path: root/drivers/gpu/arm/utgard/common/mali_executor.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/gpu/arm/utgard/common/mali_executor.c')
1 files changed, 2642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/arm/utgard/common/mali_executor.c b/drivers/gpu/arm/utgard/common/mali_executor.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3c2864386798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/arm/utgard/common/mali_executor.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2642 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
+ *
+ * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "mali_executor.h"
+#include "mali_scheduler.h"
+#include "mali_kernel_common.h"
+#include "mali_kernel_core.h"
+#include "mali_osk.h"
+#include "mali_osk_list.h"
+#include "mali_pp.h"
+#include "mali_pp_job.h"
+#include "mali_group.h"
+#include "mali_pm.h"
+#include "mali_timeline.h"
+#include "mali_osk_profiling.h"
+#include "mali_session.h"
+ * If dma_buf with map on demand is used, we defer job deletion and job queue
+ * if in atomic context, since both might sleep.
+ */
+ * ---------- static type definitions (structs, enums, etc) ----------
+ */
+enum mali_executor_state_t {
+ EXEC_STATE_NOT_PRESENT, /* Virtual group on Mali-300/400 (do not use) */
+ EXEC_STATE_DISABLED, /* Disabled by core scaling (do not use) */
+ EXEC_STATE_EMPTY, /* No child groups for virtual group (do not use) */
+ EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE, /* Can be used, but must be activate first */
+ EXEC_STATE_IDLE, /* Active and ready to be used */
+ EXEC_STATE_WORKING, /* Executing a job */
+ * ---------- global variables (exported due to inline functions) ----------
+ */
+/* Lock for this module (protecting all HW access except L2 caches) */
+_mali_osk_spinlock_irq_t *mali_executor_lock_obj = NULL;
+mali_bool mali_executor_hints[MALI_EXECUTOR_HINT_MAX];
+ * ---------- static variables ----------
+ */
+/* Used to defer job scheduling */
+static _mali_osk_wq_work_t *executor_wq_high_pri = NULL;
+/* Store version from GP and PP (user space wants to know this) */
+static u32 pp_version = 0;
+static u32 gp_version = 0;
+/* List of physical PP groups which are disabled by some external source */
+static _MALI_OSK_LIST_HEAD_STATIC_INIT(group_list_disabled);
+static u32 group_list_disabled_count = 0;
+/* List of groups which can be used, but activate first */
+static _MALI_OSK_LIST_HEAD_STATIC_INIT(group_list_inactive);
+static u32 group_list_inactive_count = 0;
+/* List of groups which are active and ready to be used */
+static _MALI_OSK_LIST_HEAD_STATIC_INIT(group_list_idle);
+static u32 group_list_idle_count = 0;
+/* List of groups which are executing a job */
+static _MALI_OSK_LIST_HEAD_STATIC_INIT(group_list_working);
+static u32 group_list_working_count = 0;
+/* Virtual group (if any) */
+static struct mali_group *virtual_group = NULL;
+/* Virtual group state is tracked with a state variable instead of 4 lists */
+static enum mali_executor_state_t virtual_group_state = EXEC_STATE_NOT_PRESENT;
+/* GP group */
+static struct mali_group *gp_group = NULL;
+/* GP group state is tracked with a state variable instead of 4 lists */
+static enum mali_executor_state_t gp_group_state = EXEC_STATE_NOT_PRESENT;
+static u32 gp_returned_cookie = 0;
+/* Total number of physical PP cores present */
+static u32 num_physical_pp_cores_total = 0;
+/* Number of physical cores which are enabled */
+static u32 num_physical_pp_cores_enabled = 0;
+/* Enable or disable core scaling */
+static mali_bool core_scaling_enabled = MALI_TRUE;
+/* Variables to allow safe pausing of the scheduler */
+static _mali_osk_wait_queue_t *executor_working_wait_queue = NULL;
+static u32 pause_count = 0;
+/* PP cores haven't been enabled because of some pp cores haven't been disabled. */
+static int core_scaling_delay_up_mask[MALI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DOMAINS] = { 0 };
+/* Variables used to implement notify pp core changes to userspace when core scaling
+ * is finished in mali_executor_complete_group() function. */
+static _mali_osk_wq_work_t *executor_wq_notify_core_change = NULL;
+static _mali_osk_wait_queue_t *executor_notify_core_change_wait_queue = NULL;
+ * ---------- Forward declaration of static functions ----------
+ */
+static mali_bool mali_executor_is_suspended(void *data);
+static mali_bool mali_executor_is_working(void);
+static void mali_executor_disable_empty_virtual(void);
+static mali_bool mali_executor_physical_rejoin_virtual(struct mali_group *group);
+static mali_bool mali_executor_has_virtual_group(void);
+static mali_bool mali_executor_virtual_group_is_usable(void);
+static void mali_executor_schedule(void);
+static void mali_executor_wq_schedule(void *arg);
+static void mali_executor_send_gp_oom_to_user(struct mali_gp_job *job, u32 added_size);
+static void mali_executor_complete_group(struct mali_group *group,
+ mali_bool success,
+ struct mali_gp_job **gp_job_done,
+ struct mali_pp_job **pp_job_done);
+static void mali_executor_change_state_pp_physical(struct mali_group *group,
+ _mali_osk_list_t *old_list,
+ u32 *old_count,
+ _mali_osk_list_t *new_list,
+ u32 *new_count);
+static mali_bool mali_executor_group_is_in_state(struct mali_group *group,
+ enum mali_executor_state_t state);
+static void mali_executor_group_enable_internal(struct mali_group *group);
+static void mali_executor_group_disable_internal(struct mali_group *group);
+static void mali_executor_core_scale(unsigned int target_core_nr);
+static void mali_executor_core_scale_in_group_complete(struct mali_group *group);
+static void mali_executor_notify_core_change(u32 num_cores);
+static void mali_executor_wq_notify_core_change(void *arg);
+static void mali_executor_change_group_status_disabled(struct mali_group *group);
+static mali_bool mali_executor_deactivate_list_idle(mali_bool deactivate_idle_group);
+static void mali_executor_set_state_pp_physical(struct mali_group *group,
+ _mali_osk_list_t *new_list,
+ u32 *new_count);
+ * ---------- Actual implementation ----------
+ */
+_mali_osk_errcode_t mali_executor_initialize(void)
+ mali_executor_lock_obj = _mali_osk_spinlock_irq_init(_MALI_OSK_LOCKFLAG_ORDERED, _MALI_OSK_LOCK_ORDER_EXECUTOR);
+ if (NULL == mali_executor_lock_obj) {
+ mali_executor_terminate();
+ }
+ executor_wq_high_pri = _mali_osk_wq_create_work_high_pri(mali_executor_wq_schedule, NULL);
+ if (NULL == executor_wq_high_pri) {
+ mali_executor_terminate();
+ }
+ executor_working_wait_queue = _mali_osk_wait_queue_init();
+ if (NULL == executor_working_wait_queue) {
+ mali_executor_terminate();
+ }
+ executor_wq_notify_core_change = _mali_osk_wq_create_work(mali_executor_wq_notify_core_change, NULL);
+ if (NULL == executor_wq_notify_core_change) {
+ mali_executor_terminate();
+ }
+ executor_notify_core_change_wait_queue = _mali_osk_wait_queue_init();
+ if (NULL == executor_notify_core_change_wait_queue) {
+ mali_executor_terminate();
+ }
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+void mali_executor_terminate(void)
+ if (NULL != executor_notify_core_change_wait_queue) {
+ _mali_osk_wait_queue_term(executor_notify_core_change_wait_queue);
+ executor_notify_core_change_wait_queue = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != executor_wq_notify_core_change) {
+ _mali_osk_wq_delete_work(executor_wq_notify_core_change);
+ executor_wq_notify_core_change = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != executor_working_wait_queue) {
+ _mali_osk_wait_queue_term(executor_working_wait_queue);
+ executor_working_wait_queue = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != executor_wq_high_pri) {
+ _mali_osk_wq_delete_work(executor_wq_high_pri);
+ executor_wq_high_pri = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != mali_executor_lock_obj) {
+ _mali_osk_spinlock_irq_term(mali_executor_lock_obj);
+ mali_executor_lock_obj = NULL;
+ }
+void mali_executor_populate(void)
+ u32 num_groups;
+ u32 i;
+ num_groups = mali_group_get_glob_num_groups();
+ /* Do we have a virtual group? */
+ for (i = 0; i < num_groups; i++) {
+ struct mali_group *group = mali_group_get_glob_group(i);
+ if (mali_group_is_virtual(group)) {
+ virtual_group = group;
+ virtual_group_state = EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Find all the available physical GP and PP cores */
+ for (i = 0; i < num_groups; i++) {
+ struct mali_group *group = mali_group_get_glob_group(i);
+ if (NULL != group) {
+ struct mali_pp_core *pp_core = mali_group_get_pp_core(group);
+ struct mali_gp_core *gp_core = mali_group_get_gp_core(group);
+ if (!mali_group_is_virtual(group)) {
+ if (NULL != pp_core) {
+ if (0 == pp_version) {
+ /* Retrieve PP version from the first available PP core */
+ pp_version = mali_pp_core_get_version(pp_core);
+ }
+ if (NULL != virtual_group) {
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ mali_group_add_group(virtual_group, group);
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ } else {
+ _mali_osk_list_add(&group->executor_list, &group_list_inactive);
+ group_list_inactive_count++;
+ }
+ num_physical_pp_cores_total++;
+ } else {
+ if (0 == gp_version) {
+ /* Retrieve GP version */
+ gp_version = mali_gp_core_get_version(gp_core);
+ }
+ gp_group = group;
+ gp_group_state = EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ num_physical_pp_cores_enabled = num_physical_pp_cores_total;
+void mali_executor_depopulate(void)
+ struct mali_group *group;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ if (NULL != gp_group) {
+ mali_group_delete(gp_group);
+ gp_group = NULL;
+ }
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(EXEC_STATE_WORKING != virtual_group_state);
+ if (NULL != virtual_group) {
+ mali_group_delete(virtual_group);
+ virtual_group = NULL;
+ }
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(_mali_osk_list_empty(&group_list_working));
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_idle, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ mali_group_delete(group);
+ }
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_inactive, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ mali_group_delete(group);
+ }
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_disabled, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ mali_group_delete(group);
+ }
+void mali_executor_suspend(void)
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ /* Increment the pause_count so that no more jobs will be scheduled */
+ pause_count++;
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ _mali_osk_wait_queue_wait_event(executor_working_wait_queue,
+ mali_executor_is_suspended, NULL);
+ /*
+ * mali_executor_complete_XX() leaves jobs in idle state.
+ * deactivate option is used when we are going to power down
+ * the entire GPU (OS suspend) and want a consistent SW vs HW
+ * state.
+ */
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ mali_executor_deactivate_list_idle(MALI_TRUE);
+ /*
+ * The following steps are used to deactive all of activated
+ * _STAET_ACTIVATION_PENDING) groups, to make sure the variable
+ * pd_mask_wanted is equal with 0. */
+ if (MALI_GROUP_STATE_INACTIVE != mali_group_get_state(gp_group)) {
+ gp_group_state = EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE;
+ mali_group_deactivate(gp_group);
+ }
+ if (mali_executor_has_virtual_group()) {
+ != mali_group_get_state(virtual_group)) {
+ virtual_group_state = EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE;
+ mali_group_deactivate(virtual_group);
+ }
+ }
+ if (0 < group_list_inactive_count) {
+ struct mali_group *group;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ &group_list_inactive,
+ struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ == mali_group_get_state(group)) {
+ mali_group_deactivate(group);
+ }
+ /*
+ * On mali-450 platform, we may have physical group in the group inactive
+ * list, and its state is MALI_GROUP_STATE_ACTIVATION_PENDING, so we only
+ * deactivate it is not enough, we still also need add it back to virtual group.
+ * And now, virtual group must be in INACTIVE state, so it's safe to add
+ * physical group to virtual group at this point.
+ */
+ if (NULL != virtual_group) {
+ _mali_osk_list_delinit(&group->executor_list);
+ group_list_inactive_count--;
+ mali_group_add_group(virtual_group, group);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+void mali_executor_resume(void)
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ /* Decrement pause_count to allow scheduling again (if it reaches 0) */
+ pause_count--;
+ if (0 == pause_count) {
+ mali_executor_schedule();
+ }
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+u32 mali_executor_get_num_cores_total(void)
+ return num_physical_pp_cores_total;
+u32 mali_executor_get_num_cores_enabled(void)
+ return num_physical_pp_cores_enabled;
+struct mali_pp_core *mali_executor_get_virtual_pp(void)
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(virtual_group->pp_core);
+ return virtual_group->pp_core;
+struct mali_group *mali_executor_get_virtual_group(void)
+ return virtual_group;
+void mali_executor_zap_all_active(struct mali_session_data *session)
+ struct mali_group *group;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ mali_bool ret;
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ /*
+ * This function is a bit complicated because
+ * mali_group_zap_session() can fail. This only happens because the
+ * group is in an unhandled page fault status.
+ * We need to make sure this page fault is handled before we return,
+ * so that we know every single outstanding MMU transactions have
+ * completed. This will allow caller to safely remove physical pages
+ * when we have returned.
+ */
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != gp_group);
+ ret = mali_group_zap_session(gp_group, session);
+ if (MALI_FALSE == ret) {
+ struct mali_gp_job *gp_job = NULL;
+ mali_executor_complete_group(gp_group, MALI_FALSE, &gp_job, NULL);
+ /* GP job completed, make sure it is freed */
+ mali_scheduler_complete_gp_job(gp_job, MALI_FALSE,
+ }
+ if (mali_executor_has_virtual_group()) {
+ ret = mali_group_zap_session(virtual_group, session);
+ if (MALI_FALSE == ret) {
+ struct mali_pp_job *pp_job = NULL;
+ mali_executor_complete_group(virtual_group, MALI_FALSE, NULL, &pp_job);
+ if (NULL != pp_job) {
+ /* PP job completed, make sure it is freed */
+ mali_scheduler_complete_pp_job(pp_job, 0,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_working,
+ struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ ret = mali_group_zap_session(group, session);
+ if (MALI_FALSE == ret) {
+ ret = mali_group_zap_session(group, session);
+ if (MALI_FALSE == ret) {
+ struct mali_pp_job *pp_job = NULL;
+ mali_executor_complete_group(group, MALI_FALSE, NULL, &pp_job);
+ if (NULL != pp_job) {
+ /* PP job completed, free it */
+ mali_scheduler_complete_pp_job(pp_job,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+void mali_executor_schedule_from_mask(mali_scheduler_mask mask, mali_bool deferred_schedule)
+ if (MALI_TRUE == deferred_schedule) {
+ _mali_osk_wq_schedule_work_high_pri(executor_wq_high_pri);
+ } else {
+ /* Schedule from this thread*/
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ mali_executor_schedule();
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+ }
+_mali_osk_errcode_t mali_executor_interrupt_gp(struct mali_group *group,
+ mali_bool in_upper_half)
+ enum mali_interrupt_result int_result;
+ mali_bool time_out = MALI_FALSE;
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Executor: GP interrupt from %s in %s half\n",
+ mali_group_core_description(group),
+ in_upper_half ? "upper" : "bottom"));
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ if (!mali_group_is_working(group)) {
+ /* Not working, so nothing to do */
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(mali_group_is_working(group));
+ if (mali_group_has_timed_out(group)) {
+ time_out = MALI_TRUE;
+ MALI_PRINT(("Executor GP: Job %d Timeout on %s\n",
+ mali_gp_job_get_id(group->gp_running_job),
+ mali_group_core_description(group)));
+ } else {
+ int_result = mali_group_get_interrupt_result_gp(group);
+ if (MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_NONE == int_result) {
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+ }
+ if (MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_NONE == int_result) {
+ /* No interrupts signalled, so nothing to do */
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+ mali_group_mask_all_interrupts_gp(group);
+ if (mali_group_gp_is_active(group)) {
+ /* Only VS completed so far, while PLBU is still active */
+ /* Enable all but the current interrupt */
+ mali_group_enable_interrupts_gp(group, int_result);
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+ }
+ } else if (MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_SUCCESS_PLBU == int_result) {
+ if (mali_group_gp_is_active(group)) {
+ /* Only PLBU completed so far, while VS is still active */
+ /* Enable all but the current interrupt */
+ mali_group_enable_interrupts_gp(group, int_result);
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+ }
+ } else if (MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_OOM == int_result) {
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ mali_group_schedule_oom_work_handler(group);
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+ }
+ /* We should now have a real interrupt to handle */
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Executor: Group %s completed with %s\n",
+ mali_group_core_description(group),
+ "ERROR" : "success"));
+ if (in_upper_half && MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_ERROR == int_result) {
+ /* Don't bother to do processing of errors in upper half */
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ if (MALI_FALSE == time_out) {
+ mali_group_schedule_bottom_half_gp(group);
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct mali_gp_job *job;
+ mali_bool success;
+ if (MALI_TRUE == time_out) {
+ mali_group_dump_status(group);
+ }
+ success = (int_result != MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_ERROR) ?
+ mali_executor_complete_group(group, success, &job, NULL);
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ /* GP jobs always fully complete */
+ /* This will notify user space and close the job object */
+ mali_scheduler_complete_gp_job(job, success,
+ }
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t mali_executor_interrupt_pp(struct mali_group *group,
+ mali_bool in_upper_half)
+ enum mali_interrupt_result int_result;
+ mali_bool time_out = MALI_FALSE;
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Executor: PP interrupt from %s in %s half\n",
+ mali_group_core_description(group),
+ in_upper_half ? "upper" : "bottom"));
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ if (!mali_group_is_working(group)) {
+ /* Not working, so nothing to do */
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+ if (in_upper_half) {
+ if (mali_group_is_in_virtual(group)) {
+ /* Child groups should never handle PP interrupts */
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(!mali_group_has_timed_out(group));
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+ }
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(mali_group_is_working(group));
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(!mali_group_is_in_virtual(group));
+ if (mali_group_has_timed_out(group)) {
+ time_out = MALI_TRUE;
+ MALI_PRINT(("Executor PP: Job %d Timeout on %s\n",
+ mali_pp_job_get_id(group->pp_running_job),
+ mali_group_core_description(group)));
+ } else {
+ int_result = mali_group_get_interrupt_result_pp(group);
+ if (MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_NONE == int_result) {
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+ }
+ if (MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_NONE == int_result) {
+ /* No interrupts signalled, so nothing to do */
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ } else if (MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_SUCCESS == int_result) {
+ if (mali_group_is_virtual(group) && mali_group_pp_is_active(group)) {
+ /* Some child groups are still working, so nothing to do right now */
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+ }
+ /* We should now have a real interrupt to handle */
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Executor: Group %s completed with %s\n",
+ mali_group_core_description(group),
+ "ERROR" : "success"));
+ if (in_upper_half && MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_ERROR == int_result) {
+ /* Don't bother to do processing of errors in upper half */
+ mali_group_mask_all_interrupts_pp(group);
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ if (MALI_FALSE == time_out) {
+ mali_group_schedule_bottom_half_pp(group);
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct mali_pp_job *job = NULL;
+ mali_bool success;
+ if (MALI_TRUE == time_out) {
+ mali_group_dump_status(group);
+ }
+ success = (int_result == MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_SUCCESS) ?
+ mali_executor_complete_group(group, success, NULL, &job);
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ if (NULL != job) {
+ /* Notify user space and close the job object */
+ mali_scheduler_complete_pp_job(job,
+ num_physical_pp_cores_total,
+ }
+ }
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t mali_executor_interrupt_mmu(struct mali_group *group,
+ mali_bool in_upper_half)
+ enum mali_interrupt_result int_result;
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Executor: MMU interrupt from %s in %s half\n",
+ mali_group_core_description(group),
+ in_upper_half ? "upper" : "bottom"));
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ if (!mali_group_is_working(group)) {
+ /* Not working, so nothing to do */
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(mali_group_is_working(group));
+ int_result = mali_group_get_interrupt_result_mmu(group);
+ if (MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_NONE == int_result) {
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+ if (MALI_INTERRUPT_RESULT_NONE == int_result) {
+ /* No interrupts signalled, so nothing to do */
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+ /* We should now have a real interrupt to handle */
+ if (in_upper_half) {
+ /* Don't bother to do processing of errors in upper half */
+ struct mali_group *parent = group->parent_group;
+ mali_mmu_mask_all_interrupts(group->mmu);
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ if (NULL == parent) {
+ mali_group_schedule_bottom_half_mmu(group);
+ } else {
+ mali_group_schedule_bottom_half_mmu(parent);
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct mali_gp_job *gp_job = NULL;
+ struct mali_pp_job *pp_job = NULL;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ u32 fault_address = mali_mmu_get_page_fault_addr(group->mmu);
+ u32 status = mali_mmu_get_status(group->mmu);
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(2, ("Executor: Mali page fault detected at 0x%x from bus id %d of type %s on %s\n",
+ (void *)(uintptr_t)fault_address,
+ (status >> 6) & 0x1F,
+ (status & 32) ? "write" : "read",
+ group->mmu->hw_core.description));
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Executor: MMU rawstat = 0x%08X, MMU status = 0x%08X\n",
+ mali_mmu_get_rawstat(group->mmu), status));
+ mali_mmu_pagedir_diag(mali_session_get_page_directory(group->session), fault_address);
+ mali_executor_complete_group(group, MALI_FALSE, &gp_job, &pp_job);
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ if (NULL != gp_job) {
+ /* Notify user space and close the job object */
+ mali_scheduler_complete_gp_job(gp_job, MALI_FALSE,
+ } else if (NULL != pp_job) {
+ /* Notify user space and close the job object */
+ mali_scheduler_complete_pp_job(pp_job,
+ num_physical_pp_cores_total,
+ }
+ }
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+void mali_executor_group_oom(struct mali_group *group)
+ struct mali_gp_job *job = NULL;
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(group->gp_core);
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ job = mali_group_get_running_gp_job(group);
+#if defined(CONFIG_MALI400_PROFILING)
+ /* Give group a chance to generate a SUSPEND event */
+ mali_group_oom(group);
+ mali_gp_job_set_current_heap_addr(job, mali_gp_read_plbu_alloc_start_addr(group->gp_core));
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK == mali_mem_add_mem_size(job->session, job->heap_base_addr, job->heap_grow_size)) {
+ _mali_osk_notification_t *new_notification = NULL;
+ new_notification = _mali_osk_notification_create(
+ sizeof(_mali_uk_gp_job_suspended_s));
+ /* resume job with new heap,
+ * This will also re-enable interrupts
+ */
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ mali_executor_send_gp_oom_to_user(job, job->heap_grow_size);
+ if (NULL != new_notification) {
+ mali_gp_job_set_oom_notification(job, new_notification);
+ mali_group_resume_gp_with_new_heap(group, mali_gp_job_get_id(job),
+ job->heap_current_addr,
+ job->heap_current_addr + job->heap_grow_size);
+ }
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ } else {
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ mali_executor_send_gp_oom_to_user(job, 0);
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+void mali_executor_group_power_up(struct mali_group *groups[], u32 num_groups)
+ u32 i;
+ mali_bool child_groups_activated = MALI_FALSE;
+ mali_bool do_schedule = MALI_FALSE;
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ u32 num_activated = 0;
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < num_groups);
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Executor: powering up %u groups\n", num_groups));
+ for (i = 0; i < num_groups; i++) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Executor: powering up group %s\n",
+ mali_group_core_description(groups[i])));
+ mali_group_power_up(groups[i]);
+ if ((MALI_GROUP_STATE_ACTIVATION_PENDING != mali_group_get_state(groups[i]) ||
+ (MALI_TRUE != mali_executor_group_is_in_state(groups[i], EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE)))) {
+ /* nothing more to do for this group */
+ continue;
+ }
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Executor: activating group %s\n",
+ mali_group_core_description(groups[i])));
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ num_activated++;
+ if (mali_group_is_in_virtual(groups[i])) {
+ /*
+ * At least one child group of virtual group is powered on.
+ */
+ child_groups_activated = MALI_TRUE;
+ } else if (MALI_FALSE == mali_group_is_virtual(groups[i])) {
+ /* Set gp and pp not in virtual to active. */
+ mali_group_set_active(groups[i]);
+ }
+ /* Move group from inactive to idle list */
+ if (groups[i] == gp_group) {
+ gp_group_state);
+ gp_group_state = EXEC_STATE_IDLE;
+ } else if (MALI_FALSE == mali_group_is_in_virtual(groups[i])
+ && MALI_FALSE == mali_group_is_virtual(groups[i])) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(MALI_TRUE == mali_executor_group_is_in_state(groups[i],
+ mali_executor_change_state_pp_physical(groups[i],
+ &group_list_inactive,
+ &group_list_inactive_count,
+ &group_list_idle,
+ &group_list_idle_count);
+ }
+ do_schedule = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ if (mali_executor_has_virtual_group() &&
+ MALI_TRUE == child_groups_activated &&
+ mali_group_get_state(virtual_group)) {
+ /*
+ * Try to active virtual group while it may be not sucessful every time,
+ * because there is one situation that not all of child groups are powered on
+ * in one time and virtual group is in activation pending state.
+ */
+ if (mali_group_set_active(virtual_group)) {
+ /* Move group from inactive to idle */
+ virtual_group_state);
+ virtual_group_state = EXEC_STATE_IDLE;
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Executor: powering up %u groups completed, %u physical activated, 1 virtual activated.\n", num_groups, num_activated));
+ } else {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Executor: powering up %u groups completed, %u physical activated\n", num_groups, num_activated));
+ }
+ } else {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Executor: powering up %u groups completed, %u physical activated\n", num_groups, num_activated));
+ }
+ if (MALI_TRUE == do_schedule) {
+ /* Trigger a schedule */
+ mali_executor_schedule();
+ }
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+void mali_executor_group_power_down(struct mali_group *groups[],
+ u32 num_groups)
+ u32 i;
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < num_groups);
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Executor: powering down %u groups\n", num_groups));
+ for (i = 0; i < num_groups; i++) {
+ /* Groups must be either disabled or inactive. while for virtual group,
+ * it maybe in empty state, because when we meet pm_runtime_suspend,
+ * virtual group could be powered off, and before we acquire mali_executor_lock,
+ * we must release mali_pm_state_lock, if there is a new physical job was queued,
+ * all of physical groups in virtual group could be pulled out, so we only can
+ * powered down an empty virtual group. Those physical groups will be powered
+ * up in following pm_runtime_resume callback function.
+ */
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(mali_executor_group_is_in_state(groups[i],
+ mali_executor_group_is_in_state(groups[i],
+ mali_executor_group_is_in_state(groups[i],
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Executor: powering down group %s\n",
+ mali_group_core_description(groups[i])));
+ mali_group_power_down(groups[i]);
+ }
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Executor: powering down %u groups completed\n", num_groups));
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+void mali_executor_abort_session(struct mali_session_data *session)
+ struct mali_group *group;
+ struct mali_group *tmp_group;
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(session->is_aborting);
+ ("Executor: Aborting all jobs from session 0x%08X.\n",
+ session));
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ if (mali_group_get_session(gp_group) == session) {
+ if (EXEC_STATE_WORKING == gp_group_state) {
+ struct mali_gp_job *gp_job = NULL;
+ mali_executor_complete_group(gp_group, MALI_FALSE, &gp_job, NULL);
+ /* GP job completed, make sure it is freed */
+ mali_scheduler_complete_gp_job(gp_job, MALI_FALSE,
+ } else {
+ /* Same session, but not working, so just clear it */
+ mali_group_clear_session(gp_group);
+ }
+ }
+ if (mali_executor_has_virtual_group()) {
+ if (EXEC_STATE_WORKING == virtual_group_state
+ && mali_group_get_session(virtual_group) == session) {
+ struct mali_pp_job *pp_job = NULL;
+ mali_executor_complete_group(virtual_group, MALI_FALSE, NULL, &pp_job);
+ if (NULL != pp_job) {
+ /* PP job completed, make sure it is freed */
+ mali_scheduler_complete_pp_job(pp_job, 0,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, tmp_group, &group_list_working,
+ struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ if (mali_group_get_session(group) == session) {
+ struct mali_pp_job *pp_job = NULL;
+ mali_executor_complete_group(group, MALI_FALSE, NULL, &pp_job);
+ if (NULL != pp_job) {
+ /* PP job completed, make sure it is freed */
+ mali_scheduler_complete_pp_job(pp_job, 0,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, tmp_group, &group_list_idle, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ mali_group_clear_session(group);
+ }
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, tmp_group, &group_list_inactive, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ mali_group_clear_session(group);
+ }
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, tmp_group, &group_list_disabled, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ mali_group_clear_session(group);
+ }
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+void mali_executor_core_scaling_enable(void)
+ /* PS: Core scaling is by default enabled */
+ core_scaling_enabled = MALI_TRUE;
+void mali_executor_core_scaling_disable(void)
+ core_scaling_enabled = MALI_FALSE;
+mali_bool mali_executor_core_scaling_is_enabled(void)
+ return core_scaling_enabled;
+void mali_executor_group_enable(struct mali_group *group)
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ if ((NULL != mali_group_get_gp_core(group) || NULL != mali_group_get_pp_core(group))
+ && (mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_DISABLED))) {
+ mali_executor_group_enable_internal(group);
+ }
+ mali_executor_schedule();
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ _mali_osk_wq_schedule_work(executor_wq_notify_core_change);
+ * If a physical group is inactive or idle, we should disable it immediately,
+ * if group is in virtual, and virtual group is idle, disable given physical group in it.
+ */
+void mali_executor_group_disable(struct mali_group *group)
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ if ((NULL != mali_group_get_gp_core(group) || NULL != mali_group_get_pp_core(group))
+ && (!mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_DISABLED))) {
+ mali_executor_group_disable_internal(group);
+ }
+ mali_executor_schedule();
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ _mali_osk_wq_schedule_work(executor_wq_notify_core_change);
+mali_bool mali_executor_group_is_disabled(struct mali_group *group)
+ /* NB: This function is not optimized for time critical usage */
+ mali_bool ret;
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ ret = mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_DISABLED);
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ return ret;
+int mali_executor_set_perf_level(unsigned int target_core_nr, mali_bool override)
+ if (target_core_nr == num_physical_pp_cores_enabled) return 0;
+ if (MALI_FALSE == core_scaling_enabled && MALI_FALSE == override) return -EPERM;
+ if (target_core_nr > num_physical_pp_cores_total) return -EINVAL;
+ if (0 == target_core_nr) return -EINVAL;
+ mali_executor_core_scale(target_core_nr);
+ _mali_osk_wq_schedule_work(executor_wq_notify_core_change);
+ return 0;
+u32 mali_executor_dump_state(char *buf, u32 size)
+ int n = 0;
+ struct mali_group *group;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ switch (gp_group_state) {
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "GP group is in state INACTIVE\n");
+ break;
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "GP group is in state IDLE\n");
+ break;
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "GP group is in state WORKING\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "GP group is in unknown/illegal state %u\n",
+ gp_group_state);
+ break;
+ }
+ n += mali_group_dump_state(gp_group, buf + n, size - n);
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "Physical PP groups in WORKING state (count = %u):\n",
+ group_list_working_count);
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_working, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ n += mali_group_dump_state(group, buf + n, size - n);
+ }
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "Physical PP groups in IDLE state (count = %u):\n",
+ group_list_idle_count);
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_idle, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ n += mali_group_dump_state(group, buf + n, size - n);
+ }
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "Physical PP groups in INACTIVE state (count = %u):\n",
+ group_list_inactive_count);
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_inactive, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ n += mali_group_dump_state(group, buf + n, size - n);
+ }
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "Physical PP groups in DISABLED state (count = %u):\n",
+ group_list_disabled_count);
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_disabled, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ n += mali_group_dump_state(group, buf + n, size - n);
+ }
+ if (mali_executor_has_virtual_group()) {
+ switch (virtual_group_state) {
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "Virtual PP group is in state EMPTY\n");
+ break;
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "Virtual PP group is in state INACTIVE\n");
+ break;
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "Virtual PP group is in state IDLE\n");
+ break;
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "Virtual PP group is in state WORKING\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n,
+ "Virtual PP group is in unknown/illegal state %u\n",
+ virtual_group_state);
+ break;
+ }
+ n += mali_group_dump_state(virtual_group, buf + n, size - n);
+ }
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ n += _mali_osk_snprintf(buf + n, size - n, "\n");
+ return n;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_get_pp_number_of_cores(_mali_uk_get_pp_number_of_cores_s *args)
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != (void *)(uintptr_t)args->ctx);
+ args->number_of_total_cores = num_physical_pp_cores_total;
+ args->number_of_enabled_cores = num_physical_pp_cores_enabled;
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_get_pp_core_version(_mali_uk_get_pp_core_version_s *args)
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != (void *)(uintptr_t)args->ctx);
+ args->version = pp_version;
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_get_gp_number_of_cores(_mali_uk_get_gp_number_of_cores_s *args)
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != (void *)(uintptr_t)args->ctx);
+ args->number_of_cores = 1;
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_get_gp_core_version(_mali_uk_get_gp_core_version_s *args)
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != (void *)(uintptr_t)args->ctx);
+ args->version = gp_version;
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+_mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_gp_suspend_response(_mali_uk_gp_suspend_response_s *args)
+ struct mali_session_data *session;
+ struct mali_gp_job *job;
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != (void *)(uintptr_t)args->ctx);
+ session = (struct mali_session_data *)(uintptr_t)args->ctx;
+ if (_MALIGP_JOB_RESUME_WITH_NEW_HEAP == args->code) {
+ _mali_osk_notification_t *new_notification = NULL;
+ new_notification = _mali_osk_notification_create(
+ sizeof(_mali_uk_gp_job_suspended_s));
+ if (NULL != new_notification) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Executor: Resuming job %u with new heap; 0x%08X - 0x%08X\n",
+ args->cookie, args->arguments[0], args->arguments[1]));
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ /* Resume the job in question if it is still running */
+ job = mali_group_get_running_gp_job(gp_group);
+ if (NULL != job &&
+ args->cookie == mali_gp_job_get_id(job) &&
+ session == mali_gp_job_get_session(job)) {
+ /*
+ * Correct job is running, resume with new heap
+ */
+ mali_gp_job_set_oom_notification(job,
+ new_notification);
+ /* This will also re-enable interrupts */
+ mali_group_resume_gp_with_new_heap(gp_group,
+ args->cookie,
+ args->arguments[0],
+ args->arguments[1]);
+ job->heap_base_addr = args->arguments[0];
+ job->heap_current_addr = args->arguments[0];
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK;
+ } else {
+ MALI_PRINT_ERROR(("Executor: Unable to resume, GP job no longer running.\n"));
+ _mali_osk_notification_delete(new_notification);
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ }
+ } else {
+ MALI_PRINT_ERROR(("Executor: Failed to allocate notification object. Will abort GP job.\n"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(2, ("Executor: Aborting job %u, no new heap provided\n", args->cookie));
+ }
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ /* Abort the job in question if it is still running */
+ job = mali_group_get_running_gp_job(gp_group);
+ if (NULL != job &&
+ args->cookie == mali_gp_job_get_id(job) &&
+ session == mali_gp_job_get_session(job)) {
+ /* Correct job is still running */
+ struct mali_gp_job *job_done = NULL;
+ mali_executor_complete_group(gp_group, MALI_FALSE, &job_done, NULL);
+ /* The same job should have completed */
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(job_done == job);
+ /* GP job completed, make sure it is freed */
+ mali_scheduler_complete_gp_job(job_done, MALI_FALSE,
+ }
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ * ---------- Implementation of static functions ----------
+ */
+void mali_executor_lock(void)
+ _mali_osk_spinlock_irq_lock(mali_executor_lock_obj);
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(5, ("Executor: lock taken\n"));
+void mali_executor_unlock(void)
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(5, ("Executor: Releasing lock\n"));
+ _mali_osk_spinlock_irq_unlock(mali_executor_lock_obj);
+static mali_bool mali_executor_is_suspended(void *data)
+ mali_bool ret;
+ /* This callback does not use the data pointer. */
+ MALI_IGNORE(data);
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ ret = pause_count > 0 && !mali_executor_is_working();
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ return ret;
+static mali_bool mali_executor_is_working()
+ return (0 != group_list_working_count ||
+ EXEC_STATE_WORKING == gp_group_state ||
+ EXEC_STATE_WORKING == virtual_group_state);
+static void mali_executor_disable_empty_virtual(void)
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(virtual_group_state != EXEC_STATE_EMPTY);
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(virtual_group_state != EXEC_STATE_WORKING);
+ if (mali_group_is_empty(virtual_group)) {
+ virtual_group_state = EXEC_STATE_EMPTY;
+ }
+static mali_bool mali_executor_physical_rejoin_virtual(struct mali_group *group)
+ mali_bool trigger_pm_update = MALI_FALSE;
+ /* Only rejoining after job has completed (still active) */
+ mali_group_get_state(group));
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(MALI_TRUE == mali_executor_has_virtual_group());
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(MALI_FALSE == mali_group_is_virtual(group));
+ /* Make sure group and virtual group have same status */
+ if (MALI_GROUP_STATE_INACTIVE == mali_group_get_state(virtual_group)) {
+ if (mali_group_deactivate(group)) {
+ trigger_pm_update = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ if (virtual_group_state == EXEC_STATE_EMPTY) {
+ virtual_group_state = EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE;
+ }
+ mali_group_get_state(virtual_group)) {
+ /*
+ * Activation is pending for virtual group, leave
+ * this child group as active.
+ */
+ if (virtual_group_state == EXEC_STATE_EMPTY) {
+ virtual_group_state = EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ mali_group_get_state(virtual_group));
+ if (virtual_group_state == EXEC_STATE_EMPTY) {
+ virtual_group_state = EXEC_STATE_IDLE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Remove group from idle list */
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group,
+ _mali_osk_list_delinit(&group->executor_list);
+ group_list_idle_count--;
+ /*
+ * And finally rejoin the virtual group
+ * group will start working on same job as virtual_group,
+ * if virtual_group is working on a job
+ */
+ mali_group_add_group(virtual_group, group);
+ return trigger_pm_update;
+static mali_bool mali_executor_has_virtual_group(void)
+#if (defined(CONFIG_MALI450) || defined(CONFIG_MALI470))
+ return (NULL != virtual_group) ? MALI_TRUE : MALI_FALSE;
+ return MALI_FALSE;
+#endif /* (defined(CONFIG_MALI450) || defined(CONFIG_MALI470)) */
+static mali_bool mali_executor_virtual_group_is_usable(void)
+#if (defined(CONFIG_MALI450) || defined(CONFIG_MALI470))
+ return ((EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE == virtual_group_state ||
+ EXEC_STATE_IDLE == virtual_group_state) && (virtual_group->state != MALI_GROUP_STATE_ACTIVATION_PENDING)) ?
+ return MALI_FALSE;
+#endif /* (defined(CONFIG_MALI450) || defined(CONFIG_MALI470)) */
+static mali_bool mali_executor_tackle_gp_bound(void)
+ struct mali_pp_job *job;
+ job = mali_scheduler_job_pp_physical_peek();
+ if (NULL != job && MALI_TRUE == mali_is_mali400()) {
+ if (0 < group_list_working_count &&
+ mali_pp_job_is_large_and_unstarted(job)) {
+ return MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return MALI_FALSE;
+ * This is where jobs are actually started.
+ */
+static void mali_executor_schedule(void)
+ u32 i;
+ u32 num_physical_needed = 0;
+ u32 num_physical_to_process = 0;
+ mali_bool trigger_pm_update = MALI_FALSE;
+ mali_bool deactivate_idle_group = MALI_TRUE;
+ /* Physical groups + jobs to start in this function */
+ struct mali_group *groups_to_start[MALI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PHYSICAL_PP_GROUPS];
+ struct mali_pp_job *jobs_to_start[MALI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PHYSICAL_PP_GROUPS];
+ u32 sub_jobs_to_start[MALI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PHYSICAL_PP_GROUPS];
+ int num_jobs_to_start = 0;
+ /* Virtual job to start in this function */
+ struct mali_pp_job *virtual_job_to_start = NULL;
+ /* GP job to start in this function */
+ struct mali_gp_job *gp_job_to_start = NULL;
+ if (pause_count > 0) {
+ /* Execution is suspended, don't schedule any jobs. */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Lock needed in order to safely handle the job queues */
+ mali_scheduler_lock();
+ /* 1. Activate gp firstly if have gp job queued. */
+ if (EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE == gp_group_state &&
+ 0 < mali_scheduler_job_gp_count()) {
+ enum mali_group_state state =
+ mali_group_activate(gp_group);
+ if (MALI_GROUP_STATE_ACTIVE == state) {
+ /* Set GP group state to idle */
+ gp_group_state = EXEC_STATE_IDLE;
+ } else {
+ trigger_pm_update = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* 2. Prepare as many physical groups as needed/possible */
+ num_physical_needed = mali_scheduler_job_physical_head_count();
+ /* On mali-450 platform, we don't need to enter in this block frequently. */
+ if (0 < num_physical_needed) {
+ if (num_physical_needed <= group_list_idle_count) {
+ /* We have enough groups on idle list already */
+ num_physical_to_process = num_physical_needed;
+ num_physical_needed = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* We need to get a hold of some more groups */
+ num_physical_to_process = group_list_idle_count;
+ num_physical_needed -= group_list_idle_count;
+ }
+ if (0 < num_physical_needed) {
+ /* 2.1. Activate groups which are inactive */
+ struct mali_group *group;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_inactive,
+ struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ enum mali_group_state state =
+ mali_group_activate(group);
+ if (MALI_GROUP_STATE_ACTIVE == state) {
+ /* Move from inactive to idle */
+ mali_executor_change_state_pp_physical(group,
+ &group_list_inactive,
+ &group_list_inactive_count,
+ &group_list_idle,
+ &group_list_idle_count);
+ num_physical_to_process++;
+ } else {
+ trigger_pm_update = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ num_physical_needed--;
+ if (0 == num_physical_needed) {
+ /* We have activated all the groups we need */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (mali_executor_virtual_group_is_usable()) {
+ /*
+ * 2.2. And finally, steal and activate groups
+ * from virtual group if we need even more
+ */
+ while (0 < num_physical_needed) {
+ struct mali_group *group;
+ group = mali_group_acquire_group(virtual_group);
+ if (NULL != group) {
+ enum mali_group_state state;
+ mali_executor_disable_empty_virtual();
+ state = mali_group_activate(group);
+ if (MALI_GROUP_STATE_ACTIVE == state) {
+ /* Group is ready, add to idle list */
+ _mali_osk_list_add(
+ &group->executor_list,
+ &group_list_idle);
+ group_list_idle_count++;
+ num_physical_to_process++;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Group is not ready yet,
+ * add to inactive list
+ */
+ _mali_osk_list_add(
+ &group->executor_list,
+ &group_list_inactive);
+ group_list_inactive_count++;
+ trigger_pm_update = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ num_physical_needed--;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * We could not get enough groups
+ * from the virtual group.
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* 2.3. Assign physical jobs to groups */
+ if (0 < num_physical_to_process) {
+ struct mali_group *group;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_idle,
+ struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ struct mali_pp_job *job = NULL;
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(num_jobs_to_start <
+ mali_scheduler_job_physical_head_count());
+ if (mali_executor_hint_is_enabled(
+ if (MALI_TRUE == mali_executor_tackle_gp_bound()) {
+ /*
+ * We're gp bound,
+ * don't start this right now.
+ */
+ deactivate_idle_group = MALI_FALSE;
+ num_physical_to_process = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ job = mali_scheduler_job_pp_physical_get(
+ &sub_job);
+ /* Put job + group on list of jobs to start later on */
+ groups_to_start[num_jobs_to_start] = group;
+ jobs_to_start[num_jobs_to_start] = job;
+ sub_jobs_to_start[num_jobs_to_start] = sub_job;
+ num_jobs_to_start++;
+ /* Move group from idle to working */
+ mali_executor_change_state_pp_physical(group,
+ &group_list_idle,
+ &group_list_idle_count,
+ &group_list_working,
+ &group_list_working_count);
+ num_physical_to_process--;
+ if (0 == num_physical_to_process) {
+ /* Got all we needed */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* 3. Deactivate idle pp group , must put deactive here before active vitual group
+ * for cover case first only has physical job in normal queue but group inactive,
+ * so delay the job start go to active group, when group activated,
+ * call scheduler again, but now if we get high queue virtual job,
+ * we will do nothing in schedule cause executor schedule stop
+ */
+ if (MALI_TRUE == mali_executor_deactivate_list_idle(deactivate_idle_group
+ && (!mali_timeline_has_physical_pp_job()))) {
+ trigger_pm_update = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ /* 4. Activate virtual group, if needed */
+ if (EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE == virtual_group_state &&
+ 0 < mali_scheduler_job_next_is_virtual()) {
+ enum mali_group_state state =
+ mali_group_activate(virtual_group);
+ if (MALI_GROUP_STATE_ACTIVE == state) {
+ /* Set virtual group state to idle */
+ virtual_group_state = EXEC_STATE_IDLE;
+ } else {
+ trigger_pm_update = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* 5. To power up group asap, we trigger pm update here. */
+ if (MALI_TRUE == trigger_pm_update) {
+ trigger_pm_update = MALI_FALSE;
+ mali_pm_update_async();
+ }
+ /* 6. Assign jobs to idle virtual group (or deactivate if no job) */
+ if (EXEC_STATE_IDLE == virtual_group_state) {
+ if (0 < mali_scheduler_job_next_is_virtual()) {
+ virtual_job_to_start =
+ mali_scheduler_job_pp_virtual_get();
+ virtual_group_state = EXEC_STATE_WORKING;
+ } else if (!mali_timeline_has_virtual_pp_job()) {
+ virtual_group_state = EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE;
+ if (mali_group_deactivate(virtual_group)) {
+ trigger_pm_update = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* 7. Assign job to idle GP group (or deactivate if no job) */
+ if (EXEC_STATE_IDLE == gp_group_state) {
+ if (0 < mali_scheduler_job_gp_count()) {
+ gp_job_to_start = mali_scheduler_job_gp_get();
+ gp_group_state = EXEC_STATE_WORKING;
+ } else if (!mali_timeline_has_gp_job()) {
+ gp_group_state = EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE;
+ if (mali_group_deactivate(gp_group)) {
+ trigger_pm_update = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* 8. We no longer need the schedule/queue lock */
+ mali_scheduler_unlock();
+ /* 9. start jobs */
+ if (NULL != virtual_job_to_start) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(!mali_group_pp_is_active(virtual_group));
+ mali_group_start_pp_job(virtual_group,
+ virtual_job_to_start, 0);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < num_jobs_to_start; i++) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(!mali_group_pp_is_active(
+ groups_to_start[i]));
+ mali_group_start_pp_job(groups_to_start[i],
+ jobs_to_start[i],
+ sub_jobs_to_start[i]);
+ }
+ if (NULL != gp_job_to_start) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(!mali_group_gp_is_active(gp_group));
+ mali_group_start_gp_job(gp_group, gp_job_to_start);
+ }
+ /* 10. Trigger any pending PM updates */
+ if (MALI_TRUE == trigger_pm_update) {
+ mali_pm_update_async();
+ }
+/* Handler for deferred schedule requests */
+static void mali_executor_wq_schedule(void *arg)
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ mali_executor_schedule();
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+static void mali_executor_send_gp_oom_to_user(struct mali_gp_job *job, u32 added_size)
+ _mali_uk_gp_job_suspended_s *jobres;
+ _mali_osk_notification_t *notification;
+ notification = mali_gp_job_get_oom_notification(job);
+ /*
+ * Remember the id we send to user space, so we have something to
+ * verify when we get a response
+ */
+ gp_returned_cookie = mali_gp_job_get_id(job);
+ jobres = (_mali_uk_gp_job_suspended_s *)notification->result_buffer;
+ jobres->user_job_ptr = mali_gp_job_get_user_id(job);
+ jobres->cookie = gp_returned_cookie;
+ jobres->heap_added_size = added_size;
+ mali_session_send_notification(mali_gp_job_get_session(job),
+ notification);
+static struct mali_gp_job *mali_executor_complete_gp(struct mali_group *group,
+ mali_bool success)
+ struct mali_gp_job *job;
+ /* Extracts the needed HW status from core and reset */
+ job = mali_group_complete_gp(group, success);
+ /* Core is now ready to go into idle list */
+ gp_group_state = EXEC_STATE_IDLE;
+ /* This will potentially queue more GP and PP jobs */
+ mali_timeline_tracker_release(&job->tracker);
+ /* Signal PP job */
+ mali_gp_job_signal_pp_tracker(job, success);
+ return job;
+static struct mali_pp_job *mali_executor_complete_pp(struct mali_group *group,
+ mali_bool success)
+ struct mali_pp_job *job;
+ u32 sub_job;
+ mali_bool job_is_done;
+ /* Extracts the needed HW status from core and reset */
+ job = mali_group_complete_pp(group, success, &sub_job);
+ /* Core is now ready to go into idle list */
+ if (mali_group_is_virtual(group)) {
+ virtual_group_state = EXEC_STATE_IDLE;
+ } else {
+ /* Move from working to idle state */
+ mali_executor_change_state_pp_physical(group,
+ &group_list_working,
+ &group_list_working_count,
+ &group_list_idle,
+ &group_list_idle_count);
+ }
+ /* It is the executor module which owns the jobs themselves by now */
+ mali_pp_job_mark_sub_job_completed(job, success);
+ job_is_done = mali_pp_job_is_complete(job);
+ if (job_is_done) {
+ /* This will potentially queue more GP and PP jobs */
+ mali_timeline_tracker_release(&job->tracker);
+ }
+ return job;
+static void mali_executor_complete_group(struct mali_group *group,
+ mali_bool success,
+ struct mali_gp_job **gp_job_done,
+ struct mali_pp_job **pp_job_done)
+ struct mali_gp_core *gp_core = mali_group_get_gp_core(group);
+ struct mali_pp_core *pp_core = mali_group_get_pp_core(group);
+ struct mali_gp_job *gp_job = NULL;
+ struct mali_pp_job *pp_job = NULL;
+ mali_bool pp_job_is_done = MALI_TRUE;
+ if (NULL != gp_core) {
+ gp_job = mali_executor_complete_gp(group, success);
+ } else {
+ MALI_IGNORE(pp_core);
+ pp_job = mali_executor_complete_pp(group, success);
+ pp_job_is_done = mali_pp_job_is_complete(pp_job);
+ }
+ if (pause_count > 0) {
+ /* Execution has been suspended */
+ if (!mali_executor_is_working()) {
+ /* Last job completed, wake up sleepers */
+ _mali_osk_wait_queue_wake_up(
+ executor_working_wait_queue);
+ }
+ } else if (MALI_TRUE == mali_group_disable_requested(group)) {
+ mali_executor_core_scale_in_group_complete(group);
+ mali_executor_schedule();
+ } else {
+ /* try to schedule new jobs */
+ mali_executor_schedule();
+ }
+ if (NULL != gp_job) {
+ *gp_job_done = gp_job;
+ } else if (pp_job_is_done) {
+ *pp_job_done = pp_job;
+ }
+static void mali_executor_change_state_pp_physical(struct mali_group *group,
+ _mali_osk_list_t *old_list,
+ u32 *old_count,
+ _mali_osk_list_t *new_list,
+ u32 *new_count)
+ /*
+ * It's a bit more complicated to change the state for the physical PP
+ * groups since their state is determined by the list they are on.
+ */
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ mali_bool found = MALI_FALSE;
+ struct mali_group *group_iter;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ u32 old_counted = 0;
+ u32 new_counted = 0;
+ /*
+ * Verify that group is present on old list,
+ * and that the count is correct
+ */
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group_iter, temp, old_list,
+ struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ old_counted++;
+ if (group == group_iter) {
+ found = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group_iter, temp, new_list,
+ struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ new_counted++;
+ }
+ if (MALI_FALSE == found) {
+ if (old_list == &group_list_idle) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, (" old Group list is idle,"));
+ } else if (old_list == &group_list_inactive) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, (" old Group list is inactive,"));
+ } else if (old_list == &group_list_working) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, (" old Group list is working,"));
+ } else if (old_list == &group_list_disabled) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, (" old Group list is disable,"));
+ }
+ if (MALI_TRUE == mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_WORKING)) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, (" group in working \n"));
+ } else if (MALI_TRUE == mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE)) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, (" group in inactive \n"));
+ } else if (MALI_TRUE == mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_IDLE)) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, (" group in idle \n"));
+ } else if (MALI_TRUE == mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_DISABLED)) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, (" but group in disabled \n"));
+ }
+ }
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < (*old_count));
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT((*old_count) == old_counted);
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT((*new_count) == new_counted);
+ _mali_osk_list_move(&group->executor_list, new_list);
+ (*old_count)--;
+ (*new_count)++;
+static void mali_executor_set_state_pp_physical(struct mali_group *group,
+ _mali_osk_list_t *new_list,
+ u32 *new_count)
+ _mali_osk_list_add(&group->executor_list, new_list);
+ (*new_count)++;
+static mali_bool mali_executor_group_is_in_state(struct mali_group *group,
+ enum mali_executor_state_t state)
+ if (gp_group == group) {
+ if (gp_group_state == state) {
+ return MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ } else if (virtual_group == group || mali_group_is_in_virtual(group)) {
+ if (virtual_group_state == state) {
+ return MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Physical PP group */
+ struct mali_group *group_iter;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ _mali_osk_list_t *list;
+ if (EXEC_STATE_DISABLED == state) {
+ list = &group_list_disabled;
+ } else if (EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE == state) {
+ list = &group_list_inactive;
+ } else if (EXEC_STATE_IDLE == state) {
+ list = &group_list_idle;
+ } else {
+ list = &group_list_working;
+ }
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group_iter, temp, list,
+ struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ if (group_iter == group) {
+ return MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* group not in correct state */
+ return MALI_FALSE;
+static void mali_executor_group_enable_internal(struct mali_group *group)
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_DISABLED));
+ /* Put into inactive state (== "lowest" enabled state) */
+ if (group == gp_group) {
+ gp_group_state = EXEC_STATE_INACTIVE;
+ } else {
+ mali_executor_change_state_pp_physical(group,
+ &group_list_disabled,
+ &group_list_disabled_count,
+ &group_list_inactive,
+ &group_list_inactive_count);
+ ++num_physical_pp_cores_enabled;
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Enabling group id %d \n", group->pp_core->core_id));
+ }
+ if (MALI_GROUP_STATE_ACTIVE == mali_group_activate(group)) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(MALI_TRUE == mali_group_power_is_on(group));
+ /* Move from inactive to idle */
+ if (group == gp_group) {
+ gp_group_state = EXEC_STATE_IDLE;
+ } else {
+ mali_executor_change_state_pp_physical(group,
+ &group_list_inactive,
+ &group_list_inactive_count,
+ &group_list_idle,
+ &group_list_idle_count);
+ if (mali_executor_has_virtual_group()) {
+ if (mali_executor_physical_rejoin_virtual(group)) {
+ mali_pm_update_async();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ mali_pm_update_async();
+ }
+static void mali_executor_group_disable_internal(struct mali_group *group)
+ mali_bool working;
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(!mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_DISABLED));
+ working = mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_WORKING);
+ if (MALI_TRUE == working) {
+ /** Group to be disabled once it completes current work,
+ * when virtual group completes, also check child groups for this flag */
+ mali_group_set_disable_request(group, MALI_TRUE);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Put into disabled state */
+ if (group == gp_group) {
+ /* GP group */
+ gp_group_state = EXEC_STATE_DISABLED;
+ } else {
+ if (mali_group_is_in_virtual(group)) {
+ /* A child group of virtual group. move the specific group from virtual group */
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(EXEC_STATE_WORKING != virtual_group_state);
+ mali_executor_set_state_pp_physical(group,
+ &group_list_disabled,
+ &group_list_disabled_count);
+ mali_group_remove_group(virtual_group, group);
+ mali_executor_disable_empty_virtual();
+ } else {
+ mali_executor_change_group_status_disabled(group);
+ }
+ --num_physical_pp_cores_enabled;
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Disabling group id %d \n", group->pp_core->core_id));
+ }
+ if (MALI_GROUP_STATE_INACTIVE != group->state) {
+ if (MALI_TRUE == mali_group_deactivate(group)) {
+ mali_pm_update_async();
+ }
+ }
+static void mali_executor_notify_core_change(u32 num_cores)
+ mali_bool done = MALI_FALSE;
+ if (mali_is_mali450() || mali_is_mali470()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * This function gets a bit complicated because we can't hold the session lock while
+ * allocating notification objects.
+ */
+ while (!done) {
+ u32 i;
+ u32 num_sessions_alloc;
+ u32 num_sessions_with_lock;
+ u32 used_notification_objects = 0;
+ _mali_osk_notification_t **notobjs;
+ /* Pre allocate the number of notifications objects we need right now (might change after lock has been taken) */
+ num_sessions_alloc = mali_session_get_count();
+ if (0 == num_sessions_alloc) {
+ /* No sessions to report to */
+ return;
+ }
+ notobjs = (_mali_osk_notification_t **)_mali_osk_malloc(sizeof(_mali_osk_notification_t *) * num_sessions_alloc);
+ if (NULL == notobjs) {
+ MALI_PRINT_ERROR(("Failed to notify user space session about num PP core change (alloc failure)\n"));
+ /* there is probably no point in trying again, system must be really low on memory and probably unusable now anyway */
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < num_sessions_alloc; i++) {
+ notobjs[i] = _mali_osk_notification_create(_MALI_NOTIFICATION_PP_NUM_CORE_CHANGE, sizeof(_mali_uk_pp_num_cores_changed_s));
+ if (NULL != notobjs[i]) {
+ _mali_uk_pp_num_cores_changed_s *data = notobjs[i]->result_buffer;
+ data->number_of_enabled_cores = num_cores;
+ } else {
+ MALI_PRINT_ERROR(("Failed to notify user space session about num PP core change (alloc failure %u)\n", i));
+ }
+ }
+ mali_session_lock();
+ /* number of sessions will not change while we hold the lock */
+ num_sessions_with_lock = mali_session_get_count();
+ if (num_sessions_alloc >= num_sessions_with_lock) {
+ /* We have allocated enough notification objects for all the sessions atm */
+ struct mali_session_data *session, *tmp;
+ MALI_SESSION_FOREACH(session, tmp, link) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(used_notification_objects < num_sessions_alloc);
+ if (NULL != notobjs[used_notification_objects]) {
+ mali_session_send_notification(session, notobjs[used_notification_objects]);
+ notobjs[used_notification_objects] = NULL; /* Don't track this notification object any more */
+ }
+ used_notification_objects++;
+ }
+ done = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ mali_session_unlock();
+ /* Delete any remaining/unused notification objects */
+ for (; used_notification_objects < num_sessions_alloc; used_notification_objects++) {
+ if (NULL != notobjs[used_notification_objects]) {
+ _mali_osk_notification_delete(notobjs[used_notification_objects]);
+ }
+ }
+ _mali_osk_free(notobjs);
+ }
+static mali_bool mali_executor_core_scaling_is_done(void *data)
+ u32 i;
+ u32 num_groups;
+ mali_bool ret = MALI_TRUE;
+ MALI_IGNORE(data);
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ num_groups = mali_group_get_glob_num_groups();
+ for (i = 0; i < num_groups; i++) {
+ struct mali_group *group = mali_group_get_glob_group(i);
+ if (NULL != group) {
+ if (MALI_TRUE == group->disable_requested && NULL != mali_group_get_pp_core(group)) {
+ ret = MALI_FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+ return ret;
+static void mali_executor_wq_notify_core_change(void *arg)
+ if (mali_is_mali450() || mali_is_mali470()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _mali_osk_wait_queue_wait_event(executor_notify_core_change_wait_queue,
+ mali_executor_core_scaling_is_done, NULL);
+ mali_executor_notify_core_change(num_physical_pp_cores_enabled);
+ * Clear all disable request from the _last_ core scaling behavior.
+ */
+static void mali_executor_core_scaling_reset(void)
+ u32 i;
+ u32 num_groups;
+ num_groups = mali_group_get_glob_num_groups();
+ for (i = 0; i < num_groups; i++) {
+ struct mali_group *group = mali_group_get_glob_group(i);
+ if (NULL != group) {
+ group->disable_requested = MALI_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < MALI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DOMAINS; i++) {
+ core_scaling_delay_up_mask[i] = 0;
+ }
+static void mali_executor_core_scale(unsigned int target_core_nr)
+ int current_core_scaling_mask[MALI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DOMAINS] = { 0 };
+ int target_core_scaling_mask[MALI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DOMAINS] = { 0 };
+ int i;
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < target_core_nr);
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(num_physical_pp_cores_total >= target_core_nr);
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ if (target_core_nr < num_physical_pp_cores_enabled) {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(2, ("Requesting %d cores: disabling %d cores\n", target_core_nr, num_physical_pp_cores_enabled - target_core_nr));
+ } else {
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(2, ("Requesting %d cores: enabling %d cores\n", target_core_nr, target_core_nr - num_physical_pp_cores_enabled));
+ }
+ /* When a new core scaling request is comming, we should remove the un-doing
+ * part of the last core scaling request. It's safe because we have only one
+ * lock(executor lock) protection. */
+ mali_executor_core_scaling_reset();
+ mali_pm_get_best_power_cost_mask(num_physical_pp_cores_enabled, current_core_scaling_mask);
+ mali_pm_get_best_power_cost_mask(target_core_nr, target_core_scaling_mask);
+ for (i = 0; i < MALI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DOMAINS; i++) {
+ target_core_scaling_mask[i] = target_core_scaling_mask[i] - current_core_scaling_mask[i];
+ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(5, ("target_core_scaling_mask[%d] = %d\n", i, target_core_scaling_mask[i]));
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < MALI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DOMAINS; i++) {
+ if (0 > target_core_scaling_mask[i]) {
+ struct mali_pm_domain *domain;
+ domain = mali_pm_domain_get_from_index(i);
+ /* Domain is valid and has pp cores */
+ if ((NULL != domain) && !(_mali_osk_list_empty(&domain->group_list))) {
+ struct mali_group *group;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &domain->group_list, struct mali_group, pm_domain_list) {
+ if (NULL != mali_group_get_pp_core(group) && (!mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_DISABLED))
+ && (!mali_group_is_virtual(group))) {
+ mali_executor_group_disable_internal(group);
+ target_core_scaling_mask[i]++;
+ if ((0 == target_core_scaling_mask[i])) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < MALI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DOMAINS; i++) {
+ /**
+ * Target_core_scaling_mask[i] is bigger than 0,
+ * means we need to enable some pp cores in
+ * this domain whose domain index is i.
+ */
+ if (0 < target_core_scaling_mask[i]) {
+ struct mali_pm_domain *domain;
+ if (num_physical_pp_cores_enabled >= target_core_nr) {
+ break;
+ }
+ domain = mali_pm_domain_get_from_index(i);
+ /* Domain is valid and has pp cores */
+ if ((NULL != domain) && !(_mali_osk_list_empty(&domain->group_list))) {
+ struct mali_group *group;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &domain->group_list, struct mali_group, pm_domain_list) {
+ if (NULL != mali_group_get_pp_core(group) && mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_DISABLED)
+ && (!mali_group_is_virtual(group))) {
+ mali_executor_group_enable_internal(group);
+ target_core_scaling_mask[i]--;
+ if ((0 == target_core_scaling_mask[i]) || num_physical_pp_cores_enabled == target_core_nr) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Here, we may still have some pp cores not been enabled because of some
+ * pp cores need to be disabled are still in working state.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < MALI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DOMAINS; i++) {
+ if (0 < target_core_scaling_mask[i]) {
+ core_scaling_delay_up_mask[i] = target_core_scaling_mask[i];
+ }
+ }
+ mali_executor_schedule();
+ mali_executor_unlock();
+static void mali_executor_core_scale_in_group_complete(struct mali_group *group)
+ int num_pp_cores_disabled = 0;
+ int num_pp_cores_to_enable = 0;
+ int i;
+ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(MALI_TRUE == mali_group_disable_requested(group));
+ /* Disable child group of virtual group */
+ if (mali_group_is_virtual(group)) {
+ struct mali_group *child;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(child, temp, &group->group_list, struct mali_group, group_list) {
+ if (MALI_TRUE == mali_group_disable_requested(child)) {
+ mali_group_set_disable_request(child, MALI_FALSE);
+ mali_executor_group_disable_internal(child);
+ num_pp_cores_disabled++;
+ }
+ }
+ mali_group_set_disable_request(group, MALI_FALSE);
+ } else {
+ mali_executor_group_disable_internal(group);
+ mali_group_set_disable_request(group, MALI_FALSE);
+ if (NULL != mali_group_get_pp_core(group)) {
+ num_pp_cores_disabled++;
+ }
+ }
+ num_pp_cores_to_enable = num_pp_cores_disabled;
+ for (i = 0; i < MALI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DOMAINS; i++) {
+ if (0 < core_scaling_delay_up_mask[i]) {
+ struct mali_pm_domain *domain;
+ if (0 == num_pp_cores_to_enable) {
+ break;
+ }
+ domain = mali_pm_domain_get_from_index(i);
+ /* Domain is valid and has pp cores */
+ if ((NULL != domain) && !(_mali_osk_list_empty(&domain->group_list))) {
+ struct mali_group *disabled_group;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(disabled_group, temp, &domain->group_list, struct mali_group, pm_domain_list) {
+ if (NULL != mali_group_get_pp_core(disabled_group) && mali_executor_group_is_in_state(disabled_group, EXEC_STATE_DISABLED)) {
+ mali_executor_group_enable_internal(disabled_group);
+ core_scaling_delay_up_mask[i]--;
+ num_pp_cores_to_enable--;
+ if ((0 == core_scaling_delay_up_mask[i]) || 0 == num_pp_cores_to_enable) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _mali_osk_wait_queue_wake_up(executor_notify_core_change_wait_queue);
+static void mali_executor_change_group_status_disabled(struct mali_group *group)
+ /* Physical PP group */
+ mali_bool idle;
+ idle = mali_executor_group_is_in_state(group, EXEC_STATE_IDLE);
+ if (MALI_TRUE == idle) {
+ mali_executor_change_state_pp_physical(group,
+ &group_list_idle,
+ &group_list_idle_count,
+ &group_list_disabled,
+ &group_list_disabled_count);
+ } else {
+ mali_executor_change_state_pp_physical(group,
+ &group_list_inactive,
+ &group_list_inactive_count,
+ &group_list_disabled,
+ &group_list_disabled_count);
+ }
+static mali_bool mali_executor_deactivate_list_idle(mali_bool deactivate_idle_group)
+ mali_bool trigger_pm_update = MALI_FALSE;
+ if (group_list_idle_count > 0) {
+ if (mali_executor_has_virtual_group()) {
+ /* Rejoin virtual group on Mali-450 */
+ struct mali_group *group;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ &group_list_idle,
+ struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ if (mali_executor_physical_rejoin_virtual(
+ group)) {
+ trigger_pm_update = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (deactivate_idle_group) {
+ struct mali_group *group;
+ struct mali_group *temp;
+ /* Deactivate group on Mali-300/400 */
+ &group_list_idle,
+ struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ if (mali_group_deactivate(group)) {
+ trigger_pm_update = MALI_TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Move from idle to inactive */
+ mali_executor_change_state_pp_physical(group,
+ &group_list_idle,
+ &group_list_idle_count,
+ &group_list_inactive,
+ &group_list_inactive_count);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return trigger_pm_update;
+void mali_executor_running_status_print(void)
+ struct mali_group *group = NULL;
+ struct mali_group *temp = NULL;
+ MALI_PRINT(("GP running job: %p\n", gp_group->gp_running_job));
+ if ((gp_group->gp_core) && (gp_group->is_working)) {
+ mali_group_dump_status(gp_group);
+ }
+ MALI_PRINT(("Physical PP groups in WORKING state (count = %u):\n", group_list_working_count));
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_working, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ MALI_PRINT(("PP running job: %p, subjob %d \n", group->pp_running_job, group->pp_running_sub_job));
+ mali_group_dump_status(group);
+ }
+ MALI_PRINT(("Physical PP groups in INACTIVE state (count = %u):\n", group_list_inactive_count));
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_inactive, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tPP status %d, SW power: %s\n", group->state, group->power_is_on ? "On" : "Off"));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tPP #%d: %s\n", group->pp_core->core_id, group->pp_core->hw_core.description));
+ }
+ MALI_PRINT(("Physical PP groups in IDLE state (count = %u):\n", group_list_idle_count));
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_idle, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tPP status %d, SW power: %s\n", group->state, group->power_is_on ? "On" : "Off"));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tPP #%d: %s\n", group->pp_core->core_id, group->pp_core->hw_core.description));
+ }
+ MALI_PRINT(("Physical PP groups in DISABLED state (count = %u):\n", group_list_disabled_count));
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &group_list_disabled, struct mali_group, executor_list) {
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tPP status %d, SW power: %s\n", group->state, group->power_is_on ? "On" : "Off"));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tPP #%d: %s\n", group->pp_core->core_id, group->pp_core->hw_core.description));
+ }
+ if (mali_executor_has_virtual_group()) {
+ MALI_PRINT(("Virtual group running job: %p\n", virtual_group->pp_running_job));
+ MALI_PRINT(("Virtual group status: %d\n", virtual_group_state));
+ MALI_PRINT(("Virtual group->status: %d\n", virtual_group->state));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tSW power: %s\n", virtual_group->power_is_on ? "On" : "Off"));
+ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(group, temp, &virtual_group->group_list,
+ struct mali_group, group_list) {
+ int i = 0;
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tchild group(%s) running job: %p\n", group->pp_core->hw_core.description, group->pp_running_job));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tchild group(%s)->status: %d\n", group->pp_core->hw_core.description, group->state));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tchild group(%s) SW power: %s\n", group->pp_core->hw_core.description, group->power_is_on ? "On" : "Off"));
+ if (group->pm_domain) {
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tPower domain: id %u\n", mali_pm_domain_get_id(group->pm_domain)));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tMask:0x%04x \n", mali_pm_domain_get_mask(group->pm_domain)));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tUse-count:%u \n", mali_pm_domain_get_use_count(group->pm_domain)));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tCurrent power status:%s \n", (mali_pm_domain_get_mask(group->pm_domain)& mali_pm_get_current_mask()) ? "On" : "Off"));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tWanted power status:%s \n", (mali_pm_domain_get_mask(group->pm_domain)& mali_pm_get_wanted_mask()) ? "On" : "Off"));
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ if (NULL != group->l2_cache_core[i]) {
+ struct mali_pm_domain *domain;
+ domain = mali_l2_cache_get_pm_domain(group->l2_cache_core[i]);
+ MALI_PRINT(("\t L2(index %d) group SW power: %s\n", i, group->l2_cache_core[i]->power_is_on ? "On" : "Off"));
+ if (domain) {
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tL2 Power domain: id %u\n", mali_pm_domain_get_id(domain)));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tL2 Mask:0x%04x \n", mali_pm_domain_get_mask(domain)));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tL2 Use-count:%u \n", mali_pm_domain_get_use_count(domain)));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tL2 Current power status:%s \n", (mali_pm_domain_get_mask(domain) & mali_pm_get_current_mask()) ? "On" : "Off"));
+ MALI_PRINT(("\tL2 Wanted power status:%s \n", (mali_pm_domain_get_mask(domain) & mali_pm_get_wanted_mask()) ? "On" : "Off"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (EXEC_STATE_WORKING == virtual_group_state) {
+ mali_group_dump_status(virtual_group);
+ }
+ }
+void mali_executor_status_dump(void)
+ mali_executor_lock();
+ mali_scheduler_lock();
+ /* print schedule queue status */
+ mali_scheduler_gp_pp_job_queue_print();
+ mali_scheduler_unlock();
+ mali_executor_unlock();