#! /usr/bin/python # Copyright 2014 Linaro Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. import logging import pexpect import sys import time import re from common import SwitchDriver class CiscoSX300(SwitchDriver): connection = None # No extra capabilities for this switch/driver yet _capabilities = [ ] # Regexp of expected hardware information - fail if we don't see # this _expected_descr_re = re.compile('S.300-\d+') logfile = sys.stderr logfile = None def __init__(self, switch_hostname, switch_telnetport=23): self.exec_string = "/usr/bin/telnet %s %d" % (switch_hostname, switch_telnetport) ################################ ### Switch-level API functions ################################ # Connect to the switch and log in def switch_connect(self, username, password, enablepassword): logging.debug("Connecting to Switch with: %s" % self.exec_string) self.connection = pexpect.spawn(self.exec_string, logfile = self.logfile) self._login(username, password) # Try to avoid paged output self.connection.setwinsize(132, 1000) # And grab details about the switch. in case we need it self._get_systemdata() # And also validate them - make sure we're driving a switch of # the correct model! Also store the serial number descr_regex = re.compile('System Description:.\s+(\S.*)') sn_regex = re.compile('SN:\s+(\S_)') descr = "" for line in self._systemdata: match = descr_regex.match(line) if match: descr = match.group(1) match = sn_regex.match(line) if match: self.serial_number = match.group(1) if not self._expected_descr_re.match(descr): raise IOError("Switch %s not recognised by this driver: abort" % descr) # Now build a list of our ports, for later sanity checking self._ports = self._get_port_names() if len(self._ports) < 4: raise IOError("Not enough ports detected - problem!") # Log out of the switch and drop the connection and all state def switch_disconnect(self): self._logout() logging.debug("Closing connection: %s" % self.connection) self.connection.close(True) self._ports = [] self._prompt_name = '' self._systemdata = [] del(self) # Save the current running config into flash - we want config to # remain across reboots def switch_save_running_config(self): self._cli("copy running-config startup-config") self.connection.expect("Y/N") self._cli("y") self.connection.expect("succeeded") # Restart the switch - we need to reload config to do a # roll-back. Do NOT save running-config first if the switch asks - # we're trying to dump recent changes, not save them. # # This will also implicitly cause a connection to be closed def switch_restart(self): self._cli("reload") index = self.connection.expect(['Are you sure', 'will reset']) if index == 0: self._cli("y") # Yes, continue without saving self.connection.expect("reset the whole") # Fall through self._cli("y") # Yes, continue to reset self.connection.close(True) ################################ ### VLAN API functions ################################ # Create a VLAN with the specified tag def vlan_create(self, tag): logging.debug("Creating VLAN %d" % tag) self._configure() self._cli("vlan database") self._cli("vlan %d" % tag) self._end_configure() # Validate it happened vlans = self.vlan_get_list() for vlan in vlans: if vlan == tag: return raise IOError("Failed to create VLAN %d" % tag) # Destroy a VLAN with the specified tag def vlan_destroy(self, tag): logging.debug("Destroying VLAN %d" % tag) self._configure() self._cli("no vlan %d" % tag) self._end_configure() # Validate it happened vlans = self.vlan_get_list() for vlan in vlans: if vlan == tag: raise IOError("Failed to destroy VLAN %d" % tag) # Set the name of a VLAN def vlan_set_name(self, tag, name): logging.debug("Setting name of VLAN %d to %s" % (tag, name)) self._configure() self._cli("vlan %d" % tag) self._cli("interface vlan %d" % tag) self._cli("name %s" % name) self._end_configure() # Validate it happened read_name = self.vlan_get_name(tag) if read_name != name: raise IOError("Failed to set name for VLAN %d (name found is \"%s\", not \"%s\")" % (tag, read_name, name)) # Get a list of the VLAN tags currently registered on the switch def vlan_get_list(self): logging.debug("Grabbing list of VLANs") vlans = [] regex = re.compile('^ *(\d+).*(D|S|G|R)') self._cli("show vlan") for line in self._read_paged_output(): match = regex.match(line) if match: vlans.append(int(match.group(1))) return vlans # For a given VLAN tag, ask the switch what the associated name is def vlan_get_name(self, tag): logging.debug("Grabbing the name of VLAN %d" % tag) name = None regex = re.compile('^ *\d+\s+(\S+).*(D|S|G|R)') self._cli("show vlan tag %d" % tag) for line in self._read_paged_output(): match = regex.match(line) if match: name = match.group(1) name.strip() return name ################################ ### Port API functions ################################ # Set the mode of a port: access or trunk def port_set_mode(self, port, mode): logging.debug("Setting port %s to %s" % (port, mode)) if not self._is_port_mode_valid(mode): raise IndexError("Port mode %s is not allowed" % mode) if not self._is_port_name_valid(port): raise IndexError("Port name %s not recognised" % port) self._configure() self._cli("interface %s" % port) self._cli("switchport mode %s" % mode) self._end_configure() # Validate it happened read_mode = self.port_get_mode(port) if read_mode != mode: raise IOError("Failed to set mode for port %s" % port) # Get the mode of a port: access or trunk def port_get_mode(self, port): logging.debug("Getting mode of port %s" % port) mode = '' if not self._is_port_name_valid(port): raise IndexError("Port name %s not recognised" % port) regex = re.compile('Port Mode: (\S+)') self._cli("show interfaces switchport %s" % port) for line in self._read_paged_output(): match = regex.match(line) if match: mode = match.group(1) return mode.lower() # Set an access port to be in a specified VLAN (tag) def port_set_access_vlan(self, port, tag): logging.debug("Setting access port %s to VLAN %d" % (port, tag)) if not self._is_port_name_valid(port): raise IndexError("Port name %s not recognised" % port) if not (self.port_get_mode(port) == "access"): raise IndexError("Port %s not in access mode" % port) self._configure() self._cli("interface %s" % port) self._cli("switchport access vlan %d" % tag) self._end_configure() # Validate things worked read_vlan = int(self.port_get_access_vlan(port)) if read_vlan != tag: raise IOError("Failed to move access port %s to VLAN %d - got VLAN %d instead" % (port, tag, read_vlan)) # Add a trunk port to a specified VLAN (tag) def port_add_trunk_to_vlan(self, port, tag): logging.debug("Adding trunk port %s to VLAN %d" % (port, tag)) if not self._is_port_name_valid(port): raise IndexError("Port name %s not recognised" % port) if not (self.port_get_mode(port) == "trunk"): raise IndexError("Port %s not in trunk mode" % port) self._configure() self._cli("interface %s" % port) self._cli("switchport trunk allowed vlan add %d" % tag) self._end_configure() # Validate it happened read_vlans = self.port_get_trunk_vlan_list(port) for vlan in read_vlans: if vlan == tag: return raise IOError("Failed to add trunk port %s to VLAN %d" % (port, tag)) # Remove a trunk port from a specified VLAN (tag) def port_remove_trunk_from_vlan(self, port, tag): logging.debug("Removing trunk port %s from VLAN %d" % (port, tag)) if not self._is_port_name_valid(port): raise IndexError("Port name %s not recognised" % port) if not (self.port_get_mode(port) == "trunk"): raise IndexError("Port %s not in trunk mode" % port) self._configure() self._cli("interface %s" % port) self._cli("switchport trunk allowed vlan remove %d" % tag) self._end_configure() # Validate it happened read_vlans = self.port_get_trunk_vlan_list(port) for vlan in read_vlans: if vlan == tag: raise IOError("Failed to remove trunk port %s from VLAN %d" % (port, tag)) # Get the configured VLAN tag for an access port (tag) def port_get_access_vlan(self, port): logging.debug("Getting VLAN for access port %s" % port) vlan = 1 if not self._is_port_name_valid(port): raise IndexError("Port name %s not recognised" % port) if not (self.port_get_mode(port) == "access"): raise IndexError("Port %s not in access mode" % port) regex = re.compile('(\d+)\s+\S+\s+Untagged\s+Static') self._cli("show interfaces switchport %s" % port) for line in self._read_paged_output(): match = regex.match(line) if match: vlan = match.group(1) return int(vlan) # Get the list of configured VLAN tags for a trunk port def port_get_trunk_vlan_list(self, port): logging.debug("Getting VLANs for trunk port %s" % port) vlans = [ ] if not self._is_port_name_valid(port): raise IndexError("Port name %s not recognised" % port) if not (self.port_get_mode(port) == "trunk"): raise IndexError("Port %s not in trunk mode" % port) regex = re.compile('(\d+)\s+\S+\s+(Tagged|Untagged)\s+Static') self._cli("show interfaces switchport %s" % port) for line in self._read_paged_output(): match = regex.match(line) if match: vlans.append (int(match.group(1))) return vlans ################################ ### Internal functions ################################ def _login(self, username, password): logging.debug("attempting login with username %s, password %s" % (username, password)) self._cli("") self.connection.expect("User Name:") self._cli("%s" % username) self.connection.expect("Password:") self._cli("%s" % password, False) while True: index = self.connection.expect(['User Name:', 'authentication failed', r'(.*)#', '.*']) if index == 0 or index == 1: # Failed to log in! logging.error("Login failure: %s\n" % self.connection.match) raise IOError elif index == 2: self._prompt_name = self.connection.match.group(1).strip() return 0 def _logout(self): logging.debug("Logging out") self._cli("exit", False) def _configure(self): self._cli("configure terminal") def _end_configure(self): self._cli("end") def _read_paged_output(self): buf = [] prompt = self._prompt_name + '#' while True: index = self.connection.expect(['\x1b\[0mMore:.*.*$', prompt]) if index == 0: # More: for line in self.connection.before.split('\r\n'): buf.append(line.strip()) self._cli(' ', False) elif index == 1: # Back to a prompt, says output is finished break for line in self.connection.before.split('\r\n'): buf.append(line.strip()) return buf def _get_port_names(self): logging.debug("Grabbing list of ports") interfaces = [] # Use "Up" or "Down" to only identify lines in the output that # match interfaces that exist regex = re.compile('^(\w+).*(Up|Down)') self._cli("show interfaces status detailed") for line in self._read_paged_output(): match = regex.match(line) if match: interfaces.append(match.group(1)) return interfaces def _show_config(self): logging.debug("Grabbing config") self._cli("show running-config") return self._read_paged_output() def _show_clock(self): logging.debug("Grabbing time") self._cli("show clock") return self._read_paged_output() def _get_systemdata(self): self._systemdata = [] logging.debug("Grabbing system data") self._cli("show system") for line in self._read_paged_output(): self._systemdata.append(line) logging.debug("Grabbing system sw and hw versions") self._cli("show version") for line in self._read_paged_output(): self._systemdata.append(line) ###################################### # Internal port access helper methods ###################################### # N.B. No parameter checking here, for speed reasons - if you're # calling this internal API then you should already have validated # things yourself! Equally, no post-set checks in here - do that # at the higher level. ###################################### # Wrapper around connection.send - by default, expect() the same # text we've sent, to remove it from the output from the # switch. For the few cases where we don't need that, override # this using echo=False. # Horrible, but seems to work. def _cli(self, text, echo=True): self.connection.send(text + '\r') if echo: self.connection.expect(text) if __name__ == "__main__": # p = CiscoSX300('', 23) p = CiscoSX300('', 23) p.switch_connect('cisco', 'cisco', None) #buf = p._show_clock() #print "%s" % buf #buf = p._show_config() #p._dump_list(buf) print "System data:" p._dump_list(p._systemdata) print "Creating VLANs for testing:" for i in [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 20 ]: p.vlan_create(i) p.vlan_set_name(i, "test%d" % i) print " %d (test%d)" % (i, i) #print "And dump config\n" #buf = p._show_config() #print "%s" % buf #print "Destroying VLAN 2\n" #p.vlan_destroy(2) #print "And dump config\n" #buf = p._show_config() #print "%s" % buf #print "Port names are:" #buf = p.switch_get_port_names() #p._dump_list(buf) #buf = p.vlan_get_name(25) #print "VLAN with tag 25 is called \"%s\"" % buf #p.vlan_set_name(35, "foo") #print "VLAN with tag 35 is called \"foo\"" #buf = p.port_get_mode("fa12") #print "Port fa12 is in %s mode" % buf # Test access stuff print "Set fa6 to access mode" p.port_set_mode("fa6", "access") print "Move fa6 to VLAN 2" p.port_set_access_vlan("fa6", 2) buf = p.port_get_access_vlan("fa6") print "Read from switch: fa6 is on VLAN %s" % buf print "Move fa6 back to default VLAN 1" p.port_set_access_vlan("fa6", 1) #print "And move fa6 back to a trunk port" #p.port_set_mode("fa6", "trunk") #buf = p.port_get_mode("fa6") #print "Port fa6 is in %s mode" % buf # Test trunk stuff print "Set gi2 to trunk mode" p.port_set_mode("gi2", "trunk") print "Add gi2 to VLAN 2" p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("gi2", 2) print "Add gi2 to VLAN 3" p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("gi2", 3) print "Add gi2 to VLAN 4" p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("gi2", 4) print "Read from switch: which VLANs is gi2 on?" buf = p.port_get_trunk_vlan_list("gi2") p._dump_list(buf) print "Remove gi2 from VLANs 3,3,4" p.port_remove_trunk_from_vlan("gi2", 3) p.port_remove_trunk_from_vlan("gi2", 3) p.port_remove_trunk_from_vlan("gi2", 4) print "Read from switch: which VLANs is gi2 on?" buf = p.port_get_trunk_vlan_list("gi2") p._dump_list(buf) # print "Adding lots of ports to VLANs" # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("fa1", 2) # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("fa3", 2) # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("fa5", 2) # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("fa7", 2) # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("fa9", 2) # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("fa11", 2) # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("fa13", 2) # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("fa15", 2) # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("fa17", 2) # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("fa19", 2) # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("fa21", 2) # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("fa23", 2) # p.port_add_trunk_to_vlan("gi4", 2) print "VLANs are:" buf = p.vlan_get_list() p._dump_list(buf) # print 'Restarting switch, to explicitly reset config' # p.switch_restart() # p.switch_save_running_config() # p._show_config()