require "rubygems/specification" require "bootstrap/environment" require_relative "default_plugins" require 'rubygems' namespace "license" do SKIPPED_DEPENDENCIES = [ "logstash-core-plugin-api" ] GEM_INSTALL_PATH = File.join(LogStash::Environment.logstash_gem_home, "gems") NOTICE_FILE_PATH = File.join(LogStash::Environment::LOGSTASH_HOME, "NOTICE.TXT") desc "Generate a license/notice file for default plugin dependencies" task "generate-notice-file" => ["bootstrap", "plugin:install-default"] do puts("[license:generate-notice-file] Generating notice file for default plugin dependencies") generate_notice_file end def generate_notice_file,'w') do |file| begin add_logstash_header(file) add_dependencies_licenses(file) rescue => e raise "Unable to generate notice file, #{e}" end end end def add_logstash_header(notice_file) copyright_year = notice_file << "Logstash\n" notice_file << "Copyright 2012-#{copyright_year} Elasticsearch\n" notice_file << "\nThis product includes software developed by The Apache Software Foundation (\n" notice_file << "\n==========================================================================\n" notice_file << "Third party libraries bundled by the Logstash project:\n\n" end def add_dependencies_licenses(notice_file) # to keep track of all the plugins we've traversed seen_dependencies = LogStash::RakeLib::DEFAULT_PLUGINS.each do |plugin| gemspec = Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name(plugin)[0] if gemspec.nil? raise "Fail to generate `NOTICE.TXT` file because #{plugin} was not found in the installed plugins specifications" end gemspec.runtime_dependencies.each do |dep| name = next if SKIPPED_DEPENDENCIES.include?(name) || seen_dependencies.key?(name) seen_dependencies[name] = true # ignore all the runtime logstash-* plugin dependencies next if name.start_with?("logstash") path = gem_home(dep.to_spec) dep.to_spec.licenses.each do |license| notice = "" license = "" Dir.glob(File.join(path, '*LICENSE*')) do |path| notice << notice << "\n" end Dir.glob(File.join(path, '*NOTICE*')) do |path| license << license << "\n" end if !notice.empty? || !license.empty? notice_file << "==========================================================================\n" notice_file << "RubyGem: #{name} Version: #{dep.to_spec.version}\n" notice_file << notice notice_file << license end end end end end def gem_home(spec) spec_base_name = "#{}-#{spec.version}" if spec.platform == "java" spec_base_name += "-java" end File.join(GEM_INSTALL_PATH, "#{spec_base_name}") end end