import datetime import mimetypes import os import time import boto import boto.s3.key from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from license_protected_downloads.artifact.base import ( Artifact, cached_prop, ) class S3Artifact(Artifact): bucket = None @classmethod def get_bucket(cls): '''Keeps a single bucket object cached for the duration of a request''' if not cls.bucket: b = getattr(settings, 'S3_BUCKET', None) if b: c = boto.connect_s3( settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) cls.bucket = c.get_bucket(settings.S3_BUCKET) return cls.bucket @staticmethod def pathname2url(path): '''There are certain characters S3 doesn't deal with for key names when trying to generate signed urls. This url-encodes them in a way that makes S3 happy.''' # currently the "~" is the only character we know breaks things return path.replace('~', '%7E') @staticmethod def url2pathname(path): '''Reverses the changes done by pathname2url''' return path.replace('%7E', '~') def __init__(self, bucket, item, parent, human_readable): base =, '') if base: base = '/' + os.path.dirname(base) if hasattr(item, 'size'): file_name = os.path.basename( self.mtype = mimetypes.guess_type([0] dt = datetime.datetime.strptime( item.last_modified, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z") item.last_modified = time.mktime(dt.timetuple()) self.item = item else: self.mtype = 'folder' self.children = [] if base: base = os.path.dirname(base) file_name = os.path.basename([:-1]) else: file_name = '' item.size = 0 item.last_modified = '-' file_name = self.url2pathname(file_name) self.bucket = bucket self.parent = parent if parent and hasattr(self.parent, 'children'): self.parent.children.append(self) super(S3Artifact, self).__init__( base, file_name, item.size, item.last_modified, human_readable) def get_type(self): if self.human_readable: if self.mtype is None: return 'other' elif self.mtype.split('/')[0] == 'text': return 'text' return self.mtype def get_file_download_response(self, method='GET', force_http=False): "Return HttpResponse which will send path to user's browser." assert not self.isdir() return HttpResponseRedirect( self.item.generate_url(90, method=method, force_http=force_http)) @cached_prop def build_info_buffer(self): if self.parent and not self.isdir(): return self.parent.build_info_buffer if self.urlbase == '/': key = settings.S3_PREFIX_PATH[:-1] else: key = settings.S3_PREFIX_PATH + self.urlbase[1:] if self.isdir(): key += '/' + self.file_name key += '/BUILD-INFO.txt' try: key = boto.s3.key.Key(self.bucket, key) return key.get_contents_as_string() except boto.exception.S3ResponseError: pass # No build-info file, return None - its okay @cached_prop def _container_eulas(self): if not self.isdir() and self.parent: return self.parent._container_eulas prefix = settings.S3_PREFIX_PATH + self.urlbase[1:] if prefix[-1] != '/': # s3 listing needs '/' to do a dir listing prefix = prefix + '/' if self.isdir(): prefix += self.file_name + '/' eulas = [] for x in self.bucket.list(prefix=prefix, delimiter='/'): if isinstance(x, boto.s3.key.Key) and 'EULA.txt' in eulas.append(os.path.basename( return eulas def get_eulas(self): '''find eulas for this artifact if this is a file, it will use the parent container's eula which we keep cached, so that we only hit s3 one time ''' return self._container_eulas def get_file_contents(self, fname): if self.urlbase == '/': key = settings.S3_PREFIX_PATH[:-1] else: key = settings.S3_PREFIX_PATH + self.urlbase[1:] if self.isdir(): key += '/' + self.file_name + '/' + fname else: key += '/' + os.path.dirname(self.file_name) + fname try: key = boto.s3.key.Key(self.bucket, self.pathname2url(key)) return key.get_contents_as_string() except boto.exception.S3ResponseError: pass # return None - its okay def get_textile_files(self): assert self.isdir() # NOTE: This logic is assuming some optimizations based on how files # are currently published. Legacy publishing required more complex # searching but all new publishing will work with this logic. allowed = settings.ANDROID_FILES + settings.LINUX_FILES for x in self.children: if not x.isdir() and os.path.basename( in allowed: yield (, x.item) def get_annotated_manifest(self): assert self.isdir() for x in self.children: if not x.isdir() and \ os.path.basename( == settings.ANNOTATED_XML: return def isdir(self): return self.mtype == 'folder' def get_real_name(self): url = self.url() path = self.get_file_contents('.s3_linked_from') if path: path = path.replace(settings.S3_PREFIX_PATH, '/') url = url.replace(os.path.dirname(url), path) return url