path: root/Vland/visualisation/graphics.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'Vland/visualisation/graphics.py')
1 files changed, 484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Vland/visualisation/graphics.py b/Vland/visualisation/graphics.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84083d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Vland/visualisation/graphics.py
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+#! /usr/bin/python
+# Copyright 2015 Linaro Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# Visualisation graphics module for VLANd
+# This code uses python-gd to generate graphics ready for insertion
+# into our web interface. Example code in the self-test at the
+# bottom.
+import gd, os, sys
+from Vland.errors import InputError
+class Graphics:
+ """ Code and config for the visualisation graphics module """
+ font = None
+ # Default font size for the small labels
+ small_font_size = 12
+ # And the size for the top-level label
+ label_font_size = 24
+ # Size in pixels of that font, calculated later
+ twocharwidth = 0
+ charheight = 0
+ # How big a gap to leave between trunk connections
+ trunk_gap = 8
+ # Details of the legend
+ legend_width = 0
+ legend_height = 0
+ legend_text_width = 0
+ legend_text_height = 0
+ legend_total_width = 0
+ legend_box_width = 0
+ legend_box_height = 0
+ # Basic colour definitions used later
+ colour_defs = {}
+ colour_defs['black'] = (0, 0, 0)
+ colour_defs['white'] = (255, 255, 255)
+ colour_defs['purple'] = (255, 0, 255)
+ colour_defs['blue'] = (0, 0, 255)
+ colour_defs['darkgrey'] = (60, 60, 60)
+ colour_defs['yellow'] = (255, 255, 0)
+ colour_defs['red'] = (255, 0, 0)
+ colour_defs['aqua'] = (0, 255, 255)
+ pallette = {}
+ # colours for the background
+ pallette['bg_colour'] = 'purple'
+ pallette['transparent_colour'] = 'purple'
+ pallette['graphic_label_colour'] = 'black'
+ # switch colours
+ pallette['switch_outline_colour'] = 'black'
+ pallette['switch_fill_colour'] = 'darkgrey'
+ pallette['switch_label_colour'] = 'white'
+ # verious sets of port colours, matching the 'highlight' options in
+ # draw_port()
+ port_pallette = {}
+ port_pallette['normal'] = {}
+ port_pallette['normal']['port_box'] = 'white'
+ port_pallette['normal']['port_bg'] = 'black'
+ port_pallette['normal']['port_label'] = 'white'
+ port_pallette['normal']['trace'] = 'black'
+ port_pallette['trunk'] = {}
+ port_pallette['trunk']['port_box'] = 'white'
+ port_pallette['trunk']['port_bg'] = 'blue'
+ port_pallette['trunk']['port_label'] = 'yellow'
+ port_pallette['trunk']['trace'] = 'blue'
+ port_pallette['locked'] = {}
+ port_pallette['locked']['port_box'] = 'white'
+ port_pallette['locked']['port_bg'] = 'red'
+ port_pallette['locked']['port_label'] = 'yellow'
+ port_pallette['locked']['trace'] = 'red'
+ port_pallette['VLAN'] = {}
+ port_pallette['VLAN']['port_box'] = 'white'
+ port_pallette['VLAN']['port_bg'] = 'aqua'
+ port_pallette['VLAN']['port_label'] = 'black'
+ port_pallette['VLAN']['trace'] = 'aqua'
+ im = None
+ # TODO: make colours configurable, add maybe parsing for
+ # /etc/X11/rgb.txt to allow people to use arbitrary names?
+ # Choose a font for our graphics to use. Pass in a list of fonts
+ # to be tried, in priority order.
+ def set_font(self, fontlist):
+ for font in fontlist:
+ if os.path.exists(font):
+ self.font = os.path.abspath(font)
+ break
+ # Work out how big we need to be for the biggest possible text
+ # in a 2-digit number. Grotty, but we need to know this later.
+ for value in range (0, 100):
+ (width, height) = self.get_label_size(repr(value), self.small_font_size)
+ self.twocharwidth = max(self.twocharwidth, width)
+ self.charheight = max(self.charheight, height)
+ # Now we can also calulate other stuff
+ self._calc_legend_size()
+ # Create a canvas and set things up ready for use
+ def create_canvas(self, x, y):
+ im = gd.image((x, y))
+ # Allocate our colours in the image's colour map
+ for key in self.colour_defs.iterkeys():
+ im.colorAllocate((self.colour_defs[key][0],
+ self.colour_defs[key][1],
+ self.colour_defs[key][2]))
+ im.fill((0,0), im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[self.pallette['bg_colour']]))
+ im.colorTransparent(im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[self.pallette['transparent_colour']]))
+ im.interlace(0)
+ self.im = im
+ # Using our selected font, what dimensions will a particular piece
+ # of text take?
+ def get_label_size(self, label, font_size):
+ tmp_im = gd.image((200, 200))
+ (llx, lly, lrx, lry, urx, ury, ulx, uly) = tmp_im.get_bounding_rect(self.font,
+ font_size,
+ 0.0,
+ (10, 100), label)
+ width = max(lrx, urx) - min(llx, ulx)
+ height = max(lly, lry) - min(uly, ury)
+ return (width, height)
+ # Draw a trunk connection between two ports
+ #
+ # Ports are defined as (ulx,uly),(lrx,lry), top): x, y
+ # co-ordinates of UL and LR corners, and whether the port is on
+ # the top or bottom row of a switch, i.e. does the wire come up or
+ # down when it leaves the port.
+ def draw_trunk(self, trunknum, node1, node2, colour):
+ for node in (node1, node2):
+ ((ulx,uly),(lrx,lry),top) = node
+ # Work out the co-ordinates for a line vertically up or
+ # down from the edge of the port
+ x1 = int((ulx + lrx) / 2)
+ x2 = x1
+ if (top):
+ y1 = uly
+ y2 = y1 - (self.trunk_gap * (trunknum + 1))
+ else:
+ y1 = lry
+ y2 = y1 + (self.trunk_gap * (trunknum + 1))
+ # Quick hack - use 2-pixel wide rectangles as thick lines :-)
+ # First line, vertically up/down from the port
+ self.im.rectangle((x1-1,y1), (x2,y2), self.im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[colour]))
+ # Now draw horizontally across to the left margin space
+ x3 = self.trunk_gap * (trunknum + 1)
+ self.im.rectangle((x3, y2), (x2,y2+1), self.im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[colour]))
+ # Now join up the trunks vertically
+ ((ulx1,uly1),(lrx1,lry1),top1) = node1
+ if (top1):
+ y1 = uly1 - self.trunk_gap * (trunknum + 1)
+ else:
+ y1 = lry1 + self.trunk_gap * (trunknum + 1)
+ ((ulx2,uly2),(lrx2,lry2),top2) = node2
+ if (top2):
+ y2 = uly2 - self.trunk_gap * (trunknum + 1)
+ else:
+ y2 = lry2 + self.trunk_gap * (trunknum + 1)
+ x1 = self.trunk_gap * (trunknum + 1)
+ self.im.rectangle((x1, y1), (x1+1,y2), self.im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[colour]))
+ # How big is the legend?
+ def _calc_legend_size(self):
+ max_width = 0
+ max_height = 0
+ for value in self.port_pallette.iterkeys():
+ (width, height) = self.get_label_size(value, self.small_font_size)
+ max_width = max(max_width, width)
+ max_height = max(max_height, height)
+ (width, height) = self.get_label_size('##', self.small_font_size)
+ self.legend_box_width = width + 6
+ self.legend_box_height = height + 6
+ self.legend_width = max_width + self.legend_box_width + 10
+ self.legend_height = 3 + self.legend_box_height + 3
+ self.legend_text_width = max_width
+ self.legend_text_height = max_height
+ self.legend_total_width = 6 + (len(self.port_pallette) * self.legend_width)
+ # Return the legend dimensions
+ def get_legend_dimensions(self):
+ return (self.legend_total_width, self.legend_height)
+ # Draw the legend using (left, top) as the top left corner
+ def draw_legend(self, left, top):
+ lrx = left + self.legend_total_width - 1
+ lry = top + self.legend_height - 1
+ self.im.rectangle((left, top), (lrx, lry),
+ self.im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[self.pallette['switch_outline_colour']]),
+ self.im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[self.pallette['switch_fill_colour']]))
+ curr_x = left + 3
+ curr_y = top + 3
+ for value in sorted(self.port_pallette):
+ box_colour = self.im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[self.port_pallette[value]['port_box']])
+ box_bg_colour = self.im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[self.port_pallette[value]['port_bg']])
+ text_colour = self.im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[self.port_pallette[value]['port_label']])
+ lrx = curr_x + self.legend_box_width - 1
+ lry = curr_y + self.legend_box_height - 1
+ self.im.rectangle((curr_x,curr_y), (lrx,lry), box_colour, box_bg_colour)
+ llx = curr_x + 4
+ lly = curr_y + self.legend_box_height - 4
+ self.im.string_ttf(self.font, self.small_font_size, 0.0, (llx, lly), '##', text_colour)
+ curr_x += self.legend_box_width
+ self.im.string_ttf(self.font, self.small_font_size, 0.0, (curr_x + 3, lly), value,
+ self.im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[self.pallette['switch_label_colour']]))
+ curr_x += self.legend_text_width + 10
+ # Draw the graphic's label using (left, top) as the top left
+ # corner with a box around
+ def draw_label(self, left, top, label, gap):
+ box_colour = self.im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[self.pallette['switch_label_colour']])
+ box_bg_colour = self.im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[self.pallette['switch_fill_colour']])
+ text_colour = self.im.colorExact(self.colour_defs[self.pallette['switch_label_colour']])
+ (width, height) = self.get_label_size(label, self.label_font_size)
+ curr_x = left
+ curr_y = top
+ lrx = curr_x + width + gap
+ lry = curr_y + height + 20
+ self.im.rectangle((curr_x,curr_y), (lrx,lry), box_colour, box_bg_colour)
+ curr_x = left + 10
+ curr_y = top + height + 6
+ self.im.string_ttf(self.font, self.label_font_size, 0.0, (curr_x, curr_y), label, text_colour)
+class Switch:
+ """ Code and config for dealing with a switch """
+ port_width = 0
+ port_height = 0
+ text_width = 0
+ text_height = 0
+ label_left = 0
+ label_bot = 0
+ total_width = 0
+ total_height = 0
+ num_ports = 0
+ left = None
+ top = None
+ name = None
+ # Set up a new switch instance; calculate all the sizes so we can
+ # size our canvas
+ def __init__(self, g, num_ports, name):
+ self.num_ports = num_ports
+ self.name = name
+ self._calc_port_size(g)
+ self._calc_switch_size(g)
+ # How big is a port and the text within it?
+ def _calc_port_size(self, g):
+ self.text_width = g.twocharwidth
+ self.text_height = g.charheight
+ # Leave enough space around the text for a nice clear box
+ self.port_width = self.text_width + 6
+ self.port_height = self.text_height + 6
+ # How big is the full switch, including all the ports and the
+ # switch name label?
+ def _calc_switch_size(self, g):
+ (label_width, label_height) = g.get_label_size(self.name, g.small_font_size)
+ num_ports = self.num_ports
+ # Make sure we have an even number for 2 rows
+ if (self.num_ports & 1):
+ num_ports += 1
+ self.label_left = 3 + (num_ports * self.port_width / 2) + 3
+ self.label_bot = self.port_height - 2
+ self.total_width = self.label_left + label_width + 3
+ self.total_height = 3 + max(label_height, (2 * self.port_height)) + 3
+ # Return the switch dimensions
+ def get_dimensions(self):
+ return (self.total_width, self.total_height)
+ # Draw the basic switch outline and label using (left, top) as the
+ # top left corner. The switch object will remember this origin for
+ # later use when drawing ports.
+ def draw_switch(self, g, left, top):
+ self.left = left
+ self.top = top
+ lrx = left + self.total_width -1
+ lry = top + self.total_height - 1
+ g.im.rectangle((left, top), (lrx, lry),
+ g.im.colorExact(g.colour_defs[g.pallette['switch_outline_colour']]),
+ g.im.colorExact(g.colour_defs[g.pallette['switch_fill_colour']]))
+ llx = left + self.label_left
+ lly = top + self.label_bot
+ g.im.string_ttf(g.font, g.small_font_size, 0.0, (llx, lly), self.name,
+ g.im.colorExact(g.colour_defs[g.pallette['switch_label_colour']]))
+ # Draw a port inside the switch, using a specified colour scheme
+ # to denote its type. The switch outline must have been drawn
+ # first, for its origin to be set.
+ def draw_port(self, g, portnum, highlight):
+ if portnum < 1 or portnum > self.num_ports:
+ raise InputError('port number out of range')
+ if not self.left or not self.top:
+ raise InputError('cannot draw ports before switch is drawn')
+ if highlight not in g.port_pallette.iterkeys():
+ raise InputError('unknown highlight type \"%s\"' % highlight)
+ box_colour = g.im.colorExact(g.colour_defs[g.port_pallette[highlight]['port_box']])
+ box_bg_colour = g.im.colorExact(g.colour_defs[g.port_pallette[highlight]['port_bg']])
+ text_colour = g.im.colorExact(g.colour_defs[g.port_pallette[highlight]['port_label']])
+ if (portnum & 1): # odd port number, so top row
+ ulx = self.left + 3 + ((portnum-1) * self.port_width / 2)
+ uly = self.top + 3
+ else: # bottom row
+ ulx = self.left + 3 + ((portnum-2) * self.port_width / 2)
+ uly = self.top + 3 + self.port_height
+ lrx = ulx + self.port_width - 1
+ lry = uly + self.port_height - 1
+ g.im.rectangle((ulx,uly), (lrx,lry), box_colour, box_bg_colour)
+ # centre the text
+ (width, height) = g.get_label_size(repr(portnum), g.small_font_size)
+ llx = ulx + 3 + (self.text_width - width) / 2
+ lly = uly + max(height, self.text_height) + 1
+ g.im.string_ttf(g.font, g.small_font_size,
+ 0.0, (llx, lly), repr(portnum), text_colour)
+ # Quick helper: draw all the ports for a switch in the default
+ # colour scheme.
+ def draw_default_ports(self, g):
+ for portnum in range(1, self.num_ports + 1):
+ self.draw_port(g, portnum, 'normal')
+ # Get the (x,y) co-ordinates of the UL and LR edges of the port
+ # box, and if it's upper row. This lets us so useful things such
+ # as draw a connection to that point for a trunk.
+ def get_port_location(self, portnum):
+ if portnum > self.num_ports:
+ raise InputError('port number out of range')
+ if (portnum & 1): # odd port number, so top row
+ ulx = self.left + 3 + ((portnum-1) * self.port_width / 2)
+ uly = self.top
+ lrx = ulx + self.port_width
+ lry = uly + self.port_height
+ return ((ulx,uly), (lrx,lry), True)
+ else: # bottom row
+ ulx = self.left + 3 + ((portnum-2) * self.port_width / 2)
+ uly = self.top + 3 + self.port_height
+ lrx = ulx + self.port_width
+ lry = uly + self.port_height
+ return ((ulx,uly), (lrx,lry), False)
+ # Debug: print some of the state of the switch object
+ def dump_state(self):
+ print 'port_width %d' % self.port_width
+ print 'port_height %d' % self.port_height
+ print 'text_width %d' % self.text_width
+ print 'text_height %d' % self.text_height
+ print 'label_left %d' % self.label_left
+ print 'label_bot %d' % self.label_bot
+ print 'total_width %d' % self.total_width
+ print 'total_height %d' % self.total_height
+# Test harness - generate a PNG using fake data
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ gim = Graphics()
+ gim.set_font(['/usr/share/fonts/truetype/inconsolata/Inconsolata.otf',
+ '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeMono.ttf'])
+ try:
+ gim.font
+ except NameError:
+ print 'no fonts found'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ switch = {}
+ size_x = {}
+ size_y = {}
+ switch[0] = Switch(gim, 48, 'lngswitch01')
+ switch[1] = Switch(gim, 24, 'lngswitch02')
+ switch[2] = Switch(gim, 52, 'lngswitch03')
+ label = "VLAN 4jj"
+ # Need to set gaps big enough for the number of trunks, at least.
+ num_trunks = 3
+ y_gap = max(20, 15 * num_trunks)
+ x_gap = max(20, 15 * num_trunks)
+ x = 0
+ y = y_gap
+ for i in range (0, 3):
+ (size_x[i], size_y[i]) = switch[i].get_dimensions()
+ x = max(x, size_x[i])
+ y += size_y[i] + y_gap
+ # Add space for the legend and the label
+ (legend_width, legend_height) = gim.get_legend_dimensions()
+ (label_width, label_height) = gim.get_label_size(label, gim.label_font_size)
+ x = max(x, legend_width + 2*x_gap + label_width)
+ x = x_gap + x + x_gap
+ y = y + max(legend_height + y_gap, label_height)
+ gim.create_canvas(x, y)
+ curr_y = y_gap
+ switch[0].draw_switch(gim, x_gap, curr_y)
+ switch[0].draw_default_ports(gim)
+ switch[0].draw_port(gim, 2, 'VLAN')
+ switch[0].draw_port(gim, 5, 'locked')
+ switch[0].draw_port(gim, 11, 'trunk')
+ switch[0].draw_port(gim, 44, 'trunk')
+ curr_y += size_y[0] + y_gap
+ switch[1].draw_switch(gim, x_gap, curr_y)
+ switch[1].draw_default_ports(gim)
+ switch[1].draw_port(gim, 5, 'VLAN')
+ switch[1].draw_port(gim, 8, 'locked')
+ switch[1].draw_port(gim, 13, 'trunk')
+ switch[1].draw_port(gim, 16, 'trunk')
+ curr_y += size_y[2] + y_gap
+ switch[2].draw_switch(gim, x_gap, curr_y)
+ switch[2].draw_default_ports(gim)
+ switch[2].draw_port(gim, 1, 'trunk')
+ switch[2].draw_port(gim, 2, 'locked')
+ switch[2].draw_port(gim, 14, 'trunk')
+ switch[2].draw_port(gim, 19, 'VLAN')
+ curr_y += size_y[2] + y_gap
+ # Now let's try and draw some trunks!
+ gim.draw_trunk(0,
+ switch[0].get_port_location(11),
+ switch[1].get_port_location(16),
+ gim.port_pallette['trunk']['trace'])
+ gim.draw_trunk(1,
+ switch[1].get_port_location(13),
+ switch[2].get_port_location(1),
+ gim.port_pallette['trunk']['trace'])
+ gim.draw_trunk(2,
+ switch[0].get_port_location(44),
+ switch[2].get_port_location(14),
+ gim.port_pallette['trunk']['trace'])
+ gim.draw_legend(x_gap, curr_y)
+ gim.draw_label(x - label_width - 2*x_gap, curr_y, label, int(x_gap / 2))
+ f=open('xx.png','w')
+ gim.im.writePng(f)
+ f.close()
+ print 'Test graphic written to xx.png'