path: root/test
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-02-02Renamed the admin program from "admin.py" to "vland-admin"Steve McIntyre
2016-03-12Change test harness scripts to match the new admin.py interfacesSteve McIntyre
2015-07-31Updating README files for release v0.3v0.3Steve McIntyre
2015-07-31Improved logging for VLAN creation in testSteve McIntyre
2015-07-31Add new massive test setup with all 10 hostsSteve McIntyre
2015-07-31Add another 3-switch test, now including the TP-LinkSteve McIntyre
2015-07-31Add timestamps on ping problem log messages in the summarySteve McIntyre
2015-07-30Add simple isolation test for hosts on the TP-Link TLSG2XXXSteve McIntyre
2015-07-30Fix test check descriptionSteve McIntyre
2015-07-30Cleaner loggingSteve McIntyre
2015-07-30Better short-format output for the terminalSteve McIntyre
2015-07-30Major changes to ping parsing codeSteve McIntyre
2015-07-30Remove redundant "VLANd said" loggingSteve McIntyre
2015-07-30Remove the logfile message from individual testsSteve McIntyre
2015-07-30Really fix test... :-/Steve McIntyre
2015-07-30Really fix the typo in the test scriptSteve McIntyre
2015-07-30Add a PASS messageSteve McIntyre
2015-07-30Change the ping-parsing output code outputSteve McIntyre
2015-07-30Mention the logfile at test startupSteve McIntyre
2015-07-30Fix cut and paste error in test scriptSteve McIntyre
2015-07-29More trivial tweaks to outputSteve McIntyre
2015-07-29Yet more cosmetic changesSteve McIntyre
2015-07-29More cosmetic changesSteve McIntyre
2015-07-29More cosmetic changes to test outputSteve McIntyre
2015-07-29Turn down VERBOSE level in test scriptsSteve McIntyre
2015-07-29Cosmetic tweaks to test outputSteve McIntyre
2015-07-29Re-arrange code, and add logging of NAME and DESCRIPTIONSteve McIntyre
2015-07-29Add NAME and DESCRIPTION fields for all testsSteve McIntyre
2015-07-29Add the new log-parsing setup into all the test scriptsSteve McIntyre
2015-07-28Cosmetic improvements to log outputSteve McIntyre
2015-07-28Add parsing of ping test results for better automationSteve McIntyre
2015-07-28Give all the test scripts saner namesSteve McIntyre
2015-07-27Fix up test-1Steve McIntyre
2015-07-27Tweak machine selection for test-1Steve McIntyre
2015-07-24Add a much more complex testSteve McIntyre
2015-07-24Add test for 2 machines on vlandswitch03Steve McIntyre
2015-07-24Add more test scriptsSteve McIntyre
2015-07-22Pause a little longer to make sure everything is settled after port movesSteve McIntyre
2015-07-20Add more logging into the test-common wrapperSteve McIntyre
2015-07-20Trap errors from test cases and log what command failedSteve McIntyre
2015-07-17Use nanoseconds in the logging output, not the logfile nameSteve McIntyre
2015-07-17Two simple test scripts, written to use the test-common wrapperSteve McIntyre
2015-07-17Print nanoseconds too on log timestampsSteve McIntyre
2015-07-17Make test-common more flexible and add more featuresSteve McIntyre
2015-07-14Modify timestamp format for test loggingSteve McIntyre
2015-07-10Add a standard crontab for the linaro user on the test workersSteve McIntyre
2015-07-10Exit faster when the test harness removes the config fileSteve McIntyre
2015-07-10Add more escaping for the HOSTS setting codeSteve McIntyre
2015-07-10Change check_networks to run continuouslySteve McIntyre
2015-07-10Major updates to the test harnessSteve McIntyre