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1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/helpers/llvm-ycm b/helpers/llvm-ycm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..55ffa50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helpers/llvm-ycm
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# This script updates the .ycm_extra_conf.py in $LLVM_SRC to work with
+# $LLVM_BLD's compile_commands.json and include/library paths.
+# Syntax: llvm-ycm
+# It will:
+# * automatically detect $LLVM_SRC/BLD and change the paths.
+# * also bail if those variables or .ycm_extra_conf.py don't exist.
+# * exit successfully and silently if the file has already changed.
+my ($SRC, $BLD) = ($ENV{'LLVM_SRC'}, $ENV{'LLVM_BLD'});
+if (!$SRC || !$BLD || $ARGV[0] || ! -d $SRC || ! -d $BLD) {
+ die "Syntax: llvm-ycm\n\nUse llvm-env to set \$LLVM_SRC/BLD\n";
+my ($ycm_conf, $compile_db) = (".ycm_extra_conf.py", "compile_commands.json");
+# If the file doesn't exist, don't try to guess the location of YCM-Generator
+# Vim can do that on its own, if properly setup. Educate the user.
+if (! -f "$SRC/$ycm_conf") {
+ die "$SRC/$ycm_conf doesn't exist!\n".
+ "You need to generate it using YCM-Generator.\n".
+ "\nTo install, run:\n".
+ " mkdir -p ~/.vim/ext\n".
+ " cd ~/.vim/ext\n".
+ " git clone https://github.com/rdnetto/YCM-Generator.git\n".
+ "\nTo enable in vim, add this line to your .vimrc:\n".
+ " set rtp+=~/.vim/ext/YCM-Generator\n".
+ "\nTo generate the file, open Vim inside your project and type:\n".
+ " :YcmGenerateConfig\n".
+ "\nIf all goes well, you should have an $ycm_conf in $SRC\n";
+# If the compile database doesn't exist, there's no point in even trying.
+# Educate the user.
+if (! -f "$BLD/$compile_db") {
+ die "$BLD/$compile_db doesn't exist!\n".
+ "You need to generate it using LLVM's CMake file.\n".
+ "\nTo create the compile database every build, add this option to CMake:\n".
+ "\nRebuild, and check if the file is there, then run this script again.\n";
+my @lines = ();
+my $bld_re = $BLD;
+$bld_re =~ s/\//\\\//g;
+# We need to open the file, buffer and close, so we can write back to the same
+# file again.
+open(FH, "$SRC/$ycm_conf") || die "Can't open file '$SRC/$ycm_conf': $!\n";
+foreach my $line (<FH>) {
+ # If the file has already been changed, let go.
+ if (&is_changed($line)) {
+ close FH;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ # Change lines if needed
+ &change(\$line);
+ # Buffer
+ push @lines, $line;
+close FH;
+# Now we write back and all should be good.
+open(FH, ">$SRC/$ycm_conf") || die "Can't open file '$SRC/$ycm_conf': $!\n";
+foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ print FH $line;
+close FH;
+# All is good.
+################################ Methods
+# is_changed($line): checks whether the line has been changed by this script.
+sub is_changed($) {
+ my ($line) = @_;
+ return ($line =~ /-I$bld_re/);
+# change($$line): change the line in-place to make it work with YCM.
+sub change($) {
+ my ($line) = @_;
+ # from: -I/tmp/tmpUF9s_w/include
+ # to: -I$LLVM_BLD/include
+ my $changed = ($$line =~ s/\/tmp\/\w+/$BLD/);
+ return if ($changed);
+ # Changing this line will make header and include files not work for
+ # completion, since they're not in the compilation database. Just using the
+ # whole lot of flags above works fine.
+ # from: compilation_database_folder = ''
+ # to: compilation_database_folder = '$LLVM_BLD'
+ #$$line =~ s/(compilation_database_folder) = ''/$1 = '$BLD'/;