path: root/drivers/staging/goldfish/goldfish_sync.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/staging/goldfish/goldfish_sync.c')
1 files changed, 987 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/staging/goldfish/goldfish_sync.c b/drivers/staging/goldfish/goldfish_sync.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ba8def29901e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/staging/goldfish/goldfish_sync.c
@@ -0,0 +1,987 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Google, Inc.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
+ * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/fdtable.h>
+#include <linux/file.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/miscdevice.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/kref.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <linux/acpi.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/syscalls.h>
+#include "sw_sync.h"
+#include "sync.h"
+#define ERR(...) printk(KERN_ERR __VA_ARGS__);
+#define INFO(...) printk(KERN_INFO __VA_ARGS__);
+#define DPRINT(...) pr_debug(__VA_ARGS__);
+#define DTRACE() DPRINT("%s: enter", __func__)
+/* The Goldfish sync driver is designed to provide a interface
+ * between the underlying host's sync device and the kernel's
+ * sw_sync.
+ * The purpose of the device/driver is to enable lightweight
+ * creation and signaling of timelines and fences
+ * in order to synchronize the guest with host-side graphics events.
+ *
+ * Each time the interrupt trips, the driver
+ * may perform a sw_sync operation.
+ */
+/* The operations are: */
+/* Ready signal - used to mark when irq should lower */
+#define CMD_SYNC_READY 0
+/* Create a new timeline. writes timeline handle */
+/* Create a fence object. reads timeline handle and time argument.
+ * Writes fence fd to the SYNC_REG_HANDLE register. */
+/* Increments timeline. reads timeline handle and time argument */
+/* Destroys a timeline. reads timeline handle */
+/* Starts a wait on the host with
+ * the given glsync object and sync thread handle. */
+/* The register layout is: */
+#define SYNC_REG_BATCH_COMMAND 0x00 /* host->guest batch commands */
+#define SYNC_REG_BATCH_GUESTCOMMAND 0x04 /* guest->host batch commands */
+#define SYNC_REG_BATCH_COMMAND_ADDR 0x08 /* communicate physical address of host->guest batch commands */
+#define SYNC_REG_BATCH_COMMAND_ADDR_HIGH 0x0c /* 64-bit part */
+#define SYNC_REG_BATCH_GUESTCOMMAND_ADDR 0x10 /* communicate physical address of guest->host commands */
+#define SYNC_REG_BATCH_GUESTCOMMAND_ADDR_HIGH 0x14 /* 64-bit part */
+#define SYNC_REG_INIT 0x18 /* signals that the device has been probed */
+/* There is an ioctl associated with goldfish sync driver.
+ * Make it conflict with ioctls that are not likely to be used
+ * in the emulator.
+ *
+ * '@' 00-0F linux/radeonfb.h conflict!
+ * '@' 00-0F drivers/video/aty/aty128fb.c conflict!
+ */
+#define GOLDFISH_SYNC_IOC_QUEUE_WORK _IOWR(GOLDFISH_SYNC_IOC_MAGIC, 0, struct goldfish_sync_ioctl_info)
+/* The above definitions (command codes, register layout, ioctl definitions)
+ * need to be in sync with the following files:
+ *
+ * Host-side (emulator):
+ * external/qemu/android/emulation/goldfish_sync.h
+ * external/qemu-android/hw/misc/goldfish_sync.c
+ *
+ * Guest-side (system image):
+ * device/generic/goldfish-opengl/system/egl/goldfish_sync.h
+ * device/generic/goldfish/ueventd.ranchu.rc
+ * platform/build/target/board/generic/sepolicy/file_contexts
+ */
+struct goldfish_sync_hostcmd {
+ /* sorted for alignment */
+ uint64_t handle;
+ uint64_t hostcmd_handle;
+ uint32_t cmd;
+ uint32_t time_arg;
+struct goldfish_sync_guestcmd {
+ uint64_t host_command; /* uint64_t for alignment */
+ uint64_t glsync_handle;
+ uint64_t thread_handle;
+ uint64_t guest_timeline_handle;
+struct goldfish_sync_state {
+ char __iomem *reg_base;
+ int irq;
+ /* Spinlock protects |to_do| / |to_do_end|. */
+ spinlock_t lock;
+ /* |mutex_lock| protects all concurrent access
+ * to timelines for both kernel and user space. */
+ struct mutex mutex_lock;
+ /* Buffer holding commands issued from host. */
+ struct goldfish_sync_hostcmd to_do[GOLDFISH_SYNC_MAX_CMDS];
+ uint32_t to_do_end;
+ /* Addresses for the reading or writing
+ * of individual commands. The host can directly write
+ * to |batch_hostcmd| (and then this driver immediately
+ * copies contents to |to_do|). This driver either replies
+ * through |batch_hostcmd| or simply issues a
+ * guest->host command through |batch_guestcmd|.
+ */
+ struct goldfish_sync_hostcmd *batch_hostcmd;
+ struct goldfish_sync_guestcmd *batch_guestcmd;
+ /* Used to give this struct itself to a work queue
+ * function for executing actual sync commands. */
+ struct work_struct work_item;
+static struct goldfish_sync_state global_sync_state[1];
+struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj {
+ struct sw_sync_timeline *sw_sync_tl;
+ uint32_t current_time;
+ /* We need to be careful about when we deallocate
+ * this |goldfish_sync_timeline_obj| struct.
+ * In order to ensure proper cleanup, we need to
+ * consider the triggered host-side wait that may
+ * still be in flight when the guest close()'s a
+ * goldfish_sync device's sync context fd (and
+ * destroys the |sw_sync_tl| field above).
+ * The host-side wait may raise IRQ
+ * and tell the kernel to increment the timeline _after_
+ * the |sw_sync_tl| has already been set to null.
+ *
+ * From observations on OpenGL apps and CTS tests, this
+ * happens at some very low probability upon context
+ * destruction or process close, but it does happen
+ * and it needs to be handled properly. Otherwise,
+ * if we clean up the surrounding |goldfish_sync_timeline_obj|
+ * too early, any |handle| field of any host->guest command
+ * might not even point to a null |sw_sync_tl| field,
+ * but to garbage memory or even a reclaimed |sw_sync_tl|.
+ * If we do not count such "pending waits" and kfree the object
+ * immediately upon |goldfish_sync_timeline_destroy|,
+ * we might get mysterous RCU stalls after running a long
+ * time because the garbage memory that is being read
+ * happens to be interpretable as a |spinlock_t| struct
+ * that is currently in the locked state.
+ *
+ * To track when to free the |goldfish_sync_timeline_obj|
+ * itself, we maintain a kref.
+ * The kref essentially counts the timeline itself plus
+ * the number of waits in flight. kref_init/kref_put
+ * are issued on
+ * |goldfish_sync_timeline_create|/|goldfish_sync_timeline_destroy|
+ * and kref_get/kref_put are issued on
+ * |goldfish_sync_fence_create|/|goldfish_sync_timeline_inc|.
+ *
+ * The timeline is destroyed after reference count
+ * reaches zero, which would happen after
+ * |goldfish_sync_timeline_destroy| and all pending
+ * |goldfish_sync_timeline_inc|'s are fulfilled.
+ *
+ * NOTE (1): We assume that |fence_create| and
+ * |timeline_inc| calls are 1:1, otherwise the kref scheme
+ * will not work. This is a valid assumption as long
+ * as the host-side virtual device implementation
+ * does not insert any timeline increments
+ * that we did not trigger from here.
+ *
+ * NOTE (2): The use of kref by itself requires no locks,
+ * but this does not mean everything works without locks.
+ * Related timeline operations do require a lock of some sort,
+ * or at least are not proven to work without it.
+ * In particualr, we assume that all the operations
+ * done on the |kref| field above are done in contexts where
+ * |global_sync_state->mutex_lock| is held. Do not
+ * remove that lock until everything is proven to work
+ * without it!!! */
+ struct kref kref;
+/* We will call |delete_timeline_obj| when the last reference count
+ * of the kref is decremented. This deletes the sw_sync
+ * timeline object along with the wrapper itself. */
+static void delete_timeline_obj(struct kref* kref) {
+ struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj* obj =
+ container_of(kref, struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj, kref);
+ sync_timeline_destroy(&obj->sw_sync_tl->obj);
+ obj->sw_sync_tl = NULL;
+ kfree(obj);
+static uint64_t gensym_ctr;
+static void gensym(char *dst)
+ sprintf(dst, "goldfish_sync:gensym:%llu", gensym_ctr);
+ gensym_ctr++;
+/* |goldfish_sync_timeline_create| assumes that |global_sync_state->mutex_lock|
+ * is held. */
+static struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj*
+ char timeline_name[256];
+ struct sw_sync_timeline *res_sync_tl = NULL;
+ struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj *res;
+ gensym(timeline_name);
+ res_sync_tl = sw_sync_timeline_create(timeline_name);
+ if (!res_sync_tl) {
+ ERR("Failed to create sw_sync timeline.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = kzalloc(sizeof(struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj), GFP_KERNEL);
+ res->sw_sync_tl = res_sync_tl;
+ res->current_time = 0;
+ kref_init(&res->kref);
+ DPRINT("new timeline_obj=0x%p", res);
+ return res;
+/* |goldfish_sync_fence_create| assumes that |global_sync_state->mutex_lock|
+ * is held. */
+static int
+goldfish_sync_fence_create(struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj *obj,
+ uint32_t val)
+ int fd;
+ char fence_name[256];
+ struct sync_pt *syncpt = NULL;
+ struct sync_fence *sync_obj = NULL;
+ struct sw_sync_timeline *tl;
+ if (!obj) return -1;
+ tl = obj->sw_sync_tl;
+ syncpt = sw_sync_pt_create(tl, val);
+ if (!syncpt) {
+ ERR("could not create sync point! "
+ "sync_timeline=0x%p val=%d",
+ tl, val);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ fd = get_unused_fd_flags(O_CLOEXEC);
+ if (fd < 0) {
+ ERR("could not get unused fd for sync fence. "
+ "errno=%d", fd);
+ goto err_cleanup_pt;
+ }
+ gensym(fence_name);
+ sync_obj = sync_fence_create(fence_name, syncpt);
+ if (!sync_obj) {
+ ERR("could not create sync fence! "
+ "sync_timeline=0x%p val=%d sync_pt=0x%p",
+ tl, val, syncpt);
+ goto err_cleanup_fd_pt;
+ }
+ DPRINT("installing sync fence into fd %d sync_obj=0x%p", fd, sync_obj);
+ sync_fence_install(sync_obj, fd);
+ kref_get(&obj->kref);
+ return fd;
+ put_unused_fd(fd);
+ sync_pt_free(syncpt);
+ return -1;
+/* |goldfish_sync_timeline_inc| assumes that |global_sync_state->mutex_lock|
+ * is held. */
+static void
+goldfish_sync_timeline_inc(struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj *obj, uint32_t inc)
+ /* Just give up if someone else nuked the timeline.
+ * Whoever it was won't care that it doesn't get signaled. */
+ if (!obj) return;
+ DPRINT("timeline_obj=0x%p", obj);
+ sw_sync_timeline_inc(obj->sw_sync_tl, inc);
+ DPRINT("incremented timeline. increment max_time");
+ obj->current_time += inc;
+ /* Here, we will end up deleting the timeline object if it
+ * turns out that this call was a pending increment after
+ * |goldfish_sync_timeline_destroy| was called. */
+ kref_put(&obj->kref, delete_timeline_obj);
+ DPRINT("done");
+/* |goldfish_sync_timeline_destroy| assumes
+ * that |global_sync_state->mutex_lock| is held. */
+static void
+goldfish_sync_timeline_destroy(struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj *obj)
+ /* See description of |goldfish_sync_timeline_obj| for why we
+ * should not immediately destroy |obj| */
+ kref_put(&obj->kref, delete_timeline_obj);
+static inline void
+goldfish_sync_cmd_queue(struct goldfish_sync_state *sync_state,
+ uint32_t cmd,
+ uint64_t handle,
+ uint32_t time_arg,
+ uint64_t hostcmd_handle)
+ struct goldfish_sync_hostcmd *to_add;
+ BUG_ON(sync_state->to_do_end == GOLDFISH_SYNC_MAX_CMDS);
+ to_add = &sync_state->to_do[sync_state->to_do_end];
+ to_add->cmd = cmd;
+ to_add->handle = handle;
+ to_add->time_arg = time_arg;
+ to_add->hostcmd_handle = hostcmd_handle;
+ sync_state->to_do_end += 1;
+static inline void
+goldfish_sync_hostcmd_reply(struct goldfish_sync_state *sync_state,
+ uint32_t cmd,
+ uint64_t handle,
+ uint32_t time_arg,
+ uint64_t hostcmd_handle)
+ unsigned long irq_flags;
+ struct goldfish_sync_hostcmd *batch_hostcmd =
+ sync_state->batch_hostcmd;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sync_state->lock, irq_flags);
+ batch_hostcmd->cmd = cmd;
+ batch_hostcmd->handle = handle;
+ batch_hostcmd->time_arg = time_arg;
+ batch_hostcmd->hostcmd_handle = hostcmd_handle;
+ writel(0, sync_state->reg_base + SYNC_REG_BATCH_COMMAND);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sync_state->lock, irq_flags);
+static inline void
+goldfish_sync_send_guestcmd(struct goldfish_sync_state *sync_state,
+ uint32_t cmd,
+ uint64_t glsync_handle,
+ uint64_t thread_handle,
+ uint64_t timeline_handle)
+ unsigned long irq_flags;
+ struct goldfish_sync_guestcmd *batch_guestcmd =
+ sync_state->batch_guestcmd;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sync_state->lock, irq_flags);
+ batch_guestcmd->host_command = (uint64_t)cmd;
+ batch_guestcmd->glsync_handle = (uint64_t)glsync_handle;
+ batch_guestcmd->thread_handle = (uint64_t)thread_handle;
+ batch_guestcmd->guest_timeline_handle = (uint64_t)timeline_handle;
+ writel(0, sync_state->reg_base + SYNC_REG_BATCH_GUESTCOMMAND);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sync_state->lock, irq_flags);
+/* |goldfish_sync_interrupt| handles IRQ raises from the virtual device.
+ * In the context of OpenGL, this interrupt will fire whenever we need
+ * to signal a fence fd in the guest, with the command
+ * However, because this function will be called in an interrupt context,
+ * it is necessary to do the actual work of signaling off of interrupt context.
+ * The shared work queue is used for this purpose. At the end when
+ * all pending commands are intercepted by the interrupt handler,
+ * we call |schedule_work|, which will later run the actual
+ * desired sync command in |goldfish_sync_work_item_fn|.
+ */
+static irqreturn_t goldfish_sync_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id)
+ struct goldfish_sync_state *sync_state = dev_id;
+ uint32_t nextcmd;
+ uint32_t command_r;
+ uint64_t handle_rw;
+ uint32_t time_r;
+ uint64_t hostcmd_handle_rw;
+ int count = 0;
+ sync_state = dev_id;
+ spin_lock(&sync_state->lock);
+ for (;;) {
+ readl(sync_state->reg_base + SYNC_REG_BATCH_COMMAND);
+ nextcmd = sync_state->batch_hostcmd->cmd;
+ if (nextcmd == 0)
+ break;
+ command_r = nextcmd;
+ handle_rw = sync_state->batch_hostcmd->handle;
+ time_r = sync_state->batch_hostcmd->time_arg;
+ hostcmd_handle_rw = sync_state->batch_hostcmd->hostcmd_handle;
+ goldfish_sync_cmd_queue(
+ sync_state,
+ command_r,
+ handle_rw,
+ time_r,
+ hostcmd_handle_rw);
+ count++;
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&sync_state->lock);
+ schedule_work(&sync_state->work_item);
+ return (count == 0) ? IRQ_NONE : IRQ_HANDLED;
+/* |goldfish_sync_work_item_fn| does the actual work of servicing
+ * host->guest sync commands. This function is triggered whenever
+ * the IRQ for the goldfish sync device is raised. Once it starts
+ * running, it grabs the contents of the buffer containing the
+ * commands it needs to execute (there may be multiple, because
+ * our IRQ is active high and not edge triggered), and then
+ * runs all of them one after the other.
+ */
+static void goldfish_sync_work_item_fn(struct work_struct *input)
+ struct goldfish_sync_state *sync_state;
+ int sync_fence_fd;
+ struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj *timeline;
+ uint64_t timeline_ptr;
+ uint64_t hostcmd_handle;
+ uint32_t cmd;
+ uint64_t handle;
+ uint32_t time_arg;
+ struct goldfish_sync_hostcmd *todo;
+ uint32_t todo_end;
+ unsigned long irq_flags;
+ struct goldfish_sync_hostcmd to_run[GOLDFISH_SYNC_MAX_CMDS];
+ uint32_t i = 0;
+ sync_state = container_of(input, struct goldfish_sync_state, work_item);
+ mutex_lock(&sync_state->mutex_lock);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sync_state->lock, irq_flags); {
+ todo_end = sync_state->to_do_end;
+ DPRINT("num sync todos: %u", sync_state->to_do_end);
+ for (i = 0; i < todo_end; i++)
+ to_run[i] = sync_state->to_do[i];
+ /* We expect that commands will come in at a slow enough rate
+ * so that incoming items will not be more than
+ *
+ * This is because the way the sync device is used,
+ * it's only for managing buffer data transfers per frame,
+ * with a sequential dependency between putting things in
+ * to_do and taking them out. Once a set of commands is
+ * queued up in to_do, the user of the device waits for
+ * them to be processed before queuing additional commands,
+ * which limits the rate at which commands come in
+ * to the rate at which we take them out here.
+ *
+ * We also don't expect more than MAX_CMDS to be issued
+ * at once; there is a correspondence between
+ * which buffers need swapping to the (display / buffer queue)
+ * to particular commands, and we don't expect there to be
+ * enough display or buffer queues in operation at once
+ * to overrun GOLDFISH_SYNC_MAX_CMDS.
+ */
+ sync_state->to_do_end = 0;
+ } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sync_state->lock, irq_flags);
+ for (i = 0; i < todo_end; i++) {
+ DPRINT("todo index: %u", i);
+ todo = &to_run[i];
+ cmd = todo->cmd;
+ handle = (uint64_t)todo->handle;
+ time_arg = todo->time_arg;
+ hostcmd_handle = (uint64_t)todo->hostcmd_handle;
+ timeline = (struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj *)(uintptr_t)handle;
+ switch (cmd) {
+ break;
+ "handle=0x%llx time_arg=%d",
+ handle, time_arg);
+ timeline = goldfish_sync_timeline_create();
+ timeline_ptr = (uintptr_t)timeline;
+ goldfish_sync_hostcmd_reply(sync_state, CMD_CREATE_SYNC_TIMELINE,
+ timeline_ptr,
+ 0,
+ hostcmd_handle);
+ DPRINT("sync timeline created: %p", timeline);
+ break;
+ "handle=0x%llx time_arg=%d",
+ handle, time_arg);
+ sync_fence_fd = goldfish_sync_fence_create(timeline, time_arg);
+ goldfish_sync_hostcmd_reply(sync_state, CMD_CREATE_SYNC_FENCE,
+ sync_fence_fd,
+ 0,
+ hostcmd_handle);
+ break;
+ "handle=0x%llx time_arg=%d",
+ handle, time_arg);
+ goldfish_sync_timeline_inc(timeline, time_arg);
+ break;
+ "handle=0x%llx time_arg=%d",
+ handle, time_arg);
+ goldfish_sync_timeline_destroy(timeline);
+ break;
+ }
+ DPRINT("Done executing sync command");
+ }
+ mutex_unlock(&sync_state->mutex_lock);
+/* Guest-side interface: file operations */
+/* Goldfish sync context and ioctl info.
+ *
+ * When a sync context is created by open()-ing the goldfish sync device, we
+ * create a sync context (|goldfish_sync_context|).
+ *
+ * Currently, the only data required to track is the sync timeline itself
+ * along with the current time, which are all packed up in the
+ * |goldfish_sync_timeline_obj| field. We use a |goldfish_sync_context|
+ * as the filp->private_data.
+ *
+ * Next, when a sync context user requests that work be queued and a fence
+ * fd provided, we use the |goldfish_sync_ioctl_info| struct, which holds
+ * information about which host handles to touch for this particular
+ * queue-work operation. We need to know about the host-side sync thread
+ * and the particular host-side GLsync object. We also possibly write out
+ * a file descriptor.
+ */
+struct goldfish_sync_context {
+ struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj *timeline;
+struct goldfish_sync_ioctl_info {
+ uint64_t host_glsync_handle_in;
+ uint64_t host_syncthread_handle_in;
+ int fence_fd_out;
+static int goldfish_sync_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+ struct goldfish_sync_context *sync_context;
+ mutex_lock(&global_sync_state->mutex_lock);
+ sync_context = kzalloc(sizeof(struct goldfish_sync_context), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (sync_context == NULL) {
+ ERR("Creation of goldfish sync context failed!");
+ mutex_unlock(&global_sync_state->mutex_lock);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ sync_context->timeline = NULL;
+ file->private_data = sync_context;
+ DPRINT("successfully create a sync context @0x%p", sync_context);
+ mutex_unlock(&global_sync_state->mutex_lock);
+ return 0;
+static int goldfish_sync_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+ struct goldfish_sync_context *sync_context;
+ mutex_lock(&global_sync_state->mutex_lock);
+ sync_context = file->private_data;
+ if (sync_context->timeline)
+ goldfish_sync_timeline_destroy(sync_context->timeline);
+ sync_context->timeline = NULL;
+ kfree(sync_context);
+ mutex_unlock(&global_sync_state->mutex_lock);
+ return 0;
+/* |goldfish_sync_ioctl| is the guest-facing interface of goldfish sync
+ * and is used in conjunction with eglCreateSyncKHR to queue up the
+ * actual work of waiting for the EGL sync command to complete,
+ * possibly returning a fence fd to the guest.
+ */
+static long goldfish_sync_ioctl(struct file *file,
+ unsigned int cmd,
+ unsigned long arg)
+ struct goldfish_sync_context *sync_context_data;
+ struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj *timeline;
+ int fd_out;
+ struct goldfish_sync_ioctl_info ioctl_data;
+ sync_context_data = file->private_data;
+ fd_out = -1;
+ switch (cmd) {
+ mutex_lock(&global_sync_state->mutex_lock);
+ if (copy_from_user(&ioctl_data,
+ (void __user *)arg,
+ sizeof(ioctl_data))) {
+ ERR("Failed to copy memory for ioctl_data from user.");
+ mutex_unlock(&global_sync_state->mutex_lock);
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ if (ioctl_data.host_syncthread_handle_in == 0) {
+ DPRINT("Error: zero host syncthread handle!!!");
+ mutex_unlock(&global_sync_state->mutex_lock);
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ if (!sync_context_data->timeline) {
+ DPRINT("no timeline yet, create one.");
+ sync_context_data->timeline = goldfish_sync_timeline_create();
+ DPRINT("timeline: 0x%p", &sync_context_data->timeline);
+ }
+ timeline = sync_context_data->timeline;
+ fd_out = goldfish_sync_fence_create(timeline,
+ timeline->current_time + 1);
+ DPRINT("Created fence with fd %d and current time %u (timeline: 0x%p)",
+ fd_out,
+ sync_context_data->timeline->current_time + 1,
+ sync_context_data->timeline);
+ ioctl_data.fence_fd_out = fd_out;
+ if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg,
+ &ioctl_data,
+ sizeof(ioctl_data))) {
+ DPRINT("Error, could not copy to user!!!");
+ sys_close(fd_out);
+ /* We won't be doing an increment, kref_put immediately. */
+ kref_put(&timeline->kref, delete_timeline_obj);
+ mutex_unlock(&global_sync_state->mutex_lock);
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ /* We are now about to trigger a host-side wait;
+ * accumulate on |pending_waits|. */
+ goldfish_sync_send_guestcmd(global_sync_state,
+ ioctl_data.host_glsync_handle_in,
+ ioctl_data.host_syncthread_handle_in,
+ (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)(sync_context_data->timeline));
+ mutex_unlock(&global_sync_state->mutex_lock);
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ return -ENOTTY;
+ }
+static const struct file_operations goldfish_sync_fops = {
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ .open = goldfish_sync_open,
+ .release = goldfish_sync_release,
+ .unlocked_ioctl = goldfish_sync_ioctl,
+ .compat_ioctl = goldfish_sync_ioctl,
+static struct miscdevice goldfish_sync_device = {
+ .name = "goldfish_sync",
+ .fops = &goldfish_sync_fops,
+static bool setup_verify_batch_cmd_addr(struct goldfish_sync_state *sync_state,
+ void *batch_addr,
+ uint32_t addr_offset,
+ uint32_t addr_offset_high)
+ uint64_t batch_addr_phys;
+ uint32_t batch_addr_phys_test_lo;
+ uint32_t batch_addr_phys_test_hi;
+ if (!batch_addr) {
+ ERR("Could not use batch command address!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ batch_addr_phys = virt_to_phys(batch_addr);
+ writel((uint32_t)(batch_addr_phys),
+ sync_state->reg_base + addr_offset);
+ writel((uint32_t)(batch_addr_phys >> 32),
+ sync_state->reg_base + addr_offset_high);
+ batch_addr_phys_test_lo =
+ readl(sync_state->reg_base + addr_offset);
+ batch_addr_phys_test_hi =
+ readl(sync_state->reg_base + addr_offset_high);
+ if (virt_to_phys(batch_addr) !=
+ (((uint64_t)batch_addr_phys_test_hi << 32) |
+ batch_addr_phys_test_lo)) {
+ ERR("Invalid batch command address!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+int goldfish_sync_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+ struct resource *ioresource;
+ struct goldfish_sync_state *sync_state = global_sync_state;
+ int status;
+ sync_state->to_do_end = 0;
+ spin_lock_init(&sync_state->lock);
+ mutex_init(&sync_state->mutex_lock);
+ platform_set_drvdata(pdev, sync_state);
+ ioresource = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
+ if (ioresource == NULL) {
+ ERR("platform_get_resource failed");
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ sync_state->reg_base = devm_ioremap(&pdev->dev, ioresource->start, PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (sync_state->reg_base == NULL) {
+ ERR("Could not ioremap");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ sync_state->irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);
+ if (sync_state->irq < 0) {
+ ERR("Could not platform_get_irq");
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ status = devm_request_irq(&pdev->dev,
+ sync_state->irq,
+ goldfish_sync_interrupt,
+ pdev->name,
+ sync_state);
+ if (status) {
+ ERR("request_irq failed");
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ INIT_WORK(&sync_state->work_item,
+ goldfish_sync_work_item_fn);
+ misc_register(&goldfish_sync_device);
+ /* Obtain addresses for batch send/recv of commands. */
+ {
+ struct goldfish_sync_hostcmd *batch_addr_hostcmd;
+ struct goldfish_sync_guestcmd *batch_addr_guestcmd;
+ batch_addr_hostcmd = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(struct goldfish_sync_hostcmd),
+ batch_addr_guestcmd = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(struct goldfish_sync_guestcmd),
+ if (!setup_verify_batch_cmd_addr(sync_state,
+ batch_addr_hostcmd,
+ ERR("goldfish_sync: Could not setup batch command address");
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ if (!setup_verify_batch_cmd_addr(sync_state,
+ batch_addr_guestcmd,
+ ERR("goldfish_sync: Could not setup batch guest command address");
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ sync_state->batch_hostcmd = batch_addr_hostcmd;
+ sync_state->batch_guestcmd = batch_addr_guestcmd;
+ }
+ INFO("goldfish_sync: Initialized goldfish sync device");
+ writel(0, sync_state->reg_base + SYNC_REG_INIT);
+ return 0;
+static int goldfish_sync_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+ struct goldfish_sync_state *sync_state = global_sync_state;
+ misc_deregister(&goldfish_sync_device);
+ memset(sync_state, 0, sizeof(struct goldfish_sync_state));
+ return 0;
+static const struct of_device_id goldfish_sync_of_match[] = {
+ { .compatible = "google,goldfish-sync", },
+ {},
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, goldfish_sync_of_match);
+static const struct acpi_device_id goldfish_sync_acpi_match[] = {
+ { "GFSH0006", 0 },
+ { },
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(acpi, goldfish_sync_acpi_match);
+static struct platform_driver goldfish_sync = {
+ .probe = goldfish_sync_probe,
+ .remove = goldfish_sync_remove,
+ .driver = {
+ .name = "goldfish_sync",
+ .of_match_table = goldfish_sync_of_match,
+ .acpi_match_table = ACPI_PTR(goldfish_sync_acpi_match),
+ }
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Google, Inc.");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Android QEMU Sync Driver");
+/* This function is only to run a basic test of sync framework.
+ * It creates a timeline and fence object whose signal point is at 1.
+ * The timeline is incremented, and we use the sync framework's
+ * sync_fence_wait on that fence object. If everything works out,
+ * we should not hang in the wait and return immediately.
+ * There is no way to explicitly run this test yet, but it
+ * can be used by inserting it at the end of goldfish_sync_probe.
+ */
+void test_kernel_sync(void)
+ struct goldfish_sync_timeline_obj *test_timeline;
+ int test_fence_fd;
+ DPRINT("test sw_sync");
+ test_timeline = goldfish_sync_timeline_create();
+ DPRINT("sw_sync_timeline_create -> 0x%p", test_timeline);
+ test_fence_fd = goldfish_sync_fence_create(test_timeline, 1);
+ DPRINT("sync_fence_create -> %d", test_fence_fd);
+ DPRINT("incrementing test timeline");
+ goldfish_sync_timeline_inc(test_timeline, 1);
+ DPRINT("test waiting (should NOT hang)");
+ sync_fence_wait(
+ sync_fence_fdget(test_fence_fd), -1);
+ DPRINT("test waiting (afterward)");