diff options
authorVincent Guittot <>2016-02-26 11:48:27 +0100
committerVincent Guittot <>2016-02-26 11:48:27 +0100
commitfa305aa7303655c60a88ceded809a4b6ae1cb630 (patch)
parent1e6abeef3bc2091a0832f84faeb30bf4205baab2 (diff)
update display power
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/display_power.html b/display_power.html
index 9f86342..168dcd9 100644
--- a/display_power.html
+++ b/display_power.html
@@ -2,40 +2,22 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
- <title>Parsing Large power trace</title>
+ <title>Parsing Large data trace</title>
<!-- 1. Add JQuery and Highcharts in the head of your page -->
- <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- <script src=""></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="file:///home/vingu/Tools/power-tools/jquery-1.11.3.js"></script>
+ <script src="file:///home/vingu/Tools/power-tools/highcharts-custom.js"></script>
- <!-- 2. You can add print and export feature by adding this line -->
- <script src=""></script>
+ <!-- 2. You can add print and export feature by adding this line (now
+ included in custom build above) -->
<!-- 3. Add the JavaScript with the Highchart options to initialize the chart -->
<script type="text/javascript">
- function drop(e) {
- if (!e) {
- var fichier = document.getElementById('fileinput').files;
- }
- else {
- var fichier = e.dataTransfer.files;
- }
- var reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onerror = function() { console.error('Error reading file');}
- reader.onload = parse;
- reader.readAsText(fichier[0]);
- }
- function parse(event){
var options = {
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
- zoomType: 'xy'
-// type: 'column'
+ zoomType: 'xy',
+ type: 'line'
navigator: {
enabled: true
@@ -69,6 +51,18 @@
type: 'millisecond',
text: '1ms'
}, {
+ count: 100,
+ type: 'millisecond',
+ text: '100ms'
+ }, {
+ count: 200,
+ type: 'millisecond',
+ text: '200ms'
+ }, {
+ count: 500,
+ type: 'millisecond',
+ text: '500ms'
+ }, {
count: 1,
type: 'second',
text: '1sec'
@@ -81,24 +75,82 @@
enabled: true
title: {
- text: 'Power Consumption'
+ text: 'Power Consumption or anything else you want to display'
subtitle: {
- text: 'Current or Watt'
- },
- yAxis: {
- title: {
- text: 'Current(uA) or Watt(uW)'
- }
+ text: 'Current, Watt or whatever the unit'
- series: []
+ yAxis: [{
+ title: {
+ text : 'Current, Watt or whatever the unit',
+ },
+ }],
+ xAxis: {
+ type: 'datetime',
+ labels: {
+ formatter: function() {
+ return this.value/1000;
+ }
+ },
+ title: {
+ text: 'Time'
+ }
+ },
+// colors: ['#50B432', '#ED561B', '#DDDF00', '#24CBE5', '#64E572', '#FF9655', '#FFF263', '#6AF9C4'],
+ series: []
+ var remain = 0;
+ var chart = null;
+ function drop(e) {
+ if (!e) {
+ var fichiers = document.getElementById('fileinput').files;
+ }
+ else {
+ var fichiers = e.dataTransfer.files;
+ }
+ options.series = [];
+ options.yAxis = [];
+ remain = fichiers.length;
+ $.each(fichiers, function(fileNo, file) {
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.onerror = function() { console.error('Error reading file');}
+ //reader.onload = parse;
+ reader.onload = function (event) {
+ return parse(event, fileNo,;
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(file);
+ });
+ }
+ function parse(event, idx, name){
var data =; // load file values
var series = [];
+ var stepmode = document.getElementById('step_graph').checked;
+ var axismode = document.getElementById('multiple_graph').checked;
+ var decimatemode = document.getElementById('decimate_graph').checked;
+ var relativemode = document.getElementById('relative_time').checked;
+ var offset = -1;
+ if (relativemode == 0)
+ offset = 0;
- // Split the lines
+ // Create an yAxis
+ options.yAxis[idx] = {
+ title: {
+ text : name,
+ },
+ opposite : idx % 2 == 1,
+ };
+ // Split the lines
var lines = data.split('\n');
$.each(lines, function(lineNo, line) {
if (line.substring(0, 1) == "#")
@@ -110,20 +162,33 @@
if (lineNo == 0) {
$.each(items, function(itemNo, item) {
var serie = {
+ name : item,
+ yAxis : 0,
+ step : stepmode,
data: []
- = item;
- series.push(serie)
+ if (axismode)
+ serie.yAxis = idx;
+ series.push(serie);
// the rest of the lines contain data with their name in the first position
else {
var Xindex;
+ if (decimatemode && ((lineNo % 10) != 0))
+ return;
$.each(items, function(itemNo, item) {
var Yindex = parseInt(item);
if (itemNo == 0) {
Xindex = parseInt(item) / 1000;
+ if (offset == -1)
+ offset = Xindex;
+ Xindex = Xindex - offset;
}else {
var serie = series[itemNo];
if (isNaN(Yindex) || isNaN(Xindex))
@@ -143,20 +208,40 @@
- //putting all together and create the chart
-// var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
- var chart = new Highcharts.StockChart(options);
+ remain--;
+ if (remain == 0) {
+ display(null);
+ }
+ function display(e) {
+ //putting all together and create the chart
+ var chartmode = document.getElementById('stock_graph').checked;
+ if (chart)
+ chart.destroy();
+ if (chartmode) {
+ chart = new Highcharts.StockChart(options);
+ } else {
+ chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
+ }
+ }
<!-- File input filed -->
- <input type='file' name="myFile" id='fileinput' onchange='drop()'>
+ <input type='file' name="myFile1" id='fileinput' onchange='drop()' multiple>
+ <input type='checkbox' name="step" value='1' id='step_graph' onchange='drop()'> step
+ <input type='checkbox' name="multiple" value='1' id='multiple_graph' onchange='drop()'> multiple y Axis
+ <input type='checkbox' name="decimate" value='1' id='decimate_graph' onchange='drop()'> decimate data
+ <input type='checkbox' name="stock" value='1' id='stock_graph' onchange='drop()'> stock graph
+ <input type='checkbox' name="relative" value='1' id='relative_time' onchange='drop()'> relative time
<!-- 3. Add the container -->
- <div id="container" style="width: 1024px; height: 1024px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
+ <div id="container" style="width: 1800px; height: 1000px; margin: 0 auto"></div>