AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-10-19py: Move pointer to next free block earlier in alloc.reentrant-gcDamien George
2014-10-16py: First steps making GC reentrant.Damien George
2014-10-16py: Take gc_pool_start out of bss section, to reclaim 1st block of heap.Damien George
2014-10-16stream: Handle non-blocking errors in readline() properly.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-16stream: Return errno value as first arg of OSError exception.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-16objclosure: Fix printing of generator closures.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-15py: Fix GC realloc issue, where memory chunks were never shrunk.Damien George
2014-10-15py: Fix dummy definition of BEGIN/END_ATOMIC_SECTION.Damien George
2014-10-15modure: Update to re1.5 v0.6, support for char sets/classes ([a-c]).Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-13Merge pull request #905 from pfalcon/remove-zlibdDamien George
2014-10-13modzlibd: Remove, superceded by moduzlib.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-13windows: Enable moduzlib instead of modzlibd.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-12moduzlib: Fix fn prototype and some code style; use it in stmhal port.Damien George
2014-10-12Merge pull request #904 from pfalcon/moduzlibDamien George
2014-10-13moduzlib: Import uzlib v1.1.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-13moduzlib: Integrate into the system.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-13moduzlib: New zlib-like module, based on uzlib.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-12stmhal: Oops: rename mod files in Makefile.Damien George
2014-10-12stmhal: Rename module files to keep consistency with module name.Damien George
2014-10-12stmhal: Enable module weak links.Damien George
2014-10-12py: Add module weak link support.Damien George
2014-10-12py: Fix x86 viper code generation, mem8 <-> mem16 for load.Damien George
2014-10-12py: Implement native load for viper.Damien George
2014-10-12py: Implement and,or,xor native ops for viper.Damien George
2014-10-12modure: Make sure that re1.5 compiled in only of modure itself is enabled.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-12modure: Upgrade re1.5 to 0.5.1Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-11Merge pull request #902 from pfalcon/readme-unixDamien George
2014-10-11Merge branch 'pfalcon-modure'Damien George
2014-10-11stmhal: Enable ure module (tests pass on pyboard).Damien George
2014-10-11Merge branch 'modure' of https://github.com/pfalcon/micropython into pfalcon-...Damien George
2014-10-11README: Update "unix" section with more info/details.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-11Merge pull request #900 from dhylands/comp-deadtimeDamien George
2014-10-11unix: Update comment MICROPY_GCREGS_SETJMP (untested -> undertested).Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-11unix: Add comment about needed dependencies for MICROPY_FORCE_32BIT.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-11modure: Basic tests.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-11modure: Import needed files from re1.5 v0.5.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-11modure: Initial module, using re1.5 (which is based on re1 codebase).Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-10Add support for complimentary channel output and deadtime.Dave Hylands
2014-10-09stmhal: Add pyb.stop() and pyb.standby() functions.Damien George
2014-10-09Merge pull request #899 from pfalcon/usocket-renameDamien George
2014-10-09unix: Rename "microsocket" module to "usocket".Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-09examples: Rename unix socket examples to have more precise naming (http).Paul Sokolovsky
2014-10-09Merge branch 'master' of github.com:micropython/micropythonDamien George
2014-10-09Merge branch 'dhylands-lexer-crash'Damien George
2014-10-09py: Add further checks for failed malloc in lexer init functions.Damien George
2014-10-09Merge branch 'lexer-crash' of https://github.com/dhylands/micropython into dh...Damien George
2014-10-09Merge pull request #897 from tomvonclef/masterDamien George
2014-10-09Merge branch 'dhylands-memory-error'Damien George
2014-10-09py: Add #if guard around gc-specific code.Damien George
2014-10-08Make lexer fail gracefully when memory can't be allocated.Dave Hylands