/* * This program computes 32 bit signed remainder. It calls div32 function * for quotient estimation. * Registers in: R0, R1 = Numerator/ Denominator * Registers out: R0 = Remainder * * Copyright 2004-2009 Analog Devices Inc. * * Licensed under the ADI BSD license or the GPL-2 (or later) */ .global ___modsi3; .type ___modsi3, STT_FUNC; .extern ___divsi3; .type ___divsi3, STT_FUNC; #ifdef CONFIG_ARITHMETIC_OPS_L1 .section .l1.text #else .text #endif ___modsi3: CC=R0==0; IF CC JUMP .LRETURN_R0; /* Return 0, if numerator == 0 */ CC=R1==0; IF CC JUMP .LRETURN_ZERO; /* Return 0, if denominator == 0 */ CC=R0==R1; IF CC JUMP .LRETURN_ZERO; /* Return 0, if numerator == denominator */ CC = R1 == 1; IF CC JUMP .LRETURN_ZERO; /* Return 0, if denominator == 1 */ CC = R1 == -1; IF CC JUMP .LRETURN_ZERO; /* Return 0, if denominator == -1 */ /* Valid input. Use __divsi3() to compute the quotient, and then * derive the remainder from that. */ [--SP] = (R7:6); /* Push R7 and R6 */ [--SP] = RETS; /* and return address */ R7 = R0; /* Copy of R0 */ R6 = R1; /* Save for later */ SP += -12; /* Should always provide this space */ CALL ___divsi3; /* Compute signed quotient using ___divsi3()*/ SP += 12; R0 *= R6; /* Quotient * divisor */ R0 = R7 - R0; /* Dividend - (quotient * divisor) */ RETS = [SP++]; /* Get back return address */ (R7:6) = [SP++]; /* Pop registers R7 and R4 */ RTS; /* Store remainder */ .LRETURN_ZERO: R0 = 0; .LRETURN_R0: RTS; .size ___modsi3, .-___modsi3