/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence. * * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __MALI_MMU_H__ #define __MALI_MMU_H__ #include "mali_osk.h" #include "mali_mmu_page_directory.h" #include "mali_hw_core.h" /* Forward declaration from mali_group.h */ struct mali_group; /** * MMU register numbers * Used in the register read/write routines. * See the hardware documentation for more information about each register */ typedef enum mali_mmu_register { MALI_MMU_REGISTER_DTE_ADDR = 0x0000, /**< Current Page Directory Pointer */ MALI_MMU_REGISTER_STATUS = 0x0004, /**< Status of the MMU */ MALI_MMU_REGISTER_COMMAND = 0x0008, /**< Command register, used to control the MMU */ MALI_MMU_REGISTER_PAGE_FAULT_ADDR = 0x000C, /**< Logical address of the last page fault */ MALI_MMU_REGISTER_ZAP_ONE_LINE = 0x010, /**< Used to invalidate the mapping of a single page from the MMU */ MALI_MMU_REGISTER_INT_RAWSTAT = 0x0014, /**< Raw interrupt status, all interrupts visible */ MALI_MMU_REGISTER_INT_CLEAR = 0x0018, /**< Indicate to the MMU that the interrupt has been received */ MALI_MMU_REGISTER_INT_MASK = 0x001C, /**< Enable/disable types of interrupts */ MALI_MMU_REGISTER_INT_STATUS = 0x0020 /**< Interrupt status based on the mask */ } mali_mmu_register; /** * MMU interrupt register bits * Each cause of the interrupt is reported * through the (raw) interrupt status registers. * Multiple interrupts can be pending, so multiple bits * can be set at once. */ typedef enum mali_mmu_interrupt { MALI_MMU_INTERRUPT_PAGE_FAULT = 0x01, /**< A page fault occured */ MALI_MMU_INTERRUPT_READ_BUS_ERROR = 0x02 /**< A bus read error occured */ } mali_mmu_interrupt; typedef enum mali_mmu_status_bits { MALI_MMU_STATUS_BIT_PAGING_ENABLED = 1 << 0, MALI_MMU_STATUS_BIT_PAGE_FAULT_ACTIVE = 1 << 1, MALI_MMU_STATUS_BIT_STALL_ACTIVE = 1 << 2, MALI_MMU_STATUS_BIT_IDLE = 1 << 3, MALI_MMU_STATUS_BIT_REPLAY_BUFFER_EMPTY = 1 << 4, MALI_MMU_STATUS_BIT_PAGE_FAULT_IS_WRITE = 1 << 5, MALI_MMU_STATUS_BIT_STALL_NOT_ACTIVE = 1 << 31, } mali_mmu_status_bits; /** * Definition of the MMU struct * Used to track a MMU unit in the system. * Contains information about the mapping of the registers */ struct mali_mmu_core { struct mali_hw_core hw_core; /**< Common for all HW cores */ _mali_osk_irq_t *irq; /**< IRQ handler */ }; _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_mmu_initialize(void); void mali_mmu_terminate(void); struct mali_mmu_core *mali_mmu_create(_mali_osk_resource_t *resource, struct mali_group *group, mali_bool is_virtual); void mali_mmu_delete(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu); _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_mmu_reset(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu); mali_bool mali_mmu_zap_tlb(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu); void mali_mmu_zap_tlb_without_stall(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu); void mali_mmu_invalidate_page(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu, u32 mali_address); void mali_mmu_activate_page_directory(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu, struct mali_page_directory *pagedir); void mali_mmu_activate_empty_page_directory(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu); void mali_mmu_activate_fault_flush_page_directory(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu); void mali_mmu_page_fault_done(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu); MALI_STATIC_INLINE enum mali_interrupt_result mali_mmu_get_interrupt_result(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu) { u32 rawstat_used = mali_hw_core_register_read(&mmu->hw_core, MALI_MMU_REGISTER_INT_RAWSTAT); if (0 == rawstat_used) { return MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_NONE; } return MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_ERROR; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_mmu_get_int_status(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu) { return mali_hw_core_register_read(&mmu->hw_core, MALI_MMU_REGISTER_INT_STATUS); } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_mmu_get_rawstat(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu) { return mali_hw_core_register_read(&mmu->hw_core, MALI_MMU_REGISTER_INT_RAWSTAT); } MALI_STATIC_INLINE void mali_mmu_mask_all_interrupts(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu) { mali_hw_core_register_write(&mmu->hw_core, MALI_MMU_REGISTER_INT_MASK, 0); } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_mmu_get_status(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu) { return mali_hw_core_register_read(&mmu->hw_core, MALI_MMU_REGISTER_STATUS); } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_mmu_get_page_fault_addr(struct mali_mmu_core *mmu) { return mali_hw_core_register_read(&mmu->hw_core, MALI_MMU_REGISTER_PAGE_FAULT_ADDR); } #endif /* __MALI_MMU_H__ */