AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-29esp8266/modules/: Symlink uasyncio from micropython-lib.esp-extra-scriptsPaul Sokolovsky
2019-05-29esp8266/modules/: Link uqmtt publish button/subscribe led examples.Paul Sokolovsky
2019-05-29esp8266/modules/: Symlink umqtt.simple,robust from micropython-lib.Paul Sokolovsky
2019-05-29esp8266/modules/: Symlink upysh from micropython-lib.Paul Sokolovsky
2019-05-29esp8266/modules/: Symlink ssd1306.py driver.Paul Sokolovsky
2019-05-29esp8266/modules/: Symlink urrlib.urequest and urequests from micropython-lib.Paul Sokolovsky
2019-05-29esp8266/modules/: Symlink HTTP examples.Paul Sokolovsky
2019-05-29esp8266: Disable "OS" debug output.Paul Sokolovsky
2019-05-29all: Bump version to 1.11.v1.11Damien George
2019-05-29LICENSE: Update year range in top-level license.Damien George
2019-05-29stm32/mboot/README: Fix some typos, describe bootloader and fwupdate.py.Damien George
2019-05-29stm32/modmachine: In bootloader() disable caches before reset of periphsAndrew Leech
2019-05-29extmod/modlwip: Register TCP close-timeout callback before closing PCB.Damien George
2019-05-29extmod/modlwip: Free any incoming bufs/connections before closing PCB.Damien George
2019-05-28esp32/modsocket: Raise EAGAIN when accept fails in non-blocking mode.Damien George
2019-05-28unix/modusocket: Raise ETIMEDOUT when connect or accept has timeout.Damien George
2019-05-28esp32/machine_touchpad: Use HW timer for FSM to enable wake-on-touch.Tom Manning
2019-05-27py/vm: Remove obsolete comments about matching of exception opcodes.Damien George
2019-05-24stm32/sdram: Update MPU settings to block invalid region, change attrs.Andrew Leech
2019-05-24esp8266: Fix ticks_ms to correctly handle wraparound of system counter.Damien George
2019-05-24zephyr: Switch back to enabling I2C in board-specific configs.Paul Sokolovsky
2019-05-24zephyr/README: Reorder content related to recently added I2C.Paul Sokolovsky
2019-05-24mpy-cross/mpconfigport.h: Remove defn of MP_NOINLINE to use global one.Damien George
2019-05-23windows: Fix line wrapping behaviour on the REPL.stijn
2019-05-23stm32/sdcard: Add switch break to ensure only correct SD/MMC IRQ is run.Andrew Leech
2019-05-22py/mkrules.mk: Remove unnecessary ; in makefile.Sebastien Rinsoz
2019-05-22py: Update makefiles to use $(TOUCH) instead of hard coded "touch".Sebastien Rinsoz
2019-05-22nrf/mphalport: Use wfi to save power while waiting at the UART REPL.Damien George
2019-05-22nrf/uart: Make UART print output something, and add write method.Damien George
2019-05-22nrf/mpconfigport.h: Enable MICROPY_KBD_EXCEPTION by default.Damien George
2019-05-22nrf/uart: Change UART driver to be non-blocking and use IRQs.Damien George
2019-05-21nrf/nrfx_glue: Adapt to nrfx v.1.7.1.Glenn Ruben Bakke
2019-05-21lib/nrfx: Upgrade nrfx to master.Glenn Ruben Bakke
2019-05-21py: Update makefiles to use $(CAT) variable instead of hard coded "cat".Sébastien Rinsoz
2019-05-21py/objarray: Add decode method to bytearray.stijn
2019-05-21stm32/i2c: Support setting the I2C TIMINGR value via keyword arg.Damien George
2019-05-21stm32/machine_i2c: Simplify ROM initialisation of static HW I2C objects.Damien George
2019-05-21stm32/i2c: Make timeout for hardware I2C configurable.Andrew Leech
2019-05-20docs/pyboard/quickref: Refer to new machine.I2C instead of old pyb.I2C.Damien George
2019-05-20lib/stm32lib: Update library to fix UART9/10 baudrate on F4 MCUs.Damien George
2019-05-20drivers/display/ssd1306.py: Change to use new i2c.writevto() method.Damien George
2019-05-20extmod/machine_i2c: Add i2c.writevto() that can write a vector of bufs.Damien George
2019-05-20extmod/machine_i2c: Remove need for temporary memory in writemem() call.Damien George
2019-05-20zephyr/machine_i2c: Update to support new C-level I2C API.Damien George
2019-05-20nrf/machine/i2c: Update to support new C-level I2C API.Damien George
2019-05-20stm32/machine_i2c: Update to support new C-level I2C API.Damien George
2019-05-20extmod/machine_i2c: Change C-level API to allow split I2C transactions.Damien George
2019-05-20docs/machine.I2C: Add writevto method to write a vector of byte bufs.Damien George
2019-05-20stm32/adc: Fix VBAT_DIV to be 4 for STM32F411.Damien George
2019-05-17various: Update early copyright years to match actual edit history.Damien George