module LogStash module RakeLib # @return [Array] list of all plugin names as defined in the logstash-plugins github organization, minus names that matches the ALL_PLUGINS_SKIP_LIST def self.fetch_all_plugins require 'octokit' Octokit.auto_paginate = true repos = Octokit.organization_repositories("logstash-plugins") do |name| name =~ ALL_PLUGINS_SKIP_LIST || !is_released?(name) end end def self.is_released?(plugin) require 'gems' != "This rubygem could not be found." end def self.fetch_plugins_for(type) # Lets use the standard library here, in the context of the bootstrap the # logstash-core could have failed to be installed. require "json" JSON.load("rakelib/plugins-metadata.json")).select do |_, metadata| metadata[type] end.keys end # plugins included by default in the logstash distribution DEFAULT_PLUGINS = self.fetch_plugins_for("default-plugins").freeze # plugins required to run the logstash core specs CORE_SPECS_PLUGINS = self.fetch_plugins_for("core-specs").freeze TEST_JAR_DEPENDENCIES_PLUGINS = self.fetch_plugins_for("test-jar-dependencies").freeze TEST_VENDOR_PLUGINS = self.fetch_plugins_for("test-vendor-plugin").freeze ALL_PLUGINS_SKIP_LIST = Regexp.union(self.fetch_plugins_for("skip-list")).freeze end end