with the # information. def get_bot_status(session, bot, base_url, builder_url, build_url): (contents, err) = wget(session, "{}/api/v2/{}/{}/{}" .format(base_url, builder_url, bot, build_url)) if err: return { 'fail' : err } builds = contents status = {} reversed_builds = reversed(builds['builds']) for build in reversed_builds: if build['complete']: status['builderid'] = build['builderid'] status['number'] = build['number'] status['state'] = build['state_string'] delta = int(build['complete_at']) - int(build['started_at']) status['time'] = str(timedelta(seconds=delta)) if build['state_string'] != 'build successful': status['comments'] = build['state_string'] status['fail'] = True try: prev_buildid = next(reversed_builds)['buildid'] except StopIteration: prev_buildid = -1; status['changes'] = get_bot_failure_changes(session, base_url, build['buildid'], prev_buildid) else: status['fail'] = False break return status def bot_status(config_file, output_file): temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', delete=False) today = "{}\n".format(datetime.today().ctime()) session = requests.Session() # Get status for all bots bot_cache = {} for server in filter(not_ignored, config): base_url = server['base_url'] builder_url = server['builder_url'] build_url = server['build_url'] logging.debug('Parsing server {}...'.format(server['name'])) for builder in server['builders']: logging.debug(' Parsing builders {}...'.format(builder['name'])) for bot in builder['bots']: bot_key = "{}/{}".format(base_url, bot['name']) if bot_key in bot_cache: continue logging.debug(' Parsing bot {}...'.format(bot['name'])) status = get_bot_status(session, bot['name'], base_url, builder_url, build_url) if not_ignored(bot): fail = 'fail' in status logging.debug(" FAIL" if status['fail'] else " PASS") bot_cache[bot_key] = status # Dump all servers / bots for server in filter(not_ignored, config): base_url = server['base_url'] builder_url = server['builder_url'] build_url = server['build_url'] favicon = 'fail.ico' if fail else 'ok.ico' temp.write("\n".format(favicon)) temp.write("\n") temp.write("\n") temp.write("\n" .format(server['name'], today)) for builder in server['builders']: temp.write("\n") temp.write("\n".format(builder['name'])) temp.write("" "\n") for bot in builder['bots']: temp.write("\n") status = bot_cache["{}/{}".format(base_url, bot['name'])] url = "{}/#/{}/{}".format(base_url, builder_url, status['builderid']) temp.write(" \n".format(url, bot['name'])) temp.write(" \n" .format('red' if status['fail'] else 'green', 'FAIL' if status['fail'] else 'PASS')) empty_cell=" \n" if 'time' in status: temp.write(" \n".format(status['time'])) else: temp.write(empty_cell) if 'number' in status: build_url = "{}/builds/{}".format(url, status['number']) temp.write(" \n".format(build_url, status['number'])) else: temp.write(empty_cell) if 'changes' in status: temp.write(" \n".format(status['changes'])) else: temp.write(empty_cell) if status['fail']: temp.write(" \n".format(status['comments'])) else: temp.write(empty_cell) temp.write("\n") temp.write("
{} @ {}
BuildbotStatusTimeBuild #CommitsComments
{}{} {}{}{}{:.30}
\n") # Move temp to main (atomic change) temp.close() os.rename(temp.name, sys.argv[2]) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-d', dest='debug', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('config_file', help='Bots description in JSON format') parser.add_argument('output_file', help='output HTML path') args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG) try: with open(args.config_file, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) except IOError as e: print("error: failed to read {} config file: {}".format(sys.argv[1], e)) sys.exit(os.EX_CONFIG) bot_status(config, args.output_file)