VLANd - complex networks on demand What is VLANd? ============== VLANd is a python program intended to make it easy to manage port-based VLAN setups across multiple switches in a network. It is designed to be vendor-agnostic, with a clean pluggable driver API to allow for a wide range of different switches to be controlled together. Various of the switch vendors have management applications available which should be able to do a similar job, but they're typically not scriptable, or locked to only control their own vendor's equipment. VLANd is designed (and hoped!) to be better. We've found that other network management programs also exist, but either they don't manage VLANs in the way we want or they depend on large frameworks like Openstack. VLANd currently includes four drivers for different models of switch from four different vendors: * CiscoCatalyst for the Cisco Catalyst 3750 (and compatible) * CiscoSX300 for the Cisco SF300 and SG300 (and compatible) * NetgearXSM for the Netgear XSM 7224S (and compatible) * TPLinkTLSG2XXX for the TP-Link TL-SG2216 (and compatible) * Mellanox for the Mellanox SN2100 (and compatible) These cover a range of switches across a huge range of prices, from 100M up to 100G ports. VLANd supports interoperable VLANs across all these devices, verified using the Linaro test lab and our test suite. VLANd also includes a "Dummy" switch driver which can be used for testing and validation. Read the comments in drivers/Dummy.py for more details on how to use it. It is expected that more drivers will be included in future releases. Please feel free to propose more target devices, or (better) send patches! Why VLANd? ========== VLANd has been written to accompany Linaro's LAVA platform. LAVA is the Linaro Automated Validation Architecture - see https://validation.linaro.org/ for more information. LAVA started off as a framework to help perform validation and testing on simple single devices such as Android development boards. Since then, the range of tests and devices has grown hugely. Some users have added multi-node tests, i.e. tests that start up multiple devices that run tests against each other (e.g. client-server testing). The next step on from that is to test devices with multiple network interfaces, where on top of the client-serer testing it is required that their connectivity can be controlled and isolated (e.g. for network performance testing). This can be done by simply changing physical network connections, of course, but that doesn't scale for sequences of tests and it makes a lie of the "Automated" bit in the LAVA definition. VLANd is the solution that we have implemented for this problem. It provides a simple VLAN management abstraction for users. LAVA can use VLANd to set up complex networks on demand as tests are initiated, and can then tear them down again when tests are complete. Dependencies ============ postgres server and psycopg2, for the back-end database. See db/setup_db.py for help in setting up the database for access. If you want to use the visualisation feature, you'll need to install python-gd (used for generating the graphics) and a font for it to use. The default font suggested is Inconsolata, but others should work too. How to use ========== For now, things are easiest run as "vland" with appropriate permissions in the database for that user. The core VLANd code is simple to configure - see vland.cfg for an example config file. Once your copy of VLANd is running, use the administration utility "vland-admin" to control what it does. For now, this is single-threaded and has *no* security. This *will* change in the future, but for very early development has not been a priority. The visualisation interface has very few configuration options as yet - again, see the default vland.cfg. Future plans ============ As a start... * More documentation * More drivers to control more devices, both real and virtual * Improved visualisation options * Better (some!) security * Background sanity checking * Other filtering options - MAC-based rather than just port-based (needed to support virtual machines, etc.) If you have other ideas, please talk to us! Contact ======= VLANd mailing list: vland-devel@linaro.org Code ==== https://git.linaro.org/lava/vland.git License ======= VLANd is Copyright 2014-2018 Linaro Limited, and is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (or any later version). See the accompanying COPYING file for more details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- README for VLANd 0.7, 2nd February 2018 Steve McIntyre