AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-10-01update to more permanent locationHEADmasterMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-08-27ffsMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-08-27ffsMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-08-27effing yamlMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-08-27grrMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-08-27use $(lava-self) has hostname if availableMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-08-25oopsMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-08-25make demo job do something useful: run a hacking sessionMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-07-05avoid cuteMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-07-05hate shell grMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-07-04allow a job to supply a url of something to download and run in the targetMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-07-04fix kernel command line in example jobMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-07-03lavatest.yaml: grow the partition after creationAlex Bennée
2014-07-02oopsMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-07-02support compressed raw images as wellMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-07-02file ++Michael Hudson-Doyle
2014-06-25debugging++Michael Hudson-Doyle
2014-06-25so we do not have a sane fstab (i think?)Michael Hudson-Doyle
2014-06-25a better boot script overrideMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-06-25some moreMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-06-25forgot one!Michael Hudson-Doyle
2014-06-25second commitMichael Hudson-Doyle
2014-06-25initial commitMichael Hudson-Doyle