diff options
authorAaron Watry <awatry@gmail.com>2013-03-11 18:25:00 -0500
committerAaron Watry <awatry@gmail.com>2013-03-12 08:24:45 -0500
commitb7184ad66af06f1f56857ee79982e347cd553eb8 (patch)
parent772a0d0b00c5c947e61acbcbae8b36468759c031 (diff)
Add a python generator for integer builtin function tests [v2]
Functions tested: abs, abs_diff, add_sat, hadd, rhadd, clz, clamp, mad_hi, mad_sat, max, min, mul_hi, rotate, sub_sat, upsample, mad24, mul24 Data Types tested: char, uchar, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong Sizes tested: Scalar, Vector sizes 2/4/8/16 v2: - Move file into generated_tests and rename to generate-cl-int-builtins.py - Generate tests in cl/builtin/int (creating dir if necessary)
1 files changed, 879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/generated_tests/generate-cl-int-builtins.py b/generated_tests/generate-cl-int-builtins.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..24605946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generated_tests/generate-cl-int-builtins.py
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+#Builtins is a data structure of the following:
+# builtins = {
+# '{data_type}': { #data type is any of [u]char, [u]short, [u]int, [u]long
+# '{builtin_function_name}': {
+# 'arg_types': ['{data_type}', '{data_type}', ...],
+# 'function_type': 'ttt'|'tss',
+# #ttt = all arguments are same-length vectors
+# #tss = all arguments are either same-length vectors,
+# or a vector followed by scalars
+# 'values': [
+# [array of test output (arg0) values],
+# [array of arg1 values],
+# [array of arg2 values],
+# ...
+# ]
+# },
+# '{next_function}': {...},
+# ...
+# },
+# '{next_type}': {...},
+# ...
+# }
+# The builtins_generic, builtins_signed/unsigned are the same, but lack the
+# {datatype} layer
+#Define placeholders to reduce magic number usage
+SIGNED_TYPES = ['char', 'short', 'int', 'long']
+UNSIGNED_TYPES = ['uchar', 'ushort', 'uint', 'ulong']
+ 'char' : 8,
+ 'uchar' : 8,
+ 'short' : 16,
+ 'ushort': 16,
+ 'int' : 32,
+ 'uint' : 32,
+ 'long' : 64,
+ 'ulong' : 64
+#By default, just test what is part of the CL1.1 spec, leave vec3 for later
+#VEC_WIDTHS = (2, 3, 4, 8, 16)
+VEC_WIDTHS = (2, 4, 8, 16)
+#ALL_WIDTHS = [1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16]
+ALL_WIDTHS = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
+ 'char' : -128,
+ 'uchar' : 0,
+ 'short' : -32768,
+ 'ushort' : 0,
+ 'int' : -2147483648,
+ 'uint' : 0,
+ 'long' : -9223372036854775808,
+ 'ulong' : 0
+ 'char' : 127,
+ 'uchar' : 255,
+ 'short' : 32767,
+ 'ushort' : 65535,
+ 'int' : 2147483647,
+ 'uint' : 4294967295,
+ 'long' : 9223372036854775807,
+ 'ulong' : 18446744073709551615
+#Identity type list
+T = {
+ 'char' : 'char',
+ 'uchar' : 'uchar',
+ 'short' : 'short',
+ 'ushort': 'ushort',
+ 'int' : 'int',
+ 'uint' : 'uint',
+ 'long' : 'long',
+ 'ulong' : 'ulong'
+#Signed type for each type
+ 'char' : 'char',
+ 'uchar' : 'char',
+ 'short' : 'short',
+ 'ushort': 'short',
+ 'int' : 'int',
+ 'uint' : 'int',
+ 'long' : 'long',
+ 'ulong' : 'long'
+#Unsigned type for each source type
+U = {
+ 'char' : 'uchar',
+ 'uchar' : 'uchar',
+ 'short' : 'ushort',
+ 'ushort': 'ushort',
+ 'int' : 'uint',
+ 'uint' : 'uint',
+ 'long' : 'ulong',
+ 'ulong' : 'ulong'
+#Next larger type with same signedness
+B = {
+ 'char': 'short',
+ 'uchar': 'ushort',
+ 'short': 'int',
+ 'ushort': 'uint',
+ 'int': 'long',
+ 'uint': 'ulong',
+BMIN = 'min_for_larger_type'
+BMAX = 'max_for_larger_type'
+SMIN = 'signed_min_for_type'
+SMAX = 'signed_max_for_type'
+UMIN = 'unsigned_min_for_type'
+UMAX = 'unsigned_max_for_type'
+ 'abs' : 10,
+ 'abs_diff' : 10,
+ 'add_sat' : 10,
+ 'hadd' : 10,
+ 'rhadd' : 10,
+ 'clz' : 10,
+ 'clamp' : 11,
+ 'mad_hi' : 10,
+ 'mad_sat' : 10,
+ 'max' : 11, #max/min are only same-size in CL1.0, but TSS in CL1.1
+ 'min' : 11,
+ 'mul_hi' : 10,
+ 'rotate' : 10,
+ 'sub_sat' : 10,
+ 'upsample' : 10,
+ 'mad24' : 10,
+ 'mul24' : 10
+def abs(val):
+ if (val < 0):
+ return val*-1
+ return val
+def add(val1, val2):
+ return val1+val2
+#Given a data type, return the next bigger type of given signedness.
+def big(type):
+ return B[type]
+def clz(type, val):
+ if (val < 0):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ #Count the number of times that we can right shift before value = 0 then
+ #subtract that from (data_size - 1)
+ count=0
+ while(val > 0):
+ if (val > 0):
+ val = val >> 1
+ count = count + 1
+ return DATA_SIZES[type] - count
+def div(val1, val2):
+ return val1 / val2
+def mad_hi(x, y, z, type):
+ res = (x*y) >> DATA_SIZES[type]
+ res = res + z
+ while (res > MAX_VALUES[type]): #Emulate overflow... Necessary?
+ res = res - (2**DATA_SIZES[type])
+ return res
+def mul(val1, val2):
+ return val1 * val2
+def mul_hi(x,y,type):
+ res = (x*y) >> DATA_SIZES[type]
+ return res
+#def pop(val,type):
+# #TODO: Calculate number of non-zero bits in value (CLC 1.2)
+# return 0
+def pow(val,pow):
+ return val ** pow
+def rotate_right(x, n, bits):
+ mask = (2L**n) - 1
+ mask_bits = x & mask
+ return (x >> n) | (mask_bits << (bits - n))
+def rotate_left(x, n, bits):
+ return rotate_right(x, bits - n, bits)
+def rot(x, n, bits):
+ if (n < 0):
+ return rotate_right(x, -1*n, bits)
+ else:
+ return rotate_left(x, n, bits)
+def sub(val1, val2):
+ return val1-val2
+def getValue(type, val):
+ #Check if val is a str, list, or value
+ if (isinstance(val, str)):
+ if (val == MIN):
+ return MIN_VALUES[type]
+ elif (val == MAX):
+ return MAX_VALUES[type]
+ elif (val == BMIN):
+ return MIN_VALUES[B[type]]
+ elif (val == BMAX):
+ return MAX_VALUES[B[type]]
+ elif (val == SMIN):
+ return MIN_VALUES[SIGNED[type]]
+ elif (val == SMAX):
+ return MAX_VALUES[SIGNED[type]]
+ elif (val == UMIN):
+ return MIN_VALUES[U[type]]
+ elif (val == UMAX):
+ return MAX_VALUES[U[type]]
+ elif (val == TYPE):
+ return type
+ elif (val == SIZE):
+ return DATA_SIZES[type]
+ else:
+ print('Unknown string value: '+val+'\n')
+ elif (isinstance(val, list)):
+ #The list should be of the format: [op, arg1, ... argN] where op is a Fn
+ #ref and arg[1-n] are either MIN/MAX or numbers (They could be nested
+ #lists). The exception for arg1 is TYPE, which means to substitute the
+ #data type
+ #Evaluate the value of the requested function and arguments
+ #TODO: Change to varargs calls after unshifting the first list element
+ if (len(val) == 2):
+ return (val[0])(getValue(type,val[1]))
+ elif (len(val) == 3):
+ return (val[0])(getValue(type,val[1]), getValue(type, val[2]))
+ elif (len(val) == 4):
+ return (val[0])(getValue(type,val[1]), getValue(type, val[2]), \
+ getValue(type, val[3]))
+ else:
+ return (val[0])(getValue(type,val[1]), getValue(type, val[2]), \
+ getValue(type, val[3]), getValue(type, val[4]))
+ #At this point, we should have been passed a number
+ if (isinstance(val, int)):
+ return val;
+ print('Invalid value '+val+' encountered in getValue\n')
+def getStrVal(type, val):
+ return str(getValue(type,val))
+#Tests which don't depend on the signedness or bit-width of the inputs
+generic_tests = {
+ 'abs': {
+ 'arg_types': [U, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [0, 2, [abs,MIN], [abs,MAX]],
+ [0, 2, MIN, MAX]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'abs_diff': {
+ 'arg_types': [U, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [0, 1, 1, UMAX, UMAX],
+ [0, 1, 0, MIN, MAX],
+ [0, 0, 1, MAX, MIN]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'add_sat': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [MAX, MAX ],
+ [MAX, [sub,MAX,1]],
+ [ 64, 50 ]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'hadd': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [32, 0, 10, MAX, MIN,
+ [div,[add,MAX,MIN], 2],
+ [div,[add,MIN,MAX], 2]
+ ],
+ [32, 1, 12, MAX, MIN, MAX, MIN],
+ [33, 0, 8, MAX, MIN, MIN, MAX]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'clz': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [ [clz,TYPE,1], [clz,TYPE,64], [clz,TYPE,0], [clz,TYPE, MAX],
+ [clz,TYPE,MIN]
+ ],
+ [ 1 , 64 , 0 , MAX ,
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'clamp': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'tss',
+ 'values': [
+ [64, [div, MIN, 2], 1],
+ [92, MIN, 64],
+ [ 0, [div, MIN, 2], 0],
+ [64, 0, 1]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'mad_hi': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [ [mad_hi,[div,MAX,2],3,1,TYPE], [mad_hi,MIN,2,2,TYPE], 4, 1,
+ [mad_hi,MAX,MAX,MAX,TYPE], [mad_hi,MIN,MIN,MIN,TYPE],
+ [mad_hi,MIN,MAX,MAX,TYPE], [mad_hi,MAX, 2, 2,TYPE]
+ ],
+ [ [div,MAX,2], MIN, 12, MAX, MAX, MIN, MIN, MAX],
+ [ 3, 2, 4, 1, MAX, MIN, MAX, 2],
+ [ 1, 2, 4, 1, MAX, MIN, MAX, 2]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'mad_sat': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [52, MAX, 93, 0, MAX, MAX],
+ [12, MAX, 92, 0, MAX, MAX],
+ [ 4, 1, 1, 0, 2, MAX],
+ [ 4, 1, 1, 0, 2, MAX]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'max': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'tss',
+ 'values': [
+ [92, 2, 12, MAX, 1, MAX, MIN, MAX, MAX, 0],
+ [92, 2, 12, MAX, MIN, MAX, MIN, MIN, MAX, 0],
+ [ 2, MIN, 4, 1, 1, MAX, MIN, MAX, MIN, 0]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'min': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'tss',
+ 'values': [
+ [ 2, 1, MIN, 4, 1, MIN, MAX, MIN, MIN, 0, MAX],
+ [92, 64, 2, 12, MAX, MIN, MAX, MIN, MIN, 0, MAX],
+ [ 2, 1, MIN, 4, 1, 1, MAX, MIN, MAX, 0, MAX]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'mul_hi': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [0, 0, 0, [mul_hi,MAX,MAX,TYPE], [mul_hi,MIN,MIN,TYPE], 0,
+ [mul_hi,MAX,2,TYPE], [div,MIN,2]
+ ],
+ [0, 92, MAX, MAX, MIN, 92, MAX, MIN],
+ [0, 2, 1, MAX, MIN, 1, 2, MAX]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'rhadd': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [33, 1, 10],
+ [32, 1, 12],
+ [33, 0, 8]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'rotate': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [1, 8, 1, 2, 1],
+ [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+ [0, 3, SIZE, [add,SIZE,1], [mul,SIZE,10]]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'sub_sat': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [1, 25, MAX, 0, 0, MIN, MIN],
+ [1, 57, MAX, MAX, MIN, MIN, [div,MIN,2]],
+ [0, 32, MIN, MAX, MIN, MAX, [add,[div,MAX,2],1]]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'upsample': {
+ 'arg_types': [B,T,U],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [[pow,2,SIZE], [add,[pow,2,SIZE],1], BMAX, 0, MAX,
+ [add,[pow,2,SIZE],7]
+ ],
+ [ 1, 1, MAX, 0, 0, 1],
+ [ 0, 1, UMAX, 0, MAX, 7]
+ ]
+ }
+#Any test that conceivably includes a negative number as input/output
+signed_generic_tests = {
+ 'abs': {
+ 'arg_types': [U, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [ 1, 13],
+ [-1, -13]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'abs_diff': {
+ 'arg_types': [U, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [1, 15],
+ [0, -8],
+ [1, 7]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'add_sat': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [ 0, -2, [sub,MAX,63], MIN, MIN ],
+ [ 32, -8, MAX, MIN, [add,MIN,10]],
+ [-32, 6, -63, -12, -50 ]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'clamp': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'tss',
+ 'values': [
+ [ -64, 0],
+ [-128, -1],
+ [ -64, 0],
+ [ 0, 1]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'mad_hi': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [MIN, -2],
+ [ -1, 1],
+ [MIN, -1],
+ [MIN, -1]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'mad_sat': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [ 0, MIN, MIN, MAX, MIN, -2],
+ [ -1, MIN, MIN, MIN, MIN, 1],
+ [ MIN, 2, 1, MIN, MAX, -1],
+ [ MIN, 2, -1, MIN, MAX, -1]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'max': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'tss',
+ 'values': [
+ [ -1, 1],
+ [ -1, 1],
+ [ MIN, -1]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'min': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'tss',
+ 'values': [
+ [MIN, -1, MIN],
+ [ -1, 1, MIN],
+ [MIN, -1, -1]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'mul_hi': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [ 0, -1, -1, -1],
+ [ -1, MIN, MIN, 1],
+ [MIN, 2, 1, -1]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'rhadd': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [-32],
+ [-33],
+ [-32]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'rotate': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [ MIN, MIN, [rot,1,-3,SIZE], 1,
+ MIN, [pow,2,[sub,SIZE,2]], MIN],
+ [ 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1],
+ [[sub,SIZE,1], -1, -3, [mul,SIZE,-1],
+ [mul,[add,SIZE,1],-1], [mul,[add,SIZE,2],-1], [sub,SIZE,1]]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'sub_sat': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [ MAX , 81],
+ [[sub,MAX,8], 1],
+ [ -32 , -80]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'upsample': {
+ 'arg_types': [B,T,U],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [ -1, [mul,[pow,2,SIZE],-1]],
+ [ -1, -1],
+ [ UMAX, 0]
+ ]
+ }
+#This list contains all numeric tests which never include negative integers
+#that can't go into generic_tests.
+unsigned_generic_tests = {
+ 'mad_sat': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [ 2, MIN, MAX],
+ [MIN, MIN, MIN],
+ [ 2, MIN, MAX],
+ [ 2, MIN, MAX]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'rotate': {
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [[div,[add,MAX,1],2], [div,[add,MAX,1],2]],
+ [ 1, 1],
+ [ [sub,SIZE,1], [sub,SIZE,1]]
+ ]
+ },
+#Hand-coded tests which are data type specific.
+builtins = {
+ 'int': {
+ 'mad24':{
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [0,2, 0,520, 1],
+ [0,1,-1, 32, 2**30],
+ [0,1,-1, 16, 1],
+ [0,1,-1, 8, 1]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'mul24':{
+ 'arg_types': [T, T, T],
+ 'function_type': 'ttt',
+ 'values': [
+ [0,1, 1, 512, 0],
+ [0,1,-1, 32, 2**30],
+ [0,1,-1, 16, 1]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+#### Define helper functions ####
+def addTestValues(origDef, origValues):
+ fnDef = dict(origDef)
+ values = list(origValues)
+ if (not 'values' in fnDef):
+ fnDef['values'] = []
+ for idx in range(0, len(values)):
+ fnDef['values'].append(list(values[idx]))
+ else:
+ for arg in range(0, len(values)):
+ fnDef['values'][arg] += values[arg]
+ return fnDef
+#Given a data type and function name, create one set of combined applicable
+#test definitions.
+def mergedTestDefinition(dataType, fnName):
+ mergedTest = dict()
+ testLists = [generic_tests]
+ if (dataType in SIGNED_TYPES):
+ testLists += [signed_generic_tests]
+ if (dataType in UNSIGNED_TYPES):
+ testLists += [unsigned_generic_tests]
+ if (dataType in builtins):
+ testLists += [builtins[dataType]]
+ for testList in testLists:
+ if (fnName in testList):
+ fnDef = dict(testList[fnName])
+ if (not 'arg_types' in mergedTest):
+ mergedTest['arg_types'] = list(fnDef['arg_types'])
+ mergedTest['function_type'] = fnDef['function_type']
+ mergedTest = addTestValues(dict(mergedTest), list(fnDef['values']))
+ return mergedTest
+def getFnNames():
+ fnNames = []
+ fnNames += generic_tests.keys()
+ fnNames += signed_generic_tests.keys()
+ fnNames += unsigned_generic_tests.keys()
+ for type in DATA_TYPES:
+ if (type in builtins):
+ fnNames += builtins[type].keys()
+ #Get the sorted unique set of function names
+ return sorted(list(set(fnNames)))
+#vecSizes has the layout [in0width, ..., inNwidth] where outType width is
+#assumed to match the width of the first input
+def gen_kernel(f, fnName, inTypes, outType, vecSizes, typePrefix):
+ f.write( \
+ 'kernel void test_' + typePrefix + str(vecSizes[0]) + '_' + fnName + \
+ '_' + inTypes[0]+'(global '+outType+'* out')
+ for arg in range(0, len(inTypes)):
+ f.write(', global '+inTypes[arg]+'* in'+str(arg))
+ f.write('){\n')
+ suffix = ';'
+ if (vecSizes[0] == 1):
+ f.write(' *out = ')
+ else:
+ f.write(' vstore'+str(vecSizes[0])+'(')
+ suffix = ', 0, out)' + suffix
+ f.write(fnName+'(')
+ suffix = ')' + suffix
+ for arg in range(0, len(inTypes)):
+ if (arg > 0):
+ f.write(', ')
+ #if scalar, don't print vload/vstore
+ if (vecSizes[arg] == 1):
+ f.write('*in'+str(arg))
+ else:
+ f.write('vload'+str(vecSizes[arg])+'(0, in'+str(arg)+')')
+ f.write(suffix+'\n}\n\n')
+def getArgType(baseType, argType):
+ #If the argType is a string, it's a literal data type... return it
+ if (isinstance(argType, str)):
+ return argType
+ #otherwise it's a list to pick from
+ return argType[baseType]
+def getArgTypes(baseType, argTypes):
+ ret = []
+ for argType in argTypes:
+ ret.append(getArgType(baseType,argType))
+ return ret
+#Print a test with all-vector inputs/outputs and/or mixed vector/scalar args
+def print_test(f, fnName, argType, functionDef, tests, testIdx, vecSize, tss):
+ #If the test allows mixed vector/scalar arguments, handle the case with
+ #only vector arguments through a recursive call.
+ if (tss):
+ print_test(f, fnName, argType, functionDef, tests, testIdx, vecSize, \
+ False)
+ #The tss && vecSize==1 case is handled in the non-tss case.
+ if (tss and vecSize == 1):
+ return
+ #If we're handling mixed vector/scalar input widths, the kernels have
+ #different names than when the vector widths match
+ tssStr = 'tss_'
+ if (not tss):
+ tssStr = ''
+ #Write the test header
+ f.write('[test]\n' + \
+ 'name: ' + fnName + ' ' + argType + str(vecSize) + '\n' + \
+ 'kernel_name: test_'+ tssStr + str(vecSize) + '_' + fnName + '_' + \
+ argType + '\n'
+ )
+ argTypes = getArgTypes(argType, functionDef['arg_types'])
+ argCount = len(argTypes)
+ #For each argument, write a line containing its type, index, and values
+ for arg in range(0, argCount):
+ argInOut = ''
+ argVal = getStrVal(argType, tests[arg][testIdx])
+ if arg == 0:
+ argInOut = 'arg_out: '
+ else:
+ argInOut = 'arg_in: '
+ #The output argument and first tss argument are vectors, any that follow
+ #are scalar. If !tss, then everything has a matching vector width
+ if (arg < 2 or not tss):
+ f.write(argInOut + str(arg) + ' buffer ' + argTypes[arg] + \
+ '[' + str(vecSize) + '] ' + \
+ ' '.join([argVal]*vecSize) + \
+ '\n'
+ )
+ else:
+ argInOut = 'arg_in: '
+ f.write(argInOut + str(arg) + ' buffer ' + argTypes[arg] + \
+ '[1] ' + argVal + '\n'
+ )
+ #Blank line between tests for formatting reasons
+ f.write('\n')
+def gen_kernel_1_arg(f, fnName, inType, outType):
+ for vecSize in ALL_WIDTHS:
+ gen_kernel(f, fnName, [inType], outType, [vecSize], '')
+# 2 argument kernel with input types that match
+def gen_kernel_2_arg_same_type(f, fnName, inType, outType):
+ for vecSize in ALL_WIDTHS:
+ gen_kernel(f, fnName, [inType, inType], outType, [vecSize, vecSize], '')
+# 2 argument kernel with 1 vector and one scalar input argument
+def gen_kernel_2_arg_mixed_size(f, fnName, inType, outType):
+ for vecSize in VEC_WIDTHS:
+ gen_kernel(f, fnName, [inType, inType], outType, [vecSize, 1], 'tss_')
+# 2 argument kernel with 1 vector and one scalar input argument with multiple
+# input data types
+def gen_kernel_2_arg_mixed_sign(f, fnName, inType1, inType2, outType):
+ for vecSize in ALL_WIDTHS:
+ gen_kernel(f, fnName, [inType1, inType2], outType, [vecSize, vecSize], \
+ '')
+# 3-argument built-in functions
+def gen_kernel_3_arg_same_type(f, fnName, inType, outType):
+ for vecSize in ALL_WIDTHS:
+ gen_kernel(f, fnName, [inType, inType, inType], outType, \
+ [vecSize, vecSize, vecSize], '')
+def gen_kernel_3_arg_mixed_size_vector(f, fnName, inType, outType, vecSize):
+ f.write( \
+ 'kernel void test_tss_' + vecSize + '_' + fnName + '_' + inType + \
+ '(global ' + outType + '* out, global ' + inType + '* in1, global ' + \
+ inType+'* in2, global '+inType+'* in3){\n' + \
+ ' vstore' + vecSize + '(' + fnName + '(vload' + vecSize + \
+ '(0, in1), *in2, *in3), 0, out);\n' + \
+ '}\n\n'
+ )
+def gen_kernel_3_arg_mixed_size(f, fnName, inType, outType):
+ for vecSize in VEC_WIDTHS:
+ gen_kernel(f, fnName, [inType, inType, inType], outType, \
+ [vecSize, 1, 1], 'tss_')
+def generate_kernels(f, dataType, fnName, fnDef):
+ argTypes = getArgTypes(dataType,fnDef['arg_types'])
+ #For len(argTypes), remember that this includes the output arg
+ if (len(argTypes) == 2):
+ gen_kernel_1_arg(f, fnName, argTypes[1], argTypes[0])
+ return
+ if (len(argTypes) == 3 and not fnName is 'upsample'):
+ gen_kernel_2_arg_same_type(f, fnName, argTypes[1], argTypes[0])
+ if (fnDef['function_type'] is 'tss'):
+ gen_kernel_2_arg_mixed_size(f, fnName, argTypes[1], argTypes[0])
+ return
+ if (len(argTypes) == 4):
+ gen_kernel_3_arg_same_type(f, fnName, argTypes[1], argTypes[0])
+ if (fnDef['function_type'] is 'tss'):
+ gen_kernel_3_arg_mixed_size(f, fnName, argTypes[1], argTypes[0])
+ return
+ if (fnName is 'upsample'):
+ gen_kernel_2_arg_mixed_sign(f, fnName, argTypes[1], argTypes[2], \
+ argTypes[0])
+ return
+#### Main logic start ####
+def main():
+ #Create the output directory if required
+ dirName = os.path.join( "cl", "builtin", "int")
+ if not os.path.exists(dirName):
+ os.makedirs(dirName)
+ #Loop over all data types being tested. Create one output file per data type
+ for dataType in DATA_TYPES:
+ functions = getFnNames() #List of all built-in functions
+ for fnName in functions:
+ if (fnName is 'upsample' and (dataType is 'long' \
+ or dataType is 'ulong')):
+ continue
+ #Merge all of the generic/signed/unsigned/custom test definitions
+ functionDef = mergedTestDefinition(dataType, fnName)
+ #Check if the function actually exists for this data type
+ if (not functionDef.keys()):
+ continue
+ clcVersionMin = CLC_VERSION_MIN[fnName]
+ fileName = 'builtin-' + dataType + '-' + fnName + '-' + \
+ str(float(clcVersionMin)/10)+'.generated.cl'
+ fileName = os.path.join(dirName, fileName)
+ f = open(fileName, 'w')
+ print(fileName)
+ #Write the file header
+ f.write( \
+ '/*!\n' + \
+ '[config]\n' + \
+ 'name: Test '+dataType+' '+fnName+' built-in on CL 1.1\n'+ \
+ 'clc_version_min: '+str(clcVersionMin)+'\n' + \
+ 'dimensions: 1\n' + \
+ 'global_size: 1 0 0\n\n'
+ )
+ #Write all tests for the built-in function
+ tests = functionDef['values']
+ argCount = len(functionDef['arg_types'])
+ fnType = functionDef['function_type']
+ outputValues = tests[0]
+ numTests = len(outputValues)
+ #Handle all available scalar/vector widths
+ sizes = sorted(VEC_WIDTHS)
+ sizes.insert(0,1) #Add 1-wide scalar to the vector widths
+ for vecSize in sizes:
+ for testIdx in range(0, numTests):
+ print_test(f, fnName, dataType, functionDef, tests, \
+ testIdx, vecSize, (fnType is 'tss'))
+ #Terminate the header section
+ f.write('!*/\n\n')
+ #Generate the actual kernels
+ generate_kernels(f, dataType, fnName, functionDef)
+ #Hopefully this next part is obvious :)
+ f.close()