LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) # Don't use this file if GATOR_DAEMON_PATH is set and we're not under that path ifneq ($(and $(GATOR_DAEMON_PATH),$(filter $(patsubst %/,%,$(GATOR_DAEMON_PATH))/%,$(LOCAL_PATH)/)),) include $(CLEAR_VARS) XML_H := $(shell cd $(LOCAL_PATH) && make events_xml.h defaults_xml.h SrcMd5.cpp) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ AnnotateListener.cpp \ Buffer.cpp \ CCNDriver.cpp \ CapturedXML.cpp \ Child.cpp \ Command.cpp \ ConfigurationXML.cpp \ DiskIODriver.cpp \ Driver.cpp \ DriverSource.cpp \ DynBuf.cpp \ EventsXML.cpp \ ExternalSource.cpp \ FSDriver.cpp \ Fifo.cpp \ FtraceDriver.cpp \ FtraceSource.cpp \ HwmonDriver.cpp \ KMod.cpp \ LocalCapture.cpp \ Logging.cpp \ main.cpp \ MaliVideoDriver.cpp \ MemInfoDriver.cpp\ Monitor.cpp \ NetDriver.cpp \ OlySocket.cpp \ OlyUtility.cpp \ PerfBuffer.cpp \ PerfDriver.cpp \ PerfGroup.cpp \ PerfSource.cpp \ Proc.cpp \ Sender.cpp \ SessionData.cpp \ SessionXML.cpp \ Setup.cpp \ Source.cpp \ SrcMd5.cpp \ StreamlineSetup.cpp \ UEvent.cpp \ UserSpaceSource.cpp \ libsensors/access.c \ libsensors/conf-lex.c \ libsensors/conf-parse.c \ libsensors/data.c \ libsensors/error.c \ libsensors/general.c \ libsensors/init.c \ libsensors/sysfs.c \ mxml/mxml-attr.c \ mxml/mxml-entity.c \ mxml/mxml-file.c \ mxml/mxml-get.c \ mxml/mxml-index.c \ mxml/mxml-node.c \ mxml/mxml-private.c \ mxml/mxml-search.c \ mxml/mxml-set.c \ mxml/mxml-string.c LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wall -O3 -fno-exceptions -pthread -DETCDIR=\"/etc\" -Ilibsensors -fPIE LOCAL_LDFLAGS += -fPIE -pie LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH) LOCAL_MODULE := gatord LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE) endif