Linaro publishing platform ========================== Linaro provides regular builds of Ubuntu, Android, OpenEmbedded, kernels, toolchains for supported ARM boards. They all have slightly differing goals and purposes, and require slightly different publication rules. This code provides a django application allowing restricted and controlled access to any published results. It also contains code which allows for publishing in according to structure that the django application requires. This code is behind and Features -------- * makes use of the regular directory structure on disk * click through licensing with each file potentially having a different license/theme * group-based access authorization restrictions (using group information from external services, currently OpenID with team extensions (as used by and Atlassian Crowd are supported). * post-processing of all uploads (a script that manages uploads) * per-IP pass-through (for automatic services like a test framework) * key based file uploads into a private area. Background ---------- This code originated as mod_rewrite hacks to provide click-through licensing for tarballs containing "binary blobs"—pieces of binary-only code which enable extra features like accelerated graphics or multimedia. These pieces are distributed under a separate license, and downloading images or collections containing them requires some sort of license protection. However, over time, more and more features were added until a point where it was necessary to switch to a better framework for web application development such as apache+mod_python+django+mod_xsendfile. Installation and setup ---------------------- See INSTALL file. Publishing new builds --------------------- To publish a new build, one should include a BUILD-INFO.txt file with the build artifacts (see below for the description of the BUILD-INFO.txt syntax). BUILD-INFO.txt file will allow one to specify the access restrictions (such as click-through licensing and required groups) and influence the display (such as license-theme) of a particular build. WARNING: if you want a build to be protected by OpenID-based groups, you need to ensure that the appropriate team is added to the list of django groups in the database. Only django admins can do that. Next step is to ensure that scripts/ has support for your build type. Builds are originally placed into a single, private location on the target server, and expect a run of the above script for them to be placed in the right area. This script can (and should) do any post-processing and checks for your build before it is placed in the public area for downloading. Your jenkins job (or whatever is doing the build and pushing the artifacts) should use push-over-ssh to push the builds to the server first, and then trigger a run of "scripts/" with appropriate parameters to get it placed under the relevant subtree. This ensures that no incomplete files are ever offered for download, and allows postprocessing in a secure and controlled manner. After that, if scripts/ is configured to push to the right location, your build files should show up on the host running the django application. BUILD-INFO configuration will take effect, so it may be inaccessible to the general public. Publishing API -------------- To upload a file using the publishing API you need a key. This can be obtained by the query /api/request_key? where MASTER_API_KEY is stored in Now you can use HTTP PUT requests to push up files: curl -F file=@ -F key= /path/to/store/file And this file can be downloaded from: /path/to/store/file?key= * By default API key protected files have no further license protection. * You can upload multiple files with the same key * Directories are automatically created * File listings still work (as long as you append ?key= to the URL) Once you have finished with the files, you can delete all files associated with a temporary API key by deleting the key: curl /api/delete_key?key= Uploading files to a public directory is not supported. This is planned for the future. Build-Info support ------------------ BUILD-INFO.txt format ..................... Paragraphs .......... * Header paragraph * Files paragraph Header paragraph (once) ....................... The following fields must be present in a header paragraph: * Format-Version: (required) Version of the BUILD-INFO format (currently "0.5"). Files paragraph (repeatable) ............................ The following fields may be present in a files paragraph: * Files-Pattern: (required, must be the first field in the paragraph) Comma separated filename patterns that are specified using a simplified shell glob syntax. Will be used to identify protected files. * Build-Name: (optional) Would be unique over all the builds of the same type. For now used as a placeholder and will be ignored. To be added later by build services? * License-Type: (required) open - Open builds. No license page is displayed. protected - EULA protected builds. If 'Auth-Groups' is defined then group authorization is used, otherwise simple Accept/Decline license page is displayed before accessing protected files. * Theme: (required only if License-Type is 'protected') Acceptable values are: stericsson, samsung. Theme name for selecting proper theming on download and license pages. * Auth-Groups: (optional) List of groups, members of which are allowed to access protected files. No group-based protection if absent. * Collect-User-Data: (optional) Acceptable values are: yes, no. Defaults to 'no' if not present. If the field is set to 'yes' then Name and E-Mail (some other fields?) fields are asked to be filled. If it will be needed in the future it could be expanded with 'Collect-User-Data-Fields' field later or any other approach. * License-Text: (required only if License-Type is 'protected') EULA full text included in BUILD-INFO.txt - If line begins with space character ' ' it is treated as a part of last found variable which turns as multiline variable and is appended to it. - Field names are case insensitive. - Fields order doesn't matter, except 'Files-Pattern' History of BUILD-INFO.txt format changes ........................................ Changes from format version 0.1 to 0.5: 1. Field "OpenID-Launchpad-Teams" is deprecated and renamed to "Auth-Groups". Old name is supported for archived builds, however it may lead to warnings, and at later time to errors, during publishing new builds, so client usage should be upgraded. BUILD-INFO.txt example: ....................... Format-Version: 0.5 Files-Pattern: *.img, *.tar.bz2 Build-Name: landing-snowball License-Type: protected Theme: stericsson License-Text: EULA full text displayed to user. You should accept to download file. Files-Pattern: *.txt Bulid-Name: landing-snowball License-Type: open License protection script takes information from the BUILD-INFO.txt file placed in the same directory as artifacts, finds 'Files-Pattern' block corresponding to requested file and applies rules from that block to download procedure. If no BUILD-INFO.txt is found it falls back to per-file/per-directory EULA protection. Custom scripts -------------- Validation .......... The validation script purpose is to discover and print the list of directories which contain a build but do not have any kind of licensing protection. Furthermore, it will list all *origen* and *snowball* build paths which contain OPEN-EULA license and print out all the build paths where the BUILD-INFO is used but which are not covered by build info patterns. Usage: ./ root_builds_dir