# This repository were created for building the OpenDataPlane (ODP) project # daily in a continues integration (CI) system. # # build-dpdk.sh builds from DPDK's ODP repository # build-netmap.sh builds from netmap's ODP repository # # all git repositories above are located at git://git.linaro.org/lng/odp*.git # Need to install on Ubuntu 14.10 $ apt-get install build-essential git-core lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 graphviz gcc-multilib curl lcov # For ODP: $ apt-get install autoconf automake libtool doxygen texlive-full libssl-dev # For ODP-DPDK + packages that are needed for ODP: $ apt-get install libpcap-dev # For generating API differences you need: $ apt-get install libipc-system-simple-perl # build ODP # type build.sh -h to see what environment variables you can change. # Most of the time default setup are enough. # build ODP native $ ./build.sh # one example to run from a local git url $ GIT_URL=file:///home/anders/src/odp ./build.sh # build ODP for DPDK # type build-dpdk.sh -h to see what environment variables you can change. # Most of the time default setup are enough. $ ./build-dpdk.sh # one example to run from a local git url $ GIT_DPDK=file:///home/anders/src/dpdk GIT_URL=file:///home/anders/src/odp ./build-dpdk.sh # apply and build patches, looks for doxygen warnings and git am warnings. # type apply-and-build.sh -h to see what environment variables you can change. # one example to run from not the default patch directory $ PATCH_DIR=/home/anders/test-patches ./apply-and-build.sh # cross compile ODP # one example to run with another ARCH $ ARCH=arm64 ./build.sh