path: root/gdb/testsuite/gdb.compile/compile-cplus.exp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gdb/testsuite/gdb.compile/compile-cplus.exp')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.compile/compile-cplus.exp b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.compile/compile-cplus.exp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..04849ba3947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.compile/compile-cplus.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+# Copyright 2014-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+load_lib compile-support.exp
+standard_testfile .c compile-shlib.c compile-constvar.S compile-nodebug.c
+set options {}
+if [test_compiler_info gcc*] {
+ lappend options additional_flags=-g3
+ lappend options additional_flags=-std=gnu++11
+ lappend options c++
+if { ![istarget x86_64-*-* ] || ![is_lp64_target] } {
+ verbose "Skipping x86_64 LOC_CONST test."
+ set srcfile3 ""
+set srcfilesoptions [list ${srcfile} ${options}]
+if { $srcfile3 != "" } {
+ lappend srcfilesoptions $srcfile3 ${options}
+lappend srcfilesoptions $srcfile4 "nodebug c++"
+if { [eval build_executable_from_specs ${testfile}.exp $testfile {$options} ${srcfilesoptions}] } {
+ return -1
+clean_restart ${testfile}
+# FIXME: Right now, for C++ we just duplicate the C tests, but force
+# the language to C++
+gdb_test_no_output "set language c++" \
+ "Set language to C++"
+if ![runto_main] {
+ return -1
+if {[skip_compile_feature_tests]} {
+ untested "compile command not supported (could not find libcc1 shared library?)"
+ return -1
+# Test delimiter for code, and arguments.
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code globalvar = SOME_MACRO;" \
+ "set variable from macro"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = 23" "expect 23"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code globalvar = ARG_MACRO(0, 0);" \
+ "set variable from function-like macro"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = -1" "expect -1"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code globalvar = 42;" "set variable"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = 42" "expect 42"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code globalvar *= 2;" "modify variable"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = 84" "expect 84"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile file -r ${srcdir}/${subdir}/${testfile}-mod.c" \
+ "use external source file"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = 7" "expect 7"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code func_static (2);" "call static function"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = 9" "expect 9"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code func_global (1);" "call global function"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = 8" "expect 8"
+gdb_test_no_output \
+ "compile code globalvar = (sizeof (ulonger) == sizeof (long))" \
+ "compute size of ulonger"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = 1" "check size of ulonger"
+gdb_test_no_output \
+ "compile code globalvar = (sizeof (longer) == sizeof (long))" \
+ "compute size of longer"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = 1" "check size of longer"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code globalvar = MINUS_1"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = -1" "check MINUS_1"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code globalvar = static_local"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = 77000" "check static_local"
+gdb_test_no_output \
+ "compile code static int staticvar = 5; intptr = &staticvar" \
+ "do not keep jit in memory"
+gdb_test "p *intptr" "Cannot access memory at address 0x\[0-9a-f\]+" \
+ "expect 5"
+gdb_test "compile code func_doesnotexist ();" "error: \'func_doesnotexist\' was not declared in this scope.*"
+gdb_test "compile code *(volatile int *) 0 = 0;" \
+ "The program being debugged was signaled while in a function called from GDB\\.\r\nGDB remains in the frame where the signal was received\\.\r\n.*" \
+ "compile code segfault first"
+gdb_test "bt" \
+ "\r\n#0 \[^\r\n\]* in _gdb_expr \[^\r\n\]*\r\n#1 <function called from gdb>\r\n.*"
+set test "p/x \$pc"
+set infcall_pc 0
+gdb_test_multiple $test $test {
+ -re " = (0x\[0-9a-f\]+)\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
+ set infcall_pc $expect_out(1,string)
+ pass $test
+ }
+gdb_test "info sym $infcall_pc" "\r\n_gdb_expr.*" "info sym found"
+gdb_test "return" "\r\n#0 main .*" "return" \
+ "Make _gdb_expr\\(__gdb_regs\\*\\) return now\\? \\(y or n\\) " "y"
+gdb_test "info sym $infcall_pc" "\r\nNo symbol matches .*" "info sym not found"
+gdb_test_no_output "set unwindonsignal on"
+gdb_test "compile code *(volatile int *) 0 = 0;" \
+ "The program being debugged was signaled while in a function called from GDB\\.\r\nGDB has restored the context to what it was before the call\\.\r\n.*" \
+ "compile code segfault second"
+gdb_breakpoint [gdb_get_line_number "break-here"]
+gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "break-here" ".* break-here .*"
+# C++ Specific tests.
+## Public methods and members
+gdb_test "print foovar.public_var" "42" \
+ "Test compile code foovar.public_var = 42 setting."
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code foovar.public_var = 43;" \
+ "set foobar.public_var to 43"
+gdb_test "print foovar.public_var" "43" \
+ "Test compile code foovar.public_var = 43 setting."
+gdb_test "print foovar.public_method ()" "43" \
+ "Test compile code foovar.public_method = 43 setting."
+## Private methods and members
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code foovar.set_private_var (84);" \
+ "Call class function to set private_var"
+gdb_test "print foovar.private_var" "84" \
+ "Test compile code foovar.set_private_var = 84 setting."
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code foovar.private_var = 85" \
+ "Directly set a private member in GDB compile5"
+gdb_test "print foovar.private_var" "85" \
+ "Test compile code foovar.set_private_var = 85 setting."
+## Simple inheritance
+CompileExpression::new "var"
+CompileExpression::test "class Baz: public Foo {public: int z = 12;}; Baz bazvar; bazvar.z = 24; var = bazvar.z" 24 -explicit
+## Multiple inheritance
+CompileExpression::test "class MI: public Base, public Base2 {int pure_virt () {return 42;}}; MI MIVar; var = MIVar.pure_virt();" 42 -explicit
+CompileExpression::test "class MI: public Base, public Base2 {int pure_virt () {return Base::return_value() + 42;}}; MI MIVar; var = MIVar.pure_virt();" 43 -explicit
+CompileExpression::test "class Base3 {public: int z = 99;}; class MI: public Base, public Base3 {int pure_virt () {return Base3::z + 42;}}; MI MIVar; var = MIVar.pure_virt();" 141 -explicit
+gdb_test "p localvar" " = 50" "expect localvar 50"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code localvar = 12;" "set localvar"
+gdb_test "p localvar" " = 12" "expect 12"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code localvar *= 2;" "modify localvar"
+gdb_test "p localvar" " = 24" "expect 24"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code localvar = shadowed" \
+ "test shadowing"
+gdb_test "p localvar" " = 52" "expect 52"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code localvar = externed"
+gdb_test "p localvar" " = 7" "test extern in inner scope"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code vla\[2\] = 7"
+gdb_test "p vla\[2\]" " = 7"
+gdb_test_no_output \
+ "compile code localvar = (sizeof (vla) == bound * sizeof (vla\[0\]))"
+gdb_test "p localvar" " = 1"
+# Test setting fields and also many different types.
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code struct_object.selffield = (struct_type*)&struct_object"
+gdb_test "print struct_object.selffield == &struct_object" " = true"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code struct_object.charfield = 1"
+gdb_test "print struct_object.charfield" " = 1 '\\\\001'"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code struct_object.ucharfield = 1"
+gdb_test "print struct_object.ucharfield" " = 1 '\\\\001'"
+foreach {field value} {
+ shortfield -5
+ ushortfield 5
+ intfield -7
+ uintfield 7
+ bitfield 2
+ longfield -9
+ ulongfield 9
+ enumfield ONE
+ floatfield 1
+ doublefield 2
+} {
+ gdb_test_no_output "compile code struct_object.$field = $value"
+ gdb_test "print struct_object.$field" " = $value"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code struct_object.arrayfield\[2\] = 7"
+gdb_test "print struct_object.arrayfield" \
+ " = \\{0, 0, 7, 0, 0\\}"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code struct_object.complexfield = 7 + 5i"
+gdb_test "print struct_object.complexfield" " = 7 \\+ 5 \\* I"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code struct_object.boolfield = 1"
+gdb_test "print struct_object.boolfield" " = true"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code struct_object.vectorfield\[2\] = 7"
+gdb_test "print struct_object.vectorfield" \
+ " = \\{0, 0, 7, 0\\}"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code union_object.typedeffield = 7"
+gdb_test "print union_object.typedeffield" " = 7"
+gdb_test "print union_object.intfield" " = 7"
+gdb_test "print unresolved" " = 20"
+gdb_test "compile code globalvar = unresolved;"
+gdb_test "print globalvar" " = 20" "print unresolved value"
+# Test shadowing with global and static variables.
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code globalshadow += 1;"
+gdb_test "print globalshadow" " = 101"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code extern int globalshadow; globalshadow += 5;"
+gdb_test "print 'compile-cplus.c'::globalshadow" " = 15"
+gdb_test "print globalshadow" " = 101" "print globalshadow second time"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code staticshadow += 2;"
+gdb_test "print staticshadow" " = 202"
+# "extern int staticshadow;" cannot access static variable.
+# Raw code cannot refer to locals.
+# As it references global variable we need the #pragma.
+# For #pragma we need multiline input.
+gdb_test_multiple "compile code -r" "compile code -r multiline 1" { -re "\r\n>$" {} }
+gdb_test_multiple "void _gdb_expr(void) {" "compile code -r multiline 2" { -re "\r\n>$" {} }
+gdb_test_multiple "#pragma GCC push_user_expression" "compile code -r multiline 3" { -re "\r\n>$" {} }
+gdb_test_multiple " globalshadow = 77000;" "compile code -r multiline 4" { -re "\r\n>$" {} }
+gdb_test_multiple "#pragma GCC pop_user_expression" "compile code -r multiline 5" { -re "\r\n>$" {} }
+gdb_test_multiple "}" "compile code -r multiline 6" { -re "\r\n>$" {} }
+gdb_test_no_output "end" "compile code -r multiline 7"
+gdb_test "print 'compile-cplus.c'::globalshadow" " = 77000" \
+ "check globalshadow with -r"
+# Test GOT vs. resolving jit function pointers.
+gdb_test_no_output "compile -raw -- extern \"C\" void abort(); int func(){return 21;} void _gdb_expr(){int (*funcp)()=func; if (funcp()!=21) abort();}" \
+ "pointer to jit function"
+# Test the case where the registers structure would not normally have
+# any fields.
+gdb_breakpoint [gdb_get_line_number "no_args_or_locals breakpoint"]
+gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "no_args_or_locals"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code globalvar = 77;" "set variable to 77"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = 77" "expect 77"
+# Test reference to minimal_symbol, not (full) symbol.
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code globalvar = func_nodebug (75);" \
+ "call func_nodebug"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = -75" "expect -75"
+gdb_test_no_output \
+ "compile code int (*funcp) (int) = (int(*)(int))func_nodebug; globalvar = funcp (76);" \
+ "call func_nodebug indirectly"
+gdb_test "p globalvar" " = -76" "expect -76"
+# Test compiled module memory protection.
+gdb_test_no_output "set debug compile on"
+gdb_test "compile code static const int readonly = 1; *(int *) &readonly = 2;" \
+ "The program being debugged was signaled while in a function called from GDB\\.\r\nGDB has restored the context to what it was before the call\\.\r\n.*"
+gdb_test_no_output "set debug compile off"
+# Some simple coverage tests.
+gdb_test "show debug compile" "Compile debugging is .*"
+gdb_test "show compile-args" \
+ "Compile command command-line arguments are .*"
+gdb_test "compile code -z" "Unknown argument.*"
+gdb_test "set lang rust" \
+ "Warning: the current language does not match this frame."
+gdb_test "compile code globalvar" "No compiler support for language rust\."
+gdb_test_no_output "set lang auto"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code union union_type newdecl_u"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code struct struct_type newdecl_s"
+gdb_test_no_output "compile code inttypedef newdecl_i"
+gdb_test "compile file" \
+ "You must provide a filename for this command.*" \
+ "Test compile file without a filename"
+gdb_test "compile file -r" \
+ "You must provide a filename with the raw option set.*" \
+ "Test compile file and raw option without a filename"
+gdb_test "compile file -z" \
+ "Unknown argument.*" \
+ "Test compile file with unknown argument"
+# LOC_CONST tests.
+if { $srcfile3 != "" } {
+ gdb_test "p constvar" " = 3"
+ gdb_test "info addr constvar" {Symbol "constvar" is constant\.}
+ gdb_test "compile code globalvar = constvar;"
+ gdb_test "print globalvar" " = 3" "print constvar value"
+} else {
+ untested "print constvar value"