LAVA bits to deploy openstack and run tempest

This repository contains LAVA test defintions that deploy openstack
(in more than one way) and then run the 'tempest' integration suite
against the deployed openstack.

Currently openstack can be deployed by devstack and by juju -- see the
folders called 'devstack' and 'juju' for more.  'tempest' contains the
test defintion that runs tempest.  'jobs' contains sample job files
(which need to be submitted with my 'sj' tool:

The contract between the 'deploy' and 'tempest' step is that the
deploy step creates a script ~/run-in-tempest-dir.sh that takes the
path of a script as an argument and runs that script with the pwd set
to a directory containing the tempest source (and an appropriately set
up etc/tempest.conf).  This script can put files into ~/output.tgz and
these will be attached to the LAVA test run.