diff options
authorPeter Maydell <>2012-01-24 19:18:58 +0000
committerChristoffer Dall <>2012-02-05 13:07:07 -0500
commit14dcbbd384abc25d475fd2021db3007a22383e46 (patch)
parent2b03c4f2e42b2745d3ac26450e59cc674cfe3904 (diff)
boot-wrapper: Support reading kernel/initrd via semihosting
Implement support in the boot-wrapper for reading our kernel, initrd and command line arguments using the semihosting ABI provided by a Fast Model. We build a second AXF file linux-system-semi.axf which does not depend on or bake in a kernel binary. Instead when you start the model with it you pass the model a parameter like: -C cluster.cpu0.semihosting-cmd_line="--kernel /path/to/uImage --initrd /path/to/initrd -- console=ttyAMA0 mem=512M ..." The boot wrapper will interpret the --kernel and --initrd arguments as taking an option which is a (host system) path, and pass the tail of the string following '--' to the kernel as its command line. Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <>
3 files changed, 376 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 54cdbf5..ebcbce5 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ BOOTLOADER = boot.S
KERNEL = uImage
IMAGE = linux-system.axf
+SEMIIMG = linux-system-semi.axf
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ LD = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ld
# These are needed by the underlying kernel make
-all: $(IMAGE)
+all: $(IMAGE) $(SEMIIMG)
rm -f $(IMAGE) boot.o monitor.o uImage
@@ -38,15 +39,24 @@ $(KERNEL): $(KERNEL_SRC)/arch/arm/boot/uImage
$(IMAGE): boot.o monitor.o $(KERNEL) $(FILESYSTEM) Makefile
$(LD) -o $@
+$(SEMIIMG): bootsemi.o monitor.o
+ $(LD) -o $@
boot.o: $(BOOTLOADER)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -DKCMD='$(KCMD)' -c -o $@ $<
+bootsemi.o: $(BOOTLOADER)
+ $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -DSEMIHOSTING=1 -c -o $@ $<
monitor.o: $(MONITOR)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< $(LD_SCRIPT) Makefile
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -E -P -C -o $@ $< $(LD_SCRIPT) Makefile
+ $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -DSEMIHOSTING=1 -E -P -C -o $@ $<
$(KERNEL_SRC)/arch/arm/boot/uImage: force
$(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_SRC) -j4 uImage
diff --git a/boot.S b/boot.S
index 4629734..cf8bdb0 100644
--- a/boot.S
+++ b/boot.S
@@ -11,6 +11,49 @@
.arch_extension sec
+@ Helper definitions and macros for semihosting
+SYS_OPEN = 0x01
+SYS_CLOSE = 0x02
+SYS_WRITE0 = 0x04
+SYS_READ = 0x06
+SYS_FLEN = 0x0C
+.macro semihost what
+ @ Make a semihosting call. Note that on return r0 is always
+ @ either the return value or is trashed.
+ mov r0, \what
+#if defined(MACH_MPS)
+ @ M profile semihosting is via bpkt
+ bkpt 0xab
+#elif defined(__thumb__)
+ @ Otherwise, different SVC numbers for ARM or Thumb mode
+ svc 0xab
+ svc 0x123456
+.macro exit
+ @ Exit via semihosting call
+ @ REASON_APP_EXIT = 0x20026
+ mov r1, 0x20000
+ orr r1, r1, 0x26
+ semihost SYS_REPORTEXC
+ @ This point is never reached.
+.macro fail string
+ @ Print the message pointed to by string out via semihosting,
+ @ and then exit.
+ ldr r1, =\string
+ semihost SYS_WRITE0
+ exit
.globl _start
#ifdef SMP
@@ -114,6 +157,225 @@ _start:
orr r1, #0x0001 @ cr
str r1, [r0, #0x30]
+ @
+ @ Get kernel, initrd, command line via semihosting
+ @
+ ldr r1, =semiblk
+ ldr r2, =sh_cmdline
+ str r2, [r1]
+ @ We have huge amounts of space between us and where we're
+ @ going to put the kernel, so we can allow for an enormous
+ @ command line length.
+ mov r3, 0x2000
+ str r3, [r1, #4]
+ semihost SYS_GET_CMDLINE
+ cmp r0, 0
+ bne 1f
+ ldr r3, [r1, #4]
+ cmp r3, 0x2000
+ blt 2f
+ @ Failed to get command line, or truncated
+ fail get_cmd_failed
+ @ That gives us one big NUL terminated string.
+ @ We expect:
+ @ --kernel kernelfilename
+ @ --initrd initrdfilename
+ @ --
+ @ and the remainder of the string is kernel args
+ @ r2 is still the command line here
+ @ Skip any leading whitespace, stop if we hit the end
+ ldrb r0, [r2]
+ cmp r0, 32
+ bne 2f
+ add r2, r2, 1
+ b 1b
+ cmp r0, 0
+ bne 3f
+ @ If we hit the end of the string before '--' it's invalid
+ fail bad_cmd_line
+ ldr r1, =dashdashkernel
+ bl matchword
+ cmp r0, 0
+ beq 2f
+ @ found --kernel, r2 points at next word
+ @ load at offset -0x40 to allow for uImage header
+ ldr r1, =kernel
+ sub r1, r1, 0x40
+ bl loadfile
+ b 1b
+ adr r1, dashdashinitrd
+ bl matchword
+ cmp r0, 0
+ beq 2f
+ @ found --initrd, r2 points at next word
+ ldr r1, =filesystem
+ bl loadfile
+ @ now r3 is length of the initrd, fix up our ATAGS
+ ldr r1, =atag_initrd_sz
+ str r3, [r1]
+ b 1b
+ adr r1, dashdash
+ bl matchword
+ cmp r0, 0
+ beq 2f
+ @ found --, r2 points at next word
+ @ handle rest of string (if any) as kernel args
+ @ If we didn't have an initrd, write the ATAG_CMDLINE
+ @ over the top of the ATAG_INITRD2
+ ldr r0, =atag_cmdline
+ ldr r4, [r0, #4] @ ATAG_CMDLINE magic number
+ ldr r1, =atag_initrd_sz
+ ldr r1, [r1]
+ cmp r1, 0
+ itt eq
+ ldreq r0, =atag_initrd
+ streq r4, [r0, #4]
+ add r3, r0, #8
+ @ copy string from r2 to r3
+1: ldrb r1, [r2],#1
+ strb r1, [r3],#1
+ cmp r1, 0
+ bne 1b
+ @ zero-pad to word boundary
+1: tst r3, #3
+ beq 1f
+ strb r1, [r3],#1
+ b 1b
+1: @ now write the length word
+ sub r4, r3, r0
+ lsr r4, r4, #2
+ str r4, [r0]
+ @ and terminate the ATAGS list with an ATAG_NONE node
+ str r1, [r3, #0]
+ str r1, [r3, #4]
+ b run_kernel
+ @ unrecognised option
+ fail bad_cmd_line
+ @ Subroutine: if the first word (up to space or end)
+ @ in the string r2 matches the word pointed at by r1
+ @ then return with r0 != 0 and r2 pointing at the
+ @ space/end. Otherwise return with r0 = 0, r2 unchanged.
+ mov r3, r2
+ ldrb r0, [r2]
+ ldrb r4, [r1]
+ cmp r4, 0
+ beq 1f
+ cmp r4, r0
+ bne matchfail
+ add r2, r2, 1
+ add r1, r1, 1
+ b 1b
+ @ end of matched string, is r2 at end of word?
+ cmp r0, 32
+ itt ne
+ cmpne r0, 0
+ bne matchfail
+ @ Success
+ mov r0, 1
+ bx lr
+1: @ not end of string, match?
+ mov r2, r3
+ mov r0, 0
+ bx lr
+ @ Subroutine: r2 points to a filename argument (possibly with
+ @ leading spaces, space or NUL terminated), r1 is the address
+ @ to load it at. Load the file via semihosting to the
+ @ specified address. On exit r2 points to the space/NUL
+ @ after the filename, and r3 is the length of the file in bytes
+ @ We modify the filename string in place, temporarily
+ mov r5, r1
+ adr r1, loading_str
+ semihost SYS_WRITE0
+ @ skip leading spaces
+1: ldrb r0, [r2]
+ cmp r0, 32
+ bne 1f
+ add r2, r2, 1
+ b 1b
+1: mov r3, r2
+ @ advance until next space or NUL
+1: ldrb r0, [r2]
+ cmp r0, 32
+ ite ne
+ cmpne r0, 0
+ beq 1f
+ add r2, r2, 1
+ b 1b
+1: @ filename is r3 to r2, save terminating byte and nul terminate
+ mov r4, r0
+ mov r0, 0
+ strb r0, [r2]
+ mov r1, r3
+ semihost SYS_WRITE0
+ adr r1, colonspace_str
+ semihost SYS_WRITE0
+ adr r1, semiblk
+ str r3, [r1] @ filename
+ mov r0, 1
+ str r0, [r1, #4] @ file mode: "rb"
+ subs r0, r2, r3
+ bne 1f
+ fail nofilename
+1: str r0, [r1, #8] @ file name length
+ semihost SYS_OPEN
+ cmp r0, -1
+ bne 1f
+ fail openfailed
+1: @ now we can restore the terminating byte
+ strb r4, [r2]
+ mov r4, r0
+ str r0, [r1] @ filehandle
+ semihost SYS_FLEN
+ cmp r0, -1
+ bne 1f
+ fail flenfailed
+1: adr r1, semiblk
+ mov r3, r0
+ str r4, [r1] @ filehandle
+ str r5, [r1, #4] @ buffer
+ str r0, [r1, #8] @ length
+ semihost SYS_READ
+ cmp r0, 0
+ beq 1f
+ fail readfailed
+1: adr r1, semiblk
+ str r4, [r1]
+ semihost SYS_CLOSE
+ cmp r0, 0
+ beq 1f
+ fail closefailed
+1: @ Success! r2 is pointing to the space/NUL after the filename,
+ @ r3 is the length of the file in bytes
+ adr r1, ok_str
+ semihost SYS_WRITE0
+ bx lr
@ Kernel parameters
@@ -133,7 +395,98 @@ _start:
mov pc, lr @ jump to the kernel
+ @
+ @ Data
+ @
+ .org 0x500
+ @ Put the constant pool here as otherwise the assembler will
+ @ put it immediately after our atags and it will be overwritten
+ @ by the semihosting command line.
+ .ltorg
+ @ block of four words used to pass/return values in semihosting calls
+ .align 2
+ .long 0,0,0,0
+ .asciz "--kernel"
+ .align 2
+ .asciz "--initrd"
+ .align 2
+ .asciz "--"
+ .align 2
+ .asciz "Failed to get semihosting command line\n"
+ .align 2
+ .asciz "Bad command line format (unknown option?)\n"
+ .align 2
+ .asciz "Expected filename argument\n"
+ .align 2
+ .asciz "open failed!\n"
+ .align 2
+ .asciz "could not find length of file!\n"
+ .align 2
+ .asciz "could not read file!\n"
+ .align 2
+ .asciz "could not close file!\n"
+ .align 2
+ .asciz "Loading: "
+ .align 2
+ .asciz ": "
+ .align 2
+ .asciz "OK\n"
+ .align 2
+ @ Template for our ATAGs: we will edit these: the INITRD2
+ @ is optional and the CMDLINE will be expanded to include
+ @ the actual command line.
+ @ The important thing here is that any editing we do
+ @ to the template should only make it shorter, so we
+ @ don't accidentally overwrite the semihosting commandline
+ @ until the very end when we copy the tail end of the
+ @ semihosting command line into the ATAG_CMDLINE node
+ @ as the kernel parameters.
+ .long 2
+ .long 0x54410001
+ .long 4
+ .long 0x54420005
+ .long filesystem @ address
+ .long 0 @ size
+ .long 0 @ length
+ .long 0x54410009
+ @ command line string will start here
+ @ Semihosting command line will be written here
+#else /* not SEMIHOSTING */
.org 0x100
+ @ Static ATAGS for when kernel/etc are compiled into the ELF file
.long 2
@@ -158,3 +511,5 @@ atags:
.long 0
.long 0x00000000
+#endif /* not SEMIHOSTING */
diff --git a/ b/
index 4769480..3af4e07 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ TARGET(binary)
@@ -30,15 +31,22 @@ MON_OFFSET = 0xf0000000;
+ .text : { bootsemi.o }
.text : { boot.o }
. = PHYS_OFFSET + 0x8000 - 0x40;
kernel = . + 0x40;
.kernel : { ./uImage }
. = PHYS_OFFSET + 0x00800000;
filesystem = .;
-#ifdef USE_INITRD
+#if defined(USE_INITRD) && !defined(SEMIHOSTING)
.filesystem : { ./filesystem.cpio.gz }
fs_size = . - filesystem;