AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-05-18Remove unused JS asset.HEADmasterMilo Casagrande
2015-05-18Rework the job view with the new modules.Milo Casagrande
2015-05-18Add the page len query arg to the job view.Milo Casagrande
2015-05-18Implement require.js base JS modules.Milo Casagrande
2015-05-18Bump CSS version number.Milo Casagrande
2015-05-18HTML cleanup on base template.Milo Casagrande
2015-05-18Add new definitions to base CSS file.Milo Casagrande
2015-05-18Fix graphs CSS file.Milo Casagrande
2015-05-18Remove unused assets.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-29Merge branch 'master' into graphsMilo Casagrande
2015-04-23Bump app version number.2015.4.2Milo Casagrande
2015-04-23Bump JS library version number.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-23Make sure boot view is sorted on board first.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-20Remove link to atom feed.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-20Remove unused import.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-20Define cache timeout at the beginnig.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-20Use previously defined header variables.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-20Move backend URL definition at the beginning.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-20Disable feed route and build link.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17Update flask settings file.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17Fix info email variable name.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17ansible: Fix mime types.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17Bump CSS library version number.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17Add RSS classes.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17Refactor function names.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17Add builds feed route.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17Add head link to feed file.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17Add RSS incon to builds page title.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17Add feed utility functions.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17Use contact email variable in template.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17Inject contact email.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-17Add contact email variable.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-14Update fontawesome version.2015.4.1Milo Casagrande
2015-04-14Update bootstrap version.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-14Update jquery version.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-14Update dataTables version.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-14Bump app version number.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-14Bump JS library version number.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-14Fix position of arch label.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-14Bump CSS library version number.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-14Fix arch-label class.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-14Move arch label close to the defconfig value.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-13Bump JS requirement version.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-13Move arch lable to the left, remove small font.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-13Bump JS library version number.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-10Fix pymongo requirement at 2.8.2015.4Milo Casagrande
2015-04-09Bump app version number.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-07Bump version numbers.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-07Bump JS library version number.Milo Casagrande
2015-04-07Use new CSS classes for tables.Milo Casagrande